Changeset: 905ba3b6e949 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: clean-candidates
Log Message:

Merged with default

diffs (truncated from 2202 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/.hgtags b/.hgtags
--- a/.hgtags
+++ b/.hgtags
@@ -781,3 +781,5 @@ bb157905ecb86908dcfb112d102a8c6152557b5d
 1e3bd8cd485a0880a7557aa5307e986a210a1e00 Jun2020_SP1_release
 bb157905ecb86908dcfb112d102a8c6152557b5d Jun2020_SP1_release
 94231c85384d893701beeeb69996f57c70fade4d Oct2020_root
+017e44827765fb819d31faefcdf9066dfe593f04 Oct2020_1
+017e44827765fb819d31faefcdf9066dfe593f04 Oct2020_release
diff --git a/ChangeLog-Archive b/ChangeLog-Archive
--- a/ChangeLog-Archive
+++ b/ChangeLog-Archive
@@ -1,6 +1,30 @@
 # This file contains past ChangeLog entries
+* Mon Aug 10 2020 Ying Zhang <> - 11.39.1-20201006
+- Finished a first version of the new monitoring function
+  user_statistics(), which is only intended for the DBAs.
+  For each database user who has logged in during the current mserver5
+  session, it returns
+  "username": login name of the database user,
+  "querycount": the number of queries this user has executed since his/her
+      first login,
+  "totalticks": the total execution time (in microsecond) of the queries ran
+      by this user,
+  "maxquery": the query with the longest execution time (if two queries have
+      the same execution time, the newer overwrites the older),
+  "maxticks": the execution time of the 'maxquery' (in microsecond),
+  "started": the start timestamp of the 'maxquery',
+  "finished": the finish timestamp of the 'maxquery'.
+* Wed Jun 10 2020 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.39.1-20201006
+- Removed support for LiDAR data, that is the SQL procedures
+  sys.lidarattach, sys.lidarload, and sys.lidarexport.
+* Thu Apr  2 2020 Martin Kersten <> - 11.39.1-20201006
+- The sys.queue() has been turned into a circular buffer to allow for
+  inspection of both active, paused and recently executed queries.
 * Mon Apr 20 2020 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.37.1-20200511
 - A new system to deal with debug output has been implemented.  There is
   now an option --dbtrace to mserver5 that takes a file argument to which
diff --git a/ChangeLog.Jun2020 b/ChangeLog.Jun2020
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/ChangeLog.Jun2020
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# ChangeLog file for devel
-# This file is updated with Maddlog
diff --git a/ChangeLog.Oct2020 b/ChangeLog.Oct2020
--- a/ChangeLog.Oct2020
+++ b/ChangeLog.Oct2020
@@ -1,27 +1,3 @@
 # ChangeLog file for devel
 # This file is updated with Maddlog
-* Mon Aug 10 2020 Ying Zhang <>
-- Finished a first version of the new monitoring function
-  user_statistics(), which is only intended for the DBAs.
-  For each database user who has logged in during the current mserver5
-  session, it returns
-  "username": login name of the database user,
-  "querycount": the number of queries this user has executed since his/her
-      first login,
-  "totalticks": the total execution time (in microsecond) of the queries ran
-      by this user,
-  "maxquery": the query with the longest execution time (if two queries have
-      the same execution time, the newer overwrites the older),
-  "maxticks": the execution time of the 'maxquery' (in microsecond),
-  "started": the start timestamp of the 'maxquery',
-  "finished": the finish timestamp of the 'maxquery'.
-* Wed Jun 10 2020 Sjoerd Mullender <>
-- Removed support for LiDAR data, that is the SQL procedures
-  sys.lidarattach, sys.lidarload, and sys.lidarexport.
-* Thu Apr  2 2020 Martin Kersten <>
-- The sys.queue() has been turned into a circular buffer to allow for
-  inspection of both active, paused and recently executed queries.
diff --git a/MonetDB.spec b/MonetDB.spec
--- a/MonetDB.spec
+++ b/MonetDB.spec
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ Group: Applications/Databases
 License: MPLv2.0
 # The Fedora packaging document says we need systemd-rpm-macros for
 # the _unitdir and _tmpfilesdir macros to exist; however on RHEL 7
@@ -147,6 +147,18 @@ BuildRequires: python3-numpy
 %if %{with rintegration}
 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libR)
+# if we were to compile with cmocka support (-DWITH_CMOCKA=ON):
+# BuildRequires: pkgconfig(cmocka)
+# if we were to compile with lz4 support (-DWITH_LZ4=ON):
+# BuildRequires: pkgconfig(liblz4)
+# if we were to compile with NetCDF support (-DNETCDF=ON):
+# BuildRequires: pkgconfig(netcdf)
+# if we were to compile with proj support (-DWITH_PROJ=ON):
+# BuildRequires: pkgconfig(proj)
+# if we were to compile with snappy support (-DWITH_SNAPPY=ON):
+# BuildRequires: pkgconfig(snappy)
+# if we were to compile with valgrind support (-DWITH_VALGRIND=ON):
+# BuildRequires: pkgconfig(valgrind)
 %if (0%{?fedora} >= 22)
 Recommends: %{name}-SQL-server5%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
@@ -770,6 +782,8 @@ export CFLAGS
 %cmake3 \
+       -DRUNDIR=%{_rundir}/monetdb \
+       -DLOGDIR=%{_localstatedir}/log/monetdb \
        -DASSERT=OFF \
        -DCINTEGRATION=%{?with_cintegration:ON}%{!?with_cintegration:OFF} \
        -DFITS=%{?with_fits:ON}%{!?with_fits:OFF} \
@@ -844,6 +858,160 @@ fi
 %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
+* Tue Oct 06 2020 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.39.1-20201006
+- Rebuilt.
+- BZ#3553: All schema access to ubiquitous functions
+- BZ#3815: Incorrect results when expression contains implicit
+  float/integer conversions
+- BZ#6415: Date arithmetic types are inconsistent
+- BZ#6814: provide native implementations for scalar functions
+  sys.degrees(rad) and sys.radians(deg)
+- BZ#6843: function sys.getcontent(url) always returns "Feature not
+  supported"
+- BZ#6857: remove not implemented aggregate function json.output(js json)
+- BZ#6870: Missing bulk operators
+- BZ#6910: SQLancer query: 'bat.append' undefined
+- BZ#6930: SQLancer crash on join with coalesce
+- BZ#6931: Allow EDITOR to be used for the current command in mclient
+- BZ#6935: Wrong result when dividing interval by literal float
+- BZ#6937: Lost the microsecond precisions
+- BZ#6938: Segmentation fault in MalOptimizer
+- BZ#6939: Error in optimizer multiplex when selecting
+  profiler.getlimit() or wlc.clock() or wlc.tick() or wlr.clock()
+  or wlr.tick()
+- BZ#6941: SELECT queries on remote table fail when using LIKE in WHERE
+  conditions
+- BZ#6943: JSON parser is too permissive
+- BZ#6948: msqldump with Empty BLOBs cannot be imported
+- BZ#6949: Loosing timing precision
+- BZ#6950: redundant/replicated code line in gdk/gdk_hash.c
+- BZ#6951: Use a different naming scheme for MAL blocks
+- BZ#6954: FILTER functions no longer find their implementation
+- BZ#6955: ROUND(DECIMAL, PRECISION) gives incorrect result with
+  non-scalar precision parameter
+- BZ#6960: implementation of log(arg1,arg2) function is not compliant
+  with the SQL standard, arguments are switched
+- BZ#6962: "SELECT * FROM ids LIMIT 1" produces: exp_bin: !ERROR: Could
+  not find
+- BZ#6964: Table returning function: Cannot access column descriptor
+- BZ#6965: Crash when using distinct on the result of a table returning
+  function
+- BZ#6974: Oct2020-branch cannot attach and load FITS files
+- BZ#6976: Oct2020: default dbfarm cannot be started
+- BZ#6978: Oct2020: d shows empty result in schema created by include
+  sql script
+- BZ#6979: timestamp add integer
+- BZ#6980: Oct2020: wrong mel definition for str.epilogue
+* Mon Aug 31 2020 Pedro Ferreira <> - 
+- sql: Made general logarithm function log(x,base) compliant with the SQL
+  standard, by swapping the input parameters.
+  Instead of log(x,base), now is log(base,x).
+* Thu Aug 20 2020 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.39.1-20201006
+- monetdb5: The settings for specifying how mserver5 should listen to "The
+  Internet" have been overhauled.  See the manual for details.  In
+  brief, mapi_autosense, mapi_ipv6 and mapi_open are gone.  If
+  mapi_listenaddr equals "localhost" or "all", we listen to both IPv4
+  and IPv6 (if available), if "" or "", we listen to
+  IPv4 only, if "::1" or "::" we listen to IPv6 only.  The first of
+  each pair is loopback interface only, the second is all interfaces.
+  If mapi_listenaddr is "none", then no IP port is opened, you need to
+  use a UNIX domain socket.  If mapi_port is 0, we let the operating
+  system choose a free port (like mapi_autosense).  Default behavior
+  has not changed.
+* Mon Aug 10 2020 Ying Zhang <> - 11.39.1-20201006
+- MonetDB: Finished a first version of the new monitoring function
+  user_statistics(), which is only intended for the DBAs.
+  For each database user who has logged in during the current mserver5
+  session, it returns
+  "username": login name of the database user,
+  "querycount": the number of queries this user has executed since his/her
+      first login,
+  "totalticks": the total execution time (in microsecond) of the queries ran
+      by this user,
+  "maxquery": the query with the longest execution time (if two queries have
+      the same execution time, the newer overwrites the older),
+  "maxticks": the execution time of the 'maxquery' (in microsecond),
+  "started": the start timestamp of the 'maxquery',
+  "finished": the finish timestamp of the 'maxquery'.
+* Thu Jul 23 2020 Pedro Ferreira <> - 
+- sql: Removed compatibility between interval types and other numeric types in
+  favor for a more strict SQL standard compliance. This means operations
+  between temporal types and other numeric types such as INT and
+  DECIMAL are no longer possible, instead use interval types.
+  e.g. SELECT date '2020-01-01' + 1; now gives the error. Instead do:
+  SELECT date '2020-01-01' + interval '1' day; if 1 was meant to be a
+  day interval.
+  Setting an interval variable such as the session's current timezone
+  with a number e.g. SET current_timezone = 1; is no longer possible.
+  Instead do SET current_timezone = interval '1' hour;
+  Casting between interval and other numeric types is no longer possible
+  as well, because they are not compatible.
+- sql: Because of incompatibilities this change may create, if a user intends
+  to convert a numeric value to an interval, the multiplication function
+  can be used in the form: <numeric value> * interval '1' <interval length>
+  e.g. 10 * interval '1' second = interval '10' second.
+  As for the other way around, the 'EPOCH' option was added to the extract
+  syntax. This option returns the number of milliseconds since the UNIX
+  epoch 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC for date, timestamp and time values (it
+  can be negative). Meanwhile, for day and second intervals, it returns the
+  total number of milliseconds in the interval. As a side note, the 'EPOCH'
+  option is not available for month intervals, because this conversion is
+  not transparent for this type.
+* Thu Jul 23 2020 Pedro Ferreira <> - 
+- sql: Removed obsolete json.output(json) function.
+* Thu Jul 23 2020 Pedro Ferreira <> - 
+- sql: Removed obsolete sys.getContent(url) function.
+* Thu Jul 23 2020 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.39.1-20201006
+- MonetDB: Removed support for LiDAR data, that is the SQL procedures
+  sys.lidarattach, sys.lidarload, and sys.lidarexport.
+* Thu Jul 23 2020 Pedro Ferreira <> - 
+- sql: Removed '@' syntax used to refer into a variable in a query. It
+  was a non-standard method, which was replaced by a schema addition to
+  variables. Variables in the global scope now have schema. All default
+  global variables are set under schema "sys". However variables
+  inside PSM don't have a schema, because there are no transaction
+  semantics inside PSM at the moment.
+- sql: Removed declared variables and tables from the global scope. They were
+  transaction agnostic and incompatible with the SQL standard, i.e. they
+  are valid exclusively under PSM (e.g. functions, procedures and
+  triggers).
+- sql: Scoping semantics were added for both variables and tables. Variables
+  with the same name at a query are now resolved under the following
+  precedence rules:
+    1. Tables, Views and CTEs at the FROM clause.
+    2. Variable declared in the body of function/procedure, i.e. local
+       variable.
+    3. Function/procedure parameter.
+    4. Variable from the global scope.
+  Tables with the same name now have the following precedence rules at a
+  SQL query:
+    1. Table declared in the body of function/procedure, ie local table.
+    2. Temporary table.
+    3. Table from the current session schema.
+  This means the query: SELECT * FROM "keys"; will list keys from
+  temporary tables instead of persisted ones, because "keys" table
+  is available for both "sys" and "tmp" schemas.
+- sql: The table returning function "var" was extended with more details
+  about globally declared variables, namely their schema, type and
+  current value.
+* Thu Jul 23 2020 Martin Kersten <> - 11.39.1-20201006
+- MonetDB: The sys.queue() has been turned into a circular buffer to allow for
+  inspection of both active, paused and recently executed queries.
+* Thu Jul 23 2020 Martin Kersten <> - 11.39.1-20201006
+- sql: Extended the system monitor with a table-returning function
+  user_statistics() which keeps some statistics for each SQL user, e.g. the
+  user's query count, total time spent, and maximal query seen.
 * Thu Jul 23 2020 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.37.11-20200723
 - Rebuilt.
 - BZ#6917: Decimal parsing fails
@@ -1298,7 +1466,6 @@ fi
 - BZ#6779: Using Windows Messages translation for errno error codes.
 - BZ#6780: Wrong value of the rank function
 - BZ#6781: Insert after index creation crash
-- BZ#6782: JDBC IsValid(int) does not reset lastquerytimeout on server
 - BZ#6783: AVG changes scale of its results
 - BZ#6784: function sys.isauuid(string) should return false if string
   value cannot be converted to a UUID
diff --git a/buildtools/conf/monetdbd.conf b/buildtools/conf/
rename from buildtools/conf/monetdbd.conf
rename to buildtools/conf/
--- a/buildtools/conf/monetdbd.conf
+++ b/buildtools/conf/
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 # this file is for systemd
 # monetdbd needs a directory in /run that is owned by monetdb:monetdb
-d /run/monetdb 0775 monetdb monetdb -
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