Changeset: a025809d22de for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Jul2021
Log Message:

on convert use expression (even if its a input any type (bound to be null))

in rewrite_compare check for depth of the inner relation.

diffs (164 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c b/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c
@@ -1234,7 +1234,9 @@ exp_bin(backend *be, sql_exp *e, stmt *l
                stmt *l;
                if (from->type->localtype == 0) {
-                       l = stmt_atom(be, atom_general(sql->sa, to, NULL));
+                       l = exp_bin(be, e->l, left, right, grp, ext, cnt, sel, 
depth+1, 0, push);
+                       if (l)
+                               l = stmt_atom(be, atom_general(sql->sa, to, 
                } else {
                        l = exp_bin(be, e->l, left, right, grp, ext, cnt, sel, 
depth+1, 0, push);
diff --git a/sql/server/rel_exp.c b/sql/server/rel_exp.c
--- a/sql/server/rel_exp.c
+++ b/sql/server/rel_exp.c
@@ -2046,6 +2046,29 @@ exps_rel_get_rel(sql_allocator *sa, list
        return xp;
+exp_rel_depth(sql_exp *e)
+       if (!e)
+               return 0;
+       switch(e->type){
+       case e_func:
+       case e_aggr:
+       case e_cmp:
+               return 1;
+       case e_convert:
+               return 0;
+       case e_psm:
+               if (exp_is_rel(e))
+                       return 0;
+               return 1;
+       case e_atom:
+       case e_column:
+               return 0;
+       }
+       return 0;
 sql_rel *
 exp_rel_get_rel(sql_allocator *sa, sql_exp *e)
diff --git a/sql/server/rel_exp.h b/sql/server/rel_exp.h
--- a/sql/server/rel_exp.h
+++ b/sql/server/rel_exp.h
@@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ extern int exps_have_func(list *exps);
 extern sql_rel *exp_rel_get_rel(sql_allocator *sa, sql_exp *e);
 extern sql_exp *exp_rel_update_exp(mvc *sql, sql_exp *e);
 extern sql_exp *exp_rel_label(mvc *sql, sql_exp *e);
+extern int exp_rel_depth(sql_exp *e);
 extern int exps_are_atoms(list *exps);
 extern int exp_has_func(sql_exp *e);
 extern int exps_have_unsafe(list *exps, int allow_identity);
diff --git a/sql/server/rel_unnest.c b/sql/server/rel_unnest.c
--- a/sql/server/rel_unnest.c
+++ b/sql/server/rel_unnest.c
@@ -2781,8 +2781,10 @@ rewrite_compare(visitor *v, sql_rel *rel
                        int quantifier = e->flag;
                        /* possibly this is already done ? */
-                       if (exp_has_rel(ile))
+                       if (exp_has_rel(ile)) {
+                               depth += exp_rel_depth(ile);
                                lsq = exp_rel_get_rel(v->sql->sa, ile); /* get 
subquery */
+                       }
                        if (lsq)
                                le = exp_rel_update_exp(v->sql, ile);
diff --git a/sql/test/BugTracker-2015/Tests/crash.Bug-3736.test 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2015/Tests/crash.Bug-3736.test
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2015/Tests/crash.Bug-3736.test
@@ -117,47 +117,53 @@ join (
 | table("sys"."bidder") [ "bidder"."id" NOT NULL HASHCOL  as "b"."id", 
"bidder"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL as "b"."open_auction_id", "bidder"."date" 
NOT NULL as "b"."date", "bidder"."time" NOT NULL as "b"."time", 
"bidder"."personref" NOT NULL as "b"."personref", "bidder"."increase" NOT NULL 
as "b"."increase", "bidder"."%TID%" NOT NULL as "b"."%TID%" ] COUNT 
 ) [ "o"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL = "b"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL ]
 REF 2 (2)
-single project (
-| single join (
-| | & REF 1 ,
-| | project (
-| | | join (
-| | | | table("sys"."bidder") [ "bidder"."id" NOT NULL HASHCOL  as "b3"."id", 
"bidder"."increase" NOT NULL as "b3"."increase", "bidder"."%TID%" NOT NULL as 
"b3"."%TID%" ] COUNT ,
-| | | | group by (
-| | | | | join (
-| | | | | | group by (
-| | | | | | | project (
-| | | | | | | | & REF 1 
-| | | | | | | ) [ "o"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL ]
-| | | | | | ) [ "o"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL ] [ "o"."open_auction_id" NOT 
-| | | | | | table("sys"."bidder") [ "bidder"."id" NOT NULL HASHCOL  as 
"b3a"."id", "bidder"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL as "b3a"."open_auction_id", 
"bidder"."%TID%" NOT NULL as "b3a"."%TID%" ] COUNT 
-| | | | | ) [ "b3a"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL = "o"."open_auction_id" NOT 
-| | | | ) [ "o"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL ] [ "sys"."min" no nil ("b3a"."id" 
NOT NULL HASHCOL ) as "%1"."%1", "o"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL ]
-| | | ) [ "b3"."id" NOT NULL HASHCOL  = "%1"."%1" ]
-| | ) [ "b3"."id" NOT NULL HASHCOL , "b3"."increase" NOT NULL, "b3"."%TID%" 
NOT NULL, "%1"."%1", "o"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL as "%5"."%5" ]
-| ) [ "o"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL * = "%5"."%5" NOT NULL ]
-) [ "o"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL, "o"."%TID%" NOT NULL, "b"."id" NOT NULL 
HASHCOL , "b"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL, "b"."date" NOT NULL, "b"."time" NOT 
NULL, "b"."personref" NOT NULL, "b"."increase" NOT NULL, "b"."%TID%" NOT NULL, 
"b3"."increase" NOT NULL as "%2"."%2" ]
+single left outer join (
+| & REF 1 ,
+| project (
+| | select (
+| | | project (
+| | | | crossproduct (
+| | | | | table("sys"."bidder") [ "bidder"."id" NOT NULL HASHCOL  as 
"b3"."id", "bidder"."increase" NOT NULL as "b3"."increase", "bidder"."%TID%" 
NOT NULL as "b3"."%TID%" ] COUNT ,
+| | | | | group by (
+| | | | | | join (
+| | | | | | | group by (
+| | | | | | | | project (
+| | | | | | | | | & REF 1 
+| | | | | | | | ) [ "o"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL ]
+| | | | | | | ) [ "o"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL ] [ "o"."open_auction_id" NOT 
+| | | | | | | table("sys"."bidder") [ "bidder"."id" NOT NULL HASHCOL  as 
"b3a"."id", "bidder"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL as "b3a"."open_auction_id", 
"bidder"."%TID%" NOT NULL as "b3a"."%TID%" ] COUNT 
+| | | | | | ) [ "b3a"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL = "o"."open_auction_id" NOT 
+| | | | | ) [ "o"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL ] [ "sys"."min" no nil 
("b3a"."id" NOT NULL HASHCOL ) as "%1"."%1", "o"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL ]
+| | | | ) [  ]
+| | | ) [ "o"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL, "b3"."id" NOT NULL HASHCOL , 
"b3"."increase" NOT NULL, "b3"."%TID%" NOT NULL, "%1"."%1", "b3"."increase" NOT 
NULL as "%2"."%2" ]
+| | ) [ "b3"."id" NOT NULL HASHCOL  = "%1"."%1" ]
+| ) [ "b3"."id" NOT NULL HASHCOL , "b3"."increase" NOT NULL, "b3"."%TID%" NOT 
NULL, "%1"."%1", "%2"."%2" NOT NULL, "o"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL as 
"%5"."%5" ]
+) [ "o"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL * = "%5"."%5" NOT NULL ]
 project (
 | single select (
 | | single join (
 | | | & REF 2 ,
 | | | project (
-| | | | join (
-| | | | | table("sys"."bidder") [ "bidder"."id" NOT NULL HASHCOL  as 
"b2"."id", "bidder"."increase" NOT NULL as "b2"."increase" ] COUNT ,
-| | | | | group by (
-| | | | | | join (
-| | | | | | | single group by (
-| | | | | | | | single project (
-| | | | | | | | | & REF 2 
-| | | | | | | | ) [ "o"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL ]
-| | | | | | | ) [ "o"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL ] [ "o"."open_auction_id" NOT 
-| | | | | | | table("sys"."bidder") [ "bidder"."id" NOT NULL HASHCOL  as 
"b2a"."id", "bidder"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL as "b2a"."open_auction_id" ] 
-| | | | | | ) [ "b2a"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL = "o"."open_auction_id" NOT 
-| | | | | ) [ "o"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL ] [ "sys"."max" no nil 
("b2a"."id" NOT NULL HASHCOL ) as "%3"."%3", "o"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL ]
+| | | | select (
+| | | | | project (
+| | | | | | crossproduct (
+| | | | | | | table("sys"."bidder") [ "bidder"."id" NOT NULL HASHCOL  as 
"b2"."id", "bidder"."increase" NOT NULL as "b2"."increase" ] COUNT ,
+| | | | | | | group by (
+| | | | | | | | join (
+| | | | | | | | | single group by (
+| | | | | | | | | | single project (
+| | | | | | | | | | | & REF 2 
+| | | | | | | | | | ) [ "o"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL ]
+| | | | | | | | | ) [ "o"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL ] [ "o"."open_auction_id" 
+| | | | | | | | | table("sys"."bidder") [ "bidder"."id" NOT NULL HASHCOL  as 
"b2a"."id", "bidder"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL as "b2a"."open_auction_id" ] 
+| | | | | | | | ) [ "b2a"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL = "o"."open_auction_id" 
+| | | | | | | ) [ "o"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL ] [ "sys"."max" no nil 
("b2a"."id" NOT NULL HASHCOL ) as "%3"."%3", "o"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL ]
+| | | | | | ) [  ]
+| | | | | ) [ "o"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL, "b2"."id" NOT NULL HASHCOL , 
"%3"."%3", "b2"."increase" NOT NULL as "%4"."%4" ]
 | | | | ) [ "b2"."id" NOT NULL HASHCOL  = "%3"."%3" ]
-| | | ) [ "b2"."increase" NOT NULL, "o"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL as 
"%6"."%6" ]
+| | | ) [ "%4"."%4" NOT NULL, "o"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL as "%6"."%6" ]
 | | ) [ "o"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL * = "%6"."%6" NOT NULL ]
-| ) [ "sys"."sql_mul"("%2"."%2" NOT NULL, double "2") NOT NULL <= 
"b2"."increase" NOT NULL ]
+| ) [ "sys"."<="("sys"."sql_mul"("%2"."%2", double "2"), "%4"."%4") = boolean 
"true" ]
 ) [ "b"."id" NOT NULL HASHCOL , "b"."open_auction_id" NOT NULL, "b"."date" NOT 
NULL, "b"."time" NOT NULL, "b"."personref" NOT NULL, "b"."increase" NOT NULL ]
 query ITTTTR rowsort
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