Changeset: d05235978085 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: sqlfuncfix
Log Message:

Update MAL functions with side-effects, so less upgrade code is needed. (Please 
someone review this)

diffs (truncated from 381 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
@@ -9183,11 +9183,11 @@
 [ "profiler",  "getSystemTime",        "command profiler.getSystemTime():lng 
",        "CMDgetSystemTime;",    "Obtain the user timing information."   ]
 [ "profiler",  "getTrace",     "pattern profiler.getTrace(X_0:str):bat[:any_1] 
",      "CMDgetTrace;", "Get the trace details of a specific event"     ]
 [ "profiler",  "getUserTime",  "command profiler.getUserTime():lng ",  
"CMDgetUserTime;",      "Obtain the user timing information."   ]
-[ "profiler",  "getlimit",     "command profiler.getlimit():int ",     
"CMDgetprofilerlimit;", "Set profiler limit"    ]
+[ "profiler",  "getlimit",     "command profiler.getlimit():int ",     
"CMDgetprofilerlimit;", "Get profiler limit"    ]
 [ "profiler",  "noop", "command profiler.noop():void ",        
"CMDnoopProfiler;",     "Fetch any pending performance events"  ]
 [ "profiler",  "openstream",   "pattern profiler.openstream():void ",  
"CMDopenProfilerStream;",       "Start profiling the events, send to output 
stream"     ]
 [ "profiler",  "setheartbeat", "command profiler.setheartbeat(X_0:int):void ", 
"CMDsetHeartbeat;",     "Set heart beat performance tracing"    ]
-[ "profiler",  "setlimit",     "command profiler.setlimit(X_0:int):void ",     
"CMDsetprofilerlimit;", "Get profiler limit"    ]
+[ "profiler",  "setlimit",     "command profiler.setlimit(X_0:int):void ",     
"CMDsetprofilerlimit;", "Set profiler limit"    ]
 [ "profiler",  "start",        "pattern profiler.start():void ",       
"CMDstartProfiler;",    "Start offline performance profiling"   ]
 [ "profiler",  "starttrace",   "pattern profiler.starttrace():void ",  
"CMDstartTrace;",       "Start collecting trace information"    ]
 [ "profiler",  "stop", "pattern profiler.stop():void ",        
"CMDstopProfiler;",     "Stop offline performance profiling"    ]
diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
@@ -12483,11 +12483,11 @@
 [ "profiler",  "getSystemTime",        "command profiler.getSystemTime():lng 
",        "CMDgetSystemTime;",    "Obtain the user timing information."   ]
 [ "profiler",  "getTrace",     "pattern profiler.getTrace(X_0:str):bat[:any_1] 
",      "CMDgetTrace;", "Get the trace details of a specific event"     ]
 [ "profiler",  "getUserTime",  "command profiler.getUserTime():lng ",  
"CMDgetUserTime;",      "Obtain the user timing information."   ]
-[ "profiler",  "getlimit",     "command profiler.getlimit():int ",     
"CMDgetprofilerlimit;", "Set profiler limit"    ]
+[ "profiler",  "getlimit",     "command profiler.getlimit():int ",     
"CMDgetprofilerlimit;", "Get profiler limit"    ]
 [ "profiler",  "noop", "command profiler.noop():void ",        
"CMDnoopProfiler;",     "Fetch any pending performance events"  ]
 [ "profiler",  "openstream",   "pattern profiler.openstream():void ",  
"CMDopenProfilerStream;",       "Start profiling the events, send to output 
stream"     ]
 [ "profiler",  "setheartbeat", "command profiler.setheartbeat(X_0:int):void ", 
"CMDsetHeartbeat;",     "Set heart beat performance tracing"    ]
-[ "profiler",  "setlimit",     "command profiler.setlimit(X_0:int):void ",     
"CMDsetprofilerlimit;", "Get profiler limit"    ]
+[ "profiler",  "setlimit",     "command profiler.setlimit(X_0:int):void ",     
"CMDsetprofilerlimit;", "Set profiler limit"    ]
 [ "profiler",  "start",        "pattern profiler.start():void ",       
"CMDstartProfiler;",    "Start offline performance profiling"   ]
 [ "profiler",  "starttrace",   "pattern profiler.starttrace():void ",  
"CMDstartTrace;",       "Start collecting trace information"    ]
 [ "profiler",  "stop", "pattern profiler.stop():void ",        
"CMDstopProfiler;",     "Stop offline performance profiling"    ]
diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/atoms/uuid.c b/monetdb5/modules/atoms/uuid.c
--- a/monetdb5/modules/atoms/uuid.c
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/atoms/uuid.c
@@ -453,8 +453,8 @@ bailout:
 #include "mel.h"
 mel_func uuid_init_funcs[] = {
  command("uuid", "new", UUIDgenerateUuid, true, "Generate a new uuid", 
args(1,1, arg("",uuid))),
- command("uuid", "new", UUIDgenerateUuidInt, true, "Generate a new uuid (dummy 
version for side effect free multiplex loop)", args(1,2, 
- command("batuuid", "new", UUIDgenerateUuidInt_bulk, true, "Generate a new 
uuid (dummy version for side effect free multiplex loop)", args(1,2, 
+ command("uuid", "new", UUIDgenerateUuidInt, false, "Generate a new uuid 
(dummy version for side effect free multiplex loop)", args(1,2, 
+ command("batuuid", "new", UUIDgenerateUuidInt_bulk, false, "Generate a new 
uuid (dummy version for side effect free multiplex loop)", args(1,2, 
  command("uuid", "uuid", UUIDstr2uuid, false, "Coerce a string to a uuid, 
validating its format", args(1,2, arg("",uuid),arg("s",str))),
  command("uuid", "str", UUIDuuid2str, false, "Coerce a uuid to its string 
type", args(1,2, arg("",str),arg("u",uuid))),
  command("uuid", "isaUUID", UUIDisaUUID, false, "Test a string for a UUID 
format", args(1,2, arg("",bit),arg("u",str))),
diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/mal/clients.c b/monetdb5/modules/mal/clients.c
--- a/monetdb5/modules/mal/clients.c
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/mal/clients.c
@@ -976,54 +976,54 @@ CLTgetSessionID(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr 
 #include "mel.h"
 mel_func clients_init_funcs[] = {
- pattern("clients", "setListing", CLTsetListing, false, "Turn on/off echo of 
MAL instructions:\n1 - echo input,\n2 - show mal instruction,\n4 - show details 
of type resolutoin, \n8 - show binding information.", args(1,2, 
+ pattern("clients", "setListing", CLTsetListing, true, "Turn on/off echo of 
MAL instructions:\n1 - echo input,\n2 - show mal instruction,\n4 - show details 
of type resolutoin, \n8 - show binding information.", args(1,2, 
  pattern("clients", "getId", CLTgetClientId, false, "Return a number that 
uniquely represents the current client.", args(1,1, arg("",int))),
  pattern("clients", "getInfo", CLTInfo, false, "Pseudo bat with client 
attributes.", args(2,2, batarg("",str),batarg("",str))),
  pattern("clients", "getScenario", CLTgetScenario, false, "Retrieve current 
scenario name.", args(1,1, arg("",str))),
- pattern("clients", "setScenario", CLTsetScenario, false, "Switch to other 
scenario handler, return previous one.", args(1,2, arg("",str),arg("msg",str))),
- pattern("clients", "quit", CLTquit, false, "Terminate the client session.", 
args(1,1, arg("",void))),
- pattern("clients", "quit", CLTquit, false, "Terminate the session for a 
single client using a soft error.\nIt is the privilige of the console user.", 
args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("idx",int))),
+ pattern("clients", "setScenario", CLTsetScenario, true, "Switch to other 
scenario handler, return previous one.", args(1,2, arg("",str),arg("msg",str))),
+ pattern("clients", "quit", CLTquit, true, "Terminate the client session.", 
args(1,1, arg("",void))),
+ pattern("clients", "quit", CLTquit, true, "Terminate the session for a single 
client using a soft error.\nIt is the privilige of the console user.", 
args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("idx",int))),
  command("clients", "getLogins", CLTLogin, false, "Pseudo bat of client id and 
login time.", args(2,2, batarg("user",oid),batarg("start",str))),
- pattern("clients", "stop", CLTstop, false, "Stop the query execution at the 
next eligble statement.", args(0,1, arg("id",int))),
- pattern("clients", "suspend", CLTsuspend, false, "Put a client process to 
sleep for some time.\nIt will simple sleep for a second at a time, until\nthe 
awake bit has been set in its descriptor", args(1,2, 
- pattern("clients", "wakeup", CLTwakeup, false, "Wakeup a client process", 
args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("id",int))),
+ pattern("clients", "stop", CLTstop, true, "Stop the query execution at the 
next eligble statement.", args(0,1, arg("id",int))),
+ pattern("clients", "suspend", CLTsuspend, true, "Put a client process to 
sleep for some time.\nIt will simple sleep for a second at a time, until\nthe 
awake bit has been set in its descriptor", args(1,2, 
+ pattern("clients", "wakeup", CLTwakeup, true, "Wakeup a client process", 
args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("id",int))),
  pattern("clients", "getprofile", CLTgetProfile, false, "Retrieve the profile 
settings for a client", args(5,5, 
- pattern("clients", "setsession", CLTsetSessionTimeout, false, "Abort a 
session after  n seconds.", args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("n",lng))),
- pattern("clients", "settimeout", CLTsetTimeout, false, "Abort a query after  
n seconds.", args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("n",lng))),
- pattern("clients", "settimeout", CLTsetTimeout, false, "Abort a query after q 
seconds (q=0 means run undisturbed).\nThe session timeout aborts the connection 
after spending too\nmany seconds on query processing.", args(1,3, 
- pattern("clients", "setQryTimeoutMicro", CLTqueryTimeoutMicro, false, "", 
args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("n",lng))),
- pattern("clients", "setquerytimeout", CLTqueryTimeout, false, "", args(1,2, 
- pattern("clients", "setquerytimeout", CLTqueryTimeout, false, "", args(1,3, 
- pattern("clients", "setquerytimeout", CLTqueryTimeout, false, "", args(1,3, 
- pattern("clients", "setquerytimeout", CLTqueryTimeout, false, "A query is 
aborted after q seconds (q=0 means run undisturbed).", args(1,3, 
- pattern("clients", "setsessiontimeout", CLTsessionTimeout, false, "", 
args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("n",int))),
- pattern("clients", "setsessiontimeout", CLTsessionTimeout, false, "", 
args(1,3, arg("",void),arg("sid",bte),arg("n",int))),
- pattern("clients", "setsessiontimeout", CLTsessionTimeout, false, "", 
args(1,3, arg("",void),arg("sid",sht),arg("n",int))),
- pattern("clients", "setsessiontimeout", CLTsessionTimeout, false, "Set the 
session timeout for a particulat session id", args(1,3, 
- pattern("clients", "setoptimizer", CLTsetoptimizer, false, "", args(1,2, 
- pattern("clients", "setoptimizer", CLTsetoptimizer, false, "Set the session 
optimizer", args(1,3, arg("",void),arg("sid",int),arg("opt",str))),
- pattern("clients", "setworkerlimit", CLTsetworkerlimit, false, "", args(1,2, 
- pattern("clients", "setworkerlimit", CLTsetworkerlimit, false, "Limit the 
number of worker threads per query", args(1,3, 
- pattern("clients", "setmemorylimit", CLTsetmemorylimit, false, "", args(1,2, 
- pattern("clients", "setmemorylimit", CLTsetmemorylimit, false, "Limit the 
memory claim in MB per query", args(1,3, 
- pattern("clients", "stopsession", CLTstopSession, false, "", args(1,2, 
- pattern("clients", "stopsession", CLTstopSession, false, "", args(1,2, 
- pattern("clients", "stopsession", CLTstopSession, false, "Stop a particular 
session", args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("sid",int))),
- command("clients", "setprinttimeout", CLTsetPrintTimeout, false, "Print 
running query every so many seconds.", args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("n",int))),
- pattern("clients", "shutdown", CLTshutdown, false, "", args(1,2, 
- pattern("clients", "shutdown", CLTshutdown, false, "Close all other client 
connections. Return if it succeeds.\nIf forced is set then always stop the 
system the hard way", args(1,3, 
+ pattern("clients", "setsession", CLTsetSessionTimeout, true, "Abort a session 
after  n seconds.", args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("n",lng))),
+ pattern("clients", "settimeout", CLTsetTimeout, true, "Abort a query after  n 
seconds.", args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("n",lng))),
+ pattern("clients", "settimeout", CLTsetTimeout, true, "Abort a query after q 
seconds (q=0 means run undisturbed).\nThe session timeout aborts the connection 
after spending too\nmany seconds on query processing.", args(1,3, 
+ pattern("clients", "setQryTimeoutMicro", CLTqueryTimeoutMicro, true, "", 
args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("n",lng))),
+ pattern("clients", "setquerytimeout", CLTqueryTimeout, true, "", args(1,2, 
+ pattern("clients", "setquerytimeout", CLTqueryTimeout, true, "", args(1,3, 
+ pattern("clients", "setquerytimeout", CLTqueryTimeout, true, "", args(1,3, 
+ pattern("clients", "setquerytimeout", CLTqueryTimeout, true, "A query is 
aborted after q seconds (q=0 means run undisturbed).", args(1,3, 
+ pattern("clients", "setsessiontimeout", CLTsessionTimeout, true, "", 
args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("n",int))),
+ pattern("clients", "setsessiontimeout", CLTsessionTimeout, true, "", 
args(1,3, arg("",void),arg("sid",bte),arg("n",int))),
+ pattern("clients", "setsessiontimeout", CLTsessionTimeout, true, "", 
args(1,3, arg("",void),arg("sid",sht),arg("n",int))),
+ pattern("clients", "setsessiontimeout", CLTsessionTimeout, true, "Set the 
session timeout for a particulat session id", args(1,3, 
+ pattern("clients", "setoptimizer", CLTsetoptimizer, true, "", args(1,2, 
+ pattern("clients", "setoptimizer", CLTsetoptimizer, true, "Set the session 
optimizer", args(1,3, arg("",void),arg("sid",int),arg("opt",str))),
+ pattern("clients", "setworkerlimit", CLTsetworkerlimit, true, "", args(1,2, 
+ pattern("clients", "setworkerlimit", CLTsetworkerlimit, true, "Limit the 
number of worker threads per query", args(1,3, 
+ pattern("clients", "setmemorylimit", CLTsetmemorylimit, true, "", args(1,2, 
+ pattern("clients", "setmemorylimit", CLTsetmemorylimit, true, "Limit the 
memory claim in MB per query", args(1,3, 
+ pattern("clients", "stopsession", CLTstopSession, true, "", args(1,2, 
+ pattern("clients", "stopsession", CLTstopSession, true, "", args(1,2, 
+ pattern("clients", "stopsession", CLTstopSession, true, "Stop a particular 
session", args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("sid",int))),
+ command("clients", "setprinttimeout", CLTsetPrintTimeout, true, "Print 
running query every so many seconds.", args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("n",int))),
+ pattern("clients", "shutdown", CLTshutdown, true, "", args(1,2, 
+ pattern("clients", "shutdown", CLTshutdown, true, "Close all other client 
connections. Return if it succeeds.\nIf forced is set then always stop the 
system the hard way", args(1,3, 
  command("clients", "md5sum", CLTmd5sum, false, "Return hex string 
representation of the MD5 hash of the given string", args(1,2, 
  command("clients", "sha1sum", CLTsha1sum, false, "Return hex string 
representation of the SHA-1 hash of the given string", args(1,2, 
  command("clients", "sha2sum", CLTsha2sum, false, "Return hex string 
representation of the SHA-2 hash with bits of the given string", args(1,3, 
  command("clients", "ripemd160sum", CLTripemd160sum, false, "Return hex string 
representation of the RIPEMD160 hash of the given string", args(1,2, 
  command("clients", "backendsum", CLTbackendsum, false, "Return hex string 
representation of the currently used hash of the given string", args(1,2, 
- pattern("clients", "addUser", CLTaddUser, false, "Allow user with password 
access to the given scenarios", args(1,3, 
- pattern("clients", "removeUser", CLTremoveUser, false, "Remove the given user 
from the system", args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("nme",str))),
+ pattern("clients", "addUser", CLTaddUser, true, "Allow user with password 
access to the given scenarios", args(1,3, 
+ pattern("clients", "removeUser", CLTremoveUser, true, "Remove the given user 
from the system", args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("nme",str))),
  pattern("clients", "getUsername", CLTgetUsername, false, "Return the username 
of the currently logged in user", args(1,1, arg("",str))),
  pattern("clients", "getPasswordHash", CLTgetPasswordHash, false, "Return the 
password hash of the given user", args(1,2, arg("",str),arg("user",str))),
- pattern("clients", "changeUsername", CLTchangeUsername, false, "Change the 
username of the user into the new string", args(1,3, 
- pattern("clients", "changePassword", CLTchangePassword, false, "Change the 
password for the current user", args(1,3, 
- pattern("clients", "setPassword", CLTsetPassword, false, "Set the password 
for the given user", args(1,3, arg("",void),arg("user",str),arg("pass",str))),
+ pattern("clients", "changeUsername", CLTchangeUsername, true, "Change the 
username of the user into the new string", args(1,3, 
+ pattern("clients", "changePassword", CLTchangePassword, true, "Change the 
password for the current user", args(1,3, 
+ pattern("clients", "setPassword", CLTsetPassword, true, "Set the password for 
the given user", args(1,3, arg("",void),arg("user",str),arg("pass",str))),
  pattern("clients", "checkPermission", CLTcheckPermission, false, "Check 
permission for a user, requires hashed password (backendsum)", args(1,3, 
  pattern("clients", "getUsers", CLTgetUsers, false, "return a BAT with user id 
and one with name available in the system", args(2,2, 
  pattern("clients", "current_sessionid", CLTgetSessionID, false, "return 
current session ID", args(1,1, arg("",int))),
diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/mal/profiler.c b/monetdb5/modules/mal/profiler.c
--- a/monetdb5/modules/mal/profiler.c
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/mal/profiler.c
@@ -213,18 +213,18 @@ CMDcpuloadPercentage(int *cycles, int *i
 #include "mel.h"
 mel_func profiler_init_funcs[] = {
- pattern("profiler", "start", CMDstartProfiler, false, "Start offline 
performance profiling", noargs),
- pattern("profiler", "stop", CMDstopProfiler, false, "Stop offline performance 
profiling", args(1,1, arg("",void))),
- pattern("profiler", "starttrace", CMDstartTrace, false, "Start collecting 
trace information", noargs),
- pattern("profiler", "stoptrace", CMDstopTrace, false, "Stop collecting trace 
information", args(1,1, arg("",void))),
- command("profiler", "setheartbeat", CMDsetHeartbeat, false, "Set heart beat 
performance tracing", args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("b",int))),
- command("profiler", "getlimit", CMDgetprofilerlimit, false, "Set profiler 
limit", args(1,1, arg("",int))),
- command("profiler", "setlimit", CMDsetprofilerlimit, false, "Get profiler 
limit", args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("l",int))),
+ pattern("profiler", "start", CMDstartProfiler, true, "Start offline 
performance profiling", noargs),
+ pattern("profiler", "stop", CMDstopProfiler, true, "Stop offline performance 
profiling", args(1,1, arg("",void))),
+ pattern("profiler", "starttrace", CMDstartTrace, true, "Start collecting 
trace information", noargs),
+ pattern("profiler", "stoptrace", CMDstopTrace, true, "Stop collecting trace 
information", args(1,1, arg("",void))),
+ command("profiler", "setheartbeat", CMDsetHeartbeat, true, "Set heart beat 
performance tracing", args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("b",int))),
+ command("profiler", "getlimit", CMDgetprofilerlimit, false, "Get profiler 
limit", args(1,1, arg("",int))),
+ command("profiler", "setlimit", CMDsetprofilerlimit, true, "Set profiler 
limit", args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("l",int))),
  pattern("profiler", "openstream", CMDopenProfilerStream, false, "Start 
profiling the events, send to output stream", args(1,1, arg("",void))),
  pattern("profiler", "closestream", CMDcloseProfilerStream, false, "Stop 
offline proviling", args(1,1, arg("",void))),
  command("profiler", "noop", CMDnoopProfiler, false, "Fetch any pending 
performance events", args(1,1, arg("",void))),
  pattern("profiler", "getTrace", CMDgetTrace, false, "Get the trace details of 
a specific event", args(1,2, batargany("",1),arg("e",str))),
- pattern("profiler", "cleanup", CMDcleanupTraces, false, "Remove the temporary 
tables for profiling", args(1,1, arg("",void))),
+ pattern("profiler", "cleanup", CMDcleanupTraces, true, "Remove the temporary 
tables for profiling", args(1,1, arg("",void))),
  command("profiler", "getDiskReads", CMDgetDiskReads, false, "Obtain the 
number of physical reads", args(1,1, arg("",lng))),
  command("profiler", "getDiskWrites", CMDgetDiskWrites, false, "Obtain the 
number of physical reads", args(1,1, arg("",lng))),
  command("profiler", "getUserTime", CMDgetUserTime, false, "Obtain the user 
timing information.", args(1,1, arg("",lng))),
diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/mal/sysmon.c b/monetdb5/modules/mal/sysmon.c
--- a/monetdb5/modules/mal/sysmon.c
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/mal/sysmon.c
@@ -375,15 +375,15 @@ SYSMONstop(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, M
 #include "mel.h"
 mel_func sysmon_init_funcs[] = {
- pattern("sysmon", "pause", SYSMONpause, false, "Suspend a running query", 
args(0,1, arg("id",sht))),
- pattern("sysmon", "pause", SYSMONpause, false, "Suspend a running query", 
args(0,1, arg("id",int))),
- pattern("sysmon", "pause", SYSMONpause, false, "Suspend a running query", 
args(0,1, arg("id",lng))),
- pattern("sysmon", "resume", SYSMONresume, false, "Resume processing of a 
query ", args(0,1, arg("id",sht))),
- pattern("sysmon", "resume", SYSMONresume, false, "Resume processing of a 
query ", args(0,1, arg("id",int))),
- pattern("sysmon", "resume", SYSMONresume, false, "Resume processing of a 
query ", args(0,1, arg("id",lng))),
- pattern("sysmon", "stop", SYSMONstop, false, "Stop a single query a.s.a.p.", 
args(0,1, arg("id",sht))),
- pattern("sysmon", "stop", SYSMONstop, false, "Stop a single query a.s.a.p.", 
args(0,1, arg("id",int))),
- pattern("sysmon", "stop", SYSMONstop, false, "Stop a single query a.s.a.p.", 
args(0,1, arg("id",lng))),
+ pattern("sysmon", "pause", SYSMONpause, true, "Suspend a running query", 
args(0,1, arg("id",sht))),
+ pattern("sysmon", "pause", SYSMONpause, true, "Suspend a running query", 
args(0,1, arg("id",int))),
+ pattern("sysmon", "pause", SYSMONpause, true, "Suspend a running query", 
args(0,1, arg("id",lng))),
+ pattern("sysmon", "resume", SYSMONresume, true, "Resume processing of a query 
", args(0,1, arg("id",sht))),
+ pattern("sysmon", "resume", SYSMONresume, true, "Resume processing of a query 
", args(0,1, arg("id",int))),
+ pattern("sysmon", "resume", SYSMONresume, true, "Resume processing of a query 
", args(0,1, arg("id",lng))),
+ pattern("sysmon", "stop", SYSMONstop, true, "Stop a single query a.s.a.p.", 
args(0,1, arg("id",sht))),
+ pattern("sysmon", "stop", SYSMONstop, true, "Stop a single query a.s.a.p.", 
args(0,1, arg("id",int))),
+ pattern("sysmon", "stop", SYSMONstop, true, "Stop a single query a.s.a.p.", 
args(0,1, arg("id",lng))),
  pattern("sysmon", "queue", SYSMONqueue, false, "A queue of queries that are 
currently being executed or recently finished", args(9,9, 
  pattern("sysmon", "user_statistics", SYSMONstatistics, false, "", args(7,7, 
  { .imp=NULL }
diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/mal/tracer.c b/monetdb5/modules/mal/tracer.c
--- a/monetdb5/modules/mal/tracer.c
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/mal/tracer.c
@@ -156,15 +156,15 @@ TRACERcomp_info(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr 
 #include "mel.h"
 mel_func tracer_init_funcs[] = {
- command("logging", "flush", TRACERflush_buffer, false, "Flush the buffer", 
args(1,1, arg("",void))),
- command("logging", "setcomplevel", TRACERset_component_level, false, "Sets 
the log level for a specific component", args(1,3, 
- command("logging", "resetcomplevel", TRACERreset_component_level, false, 
"Resets the log level for a specific component back to the default", args(1,2, 
- command("logging", "setlayerlevel", TRACERset_layer_level, false, "Sets the 
log level for a specific layer", args(1,3, 
- command("logging", "resetlayerlevel", TRACERreset_layer_level, false, "Resets 
the log level for a specific layer back to the default", args(1,2, 
- command("logging", "setflushlevel", TRACERset_flush_level, false, "Sets the 
flush level", args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("lvl",str))),
- command("logging", "resetflushlevel", TRACERreset_flush_level, false, "Resets 
the flush level back to the default", args(1,1, arg("",void))),
- command("logging", "setadapter", TRACERset_adapter, false, "Sets the 
adapter", args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("adapter",str))),
- command("logging", "resetadapter", TRACERreset_adapter, false, "Resets the 
adapter back to the default", args(1,1, arg("",void))),
+ command("logging", "flush", TRACERflush_buffer, true, "Flush the buffer", 
args(1,1, arg("",void))),
+ command("logging", "setcomplevel", TRACERset_component_level, true, "Sets the 
log level for a specific component", args(1,3, 
+ command("logging", "resetcomplevel", TRACERreset_component_level, true, 
"Resets the log level for a specific component back to the default", args(1,2, 
+ command("logging", "setlayerlevel", TRACERset_layer_level, true, "Sets the 
log level for a specific layer", args(1,3, 
+ command("logging", "resetlayerlevel", TRACERreset_layer_level, true, "Resets 
the log level for a specific layer back to the default", args(1,2, 
+ command("logging", "setflushlevel", TRACERset_flush_level, true, "Sets the 
flush level", args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("lvl",str))),
+ command("logging", "resetflushlevel", TRACERreset_flush_level, true, "Resets 
the flush level back to the default", args(1,1, arg("",void))),
+ command("logging", "setadapter", TRACERset_adapter, true, "Sets the adapter", 
args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("adapter",str))),
+ command("logging", "resetadapter", TRACERreset_adapter, true, "Resets the 
adapter back to the default", args(1,1, arg("",void))),
  pattern("logging", "compinfo", TRACERcomp_info, false, "Returns in the form 
of a SQL result-set all the components along with their ID\nand the their 
current logging level being set", args(3,3, 
  { .imp=NULL }
diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/mal/wlc.c b/monetdb5/modules/mal/wlc.c
--- a/monetdb5/modules/mal/wlc.c
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/mal/wlc.c
@@ -1070,11 +1070,11 @@ WLCrollbackCmd(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr m
 mel_func wlc_init_funcs[] = {
  pattern("wlc", "init", WLCinitCmd, false, "Test for running as master", 
  command("wlc", "epilogue", WLCepilogue, false, "release the resources held by 
the wlc module", args(1,1, arg("",void))),
- pattern("wlc", "master", WLCmaster, false, "Activate the 
workload-capture-replay process", noargs),
- pattern("wlc", "master", WLCmaster, false, "Activate the 
workload-capture-replay process. Use a different location for the logs.", 
args(0,1, arg("path",str))),
- pattern("wlc", "stop", WLCstop, false, "Stop capturing the logs", noargs),
- pattern("wlc", "flush", WLCflush, false, "Flush current log buffer", noargs),
- pattern("wlc", "setbeat", WLCsetbeat, false, "Maximal delay for transaction 
log flushing", args(0,1, arg("duration",int))),
+ pattern("wlc", "master", WLCmaster, true, "Activate the 
workload-capture-replay process", noargs),
+ pattern("wlc", "master", WLCmaster, true, "Activate the 
workload-capture-replay process. Use a different location for the logs.", 
args(0,1, arg("path",str))),
+ pattern("wlc", "stop", WLCstop, true, "Stop capturing the logs", noargs),
+ pattern("wlc", "flush", WLCflush, true, "Flush current log buffer", noargs),
+ pattern("wlc", "setbeat", WLCsetbeat, true, "Maximal delay for transaction 
log flushing", args(0,1, arg("duration",int))),
  pattern("wlc", "getbeat", WLCgetbeat, false, "Maximal delay for transaction 
log flushing", args(1,2, arg("",str),arg("duration",int))),
  pattern("wlc", "getclock", WLCgetclock, false, "Timestamp of last update 
transaction", args(1,1, arg("",str))),
  pattern("wlc", "gettick", WLCgettick, false, "Transaction identifier of the 
last committed transaction", args(1,1, arg("",lng))),
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql.c b/sql/backends/monet5/sql.c
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/sql.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sql.c
@@ -5261,24 +5261,24 @@ SQLstr_column_stop_vacuum(Client cntxt, 
 #include "sql_transaction.h"
 #include "mel.h"
 static mel_func sql_init_funcs[] = {
- pattern("sql", "shutdown", SQLshutdown_wrap, false, "", args(1,3, 
- pattern("sql", "shutdown", SQLshutdown_wrap, false, "", args(1,3, 
- pattern("sql", "shutdown", SQLshutdown_wrap, false, "", args(1,3, 
- pattern("sql", "shutdown", SQLshutdown_wrap, false, "", args(1,2, 
- pattern("sql", "shutdown", SQLshutdown_wrap, false, "", args(1,2, 
- pattern("sql", "shutdown", SQLshutdown_wrap, false, "", args(1,2, 
+ pattern("sql", "shutdown", SQLshutdown_wrap, true, "", args(1,3, 
+ pattern("sql", "shutdown", SQLshutdown_wrap, true, "", args(1,3, 
+ pattern("sql", "shutdown", SQLshutdown_wrap, true, "", args(1,3, 
+ pattern("sql", "shutdown", SQLshutdown_wrap, true, "", args(1,2, 
+ pattern("sql", "shutdown", SQLshutdown_wrap, true, "", args(1,2, 
+ pattern("sql", "shutdown", SQLshutdown_wrap, true, "", args(1,2, 
  pattern("sql", "set_protocol", SQLset_protocol, true, "Configures the result 
set protocol", args(1,2, arg("",int), arg("protocol",int))),
  pattern("sql", "mvc", SQLmvc, false, "Get the multiversion catalog context. 
\nNeeded for correct statement dependencies\n(ie sql.update, should be after 
sql.bind in concurrent execution)", args(1,1, arg("",int))),
  pattern("sql", "transaction", SQLtransaction2, true, "Start an autocommit 
transaction", noargs),
  pattern("sql", "commit", SQLcommit, true, "Trigger the commit operation for a 
MAL block", noargs),
  pattern("sql", "abort", SQLabort, true, "Trigger the abort operation for a 
MAL block", noargs),
- pattern("sql", "eval", SQLstatement, false, "Compile and execute a single sql 
statement", args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("cmd",str))),
- pattern("sql", "eval", SQLstatement, false, "Compile and execute a single sql 
statement (and optionaly set the output to columnar format)", args(1,3, 
- pattern("sql", "include", SQLinclude, false, "Compile and execute a sql 
statements on the file", args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("fname",str))),
- pattern("sql", "evalAlgebra", RAstatement, false, "Compile and execute a 
single 'relational algebra' statement", args(1,3, 
- pattern("sql", "register", RAstatement2, false, "", args(1,5, 
- pattern("sql", "register", RAstatement2, false, "Compile the relational 
statement (rel_smt) and register it as mal function, mod.fname(signature)", 
- pattern("sql", "deregister", RAstatementEnd, false, "Finish running 
transaction", args(1,1, arg("",int))),
+ pattern("sql", "eval", SQLstatement, true, "Compile and execute a single sql 
statement", args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("cmd",str))),
+ pattern("sql", "eval", SQLstatement, true, "Compile and execute a single sql 
statement (and optionaly set the output to columnar format)", args(1,3, 
+ pattern("sql", "include", SQLinclude, true, "Compile and execute a sql 
statements on the file", args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("fname",str))),
+ pattern("sql", "evalAlgebra", RAstatement, true, "Compile and execute a 
single 'relational algebra' statement", args(1,3, 
+ pattern("sql", "register", RAstatement2, true, "", args(1,5, 
+ pattern("sql", "register", RAstatement2, true, "Compile the relational 
statement (rel_smt) and register it as mal function, mod.fname(signature)", 
+ pattern("sql", "deregister", RAstatementEnd, true, "Finish running 
transaction", args(1,1, arg("",int))),
  pattern("sql", "hot_snapshot", SQLhot_snapshot, true, "Write db snapshot to 
the given tar(.gz) file", args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("tarfile",str))),
  pattern("sql", "resume_log_flushing", SQLresume_log_flushing, true, "Resume 
WAL log flushing", args(1,1, arg("",void))),
  pattern("sql", "suspend_log_flushing", SQLsuspend_log_flushing, true, 
"Suspend WAL log flushing", args(1,1, arg("",void))),
@@ -6062,17 +6062,17 @@ static mel_func sql_init_funcs[] = {
  pattern("aggr", "subnot_exist", SQLsubnot_exist, false, "", args(1,5, 
  pattern("aggr", "subnot_exist", SQLsubnot_exist, false, "", args(1,6, 
  /* wlr */
- pattern("wlr", "master", WLRmaster, false, "Initialize the replicator 
thread", args(0,1, arg("dbname",str))),
- pattern("wlr", "stop", WLRstop, false, "Stop the replicator thread", noargs),
- pattern("wlr", "accept", WLRaccept, false, "Accept failing transaction", 
- pattern("wlr", "replicate", WLRreplicate, false, "Continue to keep the 
replica in sink", noargs),
- pattern("wlr", "replicate", WLRreplicate, false, "Roll the snapshot forward 
to an up-to-date clone", args(0,1, arg("ts",timestamp))),
- pattern("wlr", "replicate", WLRreplicate, false, "Roll the snapshot forward 
to a specific transaction id", args(0,1, arg("id",bte))),
- pattern("wlr", "replicate", WLRreplicate, false, "Roll the snapshot forward 
to a specific transaction id", args(0,1, arg("id",sht))),
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