Changeset: 52030d17ab9a for monetdb-java
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

Remove all no longer needed targets for individual tests.
Also shrink the jdbctests.jar to only include JDBC_API_Tester.class now that 
the individual tests are also removed from Jun2020 branch.

diffs (truncated from 359 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/tests/build.xml b/tests/build.xml
--- a/tests/build.xml
+++ b/tests/build.xml
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ Copyright 1997 - July 2008 CWI, August 2
     <echo message="Building JDBC tests convenience jar" />
     <jar jarfile="${jdbctests-jar}">
       <fileset dir="${builddir}">
-        <include name="**/*.class" />
+        <include name="JDBC_API_Tester.class" />
@@ -100,53 +100,7 @@ Copyright 1997 - July 2008 CWI, August 2
   <!-- Run tests -->
   <target name="test">
-    <antcall target="SQLcopyinto" />
     <antcall target="JDBC_API_Tester" />
-    <antcall target="Test_Cautocommit" />
-    <!-- <antcall target="Test_Cforkbomb" /> -->
-    <antcall target="Test_CisValid" />
-    <antcall target="Test_Clargequery" />
-    <antcall target="Test_Cmanycon" />
-    <antcall target="Test_Creplysize" />
-    <antcall target="Test_Csavepoints" />
-    <!-- <antcall target="Test_Csendthread" /> -->
-    <antcall target="Test_Ctransaction" />
-    <antcall target="Test_Dobjects" />
-    <antcall target="Test_FetchSize" />
-    <antcall target="Test_Int128" />
-    <antcall target="Test_PSgeneratedkeys" />
-    <antcall target="Test_PSgetObject" />
-    <antcall target="Test_PSlargeamount" />
-    <antcall target="Test_PSlargebatchval" />
-    <antcall target="Test_PSlargeresponse" />
-    <antcall target="Test_PSmanycon" />
-    <antcall target="Test_PSmetadata" />
-    <antcall target="Test_PSsomeamount" />
-    <antcall target="Test_PSsqldata" />
-    <antcall target="Test_PStimedate" />
-    <antcall target="Test_PStimezone" />
-    <antcall target="Test_PStypes" />
-    <antcall target="Test_CallableStmt" />
-    <antcall target="Test_Rbooleans" />
-    <antcall target="Test_Rmetadata" />
-    <antcall target="Test_Rpositioning" />
-    <antcall target="Test_Rsqldata" />
-    <antcall target="Test_Rtimedate" />
-    <antcall target="Test_Sbatching" />
-    <antcall target="Test_Smoreresults" />
-    <antcall target="Test_Wrapper" />
-    <antcall target="BugConcurrent_clients_SF_1504657" />
-    <antcall target="BugConcurrent_sequences" />
-    <antcall target="BugDatabaseMetaData_Bug_3356" />
-    <antcall target="BugDecimalRound_Bug_3561" />
-    <antcall target="BugExecuteUpdate_Bug_3350" />
-    <antcall target="BugSetQueryTimeout_Bug_3357" />
-    <antcall target="BugResultSetMetaData_Bug_6183" />
-    <antcall target="Bug_PrepStmtSetObject_CLOB_6349" />
-    <antcall target="Bug_Connect_as_voc_getMetaData_Failure_Bug_6388" />
-    <antcall target="Bug_PrepStmtSetString_6382" />
-    <antcall target="Bug_LargeQueries_6571_6693" />
-    <antcall target="Bug_IsValid_Timeout_Bug_6782" />
   <target name="test_class" depends="compile,jdbc">
@@ -162,292 +116,10 @@ Copyright 1997 - July 2008 CWI, August 2
   <!-- convenience targets for the outside caller to specify which
   test(s) should be run -->
-  <target name="SQLcopyinto">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="SQLcopyinto" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
   <target name="JDBC_API_Tester">
     <antcall target="test_class">
       <param name="test.class" value="JDBC_API_Tester" />
-  <target name="Test_CallableStmt">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_CallableStmt" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_Cautocommit">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_Cautocommit" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_Csavepoints">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_Csavepoints" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_Clargequery">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_Clargequery" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_Cmanycon">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_Cmanycon" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_Cforkbomb">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_Cforkbomb" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_CisValid">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_CisValid" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_Ctransaction">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_Ctransaction" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_Creplysize">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_Creplysize" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_Csendthread">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_Csendthread" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_Dobjects">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_Dobjects" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_Sbatching">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_Sbatching" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_Smoreresults">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_Smoreresults" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_PSgeneratedkeys">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_PSgeneratedkeys" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_PSgetObject">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_PSgetObject" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_PSlargeresponse">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_PSlargeresponse" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_PSlargeamount">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_PSlargeamount" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_PSsomeamount">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_PSsomeamount" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_PSlargebatchval">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_PSlargebatchval" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_PStimedate">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_PStimedate" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_PStimezone">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_PStimezone" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_PStypes">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_PStypes" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_PSmanycon">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_PSmanycon" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_PSmetadata">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_PSmetadata" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_PSsqldata">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_PSsqldata" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_Rbooleans">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_Rbooleans" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_Rpositioning">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_Rpositioning" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_Rtimedate">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_Rtimedate" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_Rsqldata">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_Rsqldata" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_Rmetadata">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_Rmetadata" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_Int128">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_Int128" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_FetchSize">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_FetchSize" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="Test_Wrapper">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="Test_Wrapper" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="BugConcurrent_clients_SF_1504657">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="BugConcurrent_clients_SF_1504657" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="BugConcurrent_sequences">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="BugConcurrent_sequences" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="BugExecuteUpdate_Bug_3350">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
-      <param name="test.class" value="BugExecuteUpdate_Bug_3350" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="BugDatabaseMetaData_Bug_3356">
-    <antcall target="test_class">
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