Changeset: 53a360b31bfe for MonetDB
Branch: Jul2021
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diffs (135 lines):

diff --git a/documentation/source/manual_pages/monetdb.rst 
--- a/documentation/source/manual_pages/monetdb.rst
+++ b/documentation/source/manual_pages/monetdb.rst
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/documentation/source/manual_pages/ 
--- a/documentation/source/manual_pages/
+++ b/documentation/source/manual_pages/
@@ -20,17 +20,17 @@ DESCRIPTION
 meant to be used as daemon, but it also allows to setup and change the
 configuration of a dbfarm. The use of *monetdbd* is either as
 user-oriented way to configure, start and stop a database farm, or to be
-started from a startup script, such as from */etc/init.d/* on Linux
-systems or *smf*\ (5) on Solaris systems, as part of a system startup.
+started from a startup script, such as from *systemd*\ (1) on Linux
+systems, as part of a system startup.
 *Monetdbd* is the system formerly known as *merovingian*. It was renamed
 to *monetdbd* since the name *merovingian* proved to be confusing to
 most regular end-users. Internally, *monetdbd* uses the name
 *merovingian* at many places for historical reasons.
-A *monetdbd* instance manages one local cluster based, which is a
-directory in the system, referred to as the *dbfarm*. Nowadays, the
-dbfarm location always has to be given as argument to *monetdbd*.
+A *monetdbd* instance manages one local cluster of databases, which is a
+directory in the system, referred to as the *dbfarm*. The dbfarm
+location must always be given as argument to *monetdbd*.
 Within its local cluster *monetdbd* takes care of starting up databases
 when necessary, and stopping them either upon request via *monetdb*\ (1)
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ The commands for *monetdbd* are **create
 initializing a dbfarm, starting and stopping the MonetDB Database
 Server, and retrieving or setting options.
-**create dbfarm**
+**create** *dbfarm*
    Initializes a new database farm, such that a MonetDB Database Server
    can be started on that location. All necessary directories are
    attempted to be created, and an initial properties file is created in
@@ -72,7 +72,13 @@ Server, and retrieving or setting option
 **stop** *dbfarm*
    Sends a stop signal to the *monetdbd* process responsible for the
-   given dbfarm.
+   given dbfarm. If the **exittimeout** value is non-zero (see below),
+   all mserver processes will be sent a termination signal. The current
+   process will wait for the manager process to terminate, but sends a
+   SIGKILL signal if waiting takes longer than 5 seconds more than the
+   value of exittimeout. If exittimeout is negative, both monetdbd
+   processes involved will wait until the servers have all terminated
+   and no extra signals are sent.
 **get** <**all** \| *property*\ [,\ *property*\ [,..]]> *dbfarm*
    Prints the requested properties, or all known properties, for the
@@ -118,15 +124,32 @@ using the **set** command. The following
    This property specifies which TCP port *monetdbd* should listen to
    for connection requests. Defaults to 50000.
-   This property forces *monetdbd* to bind connections on IPv6 addresses
-   only. Defaults to false.
    This property specifies an address that is allowed to connect to the
-   server. The user can specify one IP(v6) address, or use the
-   notation to allow connections from everywhere. Defaults to localhost
-   (
+   server. The following possibilities exist:
+   **localhost**
+      The server only listens on the IPv4 and IPv6 loopback interface
+      (if available). This is the default.
+   ****
+      The server only listens on the IPv4 loopback interface.
+   **::1**
+      The server only listens on the IPv6 loopback interface.
+   **all**
+      The server listens on all available IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces.
+   ****
+      The server listens on all available IPv4 interfaces.
+   **::**
+      The server listens on all available IPv6 interfaces.
+   *hostname*
+      The server listens on the interface designated by *hostname* which
+      is looked up using the normal hostname lookup facilities.
    For remote management of *monetdbd*, the **control** property
diff --git a/documentation/source/manual_pages/ 
--- a/documentation/source/manual_pages/
+++ b/documentation/source/manual_pages/
@@ -34,10 +34,11 @@ OPERATION
 When the build-time configuration did not disable this, a *mserver5*
-process presents the user with server startup information and internal
-exceptions due to errors in commands sent by clients. The architecture
-is setup to handle multiple streams of requests. The first thread
-started represents the server, which only writes to standard output.
+process presents the user with a console prompt. On this prompt, MAL
+commands can be executed. The architecture is setup to handle multiple
+streams of requests. The first thread started represents the server,
+which is the console prompt, reading from standard input and writing to
+standard output.
 The server thread started remains in existence until all other threads
 die. The server is stopped by sending it a termination signal (SIGINT,
@@ -171,6 +172,14 @@ multiple instances of this flag are OR-e
    Equivalent to **--debug=**\ *(TMMASK \| DELTAMASK \| TEMMASK)*.
+   Read an unencrypted password from standard input and use it to set
+   the password for the **monetdb** administrator user, initialize the
+   database, and exit. If the database was already initialized, the
+   administrator password is not changed. This option is used by
+   *monetdbd*\ (1) when creating a new database with an administrator
+   password and should not be used otherwise.
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