Changeset: c21d299180af for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

Merged with octbugs

diffs (truncated from 876 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/MonetDB.spec b/MonetDB.spec
--- a/MonetDB.spec
+++ b/MonetDB.spec
@@ -147,6 +147,18 @@ BuildRequires: python3-numpy
 %if %{with rintegration}
 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libR)
+# if we were to compile with cmocka support (-DWITH_CMOCKA=ON):
+# BuildRequires: pkgconfig(cmocka)
+# if we were to compile with lz4 support (-DWITH_LZ4=ON):
+# BuildRequires: pkgconfig(liblz4)
+# if we were to compile with NetCDF support (-DNETCDF=ON):
+# BuildRequires: pkgconfig(netcdf)
+# if we were to compile with proj support (-DWITH_PROJ=ON):
+# BuildRequires: pkgconfig(proj)
+# if we were to compile with snappy support (-DWITH_SNAPPY=ON):
+# BuildRequires: pkgconfig(snappy)
+# if we were to compile with valgrind support (-DWITH_VALGRIND=ON):
+# BuildRequires: pkgconfig(valgrind)
 %if (0%{?fedora} >= 22)
 Recommends: %{name}-SQL-server5%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
@@ -770,6 +782,8 @@ export CFLAGS
 %cmake3 \
+       -DRUNDIR=%{_rundir}/monetdb \
+       -DLOGDIR=%{_localstatedir}/log/monetdb \
        -DASSERT=OFF \
        -DCINTEGRATION=%{?with_cintegration:ON}%{!?with_cintegration:OFF} \
        -DFITS=%{?with_fits:ON}%{!?with_fits:OFF} \
@@ -936,7 +950,7 @@ fi
   Instead do SET current_timezone = interval '1' hour;
   Casting between interval and other numeric types is no longer possible
   as well, because they are not compatible.
-- sql: Because of incompatibilities this change may create, if an user intents
+- sql: Because of incompatibilities this change may create, if a user intends
   to convert a numeric value to an interval, the multiplication function
   can be used in the form: <numeric value> * interval '1' <interval length>
   e.g. 10 * interval '1' second = interval '10' second.
@@ -944,7 +958,7 @@ fi
   syntax. This option returns the number of milliseconds since the UNIX
   epoch 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC for date, timestamp and time values (it
   can be negative). Meanwhile, for day and second intervals, it returns the
-  total number of milliseconds on the interval. As a side note, the 'EPOCH'
+  total number of milliseconds in the interval. As a side note, the 'EPOCH'
   option is not available for month intervals, because this conversion is
   not transparent for this type.
diff --git a/buildtools/conf/monetdbd.conf b/buildtools/conf/
rename from buildtools/conf/monetdbd.conf
rename to buildtools/conf/
--- a/buildtools/conf/monetdbd.conf
+++ b/buildtools/conf/
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 # this file is for systemd
 # monetdbd needs a directory in /run that is owned by monetdb:monetdb
-d /run/monetdb 0775 monetdb monetdb -
+d @RUNDIR@/monetdb 0775 monetdb monetdb -
diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
@@ -6083,18 +6083,6 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:dbl], 
X_2:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ",        "CMDscience_bat_log;",  ""      ]
 [ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:flt]):bat[:flt] ",       
"CMDscience_bat_log;",  ""      ]
 [ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:flt], 
X_2:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ",        "CMDscience_bat_log;",  ""      ]
-[ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:dbl], 
X_2:bat[:dbl]):bat[:dbl] ",        "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
-[ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:bat[:dbl], 
X_3:bat[:oid], X_4:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ",  "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""  
-[ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:dbl):bat[:dbl] 
",      "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
-[ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:dbl, 
X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ",       "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
-[ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:flt], 
X_2:bat[:flt]):bat[:flt] ",        "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
-[ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:flt], X_2:bat[:flt], 
X_3:bat[:oid], X_4:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ",  "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""  
-[ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:flt], X_2:flt):bat[:flt] 
",      "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
-[ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:flt], X_2:flt, 
X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ",       "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
-[ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:dbl, X_2:bat[:dbl]):bat[:dbl] 
",      "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
-[ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:dbl, X_2:bat[:dbl], 
X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ",       "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
-[ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:flt, X_2:bat[:flt]):bat[:flt] 
",      "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
-[ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:flt, X_2:bat[:flt], 
X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ",       "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
 [ "batmmath",  "log10",        "pattern 
batmmath.log10(X_1:bat[:dbl]):bat[:dbl] ",     "CMDscience_bat_log10;",        
""      ]
 [ "batmmath",  "log10",        "pattern batmmath.log10(X_1:bat[:dbl], 
X_2:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ",      "CMDscience_bat_log10;",        ""      ]
 [ "batmmath",  "log10",        "pattern 
batmmath.log10(X_1:bat[:flt]):bat[:flt] ",     "CMDscience_bat_log10;",        
""      ]
@@ -6103,6 +6091,18 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "batmmath",  "log2", "pattern batmmath.log2(X_1:bat[:dbl], 
X_2:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ",       "CMDscience_bat_log2;", ""      ]
 [ "batmmath",  "log2", "pattern batmmath.log2(X_1:bat[:flt]):bat[:flt] ",      
"CMDscience_bat_log2;", ""      ]
 [ "batmmath",  "log2", "pattern batmmath.log2(X_1:bat[:flt], 
X_2:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ",       "CMDscience_bat_log2;", ""      ]
+[ "batmmath",  "log2arg",      "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:dbl], 
X_2:bat[:dbl]):bat[:dbl] ",    "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
+[ "batmmath",  "log2arg",      "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:dbl], 
X_2:bat[:dbl], X_3:bat[:oid], X_4:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ",      
"CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
+[ "batmmath",  "log2arg",      "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:dbl], 
X_2:dbl):bat[:dbl] ",  "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
+[ "batmmath",  "log2arg",      "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:dbl], 
X_2:dbl, X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ",   "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
+[ "batmmath",  "log2arg",      "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:flt], 
X_2:bat[:flt]):bat[:flt] ",    "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
+[ "batmmath",  "log2arg",      "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:flt], 
X_2:bat[:flt], X_3:bat[:oid], X_4:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ",      
"CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
+[ "batmmath",  "log2arg",      "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:flt], 
X_2:flt):bat[:flt] ",  "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
+[ "batmmath",  "log2arg",      "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:flt], 
X_2:flt, X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ",   "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
+[ "batmmath",  "log2arg",      "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:dbl, 
X_2:bat[:dbl]):bat[:dbl] ",  "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
+[ "batmmath",  "log2arg",      "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:dbl, 
X_2:bat[:dbl], X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ",   "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        "" 
+[ "batmmath",  "log2arg",      "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:flt, 
X_2:bat[:flt]):bat[:flt] ",  "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
+[ "batmmath",  "log2arg",      "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:flt, 
X_2:bat[:flt], X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ",   "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        "" 
 [ "batmmath",  "pow",  "pattern batmmath.pow(X_1:bat[:dbl], 
X_2:bat[:dbl]):bat[:dbl] ",        "CMDscience_bat_pow;",  ""      ]
 [ "batmmath",  "pow",  "pattern batmmath.pow(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:bat[:dbl], 
X_3:bat[:oid], X_4:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ",  "CMDscience_bat_pow;",  ""      ]
 [ "batmmath",  "pow",  "pattern batmmath.pow(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:dbl):bat[:dbl] 
",      "CMDscience_bat_pow;",  ""      ]
@@ -8890,14 +8890,14 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "mmath",     "fmod", "pattern mmath.fmod(X_1:flt, X_2:flt):flt ",    
"CMDvarMODsignal;",     ""      ]
 [ "mmath",     "isinf",        "command mmath.isinf(X_1:dbl):int ",    
"MATHunary_ISINF;",     ""      ]
 [ "mmath",     "isnan",        "command mmath.isnan(X_1:dbl):bit ",    
"MATHunary_ISNAN;",     ""      ]
-[ "mmath",     "log",  "command mmath.log(X_1:dbl, X_2:dbl):dbl ",     
"MATHbinary_LOGdbl;",   ""      ]
-[ "mmath",     "log",  "command mmath.log(X_1:flt, X_2:flt):flt ",     
"MATHbinary_LOGflt;",   ""      ]
 [ "mmath",     "log",  "command mmath.log(X_1:dbl):dbl ",      
"MATHunary_LOGdbl;",    ""      ]
 [ "mmath",     "log",  "command mmath.log(X_1:flt):flt ",      
"MATHunary_LOGflt;",    ""      ]
 [ "mmath",     "log10",        "command mmath.log10(X_1:dbl):dbl ",    
"MATHunary_LOG10dbl;",  ""      ]
 [ "mmath",     "log10",        "command mmath.log10(X_1:flt):flt ",    
"MATHunary_LOG10flt;",  ""      ]
 [ "mmath",     "log2", "command mmath.log2(X_1:dbl):dbl ",     
"MATHunary_LOG2dbl;",   ""      ]
 [ "mmath",     "log2", "command mmath.log2(X_1:flt):flt ",     
"MATHunary_LOG2flt;",   ""      ]
+[ "mmath",     "log2arg",      "command mmath.log2arg(X_1:dbl, X_2:dbl):dbl ", 
"MATHbinary_LOGdbl;",   ""      ]
+[ "mmath",     "log2arg",      "command mmath.log2arg(X_1:flt, X_2:flt):flt ", 
"MATHbinary_LOGflt;",   ""      ]
 [ "mmath",     "pi",   "command mmath.pi():dbl ",      "MATHpi;",      ""      
 [ "mmath",     "pow",  "command mmath.pow(X_1:dbl, X_2:dbl):dbl ",     
"MATHbinary_POWdbl;",   ""      ]
 [ "mmath",     "pow",  "command mmath.pow(X_1:flt, X_2:flt):flt ",     
"MATHbinary_POWflt;",   ""      ]
diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
@@ -8652,18 +8652,6 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:dbl], 
X_2:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ",        "CMDscience_bat_log;",  ""      ]
 [ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:flt]):bat[:flt] ",       
"CMDscience_bat_log;",  ""      ]
 [ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:flt], 
X_2:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ",        "CMDscience_bat_log;",  ""      ]
-[ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:dbl], 
X_2:bat[:dbl]):bat[:dbl] ",        "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
-[ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:bat[:dbl], 
X_3:bat[:oid], X_4:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ",  "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""  
-[ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:dbl):bat[:dbl] 
",      "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
-[ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:dbl, 
X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ",       "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
-[ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:flt], 
X_2:bat[:flt]):bat[:flt] ",        "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
-[ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:flt], X_2:bat[:flt], 
X_3:bat[:oid], X_4:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ",  "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""  
-[ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:flt], X_2:flt):bat[:flt] 
",      "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
-[ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:bat[:flt], X_2:flt, 
X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ",       "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
-[ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:dbl, X_2:bat[:dbl]):bat[:dbl] 
",      "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
-[ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:dbl, X_2:bat[:dbl], 
X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ",       "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
-[ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:flt, X_2:bat[:flt]):bat[:flt] 
",      "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
-[ "batmmath",  "log",  "pattern batmmath.log(X_1:flt, X_2:bat[:flt], 
X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ",       "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
 [ "batmmath",  "log10",        "pattern 
batmmath.log10(X_1:bat[:dbl]):bat[:dbl] ",     "CMDscience_bat_log10;",        
""      ]
 [ "batmmath",  "log10",        "pattern batmmath.log10(X_1:bat[:dbl], 
X_2:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ",      "CMDscience_bat_log10;",        ""      ]
 [ "batmmath",  "log10",        "pattern 
batmmath.log10(X_1:bat[:flt]):bat[:flt] ",     "CMDscience_bat_log10;",        
""      ]
@@ -8672,6 +8660,18 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "batmmath",  "log2", "pattern batmmath.log2(X_1:bat[:dbl], 
X_2:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ",       "CMDscience_bat_log2;", ""      ]
 [ "batmmath",  "log2", "pattern batmmath.log2(X_1:bat[:flt]):bat[:flt] ",      
"CMDscience_bat_log2;", ""      ]
 [ "batmmath",  "log2", "pattern batmmath.log2(X_1:bat[:flt], 
X_2:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ",       "CMDscience_bat_log2;", ""      ]
+[ "batmmath",  "log2arg",      "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:dbl], 
X_2:bat[:dbl]):bat[:dbl] ",    "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
+[ "batmmath",  "log2arg",      "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:dbl], 
X_2:bat[:dbl], X_3:bat[:oid], X_4:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ",      
"CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
+[ "batmmath",  "log2arg",      "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:dbl], 
X_2:dbl):bat[:dbl] ",  "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
+[ "batmmath",  "log2arg",      "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:dbl], 
X_2:dbl, X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ",   "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
+[ "batmmath",  "log2arg",      "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:flt], 
X_2:bat[:flt]):bat[:flt] ",    "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
+[ "batmmath",  "log2arg",      "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:flt], 
X_2:bat[:flt], X_3:bat[:oid], X_4:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ",      
"CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
+[ "batmmath",  "log2arg",      "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:flt], 
X_2:flt):bat[:flt] ",  "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
+[ "batmmath",  "log2arg",      "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:bat[:flt], 
X_2:flt, X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ",   "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
+[ "batmmath",  "log2arg",      "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:dbl, 
X_2:bat[:dbl]):bat[:dbl] ",  "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
+[ "batmmath",  "log2arg",      "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:dbl, 
X_2:bat[:dbl], X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ",   "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        "" 
+[ "batmmath",  "log2arg",      "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:flt, 
X_2:bat[:flt]):bat[:flt] ",  "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        ""      ]
+[ "batmmath",  "log2arg",      "pattern batmmath.log2arg(X_1:flt, 
X_2:bat[:flt], X_3:bat[:oid]):bat[:flt] ",   "CMDscience_bat_logbs;",        "" 
 [ "batmmath",  "pow",  "pattern batmmath.pow(X_1:bat[:dbl], 
X_2:bat[:dbl]):bat[:dbl] ",        "CMDscience_bat_pow;",  ""      ]
 [ "batmmath",  "pow",  "pattern batmmath.pow(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:bat[:dbl], 
X_3:bat[:oid], X_4:bat[:oid]):bat[:dbl] ",  "CMDscience_bat_pow;",  ""      ]
 [ "batmmath",  "pow",  "pattern batmmath.pow(X_1:bat[:dbl], X_2:dbl):bat[:dbl] 
",      "CMDscience_bat_pow;",  ""      ]
@@ -12231,14 +12231,14 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "mmath",     "fmod", "pattern mmath.fmod(X_1:flt, X_2:flt):flt ",    
"CMDvarMODsignal;",     ""      ]
 [ "mmath",     "isinf",        "command mmath.isinf(X_1:dbl):int ",    
"MATHunary_ISINF;",     ""      ]
 [ "mmath",     "isnan",        "command mmath.isnan(X_1:dbl):bit ",    
"MATHunary_ISNAN;",     ""      ]
-[ "mmath",     "log",  "command mmath.log(X_1:dbl, X_2:dbl):dbl ",     
"MATHbinary_LOGdbl;",   ""      ]
-[ "mmath",     "log",  "command mmath.log(X_1:flt, X_2:flt):flt ",     
"MATHbinary_LOGflt;",   ""      ]
 [ "mmath",     "log",  "command mmath.log(X_1:dbl):dbl ",      
"MATHunary_LOGdbl;",    ""      ]
 [ "mmath",     "log",  "command mmath.log(X_1:flt):flt ",      
"MATHunary_LOGflt;",    ""      ]
 [ "mmath",     "log10",        "command mmath.log10(X_1:dbl):dbl ",    
"MATHunary_LOG10dbl;",  ""      ]
 [ "mmath",     "log10",        "command mmath.log10(X_1:flt):flt ",    
"MATHunary_LOG10flt;",  ""      ]
 [ "mmath",     "log2", "command mmath.log2(X_1:dbl):dbl ",     
"MATHunary_LOG2dbl;",   ""      ]
 [ "mmath",     "log2", "command mmath.log2(X_1:flt):flt ",     
"MATHunary_LOG2flt;",   ""      ]
+[ "mmath",     "log2arg",      "command mmath.log2arg(X_1:dbl, X_2:dbl):dbl ", 
"MATHbinary_LOGdbl;",   ""      ]
+[ "mmath",     "log2arg",      "command mmath.log2arg(X_1:flt, X_2:flt):flt ", 
"MATHbinary_LOGflt;",   ""      ]
 [ "mmath",     "pi",   "command mmath.pi():dbl ",      "MATHpi;",      ""      
 [ "mmath",     "pow",  "command mmath.pow(X_1:dbl, X_2:dbl):dbl ",     
"MATHbinary_POWdbl;",   ""      ]
 [ "mmath",     "pow",  "command mmath.pow(X_1:flt, X_2:flt):flt ",     
"MATHbinary_POWflt;",   ""      ]
diff --git a/clients/mapiclient/mclient.c b/clients/mapiclient/mclient.c
--- a/clients/mapiclient/mclient.c
+++ b/clients/mapiclient/mclient.c
@@ -828,16 +828,15 @@ XMLrenderer(MapiHdl hdl)
        /* we must use toConsole since the XML file is encoded in UTF-8 */
        mnstr_flush(toConsole, MNSTR_FLUSH_DATA);
-       mnstr_printf(toConsole, "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n");
-       mnstr_printf(toConsole,
-                    "<!DOCTYPE table [\n"
-                    " <!ELEMENT table (row)*>\n" /* a table consists of zero 
or more rows */
-                    " <!ELEMENT row (column)+>\n"      /* a row consists of 
one or more columns */
-                    " <!ELEMENT column (#PCDATA)>\n"
-                    " <!ATTLIST table name CDATA #IMPLIED>\n"  /* a table may 
have a name */
-                    " <!ATTLIST column name CDATA #IMPLIED\n"  /* a column may 
have a name */
-                    "                  isnull (true|false) 'false'>]>\n");
-       mnstr_printf(toConsole, "<table");
+       mnstr_printf(toConsole, "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n"
+                               "<!DOCTYPE table [\n"
+                               " <!ELEMENT table (row)*>\n" /* a table 
consists of zero or more rows */
+                               " <!ELEMENT row (column)+>\n"   /* a row 
consists of one or more columns */
+                               " <!ELEMENT column (#PCDATA)>\n"
+                               " <!ATTLIST table name CDATA #IMPLIED>\n"       
/* a table may have a name */
+                               " <!ATTLIST column name CDATA #IMPLIED\n"       
/* a column may have a name */
+                               "                  isnull (true|false) 
+                               "<table");
        name = mapi_get_table(hdl, 0);
        if (name != NULL && *name != 0)
                XMLprattr("name", name);
@@ -2109,8 +2108,8 @@ showCommands(void)
        mnstr_printf(toConsole, "\\?       - show this message\n");
        if (mode == MAL)
                mnstr_printf(toConsole, "?pat     - MAL function help. 
pat=[modnme[.fcnnme][(][)]] wildcard *\n");
-       mnstr_printf(toConsole, "\\<file   - read input from file\n");
-       mnstr_printf(toConsole, "\\>file   - save response in file, or stdout 
if no file is given\n");
+       mnstr_printf(toConsole, "\\<file   - read input from file\n"
+                               "\\>file   - save response in file, or stdout 
if no file is given\n");
 #ifdef HAVE_POPEN
        mnstr_printf(toConsole, "\\|cmd    - pipe result to process, or stop 
when no command is given\n");
@@ -2118,20 +2117,20 @@ showCommands(void)
        mnstr_printf(toConsole, "\\history - show the readline history\n");
        if (mode == SQL) {
-               mnstr_printf(toConsole, "\\help    - synopsis of the SQL 
-               mnstr_printf(toConsole, "\\D table - dumps the table, or the 
complete database if none given.\n");
-               mnstr_printf(toConsole, "\\d[Stvsfn]+ [obj] - list database 
objects, or describe if obj given\n");
-               mnstr_printf(toConsole, "\\A       - enable auto commit\n");
-               mnstr_printf(toConsole, "\\a       - disable auto commit\n");
+               mnstr_printf(toConsole, "\\help    - synopsis of the SQL 
+                                       "\\D table - dumps the table, or the 
complete database if none given.\n"
+                                       "\\d[Stvsfn]+ [obj] - list database 
objects, or describe if obj given\n"
+                                       "\\A       - enable auto commit\n"
+                                       "\\a       - disable auto commit\n");
-       mnstr_printf(toConsole, "\\e       - echo the query in sql formatting 
-       mnstr_printf(toConsole, "\\t       - set the timer 
{none,clock,performance} (none is default)\n");
-       mnstr_printf(toConsole, "\\f       - format using renderer 
-       mnstr_printf(toConsole, "\\w#      - set maximal page width 
(-1=unlimited, 0=terminal width, >0=limit to num)\n");
-       mnstr_printf(toConsole, "\\r#      - set maximum rows per page 
-       mnstr_printf(toConsole, "\\L file  - save client-server interaction\n");
-       mnstr_printf(toConsole, "\\X       - trace mclient code\n");
-       mnstr_printf(toConsole, "\\q       - terminate session and quit 
+       mnstr_printf(toConsole, "\\e       - echo the query in sql formatting 
+                               "\\t       - set the timer 
{none,clock,performance} (none is default)\n"
+                               "\\f       - format using renderer 
+                               "\\w#      - set maximal page width 
(-1=unlimited, 0=terminal width, >0=limit to num)\n"
+                               "\\r#      - set maximum rows per page 
+                               "\\L file  - save client-server interaction\n"
+                               "\\X       - trace mclient code\n"
+                               "\\q       - terminate session and quit 
 #define MD_TABLE    1
@@ -3591,10 +3590,9 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
                if (mode == SQL)
                        dump_version(mid, toConsole, "Database:");
-               mnstr_printf(toConsole, "FOLLOW US on ");
-               mnstr_printf(toConsole, "or\n";);
-               mnstr_printf(toConsole, "Type \\q to quit, \\? for a list of 
available commands\n");
+               mnstr_printf(toConsole, "FOLLOW US on "
+                                       "or\n";
+                                       "Type \\q to quit, \\? for a list of 
available commands\n");
                if (mode == SQL)
                        mnstr_printf(toConsole, "auto commit mode: %s\n",
                                     mapi_get_autocommit(mid) ? "on" : "off");
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ monetdb (11.39.1) unstable; urgency=low
     Instead do SET current_timezone = interval '1' hour;
     Casting between interval and other numeric types is no longer possible
     as well, because they are not compatible.
-  * sql: Because of incompatibilities this change may create, if an user 
+  * sql: Because of incompatibilities this change may create, if a user intends
     to convert a numeric value to an interval, the multiplication function
     can be used in the form: <numeric value> * interval '1' <interval length>
     e.g. 10 * interval '1' second = interval '10' second.
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ monetdb (11.39.1) unstable; urgency=low
     syntax. This option returns the number of milliseconds since the UNIX
     epoch 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC for date, timestamp and time values (it
     can be negative). Meanwhile, for day and second intervals, it returns the
-    total number of milliseconds on the interval. As a side note, the 'EPOCH'
+    total number of milliseconds in the interval. As a side note, the 'EPOCH'
     option is not available for month intervals, because this conversion is
     not transparent for this type.
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ DH_VERBOSE=1
        dh_auto_configure -- \
+       -DRUNDIR=/run/monetdb \
+       -DLOGDIR=/var/log/monetdb \
        -DASSERT=OFF \
        -DFITS=ON \
diff --git a/gdk/gdk_private.h b/gdk/gdk_private.h
--- a/gdk/gdk_private.h
+++ b/gdk/gdk_private.h
@@ -168,6 +168,8 @@ gdk_return GDKssort_rev(void *restrict h
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