Changeset: d3ade8df01c5 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: mtest
Log Message:

Corrected the test queries and remove the old python code in the comment

- those select queries are expected to succeed instead of fail
- when multiple queries are expected to fail, do not put them in on execute(),
  otherwise we may not notice that one of those queries actually succeeds.

diffs (190 lines):

diff --git a/sql/test/Users/Tests/ 
--- a/sql/test/Users/Tests/
+++ b/sql/test/Users/Tests/
@@ -32,38 +32,32 @@ with SQLTestCase() as tc:
         GRANT SELECT on table schemaTest.testTable to user_select;
+    # When multiple queries are expected to fail, don't execute them in a batch
+    # but individually, because, otherwise, the fact that a query actually
+    # succeeds will be lost.
     tc.connect(username="user_delete", password="delete")
     tc.execute("DELETE FROM testTable where v1 = 2; -- should 
-    tc.execute("""
-         SELECT * FROM testTable; -- not enough privileges
-         UPDATE testTable set v1 = 2 where v2 = 7; -- not enough privileges
-         INSERT into testTable values (3, 3); -- not enough privileges
-    """).assertFailed()
+    tc.execute("SELECT * FROM testTable; -- should work").assertSucceeded()
+    tc.execute("UPDATE testTable set v1 = 2 where v2 = 7; -- not enough 
+    tc.execute("INSERT into testTable values (3, 3); -- not enough 
     tc.connect(username="user_update", password="update")
     tc.execute("UPDATE testTable set v1 = 2 where v2 = 7;").assertSucceeded()
-    tc.execute("""
-        SELECT * FROM testTable; -- not enough privileges
-        INSERT into testTable values (3, 3); -- not enough privileges
-        DELETE FROM testTable where v1 = 2; -- not enough privileges
-     """).assertFailed()
+    tc.execute("SELECT * FROM testTable; -- should work").assertSucceeded()
+    tc.execute("INSERT into testTable values (3, 3); -- not enough 
+    tc.execute("DELETE FROM testTable where v1 = 2; -- not enough 
     tc.connect(username="user_insert", password="insert")
     tc.execute("INSERT into testTable values (3, 3);").assertSucceeded()
-    tc.execute("""
-        SELECT * FROM testTable; -- not enough privileges
-        UPDATE testTable set v1 = 2 where v2 = 7; -- not enough privileges
-        DELETE FROM testTable where v1 = 2; -- not enough privileges
-     """).assertFailed()
+    tc.execute("SELECT * FROM testTable; -- not enough 
+    tc.execute("UPDATE testTable set v1 = 2 where v2 = 7; -- not enough 
+    tc.execute("DELETE FROM testTable where v1 = 2; -- not enough 
     tc.connect(username="user_select", password="select")
     tc.execute("SELECT * FROM testTable;").assertSucceeded()
-    tc.execute("""
-        SELECT * FROM testTable; -- not enough privileges
-        UPDATE testTable set v1 = 2 where v2 = 7; -- not enough privileges
-        DELETE FROM testTable where v1 = 2; -- not enough privileges
-     """).assertFailed()
+    tc.execute("INSERT into testTable values (3, 3); -- not enough 
+    tc.execute("UPDATE testTable set v1 = 2 where v2 = 7; -- not enough 
+    tc.execute("DELETE FROM testTable where v1 = 2; -- not enough 
     tc.connect(username="monetdb", password="monetdb")
@@ -110,132 +104,3 @@ with SQLTestCase() as tc:
     tc.connect(username='user_select', password='select')
     tc.execute("SELECT * FROM testTable where v1 = 42; -- privilege 
-    # import os, sys
-    # try:
-    #     from MonetDBtesting import process
-    # except ImportError:
-    #     import process
-    # def sql_test_client(user, passwd, input):
-    #     with process.client(lang="sql", user=user, passwd=passwd, 
-    #                         stdin=process.PIPE, stdout=process.PIPE, 
-    #                         input=input, port=int(os.getenv("MAPIPORT"))) as 
-    #         c.communicate()
-    # sql_test_client('monetdb', 'monetdb', input="""\
-    # CREATE SCHEMA schemaTest;
-    # CREATE USER user_delete with password 'delete' name 'user can only 
delete' schema schemaTest;
-# CREATE USER user_insert with password 'insert' name 'user can only insert' 
schema schemaTest;
-# CREATE USER user_update with password 'update' name 'user can only update' 
schema schemaTest;
-# CREATE USER user_select with password 'select' name 'user can only select' 
schema schemaTest;
-# CREATE table schemaTest.testTable (v1 int, v2 int);
-# INSERT into schemaTest.testTable values(1, 1);
-# INSERT into schemaTest.testTable values(2, 2);
-# INSERT into schemaTest.testTable values(3, 3);
-# -- Grant rights.
-# GRANT DELETE on table schemaTest.testTable to user_delete;
-# GRANT INSERT on table schemaTest.testTable to user_insert;
-# GRANT UPDATE on table schemaTest.testTable to user_update;
-# GRANT SELECT on table schemaTest.testTable to user_delete;
-# GRANT SELECT on table schemaTest.testTable to user_update;
-# GRANT SELECT on table schemaTest.testTable to user_select;
-# """)
-# sql_test_client('user_delete', 'delete', input="""\
-# DELETE FROM testTable where v1 = 2; -- should work
-# -- Check all the other privileges (they should fail).
-# SELECT * FROM testTable; -- not enough privileges
-# UPDATE testTable set v1 = 2 where v2 = 7; -- not enough privileges
-# INSERT into testTable values (3, 3); -- not enough privileges
-# """)
-# sql_test_client('user_update', 'update', input="""\
-# -- Check insert.
-# UPDATE testTable set v1 = 2 where v2 = 7;
-# -- Check all the other privileges (they should fail).
-# SELECT * FROM testTable; -- not enough privileges
-# INSERT into testTable values (3, 3); -- not enough privileges
-# DELETE FROM testTable where v1 = 2; -- not enough privileges
-# """)
-# sql_test_client('user_insert', 'insert', input="""\
-# -- Check insert.
-# INSERT into testTable values (3, 3);
-# -- Check all the other privileges (they should fail).
-# SELECT * FROM testTable; -- not enough privileges
-# UPDATE testTable set v1 = 2 where v2 = 7; -- not enough privileges
-# DELETE FROM testTable where v1 = 2; -- not enough privileges
-# """)
-# sql_test_client('user_select', 'select', input="""\
-# -- Check insert.
-# SELECT * FROM testTable;
-# -- Check all the other privileges (they should fail).
-# INSERT into testTable values (3, 3); -- not enough privileges
-# UPDATE testTable set v1 = 2 where v2 = 7; -- not enough privileges
-# DELETE FROM testTable where v1 = 2; -- not enough privileges
-# """)
-# sql_test_client('monetdb', 'monetdb', input="""\
-# SELECT * FROM schemaTest.testTable;
-# REVOKE DELETE on schemaTest.testTable from user_delete;
-# REVOKE INSERT on schemaTest.testTable from user_insert;
-# REVOKE UPDATE on schemaTest.testTable from user_update;
-# REVOKE SELECT on schemaTest.testTable from user_select;
-# """)
-# # Next four transitions should not be allowed.
-# sql_test_client('user_delete', 'delete', input="""\
-# DELETE from testTable where v2 = 666; -- not enough privileges
-# """)
-# sql_test_client('user_insert', 'insert', input="""\
-# INSERT into testTable values (666, 666); -- not enough privileges
-# """)
-# sql_test_client('user_update', 'update', input="""\
-# UPDATE testTable set v1 = 666 where v2 = 666; -- not enough privileges
-# """)
-# sql_test_client('user_select', 'select', input="""\
-# SELECT * FROM testTable where v1 = 666; -- not enough privileges
-# """)
-# #
-# # Regrant the revoked permissions to the users.
-# sql_test_client('monetdb', 'monetdb', input="""\
-# SELECT * from schemaTest.testTable;
-# -- Grant delete rights.
-# GRANT DELETE on table schemaTest.testTable to user_delete;
-# GRANT INSERT on table schemaTest.testTable to user_insert;
-# GRANT UPDATE on table schemaTest.testTable to user_update;
-# GRANT SELECT on table schemaTest.testTable to user_select;
-# """)
-# # Next four transitions should be allowed.
-# sql_test_client('user_delete', 'delete', input="""\
-# DELETE from testTable where v1 = 42; -- privilege granted
-# """)
-# sql_test_client('user_insert', 'insert', input="""\
-# INSERT into testTable values (42, 42); -- privilege granted
-# """)
-# sql_test_client('user_update', 'update', input="""\
-# UPDATE testTable set v1 = 42 where v2 = 42; -- privilege granted
-# """)
-# sql_test_client('user_select', 'select', input="""\
-# SELECT * FROM testTable where v1 = 42; -- privilege granted
-# """)
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