Changeset: f681451ee56f for MonetDB
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Branch: unlock-cands
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approved output

diffs (161 lines):

diff --git a/sql/test/BugTracker-2015/Tests/readonly.Bug-3709.sql 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2015/Tests/readonly.Bug-3709.sql
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2015/Tests/readonly.Bug-3709.sql
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ create table s10 (x int);
 start transaction; 
 insert into s10 values (8); 
 alter table s10 set read only; 
-trace select * from s10; 
+explain select * from s10; 
 drop table s10; 
diff --git a/sql/test/BugTracker-2015/Tests/readonly.Bug-3709.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2015/Tests/readonly.Bug-3709.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2015/Tests/readonly.Bug-3709.stable.out
@@ -29,29 +29,54 @@ stdout of test 'readonly.Bug-3709` in di
 #insert into s10 values (8); 
 [ 1    ]
 #alter table s10 set read only; 
-#trace select * from s10; 
-% sys.s10 # table_name
-% x # name
-% int # type
-% 1 # length
-[ 8    ]
-#trace select * from s10; 
-% .trace,      .trace # table_name
-% usec,        statement # name
-% bigint,      clob # type
-% 3,   134 # length
-[ 10,  "X_1=0@0:void := querylog.define(\"trace select * from s10;\":str, 
\"default_pipe\":str, 13:int);"      ]
-[ 15,  "X_4=0:int := sql.mvc();"       ]
-[ 70,  "X_14=[1]:bat[:str] := bat.pack(\"sys.s10\":str);"      ]
-[ 61,  "X_18=[1]:bat[:int] := bat.pack(0:int);"        ]
-[ 58,  "X_15=[1]:bat[:str] := bat.pack(\"x\":str);"    ]
-[ 50,  "X_17=[1]:bat[:int] := bat.pack(32:int);"       ]
-[ 59,  "X_16=[1]:bat[:str] := bat.pack(\"int\":str);"  ]
-[ 293, "C_5=[1]:bat[:oid] := sql.tid(X_4=0:int, \"sys\":str, \"s10\":str); # 
select: dense"    ]
-[ 25,  "X_11=[1]:bat[:int] := sql.bind(X_4=0:int, \"sys\":str, \"s10\":str, 
\"x\":str, 0:int);"        ]
-[ 22,  "X_12=[1]:bat[:int] := algebra.projection(C_5=[1]:bat[:oid], 
X_11=[1]:bat[:int]); # project_int"        ]
-[ 946, "barrier X_70=false:bit := language.dataflow();"        ]
-[ 78,  "sql.resultSet(X_14=[1]:bat[:str], X_15=[1]:bat[:str], 
X_16=[1]:bat[:str], X_17=[1]:bat[:int], X_18=[1]:bat[:int], 
X_12=[1]:bat[:int]);"        ]
+#explain select * from s10; 
+% .explain # table_name
+% mal # name
+% clob # type
+% 114 # length
+function user.main():void;
+    X_1:void := querylog.define("explain select * from s10;":str, 
"default_pipe":str, 13:int);
+barrier X_70:bit := language.dataflow();
+    X_14:bat[:str] := bat.pack("sys.s10":str);
+    X_15:bat[:str] := bat.pack("x":str);
+    X_16:bat[:str] := bat.pack("int":str);
+    X_17:bat[:int] := bat.pack(32:int);
+    X_18:bat[:int] := bat.pack(0:int);
+    X_4:int := sql.mvc();
+    C_5:bat[:oid] := sql.tid(X_4:int, "sys":str, "s10":str);
+    X_11:bat[:int] := sql.bind(X_4:int, "sys":str, "s10":str, "x":str, 0:int);
+    X_12:bat[:int] := algebra.projection(C_5:bat[:oid], X_11:bat[:int]);
+exit X_70:bit;
+    sql.resultSet(X_14:bat[:str], X_15:bat[:str], X_16:bat[:str], 
X_17:bat[:int], X_18:bat[:int], X_12:bat[:int]);
+end user.main;
+# optimizer.mitosis()
+#inline               actions= 0 time=0 usec 
+#remap                actions= 0 time=1 usec 
+#costmodel            actions= 1 time=1 usec 
+#coercion             actions= 0 time=1 usec 
+#aliases              actions= 0 time=0 usec 
+#evaluate             actions= 0 time=4 usec 
+#emptybind            actions= 0 time=0 usec 
+#pushselect           actions= 0 time=11 usec 
+#aliases              actions= 0 time=1 usec 
+#mergetable           actions= 0 time=19 usec 
+#deadcode             actions= 1 time=6 usec 
+#aliases              actions= 0 time=0 usec 
+#constants            actions= 0 time=1 usec 
+#commonTerms          actions= 0 time=4 usec 
+#projectionpath       actions= 0 time=3 usec 
+#deadcode             actions= 0 time=5 usec 
+#reorder              actions= 1 time=14 usec 
+#matpack              actions= 0 time=0 usec 
+#dataflow             actions= 1 time=16 usec 
+#multiplex            actions= 0 time=1 usec 
+#profiler             actions= 1 time=1 usec 
+#candidates           actions= 1 time=1 usec 
+#deadcode             actions= 0 time=5 usec 
+#postfix              actions= 0 time=3 usec 
+#wlc                  actions= 0 time=0 usec 
+#garbagecollector     actions= 1 time=17 usec 
+#total                actions=28 time=168 usec 
 #drop table s10; 
diff --git a/sql/test/BugTracker-2017/Tests/caching_stats_bug.6374.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2017/Tests/caching_stats_bug.6374.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2017/Tests/caching_stats_bug.6374.stable.out
@@ -35,23 +35,21 @@ stdout of test 'caching_stats_bug.6374` 
 #alter table sub1 set read only;
 #alter table sub2 set read only;
 #select count(*) from mt where i >= 5 and i < 100;
-% .%1 # table_name
+% sys.%1 # table_name
 % %1 # name
 % bigint # type
 % 1 # length
-[ 0    ]
+[ 2    ]
 #plan select count(*) from mt where i >= 5 and i < 100;
 % .plan # table_name
 % rel # name
 % clob # type
-% 46 # length
+% 50 # length
 project (
 | group by (
-| | project (
-| | | select (
-| | | |  [ boolean "true" ]
-| | | ) [ boolean "false" ]
-| | ) [ int "NULL" as "mt"."i" ]
+| | select (
+| | | table(sys.sub2) [ "mt"."i" ] COUNT 
+| | ) [ int "5" <= "mt"."i" < int "100" BETWEEN  ]
 | ) [  ] [ sys.count() NOT NULL as "%1"."%1" ]
 ) [ "%1"."%1" NOT NULL ]
 #alter table sub1 set read write;
@@ -63,20 +61,27 @@ project (
 % %1 # name
 % bigint # type
 % 1 # length
-[ 0    ]
+[ 4    ]
 #plan select count(*) from mt where i >= 5 and i < 100;
 % .plan # table_name
 % rel # name
 % clob # type
-% 46 # length
+% 59 # length
 project (
 | group by (
-| | project (
-| | | select (
-| | | |  [ boolean "true" ]
-| | | ) [ boolean "false" ]
-| | ) [ int "NULL" as "mt"."i" ]
-| ) [  ] [ sys.count() NOT NULL as "%1"."%1" ]
+| | union (
+| | | group by (
+| | | | select (
+| | | | | table(sys.sub1) [ "sub1"."i" as "mt"."i" ] COUNT 
+| | | | ) [ int "5" <= "mt"."i" < int "100" BETWEEN  ]
+| | | ) [  ] [ sys.count() NOT NULL as "%1"."%1" ],
+| | | group by (
+| | | | select (
+| | | | | table(sys.sub2) [ "sub2"."i" as "mt"."i" ] COUNT 
+| | | | ) [ int "5" <= "mt"."i" < int "100" BETWEEN  ]
+| | | ) [  ] [ sys.count() NOT NULL as "%1"."%1" ]
+| | ) [ "%1"."%1" ]
+| ) [  ] [ sys.sum no nil ("%1"."%1") as "%1"."%1" ]
 ) [ "%1"."%1" NOT NULL ]
 #drop table mt;
 #drop table sub1;
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