Changeset: 64dd931b42d0 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

Approve 32 bit output after merge.

diffs (138 lines):

diff --git a/sql/test/emptydb-upgrade-chain/Tests/upgrade.stable.out.32bit 
--- a/sql/test/emptydb-upgrade-chain/Tests/upgrade.stable.out.32bit
+++ b/sql/test/emptydb-upgrade-chain/Tests/upgrade.stable.out.32bit
@@ -4519,3 +4519,24 @@ GRANT SELECT ON sys.dependencies_vw TO P
 UPDATE sys._tables SET system = true WHERE name in ('ids', 'dependencies_vw') 
AND schema_id = 2000;
 set schema "sys";
+Running database upgrade commands:
+set schema "sys";
+drop function sys.epoch(bigint);
+create function sys.epoch(sec DECIMAL(18,3)) returns TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
+external name mtime.epoch;
+grant execute on function sys.epoch (DECIMAL(18,3)) to public;
+update sys.functions set system = true where system <> true and name in 
('epoch') and schema_id = 2000 and type = 1;
+set schema "sys";
+drop view sys.tracelog;
+drop function sys.tracelog();
+create function sys.tracelog()
+ returns table (
+  ticks bigint, -- time in microseconds
+  stmt string,  -- actual statement executed
+  event string  -- profiler event executed
+ )
+ external name sql.dump_trace;
+create view sys.tracelog as select * from sys.tracelog();
+update sys._tables set system = true where system <> true and schema_id = 2000 
and name = 'tracelog';
+update sys.functions set system = true where system <> true and schema_id = 
2000 and name = 'tracelog' and type = 5;
diff --git a/sql/test/emptydb-upgrade/Tests/upgrade.stable.out.32bit 
--- a/sql/test/emptydb-upgrade/Tests/upgrade.stable.out.32bit
+++ b/sql/test/emptydb-upgrade/Tests/upgrade.stable.out.32bit
@@ -4519,3 +4519,24 @@ GRANT SELECT ON sys.dependencies_vw TO P
 UPDATE sys._tables SET system = true WHERE name in ('ids', 'dependencies_vw') 
AND schema_id = 2000;
 set schema "sys";
+Running database upgrade commands:
+set schema "sys";
+drop function sys.epoch(bigint);
+create function sys.epoch(sec DECIMAL(18,3)) returns TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
+external name mtime.epoch;
+grant execute on function sys.epoch (DECIMAL(18,3)) to public;
+update sys.functions set system = true where system <> true and name in 
('epoch') and schema_id = 2000 and type = 1;
+set schema "sys";
+drop view sys.tracelog;
+drop function sys.tracelog();
+create function sys.tracelog()
+ returns table (
+  ticks bigint, -- time in microseconds
+  stmt string,  -- actual statement executed
+  event string  -- profiler event executed
+ )
+ external name sql.dump_trace;
+create view sys.tracelog as select * from sys.tracelog();
+update sys._tables set system = true where system <> true and schema_id = 2000 
and name = 'tracelog';
+update sys.functions set system = true where system <> true and schema_id = 
2000 and name = 'tracelog' and type = 5;
diff --git a/sql/test/emptydb/Tests/check.stable.out.32bit 
--- a/sql/test/emptydb/Tests/check.stable.out.32bit
+++ b/sql/test/emptydb/Tests/check.stable.out.32bit
@@ -7634,14 +7634,14 @@ select 'null in value_partitions.value',
 % %12, temporary,      id,     name,   schema_id,      query,  type,   system, 
commit_action,  access, temporary # name
 % char,        tinyint,        int,    varchar,        int,    varchar,        
smallint,       boolean,        smallint,       smallint,       tinyint # type
 % 24,  1,      1,      0,      1,      0,      1,      5,      1,      1,      
1 # length
-% .%2, .tracelog,      .tracelog,      .tracelog # table_name
-% %2,  ticks,  ticks,  stmt # name
-% char,        bigint, bigint, clob # type
-% 22,  1,      1,      0 # length
-% .%2, .tracelog,      .tracelog,      .tracelog # table_name
-% %2,  stmt,   ticks,  stmt # name
-% char,        clob,   bigint, clob # type
-% 21,  0,      1,      0 # length
+% .%2, .tracelog,      .tracelog,      .tracelog,      .tracelog # table_name
+% %2,  ticks,  ticks,  stmt,   event # name
+% char,        bigint, bigint, clob,   clob # type
+% 22,  1,      1,      0,      0 # length
+% .%2, .tracelog,      .tracelog,      .tracelog,      .tracelog # table_name
+% %2,  stmt,   ticks,  stmt,   event # name
+% char,        clob,   bigint, clob,   clob # type
+% 21,  0,      1,      0,      0 # length
 % .%1, sys.triggers,   sys.triggers,   sys.triggers,   sys.triggers,   
sys.triggers,   sys.triggers,   sys.triggers,   sys.triggers,   sys.triggers,   
sys.triggers,   sys.triggers # table_name
 % %1,  id,     id,     name,   table_id,       time,   orientation,    event,  
old_name,       new_name,       condition,      statement # name
 % char,        int,    int,    varchar,        int,    smallint,       
smallint,       smallint,       varchar,        varchar,        varchar,        
varchar # type
diff --git a/sql/test/testdb-upgrade-chain/Tests/upgrade.stable.out.32bit 
--- a/sql/test/testdb-upgrade-chain/Tests/upgrade.stable.out.32bit
+++ b/sql/test/testdb-upgrade-chain/Tests/upgrade.stable.out.32bit
@@ -4519,3 +4519,24 @@ GRANT SELECT ON sys.dependencies_vw TO P
 UPDATE sys._tables SET system = true WHERE name in ('ids', 'dependencies_vw') 
AND schema_id = 2000;
 set schema "sys";
+Running database upgrade commands:
+set schema "sys";
+drop function sys.epoch(bigint);
+create function sys.epoch(sec DECIMAL(18,3)) returns TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
+external name mtime.epoch;
+grant execute on function sys.epoch (DECIMAL(18,3)) to public;
+update sys.functions set system = true where system <> true and name in 
('epoch') and schema_id = 2000 and type = 1;
+set schema "sys";
+drop view sys.tracelog;
+drop function sys.tracelog();
+create function sys.tracelog()
+ returns table (
+  ticks bigint, -- time in microseconds
+  stmt string,  -- actual statement executed
+  event string  -- profiler event executed
+ )
+ external name sql.dump_trace;
+create view sys.tracelog as select * from sys.tracelog();
+update sys._tables set system = true where system <> true and schema_id = 2000 
and name = 'tracelog';
+update sys.functions set system = true where system <> true and schema_id = 
2000 and name = 'tracelog' and type = 5;
diff --git a/sql/test/testdb-upgrade/Tests/upgrade.stable.out.32bit 
--- a/sql/test/testdb-upgrade/Tests/upgrade.stable.out.32bit
+++ b/sql/test/testdb-upgrade/Tests/upgrade.stable.out.32bit
@@ -4519,3 +4519,24 @@ GRANT SELECT ON sys.dependencies_vw TO P
 UPDATE sys._tables SET system = true WHERE name in ('ids', 'dependencies_vw') 
AND schema_id = 2000;
 set schema "sys";
+Running database upgrade commands:
+set schema "sys";
+drop function sys.epoch(bigint);
+create function sys.epoch(sec DECIMAL(18,3)) returns TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
+external name mtime.epoch;
+grant execute on function sys.epoch (DECIMAL(18,3)) to public;
+update sys.functions set system = true where system <> true and name in 
('epoch') and schema_id = 2000 and type = 1;
+set schema "sys";
+drop view sys.tracelog;
+drop function sys.tracelog();
+create function sys.tracelog()
+ returns table (
+  ticks bigint, -- time in microseconds
+  stmt string,  -- actual statement executed
+  event string  -- profiler event executed
+ )
+ external name sql.dump_trace;
+create view sys.tracelog as select * from sys.tracelog();
+update sys._tables set system = true where system <> true and schema_id = 2000 
and name = 'tracelog';
+update sys.functions set system = true where system <> true and schema_id = 
2000 and name = 'tracelog' and type = 5;
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