Changeset: 55264f4d9116 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Jun2020
Log Message:

for semijoins(basetable, R), we can replace the 'TID' projection by the
semijoin result.

diffs (40 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c b/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c
@@ -2555,13 +2555,16 @@ rel2bin_semijoin(backend *be, sql_rel *r
        list *l, *sexps = NULL;
        node *en = NULL, *n;
        stmt *left = NULL, *right = NULL, *join = NULL, *jl, *jr, *c, *lcand = 
-       int semijoin_only = 0;
+       int semijoin_only = 0, l_is_base = 0;
        if (rel->op == op_anti && !list_empty(rel->exps) && 
list_length(rel->exps) == 1 && ((sql_exp*)rel->exps->h->data)->flag == 
                return rel2bin_antijoin(be, rel, refs);
-       if (rel->l) /* first construct the left sub relation */
-               left = subrel_bin(be, rel->l, refs);
+       if (rel->l) { /* first construct the left sub relation */
+               sql_rel *l = rel->l;
+               l_is_base = is_basetable(l->op);
+               left = subrel_bin(be, l, refs);
+       }
        if (rel->r) /* first construct the right sub relation */
                right = subrel_bin(be, rel->r, refs);
        if (!left || !right)
@@ -2763,10 +2766,14 @@ rel2bin_semijoin(backend *be, sql_rel *r
        /* project all the left columns */
        for( n = left->op4.lval->h; n; n = n->next ) {
-               stmt *c = n->data;
+               stmt *c = n->data, *s;
                const char *rnme = table_name(sql->sa, c);
                const char *nme = column_name(sql->sa, c);
-               stmt *s = stmt_project(be, join, column(be, c));
+               if (l_is_base && nme[0] == '%' && strcmp(nme, TID) == 0)
+                       s = join;
+               else
+                       s = stmt_project(be, join, column(be, c));
                s = stmt_alias(be, s, rnme, nme);
                list_append(l, s);
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