Changeset: c6cc2f19a98a for MonetDB
Added Files:
Branch: mtest
Log Message:

Converted orderidx directory

diffs (truncated from 2977 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/sql/test/orderidx/Tests/imprints_all_types.test 
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/test/orderidx/Tests/imprints_all_types.test
@@ -0,0 +1,1209 @@
+statement ok
+statement ok
+create table all_types (
+       "boolean" boolean,
+       "tinyint" tinyint,
+       "smallint" smallint,
+       "int" int,
+       "bigint" bigint,
+       "double" double,
+       "real" real,
+       "decimal" decimal,
+       "decimal9" decimal(9),
+       "decimal83" decimal(8,3),
+       "float" float,
+       "float9" float(9),
+       "float83" float(8,3),
+       "date" date,
+       "iY" interval year,
+       "iYM" interval year to month,
+       "iM" interval month,
+       "id" interval day,
+       "idh" interval day to hour,
+       "idm" interval day to minute,
+       "ids" interval day to second,
+       "ih" interval hour,
+       "ihm" interval hour to minute,
+       "ihs" interval hour to second,
+       "im" interval minute,
+       "ims" interval minute to second,
+       "is" interval second,
+       "timestamp" timestamp,
+       "timestamp5" timestamp(5),
+       "timestampzone" timestamp with time zone,
+       "timestamp5zone" timestamp(5) with time zone,
+       "time" time,
+       "time5" time(5),
+       "timezone" time with time zone,
+       "time5zone" time(5) with time zone,
+       "blob" blob,
+       "blob100" blob(100),
+       "clob" clob,
+       "clob100" clob(100),
+       "character" character,
+       "varchar100" character varying(100),
+       "character10" character(10),
+       "inet"   inet,
+       "inet9"  inet(9),
+       "json"   json,
+       "json10" json(10),
+       "url"    url,
+       "url55"  URL(55),
+       "uuid"   uuid
+statement ok
+insert into all_types values (true, 10, 10000, 1000000,
+       10000000000, 1e30, 1e20, 1, 123456789, 12345.678, 3.1415, 3.1415,
+       3.1415, date '2009-04-15', interval '2' year, interval '18' month,
+       interval '3' month, interval '20' day, interval '30' hour,
+       interval '2000' minute, interval '100000' second, interval '10' hour,
+       interval '100' minute, interval '2000' second, interval '10' minute,
+       interval '100' second, interval '10' second,
+       timestamp '1995-07-15 07:30', timestamp '1995-07-15 07:30',
+       timestamp '1995-07-15 07:30', timestamp '1995-07-15 07:30',
+       time '07:30', time '07:30', time '07:30', time '07:30',
+       blob '123456', blob '123456',
+       '123456', '123456', 'x', 'varchar', '0123456789',
+       '', '',
+       '{"a": 123}', '{"b": 456}',
+       '',
+       '',
+       'ae106ad4-81fd-4f1a-85e8-5efface60da4')
+statement ok
+insert into all_types values (false, -10, -10000, -1000000,
+       -10000000000, -1e30, -1e20, -1, -123456789, -12345.678, -3.1415, 
+       -3.1415, date '2005-04-15', interval '-2' year, interval '-18' month,
+       interval '-3' month, interval '-20' day, interval '-30' hour,
+       interval '-2000' minute, interval '-100000' second, interval '-10' hour,
+       interval '-100' minute, interval '-2000' second, interval '-10' minute,
+       interval '-100' second, interval '-10' second,
+       timestamp '1988-07-15 07:30', timestamp '1988-07-15 07:30',
+       timestamp '1988-07-15 07:30', timestamp '1988-07-15 07:30',
+       time '06:30', time '06:30', time '06:30', time '06:30',
+       blob '01234567', blob '01234567',
+       '0123456', '0123456', 'A', 'Avarchar', 'A012345678',
+       '', '',
+       '{"A": -123}', '{"B": -456}',
+       '',
+       '76236890-f4e2-4d4f-a02b-ec7a02c3cb50')
+statement error
+select * from all_types
+statement ok
+insert into all_types select * from all_types
+statement error
+select * from all_types
+query TIITIIT rowsort
+select name, schema_id, type, system, commit_action, access, query from 
sys._tables where name = 'all_types'
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_boolean" on all_types ("boolean")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_tinyint" on all_types ("tinyint")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_smallint" on all_types ("smallint")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_int" on all_types ("int")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_bigint" on all_types ("bigint")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_double" on all_types ("double")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_real" on all_types ("real")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_decimal" on all_types ("decimal")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_decimal9" on all_types ("decimal9")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_decimal83" on all_types ("decimal83")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_float" on all_types ("float")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_float9" on all_types ("float9")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_float83" on all_types ("float83")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_date" on all_types ("date")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_iY" on all_types ("iY")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_iYM" on all_types ("iYM")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_iM" on all_types ("iM")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_id" on all_types ("id")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_idh" on all_types ("idh")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_idm" on all_types ("idm")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_ids" on all_types ("ids")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_ih" on all_types ("ih")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_ihm" on all_types ("ihm")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_ihs" on all_types ("ihs")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_im" on all_types ("im")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_ims" on all_types ("ims")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_is" on all_types ("is")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_timestamp" on all_types ("timestamp")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_timestamp5" on all_types ("timestamp5")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_timestampzone" on all_types ("timestampzone")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_timestamp5zone" on all_types ("timestamp5zone")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_time" on all_types ("time")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_time5" on all_types ("time5")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_timezone" on all_types ("timezone")
+statement ok
+create imprints index "impidx_time5zone" on all_types ("time5zone")
+statement error
+create imprints index "impidx_blob" on all_types ("blob")
+statement error
+create imprints index "impidx_blob100" on all_types ("blob100")
+statement error
+create imprints index "impidx_clob" on all_types ("clob")
+statement error
+create imprints index "impidx_clob100" on all_types ("clob100")
+statement error
+create imprints index "impidx_character" on all_types ("character")
+statement error
+create imprints index "impidx_varchar100" on all_types ("varchar100")
+statement error
+create imprints index "impidx_character10" on all_types ("character10")
+statement error
+create imprints index "impidx_inet" on all_types ("inet")
+statement error
+create imprints index "impidx_inet9" on all_types ("inet9")
+statement error
+create imprints index "impidx_json" on all_types ("json")
+statement error
+create imprints index "impidx_json10" on all_types ("json10")
+statement error
+create imprints index "impidx_url" on all_types ("url")
+statement error
+create imprints index "impidx_url55" on all_types ("url55")
+statement error
+create imprints index "impidx_uuid" on all_types ("uuid")
+query IT rowsort
+select type, name from sys.idxs where table_id in (select id from sys._tables 
where name = 'all_types') order by name
+70 values hashing to 410642cb50b0381ccdb5e36252d1a7d3
+query T rowsort
+select "boolean" from all_types order by "boolean" ASC
+query I rowsort
+select "tinyint" from all_types order by "tinyint" ASC
+query I rowsort
+select "smallint" from all_types order by "smallint" ASC
+query I rowsort
+select "int" from all_types order by "int" ASC
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