Changeset: 114a881b6aea for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: mtest
Log Message:

Fixed this test:
- use the correct description for the test
- make sure it's the expected query that fails, and with the expected error
- removed old python code in comments

diffs (54 lines):

diff --git a/sql/test/Users/Tests/ 
--- a/sql/test/Users/Tests/
+++ b/sql/test/Users/Tests/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-# Let a user inherit the rights of monetdb.
-# Check that by assuming the monetdb role the user has complete privileges 
(e.g. select, create, drop).
+# Check that, if a user has a non-default current_role that is the schema
+# authorization for the current_schema, the user will still be able to grant
+# object privileges on tables in the current_schema.
 from MonetDBtesting.sqltest import SQLTestCase
@@ -19,38 +20,8 @@ with SQLTestCase() as tc:
             set role hr_role;
             create table employees (id bigint,name varchar(20));
-            grant select on employees to clark from current_role;
-    tc.execute("""
-        set role hr_role;
-        grant select on employees to clark;
-    """).assertFailed()
-# import os, sys
-# try:
-#     from MonetDBtesting import process
-# except ImportError:
-#     import process
+    tc.execute("grant select on employees to 
clark;").assertFailed(err_code="01007", err_message="GRANT: Grantor 'blake' is 
not allowed to grant privileges for table 'employees'")
+    tc.execute("grant select on employees to clark from 
-# def sql_test_client(user, passwd, input):
-#     with process.client(lang="sql", user=user, passwd=passwd, 
-#                         stdin=process.PIPE, stdout=process.PIPE, 
-#                         input=input, port=int(os.getenv("MAPIPORT"))) as c:
-#         c.communicate()
-# sql_test_client('monetdb', 'monetdb', input="""\
-# create role hr_role;
-# create schema hr authorization hr_role;
-# create user blake with password 'password' name 'Blake' schema "hr";
-# create user clark with password 'password' name 'Clark' schema "hr";
-# grant hr_role to blake;
-# """)
-# sql_test_client('blake', 'password', input="""\
-# set role hr_role;
-# create table employees (id bigint,name varchar(20));
-# grant select on employees to clark;
-# grant select on employees to clark from current_role;
-# """)
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