Changeset: 941a36dc11cb for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

Use with clauses for subprocesses.

diffs (truncated from 429 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/testing/ b/testing/
--- a/testing/
+++ b/testing/
@@ -849,59 +849,59 @@ def GetBitsAndModsAndThreads(env) :
     if procdebug:
         print('GetBitsAndModsAndThreads: starting process "%s" (inpipe, 
outpipe, errpipe)\n' % '" "'.join(cmd))
     setpgrp = True
-    proc = process.Popen(cmd, stdin=process.PIPE, stdout=process.PIPE,
-                         stderr=process.PIPE, text=True)
-    proc.killed = False
-    proc.onechild = True
-    t = Timer(float(par['TIMEOUT']), killProc, args = [proc, proc.stderr, cmd])
-    qOut = qErr = None
-    try:
-        t.start()
-        while True:
-            proc.poll()
-            if proc.returncode is not None:
-                break
-            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dbpath, '.started')):
-                break
-            time.sleep(0.001)
-        if proc.returncode is None:
-            cmd = splitcommand(env['exe']['MAL_Client'][1])
+    with process.Popen(cmd, stdin=process.PIPE, stdout=process.PIPE,
+                       stderr=process.PIPE, text=True) as proc:
+        proc.killed = False
+        proc.onechild = True
+        t = Timer(float(par['TIMEOUT']), killProc, args = [proc, proc.stderr, 
+        qOut = qErr = None
+        try:
+            t.start()
+            while True:
+                proc.poll()
+                if proc.returncode is not None:
+                    break
+                if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dbpath, '.started')):
+                    break
+                time.sleep(0.001)
+            if proc.returncode is None:
+                cmd = splitcommand(env['exe']['MAL_Client'][1])
+                if procdebug:
+                    print('GetBitsAndModsAndThreads: starting process "%s" 
(inpipe, outpipe, errpipe)\n' % '" "'.join(cmd))
+                with process.Popen(cmd, stdin=process.PIPE, 
+                                   stderr=process.PIPE, text=True) as clnt:
+                    input = '''\
+                        c := mdb.modules();
+                        modsid := algebra.unique(c,nil:bat);
+                        mods := algebra.projection(modsid,c);
+                        s := "\\nModules: ";
+                        sep := "";
+                        barrier (h:oid,t:str) :=;
+                                s := s + sep;
+                                s := s + "\'";
+                                s := s + t;
+                                s := s + "\'";
+                                sep := ",";
+                        redo (h:oid,t:str) :=;
+                        exit h;
+                        s := s + "\\n";
+                        io.printf(s);
+                    '''
+                    ##module("NoModule");
+                    qOut, qErr = clnt.communicate(input=input)
+                proc.terminate()
+                sOut =
+                sErr =
+                proc.wait()
+                qOut = sOut + qOut
+                qErr = sErr + qErr
+        finally:
+            t.cancel()
+            if proc.returncode is None:
+                killProc(proc, proc.stderr, cmd)
+                proc.wait()
             if procdebug:
-                print('GetBitsAndModsAndThreads: starting process "%s" 
(inpipe, outpipe, errpipe)\n' % '" "'.join(cmd))
-            clnt = process.Popen(cmd, stdin=process.PIPE, stdout=process.PIPE,
-                                 stderr=process.PIPE, text=True)
-            input = '''\
-                c := mdb.modules();
-                modsid := algebra.unique(c,nil:bat);
-                mods := algebra.projection(modsid,c);
-                s := "\\nModules: ";
-                sep := "";
-                barrier (h:oid,t:str) :=;
-                        s := s + sep;
-                        s := s + "\'";
-                        s := s + t;
-                        s := s + "\'";
-                        sep := ",";
-                redo (h:oid,t:str) :=;
-                exit h;
-                s := s + "\\n";
-                io.printf(s);
-            '''
-            ##module("NoModule");
-            qOut, qErr = clnt.communicate(input=input)
-            proc.terminate()
-            sOut =
-            sErr =
-            proc.wait()
-            qOut = sOut + qOut
-            qErr = sErr + qErr
-    finally:
-        t.cancel()
-        if proc.returncode is None:
-            killProc(proc, proc.stderr, cmd)
-            proc.wait()
-        if procdebug:
-            print('GetBitsAndModsAndThreads: process exited "%s" (%s)\n' % ('" 
"'.join(cmd), proc.returncode))
+                print('GetBitsAndModsAndThreads: process exited "%s" (%s)\n' % 
('" "'.join(cmd), proc.returncode))
     env['TST_MODS'] = []
     env['TST_BITS'] = ""
     env['TST_INT128'] = ""
@@ -1364,10 +1364,10 @@ def progress(count, total, test):
 def getkids():
     # return a dictionary with process IDs as key and a list of child
     # processes as value
-    p = process.Popen(['ps', '-lu', os.getenv('USER')],
-                      stdout=process.PIPE, stderr=process.PIPE,
-                      text=True)
-    out, err = p.communicate()
+    with process.Popen(['ps', '-lu', os.getenv('USER')],
+                       stdout=process.PIPE, stderr=process.PIPE,
+                       text=True) as p:
+        out, err = p.communicate()
     if err:
         return {}
     lines = out.split('\n')
@@ -1448,24 +1448,24 @@ def killProc(proc, outfile = None, cmd =
             cdb = None
         if cdb:
-            p = process.Popen([cdb, '-pv', '-p', str(,
-                               '-y', 
'%scache*;srv*' % sym, '-lines', 
'-c', '~*kP;!locks;q'],
-                              stdout=process.PIPE, text=True)
-            out, err = p.communicate()
+            with process.Popen([cdb, '-pv', '-p', str(,
+                                '-y', 
'%scache*;srv*' % sym, '-lines', 
'-c', '~*kP;!locks;q'],
+                               stdout=process.PIPE, text=True) as p:
+                out, err = p.communicate()
             out = ''
-            p = process.Popen(['pstack', str(], stdout=process.PIPE,
-                              text=True)
-            try:
-                # pstack (gdb) sometimes hangs when trying to get the
-                # stack trace: kill it mercilessly if it does
-                t = Timer(60, reallyKill, args = [p])
-                t.start()
-            except AttributeError:
-                t = None
-            out, err = p.communicate()
+            with process.Popen(['pstack', str(], stdout=process.PIPE,
+                               text=True) as p:
+                try:
+                    # pstack (gdb) sometimes hangs when trying to get the
+                    # stack trace: kill it mercilessly if it does
+                    t = Timer(60, reallyKill, args = [p])
+                    t.start()
+                except AttributeError:
+                    t = None
+                out, err = p.communicate()
             if t is not None:
@@ -1484,10 +1484,10 @@ def killProc(proc, outfile = None, cmd =
     elif == 'nt':
         if procdebug:
             print('killProc: starting process "taskkill" "/F" "/T" "/PID" 
"%s"\n' % str(
-        p = process.Popen(['taskkill','/F','/T','/PID',str(],
-                          stdout=process.PIPE, stderr=process.PIPE,
-                          text=True)
-        out, err = p.communicate()
+        with process.Popen(['taskkill','/F','/T','/PID',str(],
+                           stdout=process.PIPE, stderr=process.PIPE,
+                           text=True) as p:
+            out, err = p.communicate()
         if procdebug:
             print('killProc: process exited "taskkill" "/F" "/T" "/PID" "%s" 
(%s)\n' % (str(, proc.returncode))
@@ -1628,25 +1628,25 @@ def RunIt(cmd, onechild, TestIn, TestOut
     if procdebug:
         print('RunIt: starting process "%s"\n' % '" "'.join(cmd))
     setpgrp = True
-    proc = process.Popen(cmd, stdin=TestIn, stdout=TestOut,
-                         stderr=TestErr, text=True)
-    proc.killed = False
-    proc.onechild = onechild
-    t = Timer(TimeOut, killProc, args = [proc, TestErr, cmd])
-    try:
-        t.start()
-        # since both stdout and stderr are redirected to files,
-        # communicate will not return any useful data
-        proc.communicate(input = TestInput)
-        t.cancel()
-        if procdebug:
-            print('RunIt: process exited "%s" (%s)\n' % ('" "'.join(cmd), 
-    except KeyboardInterrupt:
-        t.cancel()
-        killProc(proc, TestErr, cmd)
-        if procdebug:
-            print('RunIt: process killed "%s"\n' % '" "'.join(cmd))
-        raise
+    with process.Popen(cmd, stdin=TestIn, stdout=TestOut,
+                       stderr=TestErr, text=True) as proc:
+        proc.killed = False
+        proc.onechild = onechild
+        t = Timer(TimeOut, killProc, args = [proc, TestErr, cmd])
+        try:
+            t.start()
+            # since both stdout and stderr are redirected to files,
+            # communicate will not return any useful data
+            proc.communicate(input = TestInput)
+            t.cancel()
+            if procdebug:
+                print('RunIt: process exited "%s" (%s)\n' % ('" "'.join(cmd), 
+        except KeyboardInterrupt:
+            t.cancel()
+            killProc(proc, TestErr, cmd)
+            if procdebug:
+                print('RunIt: process killed "%s"\n' % '" "'.join(cmd))
+            raise
     rc = returnCode(proc, TestErr)
     if rc == 'interrupt':
         raise KeyboardInterrupt
@@ -1980,23 +1980,23 @@ def Check(command, input) :
     if procdebug:
         print('Check: starting process "%s" (inpipe,outpipe,errpipe)\n' % '" 
     setpgrp = True
-    proc = process.Popen(command, stdin=process.PIPE, stdout=process.PIPE,
-                         stderr=process.PIPE, text=True)
-    proc.killed = False
-    proc.onechild = True
-    t = Timer(float(par['TIMEOUT']), killProc, args = [proc])
-    try:
-        t.start()
-        qOut, qErr = proc.communicate(input = input)
-        t.cancel()
-        if procdebug:
-            print('Check: process exited "%s" (%s)\n' % ('" "'.join(command), 
-    except KeyboardInterrupt:
-        t.cancel()
-        killProc(proc)
-        if procdebug:
-            print('Check: process killed "%s"\n' % '" "'.join(command))
-        raise
+    with process.Popen(command, stdin=process.PIPE, stdout=process.PIPE,
+                       stderr=process.PIPE, text=True) as proc:
+        proc.killed = False
+        proc.onechild = True
+        t = Timer(float(par['TIMEOUT']), killProc, args = [proc])
+        try:
+            t.start()
+            qOut, qErr = proc.communicate(input = input)
+            t.cancel()
+            if procdebug:
+                print('Check: process exited "%s" (%s)\n' % ('" 
"'.join(command), proc.returncode))
+        except KeyboardInterrupt:
+            t.cancel()
+            killProc(proc)
+            if procdebug:
+                print('Check: process killed "%s"\n' % '" "'.join(command))
+            raise
     qOut = qOut.split('\n')
     qErr = qErr.split('\n')
     failed = False
@@ -2166,10 +2166,10 @@ if == "nt":
     r = re.compile('^Microsoft Windows (.*)\[Version 
     if procdebug:
         print('starting process "cmd" "/c" "ver" (inpipe,outpipe)\n')
-    proc = process.Popen('cmd /c ver', stdin=process.PIPE,
-                         stdout=process.PIPE, stderr=process.PIPE,
-                         text=True)
-    qOut, qErr = proc.communicate()
+    with process.Popen('cmd /c ver', stdin=process.PIPE,
+                       stdout=process.PIPE, stderr=process.PIPE,
+                       text=True) as proc:
+        qOut, qErr = proc.communicate()
     if procdebug:
         print('process exited "cmd" "/c" "ver" (%s)\n' % proc.returncode)
     for l in qOut.split('\n'):
@@ -2319,19 +2319,19 @@ def main(argv) :
     r_noecho = '--no-echo'
     if CheckExec('R'):
-        proc = process.Popen(['R', '--version'],
-                             stdout=process.PIPE, stderr=process.PIPE,
-                             text=True)
-        r_out, r_err = proc.communicate()
+        with process.Popen(['R', '--version'],
+                           stdout=process.PIPE, stderr=process.PIPE,
+                           text=True) as proc:
+            r_out, r_err = proc.communicate()
         res ='R version (?P<major>\d+)\.', r_out)
         if res is not None and int('major')) < 4:
             r_noecho = '--slave'
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