Changeset: 9dff0e7ecb70 for MonetDB
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Simplify test query

diffs (25 lines):

diff --git a/sql/test/SQLancer/Tests/sqlancer11.test 
--- a/sql/test/SQLancer/Tests/sqlancer11.test
+++ b/sql/test/SQLancer/Tests/sqlancer11.test
@@ -933,11 +933,16 @@ INSERT INTO "sys"."t1" VALUES (0.263, NU
 statement ok
 CREATE TABLE "sys"."t2" ("c0" DECIMAL(18,3),"c2" CHAR(294))
-query TI rowsort
-select interval '415570333' month, count(*) from t2, t0, t1 cross join (select 
t2.c0, case when least(false, true) then ((367992674)||(7)) when (date 
'1970-01-01') is not null then ((6)*(0.66515356)) when (values (true), (true)) 
-then sql_max(0.54999214, 0.15893766330413428) end from t1, t2, t0 full outer 
join (select (select 0.16147217 from t1 as l2t1, t2 as l2t2 where true) from t0 
as l1t0, t1 as l1t1, t2 as l1t2 where false) as sub0 on case blob ''
-when blob '14' then false when blob '15' then false end where 
((t2.c2)ilike(t2.c2))) as sub0 where ((nullif(t2.c2, t2.c2))ilike((select all 
l2t2.c2 from t2 as l2t2, t1 as l2t1 where true))) group by 5 having 
-case when ((t2.c2)ilike(t2.c2)) then ((825098476)*(t0.c0)) end), 2)) between 
asymmetric (cast(0.42723433840954905 as smallint)) and (least(-678178003, 
0.752261257217908)) order by null asc nulls last, lower(r'0.9714232446714142') 
desc nulls last
+query I nosort
+select 1 from t0 having min(t0.c0) > 2 order by null asc nulls last, '0.9' 
desc nulls last
+query TI nosort
+select interval '4' month, count(*) from t2, t0, t1 cross join (select t2.c0, 
case when least(false, true) then 2 when (date '1970-01-01') is not null then 
3.2 when (values (true), (true)) 
+then sql_max(0.54, 0.15) end from t1, t2, t0 full outer join (select (select 
0.16 from t1 as l2t1, t2 as l2t2 where true) from t0 as l1t0, t1 as l1t1, t2 as 
l1t2 where false) as sub0 on case blob ''
+when blob '14' then false when blob '15' then false end where 
((t2.c2)ilike(t2.c2))) as sub0 where ((nullif(t2.c2, t2.c2))ilike((select 
l2t2.c2 from t2 as l2t2, t1 as l2t1 where true))) group by 5
+having (scale_up(min(case when ((t2.c2)ilike(t2.c2)) then t0.c0 end), 2)) 
between asymmetric (cast(0.42 as smallint)) and (least(-3, 0.31)) order by null 
asc nulls last, lower(r'0.4') desc nulls last
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