Changeset: bf735b295425 for MonetDB
Removed Files:
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

Merged with Oct2020

diffs (truncated from 830 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/clients/odbc/ChangeLog b/clients/odbc/ChangeLog
--- a/clients/odbc/ChangeLog
+++ b/clients/odbc/ChangeLog
@@ -1,13 +1,3 @@
 # ChangeLog file for odbc
 # This file is updated with Maddlog
-* Thu Mar 25 2021 Sjoerd Mullender <>
-- The ODBC driver now only passes on information about HUGEINT columns
-  as HUGEINT when the application has indicated interest by querying
-  about the SQL_HUGEINT extension type using the SQLGetTypeInfo
-  function or by specifying the type in a call to SQLSetDescField.
-  Otherwise the driver silently translates the HUGEINT type to BIGINT.
-  This means that most application will see BIGINT columns when the
-  server produced a HUGEINT column and only give an error if the value
-  in the HUGEINT column didn't fit into a BIGINT.
diff --git a/clients/odbc/ChangeLog.Oct2020 b/clients/odbc/ChangeLog.Oct2020
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clients/odbc/ChangeLog.Oct2020
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# ChangeLog file for odbc
+# This file is updated with Maddlog
+* Wed Mar 31 2021 Sjoerd Mullender <>
+- When connecting using a DSN (Data Source Name), information about the
+  data source is retrieved from the ODBC.INI file.  Now we also get the
+  location of the LOGFILE from this file.  The logfile can be used to
+  log all calls to the MonetDB ODBC driver to a file which can be used
+  for debugging.
+* Thu Mar 25 2021 Sjoerd Mullender <>
+- The ODBC driver now only passes on information about HUGEINT columns
+  as HUGEINT when the application has indicated interest by querying
+  about the SQL_HUGEINT extension type using the SQLGetTypeInfo
+  function or by specifying the type in a call to SQLSetDescField.
+  Otherwise the driver silently translates the HUGEINT type to BIGINT.
+  This means that most application will see BIGINT columns when the
+  server produced a HUGEINT column and only give an error if the value
+  in the HUGEINT column didn't fit into a BIGINT.
diff --git a/clients/odbc/driver/SQLConnect.c b/clients/odbc/driver/SQLConnect.c
--- a/clients/odbc/driver/SQLConnect.c
+++ b/clients/odbc/driver/SQLConnect.c
@@ -141,6 +141,20 @@ MNDBConnect(ODBCDbc *dbc,
+       if ((ODBCdebug == NULL || *ODBCdebug == 0) && dsn && *dsn) {
+               char logfile[2048];
+               n = SQLGetPrivateProfileString(dsn, "logfile", "",
+                                              logfile, sizeof(logfile),
+                                              "odbc.ini");
+               if (n > 0) {
+                       if (ODBCdebug)
+                               free((void *) ODBCdebug); /* discard const */
+                       ODBCdebug = strdup(logfile);
+               }
+       }
        if (dsn && *dsn)
                n = SQLGetPrivateProfileString(dsn, "uid", "monetdb",
                                               uid, sizeof(uid), "odbc.ini");
diff --git a/sql/test/sys-schema/Tests/webExamplesCastFunctionsOperators.sql 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/sql/test/sys-schema/Tests/webExamplesCastFunctionsOperators.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-select cast(123 as varchar(10));
-select convert(123, decimal(10,3));
-select cast(true as smallint);
-select cast(42 as int);
-select cast(123.45 as real);
-select cast('123.45' as double precision);
-select cast(23.45 as decimal(5,2));    -- precision of 5 digits of which 2 
decimal digits
-select cast('2020-07-29' as date);
-select cast('17:44:59' as time);
-select cast('17:44:59.123456' as time);
-select cast('2020-07-29 17:44:59' as timestamp);
-select cast('2020-07-29T17:44:59' as timestamp);
-select cast('2020-07-29 17:44:59.123456' as timestamp);
-select cast('17:44:59.321+01:30' as timetz);
-select cast('2020-07-29 17:44:59.321+01:30' as timestamptz);   -- produces 
wrong TZ +1:00 instead of +1:30
-select cast('1234' as interval month);
-select cast('86400.123' as interval second);
-select cast('abcd' as blob);
-select cast('abcde' as clob);
-select cast('' as inet);
-select cast(r'{"a":[1,2,4]}' as json);
-select cast('' as url);
-select cast('e31960fb-dc8b-452d-ab30-b342723e756a' as uuid);
--- or using convert instead of cast:
-select convert('a4cd' , blob);
-select convert('abcde' , clob);
-select convert('' , inet);
-select convert(r'{"a":[1,2,4]}' , json);
-select convert('' , url);
-select convert('e31960fb-dc8b-452d-ab30-b342723e756a' , uuid);
--- using prefix operators
-select x'abcd';
-select blob 'abcd';
-select clob 'abcde';   -- this fails on Oct2020
-select cast('abcde' as clob);
-select inet '';
-select json '{"a":[1,2,4]}';
-select url '';
-select uuid 'e31960fb-dc8b-452d-ab30-b342723e756a';
-select E'EA\fB\tC\n\\Z';
-select e'eA\fB\tC\n\\Z';
-select R'RA\fB\tC\n\\Z';
-select r'rA\fB\tC\n\\Z';
diff --git a/sql/test/sys-schema/Tests/webExamplesCastFunctionsOperators.test 
--- a/sql/test/sys-schema/Tests/webExamplesCastFunctionsOperators.test
+++ b/sql/test/sys-schema/Tests/webExamplesCastFunctionsOperators.test
@@ -153,10 +153,8 @@ select blob 'abcd'
-statement ok
+statement error
 select clob 'abcde'
 query T rowsort
 select cast('abcde' as clob)
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/sql/test/sys-schema/Tests/webExamplesComparisonFunctionsOperators.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
--- ##### get comparison function and operators #####
-SELECT 5 = 5 as tru;
-SELECT 5 > 5 as fals;
-SELECT 5 IS NULL as fals;
-select 2 < 5 as t1, 2 > 5 as f1;
-select 2 <= 5 as t1, 2 >= 5 as f1;
-select 2 = 5 as f1, 2 <> 5 as t1;
-select 2 != 5 as t1;
--- Error: Unexpected symbol (!)
-select "<"('aa', 'ab') as tru;
-select ">"('aa', 'ab') as fals;
-select "<="('aa', 'ab') as tru;
-select ">="('aa', 'ab') as fals;
-select "="('aa', 'ab') as fals;
-select "<>"('aa', 'ab') as tru;
-select "between"('ab', 'aa', 'ac', false, false, false, false, false) as tru;
-select "between"('ab', 'aa', 'ac') as tru;
--- Error: SELECT: no such operator 'between'
-select "in"('aa', 'ab') as tru;
--- on Oct2020: Error: SELECT: no such binary operator 'in(char,char)'
--- Error: Implementation for function not found
-select ifthenelse(('a' = 'b'), 1, 2) as two;
-select ifnull('aa', 'b') as aa;
--- SELECT: no such binary operator 'ifnull(char,char)'
--- alternatives
-select ifthenelse(('aa' IS NULL), cast('b' as varchar(2)), 'aa') as aa;
-select coalesce('aa', 'b') as aa;
-select ifnull('aa', 'b') as aa;
--- SELECT: no such binary operator 'ifnull(char,char)'
-select ifnull(null, 'b') as b;
--- SELECT: no such binary operator 'ifnull(char,char)'
-select ifnull(null, null) as nul;
--- SELECT: no such binary operator 'ifnull(any,any)'
-select ifnull('aa', null) as nul;
--- SELECT: no such binary operator 'ifnull(char,char)'
-select ifnull(true, null) as nul;
--- SELECT: no such binary operator 'ifnull(boolean,boolean)'
--- See:
-drop table if exists t6933;
-create table t6933 (i int, c varchar(8));
-insert into t6933 values (1, 'aa1'), (2, null), (null, 'bb2'), (null, null);
-select i, c, ifnull(i, 2*3) as "ifnull(i,2*3)", ifnull(c, 'has null') as 
"ifnull(i,'x')", ifnull(i, c) as "ifnull(i,c)" from t6933;
--- Error: SELECT: no such binary operator 'ifnull(int,tinyint)'
-select c, i, ifnull(c, i) as "ifnull(c,i)" from t6933;
--- Error: SELECT: no such binary operator 'ifnull(varchar,int)'
-select c, i, ifnull(c, cast(i as char)) as "ifnull(c,i)" from t6933;
--- Error: SELECT: no such binary operator 'ifnull(varchar,char)'
--- explain select i, c, ifnull(i, c) as "ifnull(i,c)" from t6933;
--- Error: SELECT: no such binary operator 'ifnull(int,varchar)'
-select i, c, coalesce(i, 2*3) as "ifnull(i,2*3)", coalesce(c, 'has null') as 
"ifnull(i,'x')", coalesce(i, c) as "ifnull(i,c)" from t6933;
-i      c       ifnull(i,2*3)   ifnull(i,'x')   ifnull(i,c)
-1      aa1     1       aa1     1
-2      <null>  2       has null        2
-<null> bb2     6       bb2     bb2
-<null> <null>  6       has null        <null>
-select i, c, coalesce(i, 2*3) as "coalesce(i,2*3)", coalesce(c, 'has null') as 
"coalesce(i,'x')", coalesce(i, c) as "coalesce(i,c)" from t6933;
-select c, i, coalesce(c, i) as "ifnull(c,i)" from t6933;
-c      i       ifnull(c,i)
-aa1    1       aa1
-<null> 2       2
-bb2    <null>  bb2
-<null> <null>  <null>
-select c, i, coalesce(c, cast(i as char)) as "ifnull(c,i)" from t6933;
-c      i       ifnull(c,i)
-aa1    1       aa1
-<null> 2       2
-bb2    <null>  bb2
-<null> <null>  <null>
-select i, c, coalesce(i, c) as "ifnull(i,c)" from t6933;
-select i, c, case when i IS NULL then c else i end as "ifnull(i,c)" from t6933;
-i      c       ifnull(i,c)
-1      aa1     1
-2      <null>  2
-<null> bb2     bb2
-<null> <null>  <null>
-select i, c, case when i IS NULL then c else i end as "ifnull(i,c)" from t6933;
-select i, c, case when i IS NULL then c else cast(i as char) end as 
"ifnull(i,c)" from t6933;
-i      c       ifnull(i,c)
-1      aa1     1
-2      <null>  2
-<null> bb2     bb2
-<null> <null>  <null>
-select i, c, case when i IS NULL then c else cast(i as char) end as 
"ifnull(i,c)" from t6933;
-select c, i, case when c IS NULL then i else c end as "ifnull(c,i)" from t6933;
-c      i       ifnull(c,i)
-aa1    1       aa1
-<null> 2       2
-bb2    <null>  bb2
-<null> <null>  <null>
-select c, i, case when c IS NULL then i else c end as "ifnull(c,i)" from t6933;
-drop table if exists t6933;
-select isnull('aa') as fals;
-select not_like('abc', '%b%') as fals;
-select not_like('abc', '_b%') as fals;
-select not_like('abc', '_b_') as fals;
-select not_like('abc', '_c_') as tru;
-select not_like('%b%', 'abc') as tru;
-select not_like('_b%', 'abc') as tru;
-select not_like('_b_', 'abc') as tru;
-select not_like('_c_', 'abc') as tru;
-select not_like('abc', '%b%', '%') as fals;
--- on Oct2020: Error: Illegal argument: (I)LIKE pattern must not end with 
escape character
--- #client1:!ERROR:MALException:pcre.sql2pcre:operation failed
-select not_like('abc', '%b%c', '%') as tru;
-select not_like('abc', '_b%', '%') as fals;
--- on Oct2020: Error: Illegal argument: (I)LIKE pattern must not end with 
escape character
--- #client1:!ERROR:MALException:pcre.sql2pcre:operation failed
-select not_like('abc', '_b%c', '%') as fals;
--- false on Oct2020
--- #client1:!ERROR:MALException:pcre.sql2pcre:operation failed
-select not_like('abc', '_b_', '%') as fals;
-select not_like('abc', '_c_', '%') as tru;
-select not_like('abc', '%b%', '_') as fals;
-select not_like('abc', '_b%', '_') as tru;
-select not_like('abc', '_b_', '_') as tru;
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