Changeset: 8ebb1acc6c56 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: iso
Log Message:

Starting to look at drops and renames

diffs (truncated from 329 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/sql/include/sql_catalog.h b/sql/include/sql_catalog.h
--- a/sql/include/sql_catalog.h
+++ b/sql/include/sql_catalog.h
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ typedef int (*tc_log_fptr) (struct sql_t
 typedef int (*tc_commit_fptr) (struct sql_trans *tr, struct sql_change *c, 
ulng commit_ts, ulng oldest);/* commit/rollback changes */
 typedef int (*tc_cleanup_fptr) (sql_store store, struct sql_change *c, ulng 
oldest);   /* garbage collection, ie cleanup structures when possible */
 typedef void (*destroy_fptr)(sql_store store, sql_base *b);
-typedef int (*validate_fptr)(struct sql_trans *tr, sql_base *b);
+typedef int (*validate_fptr)(struct sql_trans *tr, sql_base *b, int delete);
 extern struct objectset *os_new(sql_allocator *sa, destroy_fptr destroy, 
validate_fptr validate, bool temporary, bool unique, bool concurrent, sql_store 
 extern struct objectset *os_dup(struct objectset *os);
diff --git a/sql/storage/objectset.c b/sql/storage/objectset.c
--- a/sql/storage/objectset.c
+++ b/sql/storage/objectset.c
@@ -624,8 +624,13 @@ tc_valid_change(sql_trans *tr, sql_chang
        objectversion *ov = (objectversion*)change->data;
        bte state = os_atmc_get_state(ov);
-       if (ov->ts == tr->tid && state == active && ov->os->validate)
-               ok = ov->os->validate(tr, ov->b);
+       if (ov->ts == tr->tid && ov->os->validate) {
+               if (state == active) {
+                       ok = ov->os->validate(tr, ov->b, 0);
+               } else if (state == deleted) {
+                       ok = ov->os->validate(tr, ov->b, 1);
+               }
+       }
        return ok;
diff --git a/sql/storage/store.c b/sql/storage/store.c
--- a/sql/storage/store.c
+++ b/sql/storage/store.c
@@ -262,12 +262,49 @@ schema_destroy(sqlstore *store, sql_sche
 static int
-key_validate(sql_trans *tr, sql_key *k) /* updates while keys are added not 
possible at the moment */
+deleted_object_validate(sql_trans *tr, sql_base *b)
+       sqlstore *store = tr->store;
+       sql_schema * s = find_sql_schema(tr, "sys");
+       sql_table *t = find_sql_table(tr, s, "dependencies");
+       (void) b;
+       return store->storage_api.tab_validate(tr, t, 1);
+static int
+type_validate(sql_trans *tr, sql_type *t, int deleted)
+       if (!isNew(t) && deleted)
+               return deleted_object_validate(tr, &t->base);
+       return LOG_OK;
+static int
+func_validate(sql_trans *tr, sql_func *f, int deleted)
+       if (!isNew(f) && deleted)
+               return deleted_object_validate(tr, &f->base);
+       return LOG_OK;
+static int
+seq_validate(sql_trans *tr, sql_sequence *s, int deleted)
+       if (!isNew(s) && deleted)
+               return deleted_object_validate(tr, &s->base);
+       return LOG_OK;
+static int
+key_validate(sql_trans *tr, sql_key *k, int deleted) /* updates while keys are 
added not possible at the moment */
        int ok = LOG_OK;
        sqlstore *store = tr->store;
-       if (isNew(k)) { /* validate only on new keys so far */
+       if (!isNew(k) && deleted)
+               return deleted_object_validate(tr, &k->base);
+       if (isNew(k)) { /* for every new key, check if their underlying tables 
were touched */
                if (k->t && isTable(k->t) && !isNew(k->t) && !isTempTable(k->t))
                        if ((ok = store->storage_api.tab_validate(tr, k->t, 1)))
                                return ok;
@@ -283,41 +320,79 @@ key_validate(sql_trans *tr, sql_key *k) 
 static int
-part_validate(sql_trans *tr, sql_part *pt) /* disallow part changes with any 
other changes */
-       int ok = LOG_OK;
+idx_validate(sql_trans *tr, sql_idx *i, int deleted)
+       if (!isNew(i) && !isTempTable(i->t) && deleted)
+               return deleted_object_validate(tr, &i->base);
+       return LOG_OK;
+static int
+trigger_validate(sql_trans *tr, sql_trigger *t, int deleted)
+       if (!isNew(t) && deleted)
+               return deleted_object_validate(tr, &t->base);
+       return LOG_OK;
+static int
+table_validate(sql_trans *tr, sql_table *t, int deleted)
+       int ok = LOG_OK, need_validate = 0;
        sqlstore *store = tr->store;
-       sql_table *t = find_sql_table_id(tr, pt->t->s, pt->member);
-       if (t && isTable(t) && !isNew(t) && !isTempTable(t))
-               if ((ok = store->storage_api.tab_validate(tr, t, 1)))
-                       return ok;
+       if (!isNew(t) && !isTempTable(t)) {
+               if (deleted)
+                       return deleted_object_validate(tr, &t->base);
+               if (isTable(t)) {
+                       if (t->columns)
+                               for (node *n = ol_first_node(t->columns); n && 
!need_validate && ok == LOG_OK; n = n->next) {
+                                       sql_column *c = n->data;
+                                       if (!c->null) {
+                                               need_validate = 1;
+                                       } /*else if (c->base.deleted) {
+                                               ok = 
deleted_object_validate(tr, &c->base);
+                                       }*/
+                               }
+                       /*if (t->idxs)
+                               for (node *n = ol_first_node(t->idxs); n && 
!need_validate && ok == LOG_OK; n = n->next) {
+                                       sql_idx *i = n->data;
+                                       if (i->base.deleted) {
+                                               ok = 
deleted_object_validate(tr, &i->base);
+                                       }
+                               }*/
+               }
+       }
+       if (ok == LOG_OK && need_validate)
+               ok = store->storage_api.tab_validate(tr, t, 1);
        return ok;
 static int
-table_validate(sql_trans *tr, sql_table *t)
-       int ok = LOG_OK, need_validate = 0;
+part_validate(sql_trans *tr, sql_part *pt, int deleted) /* disallow part 
changes with any other changes */
+       int ok = LOG_OK;
        sqlstore *store = tr->store;
-       if (t && isTable(t) && !isNew(t) && !isTempTable(t)) {
-               if (t->columns)
-                       for (node *n = ol_first_node(t->columns); n; n = 
n->next) {
-                               sql_column *c = n->data;
-                               if (!c->null) {
-                                       need_validate = 1;
-                                       break;
-                               }
-                       }
-       }
-       if (need_validate)
+       sql_table *t = find_sql_table_id(tr, pt->t->s, pt->member);
+       if (!isNew(pt) && deleted)
+               return deleted_object_validate(tr, &pt->base);
+       if (t && isTable(t) && !isNew(t) && !isTempTable(t))
                ok = store->storage_api.tab_validate(tr, t, 1);
        return ok;
+static int
+schema_validate(sql_trans *tr, sql_schema *s, int deleted)
+       if (!isNew(s) && deleted)
+               return deleted_object_validate(tr, &s->base);
+       return LOG_OK;
 static void
 load_keycolumn(sql_trans *tr, sql_key *k, res_table *rt_keycols/*, oid rid*/)
@@ -1019,12 +1094,12 @@ load_schema(sql_trans *tr, res_table *rt
                s->owner = 
*(sqlid*)store->table_api.table_fetch_value(rt_schemas, find_sql_column(ss, 
                s->tables = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &table_destroy, 
(validate_fptr) &table_validate, false, true, true, store);
-               s->types = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &type_destroy, NULL, 
false, true, true, store);
-               s->funcs = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &func_destroy, NULL, 
false, false, false, store);
-               s->seqs = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &seq_destroy, NULL, 
false, true, true, store);
+               s->types = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &type_destroy, 
(validate_fptr) &type_validate, false, true, true, store);
+               s->funcs = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &func_destroy, 
(validate_fptr) &func_validate, false, false, false, store);
+               s->seqs = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &seq_destroy, 
(validate_fptr) &seq_validate, false, true, true, store);
                s->keys = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &key_destroy, 
(validate_fptr) &key_validate, false, true, true, store);
-               s->idxs = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &idx_destroy, NULL, 
false, true, true, store);
-               s->triggers = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &trigger_destroy, 
NULL, false, true, true, store);
+               s->idxs = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &idx_destroy, 
(validate_fptr) &idx_validate, false, true, true, store);
+               s->triggers = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &trigger_destroy, 
(validate_fptr) &trigger_validate, false, true, true, store);
                s->parts = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &part_destroy, 
(validate_fptr) &part_validate, false, false, false, store);
@@ -1640,12 +1715,12 @@ bootstrap_create_schema(sql_trans *tr, c
        s->owner = owner;
        s->system = TRUE;
        s->tables = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &table_destroy, 
(validate_fptr) &table_validate, false, true, true, store);
-       s->types = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &type_destroy, NULL, false, 
true, true, store);
-       s->funcs = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &func_destroy, NULL, false, 
false, false, store);
-       s->seqs = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &seq_destroy, NULL, false, 
true, true, store);
+       s->types = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &type_destroy, (validate_fptr) 
&type_validate, false, true, true, store);
+       s->funcs = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &func_destroy, (validate_fptr) 
&func_validate, false, false, false, store);
+       s->seqs = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &seq_destroy, (validate_fptr) 
&seq_validate, false, true, true, store);
        s->keys = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &key_destroy, (validate_fptr) 
&key_validate, false, true, true, store);
-       s->idxs = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &idx_destroy, NULL, false, 
true, true, store);
-       s->triggers = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &trigger_destroy, NULL, 
false, true, true, store);
+       s->idxs = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &idx_destroy, (validate_fptr) 
&idx_validate, false, true, true, store);
+       s->triggers = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &trigger_destroy, 
(validate_fptr) &trigger_validate, false, true, true, store);
        s->parts = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &part_destroy, (validate_fptr) 
&part_validate, false, false, false, store);
        if (os_add(tr->cat->schemas, tr, s->, &s->base)) {
                return NULL;
@@ -3421,8 +3496,8 @@ sql_trans_create_(sqlstore *store, sql_t
        tr->cat = store->cat;
        if (!tr->cat) {
                store->cat = tr->cat = SA_ZNEW(tr->sa, sql_catalog);
-               store->cat->schemas = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) 
&schema_destroy, NULL, false, true, true, store);
-               store->cat->objects = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) 
&key_destroy, NULL, false, false, true, store);
+               store->cat->schemas = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) 
&schema_destroy, (validate_fptr) &schema_validate, false, true, true, store);
+               store->cat->objects = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) 
&key_destroy, (validate_fptr) &table_validate, false, false, true, store);
        tr->tmp = store->tmp;
        cs_new(&tr->localtmps, tr->sa, (fdestroy) &table_destroy);
@@ -3445,10 +3520,10 @@ schema_dup(sql_trans *tr, sql_schema *s,
        sqlstore *store = tr->store;
        ns->tables = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &table_destroy, 
(validate_fptr) &table_validate, isTempSchema(s), true, true, store);
-       ns->seqs = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &seq_destroy, NULL, 
isTempSchema(s), true, true, store);
+       ns->seqs = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &seq_destroy, (validate_fptr) 
&seq_validate, isTempSchema(s), true, true, store);
        ns->keys = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &key_destroy, (validate_fptr) 
&key_validate, isTempSchema(s), true, true, store);
-       ns->idxs = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &idx_destroy, NULL, 
isTempSchema(s), true, true, store);
-       ns->triggers = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &trigger_destroy, NULL, 
isTempSchema(s), true, true, store);
+       ns->idxs = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &idx_destroy, (validate_fptr) 
&idx_validate, isTempSchema(s), true, true, store);
+       ns->triggers = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &trigger_destroy, 
(validate_fptr) &trigger_validate, isTempSchema(s), true, true, store);
        ns->parts = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &part_destroy, 
(validate_fptr) &part_validate, isTempSchema(s), false, false, store);
        /* table_dup will dup keys, idxs, triggers and parts */
@@ -4599,12 +4674,12 @@ sql_trans_create_schema(sql_trans *tr, c
        s->owner = owner;
        s->system = FALSE;
        s->tables = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &table_destroy, 
(validate_fptr) &table_validate, isTempSchema(s), true, true, store);
-       s->types = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &type_destroy, NULL, 
isTempSchema(s), true, true, store);
-       s->funcs = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &func_destroy, NULL, 
isTempSchema(s), false, false, store);
-       s->seqs = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &seq_destroy, NULL, 
isTempSchema(s), true, true, store);
+       s->types = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &type_destroy, (validate_fptr) 
&type_validate, isTempSchema(s), true, true, store);
+       s->funcs = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &func_destroy, (validate_fptr) 
&func_validate, isTempSchema(s), false, false, store);
+       s->seqs = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &seq_destroy, (validate_fptr) 
&seq_validate, isTempSchema(s), true, true, store);
        s->keys = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &key_destroy, (validate_fptr) 
&key_validate, isTempSchema(s), true, true, store);
-       s->idxs = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &idx_destroy, NULL, 
isTempSchema(s), true, true, store);
-       s->triggers = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &trigger_destroy, NULL, 
isTempSchema(s), true, true, store);
+       s->idxs = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &idx_destroy, (validate_fptr) 
&idx_validate, isTempSchema(s), true, true, store);
+       s->triggers = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &trigger_destroy, 
(validate_fptr) &trigger_validate, isTempSchema(s), true, true, store);
        s->parts = os_new(tr->sa, (destroy_fptr) &part_destroy, (validate_fptr) 
&part_validate, isTempSchema(s), false, false, store);
        s->store = tr->store;
diff --git a/sql/test/miscellaneous/Tests/ 
--- a/sql/test/miscellaneous/Tests/
+++ b/sql/test/miscellaneous/Tests/
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ with SQLTestCase() as mdb1:
         mdb2.execute("alter table floats alter f set not 
         mdb2.execute("alter table floats alter f set default 
         mdb2.execute('drop trigger ups2;').assertFailed(err_code="42000", 
err_message="DROP TRIGGER: transaction conflict detected")
+        mdb2.execute('rollback;').assertSucceeded()
         mdb1.execute('drop trigger ups2;').assertSucceeded()
-        mdb2.execute('rollback;').assertSucceeded()
         mdb1.execute('start transaction;').assertSucceeded()
         mdb2.execute('start transaction;').assertSucceeded()
diff --git a/sql/test/miscellaneous/Tests/ 
--- a/sql/test/miscellaneous/Tests/
+++ b/sql/test/miscellaneous/Tests/
@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ with SQLTestCase() as mdb1:
         mdb1.execute('create table child1(c int);').assertSucceeded()
         mdb1.execute('start transaction;').assertSucceeded()
         mdb2.execute('start transaction;').assertSucceeded()
-        mdb1.execute("ALTER TABLE parent1 ADD TABLE child1 AS PARTITION FROM 
'1' TO '2';").assertSucceeded() # these merge tables are very difficult, maybe 
allow only 1 transaction on the system?
-        mdb2.execute("alter table child1 set schema 
ups;").assertFailed(err_code="42000", err_message="ALTER TABLE: transaction 
conflict detected")
+        mdb1.execute("ALTER TABLE parent1 ADD TABLE child1 AS PARTITION FROM 
'1' TO '2';").assertSucceeded()
+        mdb2.execute("alter table child1 set schema ups;").assertSucceeded()
+        mdb2.execute('commit;').assertFailed(err_code="40000", 
err_message="COMMIT: transaction is aborted because of concurrency conflicts, 
will ROLLBACK instead")
-        mdb2.execute('rollback;').assertSucceeded()
         mdb1.execute('create merge table parent2(a int) PARTITION BY RANGE ON 
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