Changeset: ef30e857ad20 for MonetDB
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Branch: antipush
Log Message:

Added push select up optimization.

This optimization will run once after all other relational optimizations to 
avoid infinite optimization loops with push ups and push downs.

diffs (79 lines):

diff --git a/sql/server/rel_optimizer.c b/sql/server/rel_optimizer.c
--- a/sql/server/rel_optimizer.c
+++ b/sql/server/rel_optimizer.c
@@ -4737,6 +4737,64 @@ rel_push_join_exps_down(visitor *v, sql_
        return rel;
+static bool
+point_select_on_unique_column(sql_rel *rel)
+       if (is_select(rel->op) && !list_empty(rel->exps)) {
+               for (node *n = rel->exps->h; n ; n = n->next) {
+                       sql_exp *e = n->data, *el = e->l, *er = e->r, *found = 
+                       if (is_compare(e->type) && e->flag == cmp_equal) {
+                               if (is_numeric_upcast(el))
+                                       el = el->l;
+                               if (is_alias(el->type) && exp_is_atom(er) && 
(found = rel_find_exp(rel->l, el)) &&
+                                       is_unique(found) && (!is_semantics(e) 
|| !has_nil(el) || !has_nil(er)))
+                                       return true;
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       return false;
+ * A point select on an unique column reduces the number of rows to 1. If the 
same select is under a
+ * join, the opposite side's select can be pushed above the join.
+ */
+static sql_rel *
+rel_push_select_up(visitor *v, sql_rel *rel)
+       if ((is_join(rel->op) || is_semi(rel->op)) && !rel_is_ref(rel)) {
+               sql_rel *l = rel->l, *r = rel->r;
+               bool can_pushup_left = is_select(l->op) && !rel_is_ref(l),
+                        can_pushup_right = is_select(r->op) && !rel_is_ref(r) 
&& !is_semi(rel->op);
+               if (can_pushup_left || can_pushup_right) {
+                       if (can_pushup_left)
+                               can_pushup_left = 
+                       if (can_pushup_right)
+                               can_pushup_right = 
+                       /* if both selects retrieve one row each, it's not 
worth it to push both up */
+                       if (can_pushup_left && !can_pushup_right) {
+                               sql_rel *ll = l->l;
+                               rel->l = ll;
+                               l->l = rel;
+                               rel = l;
+                               assert(is_select(rel->op));
+                               v->changes++;
+                       } else if (!can_pushup_left && can_pushup_right) {
+                               sql_rel *rl = r->l;
+                               rel->r = rl;
+                               r->l = rel;
+                               rel = r;
+                               assert(is_select(rel->op));
+                               v->changes++;
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       return rel;
  * Push {semi}joins down, pushes the joins through group by expressions.
  * When the join is on the group by columns, we can push the joins left
@@ -9751,5 +9809,10 @@ rel_optimizer(mvc *sql, sql_rel *rel, in
 #ifndef NDEBUG
        assert(level < 20);
+       /* Run the following optimizers only once after the others run to avoid 
an infinite optimization loop */
+       gp = (global_props) {.cnt = {0},};
+       rel_properties(sql, &gp, rel); /* collect relational tree properties */
+       if ((gp.cnt[op_join] || gp.cnt[op_left] || gp.cnt[op_right] || 
gp.cnt[op_full] || gp.cnt[op_semi] || gp.cnt[op_anti]) && gp.cnt[op_select])
+               rel = rel_visitor_bottomup(&v, rel, &rel_push_select_up);
        return rel;
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