Changeset: c9f11c2b601b for MonetDB URL:;node=c9f11c2b601b Removed Files: buildtools/conf/monetdbd.conf Branch: monetdbe-proxy Log Message:
Merge with default. diffs (truncated from 1021 to 300 lines): diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ new file mode 100644 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +name: Bug report +about: Create a report to help us improve the sytem +title: '' +labels: '' +assignees: '' + +--- + +**Describe the bug** +A clear and concise description of what the bug is. + +**To Reproduce** +Create a setting with minimal input for an external user to demonstrate him the buggy behavior. +This includes the relevant part of the database schema description. +Performance trace of the roque query (using the TRACE command) + +**Expected behavior** +A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. + +**Screenshots** +If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. + +**Software versions** + - MonetDB version number [a milestone label] + - OS and version: [e.g. Ubuntu 18.04] + - Installed from release package or self-installed and compiled + + +**Issue labeling ** +Make liberal use of the labels to characterise the issue topics. e.g. identify severity, version, etc.. + +**Additional context** +Add any other context about the problem here. diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ new file mode 100644 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +--- +name: Feature request +about: Suggest an idea for this project +title: '' +labels: '' +assignees: '' + +--- + +**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** +A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...] + +**Describe the solution you'd like** +A clear and concise description of what you want to happen. + +**Describe alternatives you've considered** +A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered. + +**Additional context** +Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here. diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct + +## Our Pledge + +In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as +contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and +our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body +size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, +level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal +appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. + +## Our Standards + +Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment +include: + +* Using welcoming and inclusive language +* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences +* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism +* Focusing on what is best for the community +* Showing empathy towards other community members + +Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: + +* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or + advances +* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks +* Public or private harassment +* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic + address, without explicit permission +* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a + professional setting + +## Our Responsibilities + +Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable +behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in +response to any instances of unacceptable behavior. + +Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or +reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions +that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or +permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, +threatening, offensive, or harmful. + +## Scope + +This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces +when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of +representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail +address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed +representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be +further defined and clarified by project maintainers. + +## Enforcement + +Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be +reported by contacting the project team at All +complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that +is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is +obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. +Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately. + +Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good +faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other +members of the project's leadership. + +## Attribution + +This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4, +available at + +[homepage]: + +For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see + diff --git a/MonetDB.spec b/MonetDB.spec --- a/MonetDB.spec +++ b/MonetDB.spec @@ -147,6 +147,18 @@ BuildRequires: python3-numpy %if %{with rintegration} BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libR) %endif +# if we were to compile with cmocka support (-DWITH_CMOCKA=ON): +# BuildRequires: pkgconfig(cmocka) +# if we were to compile with lz4 support (-DWITH_LZ4=ON): +# BuildRequires: pkgconfig(liblz4) +# if we were to compile with NetCDF support (-DNETCDF=ON): +# BuildRequires: pkgconfig(netcdf) +# if we were to compile with proj support (-DWITH_PROJ=ON): +# BuildRequires: pkgconfig(proj) +# if we were to compile with snappy support (-DWITH_SNAPPY=ON): +# BuildRequires: pkgconfig(snappy) +# if we were to compile with valgrind support (-DWITH_VALGRIND=ON): +# BuildRequires: pkgconfig(valgrind) %if (0%{?fedora} >= 22) Recommends: %{name}-SQL-server5%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} @@ -770,6 +782,8 @@ export CFLAGS %endif %cmake3 \ -DRELEASE_VERSION=ON \ + -DRUNDIR=%{_rundir}/monetdb \ + -DLOGDIR=%{_localstatedir}/log/monetdb \ -DASSERT=OFF \ -DCINTEGRATION=%{?with_cintegration:ON}%{!?with_cintegration:OFF} \ -DFITS=%{?with_fits:ON}%{!?with_fits:OFF} \ @@ -936,7 +950,7 @@ fi Instead do SET current_timezone = interval '1' hour; Casting between interval and other numeric types is no longer possible as well, because they are not compatible. -- sql: Because of incompatibilities this change may create, if an user intents +- sql: Because of incompatibilities this change may create, if a user intends to convert a numeric value to an interval, the multiplication function can be used in the form: <numeric value> * interval '1' <interval length> e.g. 10 * interval '1' second = interval '10' second. @@ -944,7 +958,7 @@ fi syntax. This option returns the number of milliseconds since the UNIX epoch 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC for date, timestamp and time values (it can be negative). Meanwhile, for day and second intervals, it returns the - total number of milliseconds on the interval. As a side note, the 'EPOCH' + total number of milliseconds in the interval. As a side note, the 'EPOCH' option is not available for month intervals, because this conversion is not transparent for this type. diff --git a/buildtools/conf/monetdbd.conf b/buildtools/conf/ rename from buildtools/conf/monetdbd.conf rename to buildtools/conf/ --- a/buildtools/conf/monetdbd.conf +++ b/buildtools/conf/ @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ # this file is for systemd # monetdbd needs a directory in /run that is owned by monetdb:monetdb -d /run/monetdb 0775 monetdb monetdb - +d @RUNDIR@/monetdb 0775 monetdb monetdb - diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out --- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out +++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out @@ -6083,18 +6083,6 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc [ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_log;", "" ] [ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:flt]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_log;", "" ] [ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:flt], X_2:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_log;", "" ] -[ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:bat[:dbl]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] -[ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:bat[:dbl], X_3:bat[:oid], X_4:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] -[ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:dbl):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] -[ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:dbl, X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] -[ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:flt], X_2:bat[:flt]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] -[ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:flt], X_2:bat[:flt], X_3:bat[:oid], X_4:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] -[ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:flt], X_2:flt):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] -[ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:flt], X_2:flt, X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] -[ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:dbl, X_2:bat[:dbl]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] -[ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:dbl, X_2:bat[:dbl], X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] -[ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:flt, X_2:bat[:flt]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] -[ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:flt, X_2:bat[:flt], X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] [ "batmmath", "log10", "pattern batmmath.log10(X_1:bat[:dbl]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_log10;", "" ] [ "batmmath", "log10", "pattern batmmath.log10(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_log10;", "" ] [ "batmmath", "log10", "pattern batmmath.log10(X_1:bat[:flt]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_log10;", "" ] @@ -6103,6 +6091,18 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc [ "batmmath", "log2", "pattern batmmath.log2(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_log2;", "" ] [ "batmmath", "log2", "pattern batmmath.log2(X_1:bat[:flt]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_log2;", "" ] [ "batmmath", "log2", "pattern batmmath.log2(X_1:bat[:flt], X_2:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_log2;", "" ] +[ "batmmath", "log2arg", "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:bat[:dbl]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] +[ "batmmath", "log2arg", "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:bat[:dbl], X_3:bat[:oid], X_4:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] +[ "batmmath", "log2arg", "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:dbl):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] +[ "batmmath", "log2arg", "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:dbl, X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] +[ "batmmath", "log2arg", "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:flt], X_2:bat[:flt]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] +[ "batmmath", "log2arg", "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:flt], X_2:bat[:flt], X_3:bat[:oid], X_4:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] +[ "batmmath", "log2arg", "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:flt], X_2:flt):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] +[ "batmmath", "log2arg", "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:flt], X_2:flt, X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] +[ "batmmath", "log2arg", "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:dbl, X_2:bat[:dbl]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] +[ "batmmath", "log2arg", "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:dbl, X_2:bat[:dbl], X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] +[ "batmmath", "log2arg", "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:flt, X_2:bat[:flt]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] +[ "batmmath", "log2arg", "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:flt, X_2:bat[:flt], X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] [ "batmmath", "pow", "pattern batmmath.pow(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:bat[:dbl]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_pow;", "" ] [ "batmmath", "pow", "pattern batmmath.pow(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:bat[:dbl], X_3:bat[:oid], X_4:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_pow;", "" ] [ "batmmath", "pow", "pattern batmmath.pow(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:dbl):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_pow;", "" ] @@ -8890,14 +8890,14 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc [ "mmath", "fmod", "pattern mmath.fmod(X_1:flt, X_2:flt):flt ", "CMDvarMODsignal;", "" ] [ "mmath", "isinf", "command mmath.isinf(X_1:dbl):int ", "MATHunary_ISINF;", "" ] [ "mmath", "isnan", "command mmath.isnan(X_1:dbl):bit ", "MATHunary_ISNAN;", "" ] -[ "mmath", "log", "command mmath.log(X_1:dbl, X_2:dbl):dbl ", "MATHbinary_LOGdbl;", "" ] -[ "mmath", "log", "command mmath.log(X_1:flt, X_2:flt):flt ", "MATHbinary_LOGflt;", "" ] [ "mmath", "log", "command mmath.log(X_1:dbl):dbl ", "MATHunary_LOGdbl;", "" ] [ "mmath", "log", "command mmath.log(X_1:flt):flt ", "MATHunary_LOGflt;", "" ] [ "mmath", "log10", "command mmath.log10(X_1:dbl):dbl ", "MATHunary_LOG10dbl;", "" ] [ "mmath", "log10", "command mmath.log10(X_1:flt):flt ", "MATHunary_LOG10flt;", "" ] [ "mmath", "log2", "command mmath.log2(X_1:dbl):dbl ", "MATHunary_LOG2dbl;", "" ] [ "mmath", "log2", "command mmath.log2(X_1:flt):flt ", "MATHunary_LOG2flt;", "" ] +[ "mmath", "log2arg", "command mmath.log2arg(X_1:dbl, X_2:dbl):dbl ", "MATHbinary_LOGdbl;", "" ] +[ "mmath", "log2arg", "command mmath.log2arg(X_1:flt, X_2:flt):flt ", "MATHbinary_LOGflt;", "" ] [ "mmath", "pi", "command mmath.pi():dbl ", "MATHpi;", "" ] [ "mmath", "pow", "command mmath.pow(X_1:dbl, X_2:dbl):dbl ", "MATHbinary_POWdbl;", "" ] [ "mmath", "pow", "command mmath.pow(X_1:flt, X_2:flt):flt ", "MATHbinary_POWflt;", "" ] diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128 b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128 --- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128 +++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128 @@ -8652,18 +8652,6 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc [ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_log;", "" ] [ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:flt]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_log;", "" ] [ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:flt], X_2:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_log;", "" ] -[ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:bat[:dbl]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] -[ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:bat[:dbl], X_3:bat[:oid], X_4:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] -[ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:dbl):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] -[ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:dbl, X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] -[ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:flt], X_2:bat[:flt]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] -[ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:flt], X_2:bat[:flt], X_3:bat[:oid], X_4:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] -[ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:flt], X_2:flt):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] -[ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:flt], X_2:flt, X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] -[ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:dbl, X_2:bat[:dbl]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] -[ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:dbl, X_2:bat[:dbl], X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] -[ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:flt, X_2:bat[:flt]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] -[ "batmmath", "log", "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:flt, X_2:bat[:flt], X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] [ "batmmath", "log10", "pattern batmmath.log10(X_1:bat[:dbl]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_log10;", "" ] [ "batmmath", "log10", "pattern batmmath.log10(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_log10;", "" ] [ "batmmath", "log10", "pattern batmmath.log10(X_1:bat[:flt]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_log10;", "" ] @@ -8672,6 +8660,18 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc [ "batmmath", "log2", "pattern batmmath.log2(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_log2;", "" ] [ "batmmath", "log2", "pattern batmmath.log2(X_1:bat[:flt]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_log2;", "" ] [ "batmmath", "log2", "pattern batmmath.log2(X_1:bat[:flt], X_2:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_log2;", "" ] +[ "batmmath", "log2arg", "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:bat[:dbl]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] +[ "batmmath", "log2arg", "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:bat[:dbl], X_3:bat[:oid], X_4:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] +[ "batmmath", "log2arg", "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:dbl):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] +[ "batmmath", "log2arg", "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:dbl, X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] +[ "batmmath", "log2arg", "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:flt], X_2:bat[:flt]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] +[ "batmmath", "log2arg", "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:flt], X_2:bat[:flt], X_3:bat[:oid], X_4:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] +[ "batmmath", "log2arg", "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:flt], X_2:flt):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] +[ "batmmath", "log2arg", "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:flt], X_2:flt, X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] +[ "batmmath", "log2arg", "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:dbl, X_2:bat[:dbl]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] +[ "batmmath", "log2arg", "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:dbl, X_2:bat[:dbl], X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] +[ "batmmath", "log2arg", "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:flt, X_2:bat[:flt]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] +[ "batmmath", "log2arg", "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:flt, X_2:bat[:flt], X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ", "CMDscience_bat_logbs;", "" ] _______________________________________________ checkin-list mailing list