Changeset: f7570df27aae for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: properties
Log Message:

Allow add/sub/mul/div on decimals, and preparing to propagate statistics on 
time types

diffs (139 lines):

diff --git a/sql/server/rel_statistics_functions.c 
--- a/sql/server/rel_statistics_functions.c
+++ b/sql/server/rel_statistics_functions.c
@@ -37,36 +37,59 @@ sql_add_propagate_statistics(mvc *sql, s
-#define mul_and_sub_propagate(FUNC) \
-static void \
-sql_##FUNC##_propagate_statistics(mvc *sql, sql_exp *e) \
-{ \
-       list *l = e->l; \
-       sql_exp *first = l->h->data, *second = l->h->next->data; \
-       atom *lmax, *rmax, *lmin, *rmin; \
- \
-       if ((lmax = find_prop_and_get(first->p, PROP_MAX)) && (rmax = 
find_prop_and_get(second->p, PROP_MAX)) && \
-               (lmin = find_prop_and_get(first->p, PROP_MIN)) && (rmin = 
find_prop_and_get(second->p, PROP_MIN))) { \
-               atom *res1 = atom_##FUNC(atom_dup(sql->sa, lmax), rmax); \
-               atom *res2 = atom_##FUNC(atom_dup(sql->sa, lmin), rmin); \
- \
-               if (res1 && res2) { /* if the min/max pair overflows, then 
don't propagate */ \
-                       atom *zero1 = atom_zero_value(sql->sa, &(lmax->tpe)), 
*zero2 = atom_zero_value(sql->sa, &(rmax->tpe)); \
-                       int cmp1 = atom_cmp(lmax, zero1), cmp2 = atom_cmp(lmin, 
zero1), cmp3 = atom_cmp(rmin, zero2), cmp4 = atom_cmp(rmax, zero2); \
- \
-                       if (cmp1 >= 0 && cmp2 >= 0 && cmp3 >= 0 && cmp4 >= 0) { 
/* if all positive then propagate */ \
-                               set_property(sql, e, PROP_MAX, res1); \
-                               set_property(sql, e, PROP_MIN, res2); \
-                       } else if (cmp1 < 0 && cmp2 < 0 && cmp3 < 0 && cmp4 < 
0) { /* if all negative propagate by swapping min and max */ \
-                               set_property(sql, e, PROP_MAX, res2); \
-                               set_property(sql, e, PROP_MIN, res1); \
-                       } \
-               } \
-       } \
+static void
+sql_sub_propagate_statistics(mvc *sql, sql_exp *e)
+       list *l = e->l;
+       sql_exp *first = l->h->data, *second = l->h->next->data;
+       atom *lmax, *rmax, *lmin, *rmin;
+       if ((lmax = find_prop_and_get(first->p, PROP_MAX)) && (rmax = 
find_prop_and_get(second->p, PROP_MAX)) &&
+               (lmin = find_prop_and_get(first->p, PROP_MIN)) && (rmin = 
find_prop_and_get(second->p, PROP_MIN))) {
+               atom *res1 = atom_sub(atom_dup(sql->sa, lmax), rmax);
+               atom *res2 = atom_sub(atom_dup(sql->sa, lmin), rmin);
+               if (res1 && res2) { /* if the min/max pair overflows, then 
don't propagate */
+                       atom *zero1 = atom_zero_value(sql->sa, &(lmax->tpe)), 
*zero2 = atom_zero_value(sql->sa, &(rmax->tpe));
+                       int cmp1 = atom_cmp(lmax, zero1), cmp2 = atom_cmp(lmin, 
zero1), cmp3 = atom_cmp(rmin, zero2), cmp4 = atom_cmp(rmax, zero2);
+                       if (cmp1 >= 0 && cmp2 >= 0 && cmp3 >= 0 && cmp4 >= 0) { 
/* if all positive then propagate */
+                               set_property(sql, e, PROP_MAX, res1);
+                               set_property(sql, e, PROP_MIN, res2);
+                       } else if (cmp1 < 0 && cmp2 < 0 && cmp3 < 0 && cmp4 < 
0) { /* if all negative propagate by swapping min and max */
+                               set_property(sql, e, PROP_MAX, res2);
+                               set_property(sql, e, PROP_MIN, res1);
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+static void
+sql_mul_propagate_statistics(mvc *sql, sql_exp *e)
+       list *l = e->l;
+       sql_exp *first = l->h->data, *second = l->h->next->data;
+       atom *lmax, *rmax, *lmin, *rmin;
+       if ((lmax = find_prop_and_get(first->p, PROP_MAX)) && (rmax = 
find_prop_and_get(second->p, PROP_MAX)) &&
+               (lmin = find_prop_and_get(first->p, PROP_MIN)) && (rmin = 
find_prop_and_get(second->p, PROP_MIN))) {
+               atom *res1 = atom_mul(atom_dup(sql->sa, lmax), rmax);
+               atom *res2 = atom_mul(atom_dup(sql->sa, lmin), rmin);
+               if (res1 && res2) { /* if the min/max pair overflows, then 
don't propagate */
+                       atom *zero1 = atom_zero_value(sql->sa, &(lmax->tpe)), 
*zero2 = atom_zero_value(sql->sa, &(rmax->tpe));
+                       int cmp1 = atom_cmp(lmax, zero1), cmp2 = atom_cmp(lmin, 
zero1), cmp3 = atom_cmp(rmin, zero2), cmp4 = atom_cmp(rmax, zero2);
+                       if (cmp1 >= 0 && cmp2 >= 0 && cmp3 >= 0 && cmp4 >= 0) { 
/* if all positive then propagate */
+                               set_property(sql, e, PROP_MAX, res1);
+                               set_property(sql, e, PROP_MIN, res2);
+                       } else if (cmp1 < 0 && cmp2 < 0 && cmp3 < 0 && cmp4 < 
0) { /* if all negative propagate by swapping min and max */
+                               set_property(sql, e, PROP_MAX, res2);
+                               set_property(sql, e, PROP_MIN, res1);
+                       }
+               }
+       }
 static void
 sql_div_propagate_statistics(mvc *sql, sql_exp *e)
@@ -80,7 +103,7 @@ sql_div_propagate_statistics(mvc *sql, s
                atom *res1 = atom_div(atom_dup(sql->sa, lmax), rmin);
                atom *res2 = atom_div(atom_dup(sql->sa, lmin), rmax);
-               if (res1 && res2) { /* if the min/max pair overflows, then 
don't propagate */
+               if (res1 && res2) { /* on div by zero don't propagate */
                        atom *zero1 = atom_zero_value(sql->sa, &(lmax->tpe)), 
*zero2 = atom_zero_value(sql->sa, &(rmax->tpe));
                        int cmp1 = atom_cmp(lmax, zero1), cmp2 = atom_cmp(lmin, 
zero1), cmp3 = atom_cmp(rmin, zero2), cmp4 = atom_cmp(rmax, zero2);
diff --git a/sql/server/sql_atom.c b/sql/server/sql_atom.c
--- a/sql/server/sql_atom.c
+++ b/sql/server/sql_atom.c
@@ -1321,7 +1321,7 @@ atom_add(atom *a1, atom *a2)
        ValRecord dst;
-       if ((!EC_COMPUTE(a1->tpe.type->eclass) && (a1->tpe.type->eclass != 
EC_DEC || a1->tpe.digits != a2->tpe.digits || a1->tpe.scale != a2->tpe.scale)) 
|| a1->tpe.digits < a2->tpe.digits || a1->tpe.type->localtype != 
+       if (!EC_NUMBER(a1->tpe.type->eclass))
                return NULL;
        if (a1->tpe.type->localtype < a2->tpe.type->localtype ||
            (a1->tpe.type->localtype == a2->tpe.type->localtype &&
@@ -1346,7 +1346,7 @@ atom_sub(atom *a1, atom *a2)
        ValRecord dst;
-       if ((!EC_COMPUTE(a1->tpe.type->eclass) && (a1->tpe.type->eclass != 
EC_DEC || a1->tpe.digits != a2->tpe.digits || a1->tpe.scale != a2->tpe.scale)) 
|| a1->tpe.digits < a2->tpe.digits || a1->tpe.type->localtype != 
+       if (!EC_NUMBER(a1->tpe.type->eclass))
                return NULL;
        if (a1->tpe.type->localtype < a2->tpe.type->localtype ||
            (a1->tpe.type->localtype == a2->tpe.type->localtype &&
@@ -1373,7 +1373,7 @@ atom_mul(atom *a1, atom *a2)
        ValRecord dst;
-       if (!EC_COMPUTE(a1->tpe.type->eclass))
+       if (!EC_NUMBER(a1->tpe.type->eclass))
                return NULL;
        if (a1->tpe.type->localtype < a2->tpe.type->localtype ||
            (a1->tpe.type->localtype == a2->tpe.type->localtype &&
@@ -1401,7 +1401,7 @@ atom_div(atom *a1, atom *a2)
        ValRecord dst;
-       if (!EC_COMPUTE(a1->tpe.type->eclass))
+       if (!EC_NUMBER(a1->tpe.type->eclass))
                return NULL;
        if (a1->tpe.type->localtype < a2->tpe.type->localtype ||
            (a1->tpe.type->localtype == a2->tpe.type->localtype &&
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