Changeset: b4827e72171c for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Oct2020
Log Message:

Added day_interval type to the list of column and imprint sizes, as well as 
generate series function. Updated upgrade code.

diffs (241 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/generator/90_generator.sql 
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/generator/90_generator.sql
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/generator/90_generator.sql
@@ -53,3 +53,7 @@ external name generator.series;
 create function sys.generate_series(first timestamp, "limit" timestamp, 
stepsize interval second)
 returns table (value timestamp)
 external name generator.series;
+create function sys.generate_series(first timestamp, "limit" timestamp, 
stepsize interval day)
+returns table (value timestamp)
+external name generator.series;
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_upgrades.c 
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_upgrades.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sql_upgrades.c
@@ -604,12 +604,13 @@ sql_update_apr2019(Client c, mvc *sql, c
 static str
-sql_update_storagemodel(Client c, mvc *sql, const char *prev_schema)
+sql_update_storagemodel(Client c, mvc *sql, const char *prev_schema, bool 
        size_t bufsize = 20000, pos = 0;
        char *buf, *err;
        sql_schema *s = mvc_bind_schema(sql, "sys");
        sql_table *t;
+       char *day_interval_str = oct2020_upgrade ? " 'day_interval'," : "";
        if ((buf = GDKmalloc(bufsize)) == NULL)
                throw(SQL, __func__, SQLSTATE(HY013) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
@@ -630,17 +631,48 @@ sql_update_storagemodel(Client c, mvc *s
                /* drop objects in reverse order of original creation of old 
75_storagemodel.sql */
                "drop view if exists sys.tablestoragemodel;\n"
                "drop view if exists sys.storagemodel cascade;\n"
-               "drop function if exists sys.storagemodel() cascade;\n"
-               "drop function if exists sys.imprintsize(bigint, clob) 
-               "drop function if exists sys.hashsize(boolean, bigint) 
-               "drop function if exists sys.heapsize(clob, bigint, int) 
-               "drop function if exists sys.columnsize(clob, bigint, bigint) 
+               "drop function if exists sys.storagemodel() cascade;\n");
+       if (oct2020_upgrade) {
+               pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
+                       "drop function if exists sys.imprintsize(varchar(1024), 
bigint) cascade;\n");
+       } else {
+               pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
+                       "drop function if exists sys.imprintsize(bigint, clob) 
+       }
+       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
+               "drop function if exists sys.hashsize(boolean, bigint) 
+       if (oct2020_upgrade) {
+               pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
+                       "drop function if exists sys.columnsize(varchar(1024), 
bigint) cascade;\n"
+                       "drop function if exists sys.heapsize(varchar(1024), 
bigint, bigint, int) cascade;\n");
+       } else {
+               pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
+                       "drop function if exists sys.columnsize(clob, bigint, 
bigint) cascade;\n"
+                       "drop function if exists sys.heapsize(clob, bigint, 
int) cascade;\n");
+       }
+       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
                "drop procedure if exists sys.storagemodelinit();\n"
                "drop table if exists sys.storagemodelinput cascade;\n"
-               "drop view if exists sys.\"storage\" cascade;\n"
-               "drop function if exists sys.\"storage\"(clob, clob, clob) 
-               "drop function if exists sys.\"storage\"(clob, clob) cascade;\n"
-               "drop function if exists sys.\"storage\"(clob) cascade;\n"
+               "drop view if exists sys.\"storage\" cascade;\n");
+       if (oct2020_upgrade) {
+               pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
+                       "drop function if exists sys.\"storage\"(varchar(1024), 
varchar(1024), varchar(1024)) cascade;\n"
+                       "drop function if exists sys.\"storage\"(varchar(1024), 
varchar(1024)) cascade;\n"
+                       "drop function if exists sys.\"storage\"(varchar(1024)) 
+       } else {
+               pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
+                       "drop function if exists sys.\"storage\"(clob, clob, 
clob) cascade;\n"
+                       "drop function if exists sys.\"storage\"(clob, clob) 
+                       "drop function if exists sys.\"storage\"(clob) 
+       }
+       /* new 75_storagemodel.sql */
+       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
                "drop function if exists sys.\"storage\"() cascade;\n"
                "create function sys.\"storage\"()\n"
                "returns table (\n"
@@ -815,7 +847,7 @@ sql_update_storagemodel(Client c, mvc *s
                "       if tpe = 'smallint'\n"
                "               then return 2 * count;\n"
                "       end if;\n"
-               "       if tpe in ('int', 'real', 'date', 'time', 'timetz', 
'sec_interval', 'month_interval')\n"
+               "       if tpe in ('int', 'real', 'date', 'time', 'timetz', 
'sec_interval',%s 'month_interval')\n"
                "               then return 4 * count;\n"
                "       end if;\n"
                "       if tpe in ('bigint', 'double', 'timestamp', 
'timestamptz', 'inet', 'oid')\n"
@@ -860,7 +892,7 @@ sql_update_storagemodel(Client c, mvc *s
                "       if tpe = 'smallint'\n"
                "               then return cast(0.4 * count as bigint);\n"
                "       end if;\n"
-               "       if tpe in ('int', 'real', 'date', 'time', 'timetz', 
'sec_interval', 'month_interval')\n"
+               "       if tpe in ('int', 'real', 'date', 'time', 'timetz', 
'sec_interval',%s 'month_interval')\n"
                "               then return cast(0.8 * count as bigint);\n"
                "       end if;\n"
                "       if tpe in ('bigint', 'double', 'timestamp', 
'timestamptz', 'inet', 'oid')\n"
@@ -892,8 +924,7 @@ sql_update_storagemodel(Client c, mvc *s
                "       sum(case when (isacolumn and not sorted) then cast(8 * 
\"count\" as bigint) else 0 end) as orderidxsize\n"
                " from sys.storagemodelinput\n"
                "group by \"schema\", \"table\"\n"
-               "order by \"schema\", \"table\";\n"
-       );
+               "order by \"schema\", \"table\";\n", day_interval_str, 
        assert(pos < bufsize);
        pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
@@ -2438,11 +2469,24 @@ sql_update_oct2020(Client c, mvc *sql, c
                                        "GRANT EXECUTE ON AGGREGATE 
                                        "update sys.functions set system = true 
where system <> true and name in ('median', 'quantile') and schema_id = (select 
id from sys.schemas where name = 'sys') and type = %d;\n", (int) F_AGGR);
+                       /* 90_generator.sql */
+                       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
+                                       "create function 
sys.generate_series(first timestamp, \"limit\" timestamp, stepsize interval 
day) returns table (value timestamp)\n"
+                                       " external name 
+                                       "update sys.functions set system = true 
where system <> true and name in ('generate_series') and schema_id = (select id 
from sys.schemas where name = 'sys') and type = %d;\n", (int) F_UNION);
                        pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "set schema 
\"%s\";\n", prev_schema);
                        assert(pos < bufsize);
                        printf("Running database upgrade commands:\n%s\n", buf);
                        err = SQLstatementIntern(c, buf, "update", true, false, 
+                       if (err) {
+                               BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
+                               res_table_destroy(output);
+                               GDKfree(buf);
+                               return err;
+                       }
+                       err = sql_update_storagemodel(c, sql, prev_schema, 
true); /* because of day interval addition, we have to recreate the storagmodel 
views */
@@ -2580,7 +2624,7 @@ SQLupgrades(Client c, mvc *m)
        if (sql_bind_func(m->sa, s, "storagemodel", NULL, NULL, F_UNION)
         && (t = mvc_bind_table(m, s, "tablestorage")) == NULL
         && (t = mvc_bind_table(m, s, "schemastorage")) == NULL ) {
-               if ((err = sql_update_storagemodel(c, m, prev_schema)) != NULL) 
+               if ((err = sql_update_storagemodel(c, m, prev_schema, false)) 
!= NULL) {
                        TRC_CRITICAL(SQL_PARSER, "%s\n", err);
diff --git a/sql/scripts/75_storagemodel.sql b/sql/scripts/75_storagemodel.sql
--- a/sql/scripts/75_storagemodel.sql
+++ b/sql/scripts/75_storagemodel.sql
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ begin
        if tpe = 'smallint'
                then return 2 * count;
        end if;
-       if tpe in ('int', 'real', 'date', 'time', 'timetz', 'sec_interval', 
+       if tpe in ('int', 'real', 'date', 'time', 'timetz', 'sec_interval', 
'day_interval', 'month_interval')
                then return 4 * count;
        end if;
        if tpe in ('bigint', 'double', 'timestamp', 'timestamptz', 'inet', 
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ begin
        if tpe = 'smallint'
                then return cast(0.4 * count as bigint);
        end if;
-       if tpe in ('int', 'real', 'date', 'time', 'timetz', 'sec_interval', 
+       if tpe in ('int', 'real', 'date', 'time', 'timetz', 'sec_interval', 
'day_interval', 'month_interval')
                then return cast(0.8 * count as bigint);
        end if;
        if tpe in ('bigint', 'double', 'timestamp', 'timestamptz', 'inet', 
diff --git a/sql/test/sys-schema/Tests/systemfunctions.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/sys-schema/Tests/systemfunctions.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/sys-schema/Tests/systemfunctions.stable.out
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ stdout of test 'systemfunctions` in dire
 % sys.,        sys.,   sys.,   sys.,   . # table_name
 % schema,      function,       argno,  argtype,        definition # name
 % varchar,     varchar,        int,    varchar,        varchar # type
-% 8,   24,     2,      14,     679 # length
+% 8,   24,     2,      14,     695 # length
 [ "json",      "filter",       0,      "json", "create function json.filter(js 
json, pathexpr string)\nreturns json external name json.filter;"        ]
 [ "json",      "filter",       1,      "json", ""      ]
 [ "json",      "filter",       2,      "clob", ""      ]
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ stdout of test 'systemfunctions` in dire
 [ "sys",       "code", 1,      "int",  ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "code", 0,      "clob", "unicode"       ]
 [ "sys",       "code", 1,      "int",  ""      ]
-[ "sys",       "columnsize",   0,      "bigint",       "create function 
sys.columnsize(tpe varchar(1024), count bigint)\nreturns bigint\nbegin\nif tpe 
in ('tinyint', 'boolean')\nthen return count;\nend if;\nif tpe = 
'smallint'\nthen return 2 * count;\nend if;\nif tpe in ('int', 'real', 'date', 
'time', 'timetz', 'sec_interval', 'month_interval')\nthen return 4 * 
count;\nend if;\nif tpe in ('bigint', 'double', 'timestamp', 'timestamptz', 
'inet', 'oid')\nthen return 8 * count;\nend if;\nif tpe in ('hugeint', 
'decimal', 'uuid', 'mbr')\nthen return 16 * count;\nend if;\nif tpe in 
('varchar', 'char', 'clob', 'json', 'url')\nthen return 4 * count;\nend if;\nif 
tpe in ('blob', 'geometry', 'geometrya')\nthen return 8 * count;\nend 
if;\nreturn 8 * count;\nend;"      ]
+[ "sys",       "columnsize",   0,      "bigint",       "create function 
sys.columnsize(tpe varchar(1024), count bigint)\nreturns bigint\nbegin\nif tpe 
in ('tinyint', 'boolean')\nthen return count;\nend if;\nif tpe = 
'smallint'\nthen return 2 * count;\nend if;\nif tpe in ('int', 'real', 'date', 
'time', 'timetz', 'sec_interval', 'day_interval', 'month_interval')\nthen 
return 4 * count;\nend if;\nif tpe in ('bigint', 'double', 'timestamp', 
'timestamptz', 'inet', 'oid')\nthen return 8 * count;\nend if;\nif tpe in 
('hugeint', 'decimal', 'uuid', 'mbr')\nthen return 16 * count;\nend if;\nif tpe 
in ('varchar', 'char', 'clob', 'json', 'url')\nthen return 4 * count;\nend 
if;\nif tpe in ('blob', 'geometry', 'geometrya')\nthen return 8 * count;\nend 
if;\nreturn 8 * count;\nend;"      ]
 [ "sys",       "columnsize",   1,      "varchar",      ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "columnsize",   2,      "bigint",       ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "concat",       0,      "char", "+"     ]
@@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ stdout of test 'systemfunctions` in dire
 [ "sys",       "ilike",        1,      "clob", ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "ilike",        2,      "clob", ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "ilike",        3,      "clob", ""      ]
-[ "sys",       "imprintsize",  0,      "bigint",       "create function 
sys.imprintsize(tpe varchar(1024), count bigint)\nreturns bigint\nbegin\nif tpe 
in ('tinyint', 'boolean')\nthen return cast(0.2 * count as bigint);\nend 
if;\nif tpe = 'smallint'\nthen return cast(0.4 * count as bigint);\nend if;\nif 
tpe in ('int', 'real', 'date', 'time', 'timetz', 'sec_interval', 
'month_interval')\nthen return cast(0.8 * count as bigint);\nend if;\nif tpe in 
('bigint', 'double', 'timestamp', 'timestamptz', 'inet', 'oid')\nthen return 
cast(1.6 * count as bigint);\nend if;\nif tpe in ('hugeint', 'decimal', 'uuid', 
'mbr')\nthen return cast(3.2 * count as bigint);\nend if;\nreturn 0;\nend;"     
+[ "sys",       "imprintsize",  0,      "bigint",       "create function 
sys.imprintsize(tpe varchar(1024), count bigint)\nreturns bigint\nbegin\nif tpe 
in ('tinyint', 'boolean')\nthen return cast(0.2 * count as bigint);\nend 
if;\nif tpe = 'smallint'\nthen return cast(0.4 * count as bigint);\nend if;\nif 
tpe in ('int', 'real', 'date', 'time', 'timetz', 'sec_interval', 
'day_interval', 'month_interval')\nthen return cast(0.8 * count as 
bigint);\nend if;\nif tpe in ('bigint', 'double', 'timestamp', 'timestamptz', 
'inet', 'oid')\nthen return cast(1.6 * count as bigint);\nend if;\nif tpe in 
('hugeint', 'decimal', 'uuid', 'mbr')\nthen return cast(3.2 * count as 
bigint);\nend if;\nreturn 0;\nend;"     ]
 [ "sys",       "imprintsize",  1,      "varchar",      ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "imprintsize",  2,      "bigint",       ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "index",        0,      "tinyint",      "index" ]
diff --git a/sql/test/sys-schema/Tests/systemfunctions.stable.out.int128 
--- a/sql/test/sys-schema/Tests/systemfunctions.stable.out.int128
+++ b/sql/test/sys-schema/Tests/systemfunctions.stable.out.int128
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ stdout of test 'systemfunctions` in dire
 % sys.,        sys.,   sys.,   sys.,   . # table_name
 % schema,      function,       argno,  argtype,        definition # name
 % varchar,     varchar,        int,    varchar,        varchar # type
-% 8,   24,     2,      14,     679 # length
+% 8,   24,     2,      14,     695 # length
 [ "json",      "filter",       0,      "json", "create function json.filter(js 
json, pathexpr string)\nreturns json external name json.filter;"        ]
 [ "json",      "filter",       1,      "json", ""      ]
 [ "json",      "filter",       2,      "clob", ""      ]
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ stdout of test 'systemfunctions` in dire
 [ "sys",       "code", 1,      "int",  ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "code", 0,      "clob", "unicode"       ]
 [ "sys",       "code", 1,      "int",  ""      ]
-[ "sys",       "columnsize",   0,      "bigint",       "create function 
sys.columnsize(tpe varchar(1024), count bigint)\nreturns bigint\nbegin\nif tpe 
in ('tinyint', 'boolean')\nthen return count;\nend if;\nif tpe = 
'smallint'\nthen return 2 * count;\nend if;\nif tpe in ('int', 'real', 'date', 
'time', 'timetz', 'sec_interval', 'month_interval')\nthen return 4 * 
count;\nend if;\nif tpe in ('bigint', 'double', 'timestamp', 'timestamptz', 
'inet', 'oid')\nthen return 8 * count;\nend if;\nif tpe in ('hugeint', 
'decimal', 'uuid', 'mbr')\nthen return 16 * count;\nend if;\nif tpe in 
('varchar', 'char', 'clob', 'json', 'url')\nthen return 4 * count;\nend if;\nif 
tpe in ('blob', 'geometry', 'geometrya')\nthen return 8 * count;\nend 
if;\nreturn 8 * count;\nend;"      ]
+[ "sys",       "columnsize",   0,      "bigint",       "create function 
sys.columnsize(tpe varchar(1024), count bigint)\nreturns bigint\nbegin\nif tpe 
in ('tinyint', 'boolean')\nthen return count;\nend if;\nif tpe = 
'smallint'\nthen return 2 * count;\nend if;\nif tpe in ('int', 'real', 'date', 
'time', 'timetz', 'sec_interval', 'day_interval', 'month_interval')\nthen 
return 4 * count;\nend if;\nif tpe in ('bigint', 'double', 'timestamp', 
'timestamptz', 'inet', 'oid')\nthen return 8 * count;\nend if;\nif tpe in 
('hugeint', 'decimal', 'uuid', 'mbr')\nthen return 16 * count;\nend if;\nif tpe 
in ('varchar', 'char', 'clob', 'json', 'url')\nthen return 4 * count;\nend 
if;\nif tpe in ('blob', 'geometry', 'geometrya')\nthen return 8 * count;\nend 
if;\nreturn 8 * count;\nend;"      ]
 [ "sys",       "columnsize",   1,      "varchar",      ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "columnsize",   2,      "bigint",       ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "concat",       0,      "char", "+"     ]
@@ -825,6 +825,10 @@ stdout of test 'systemfunctions` in dire
 [ "sys",       "generate_series",      1,      "timestamp",    ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "generate_series",      2,      "timestamp",    ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "generate_series",      3,      "sec_interval", ""      ]
+[ "sys",       "generate_series",      0,      "timestamp",    "create 
function sys.generate_series(first timestamp, \"limit\" timestamp, stepsize 
interval day)\nreturns table (value timestamp)\nexternal name 
generator.series;"    ]
+[ "sys",       "generate_series",      1,      "timestamp",    ""      ]
+[ "sys",       "generate_series",      2,      "timestamp",    ""      ]
+[ "sys",       "generate_series",      3,      "day_interval", ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "generate_series",      0,      "hugeint",      "create 
function sys.generate_series(first hugeint, \"limit\" hugeint)\nreturns table 
(value hugeint)\nexternal name generator.series;" ]
 [ "sys",       "generate_series",      1,      "hugeint",      ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "generate_series",      2,      "hugeint",      ""      ]
@@ -953,7 +957,7 @@ stdout of test 'systemfunctions` in dire
 [ "sys",       "ilike",        1,      "clob", ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "ilike",        2,      "clob", ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "ilike",        3,      "clob", ""      ]
-[ "sys",       "imprintsize",  0,      "bigint",       "create function 
sys.imprintsize(tpe varchar(1024), count bigint)\nreturns bigint\nbegin\nif tpe 
in ('tinyint', 'boolean')\nthen return cast(0.2 * count as bigint);\nend 
if;\nif tpe = 'smallint'\nthen return cast(0.4 * count as bigint);\nend if;\nif 
tpe in ('int', 'real', 'date', 'time', 'timetz', 'sec_interval', 
'month_interval')\nthen return cast(0.8 * count as bigint);\nend if;\nif tpe in 
('bigint', 'double', 'timestamp', 'timestamptz', 'inet', 'oid')\nthen return 
cast(1.6 * count as bigint);\nend if;\nif tpe in ('hugeint', 'decimal', 'uuid', 
'mbr')\nthen return cast(3.2 * count as bigint);\nend if;\nreturn 0;\nend;"     
+[ "sys",       "imprintsize",  0,      "bigint",       "create function 
sys.imprintsize(tpe varchar(1024), count bigint)\nreturns bigint\nbegin\nif tpe 
in ('tinyint', 'boolean')\nthen return cast(0.2 * count as bigint);\nend 
if;\nif tpe = 'smallint'\nthen return cast(0.4 * count as bigint);\nend if;\nif 
tpe in ('int', 'real', 'date', 'time', 'timetz', 'sec_interval', 
'day_interval', 'month_interval')\nthen return cast(0.8 * count as 
bigint);\nend if;\nif tpe in ('bigint', 'double', 'timestamp', 'timestamptz', 
'inet', 'oid')\nthen return cast(1.6 * count as bigint);\nend if;\nif tpe in 
('hugeint', 'decimal', 'uuid', 'mbr')\nthen return cast(3.2 * count as 
bigint);\nend if;\nreturn 0;\nend;"     ]
 [ "sys",       "imprintsize",  1,      "varchar",      ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "imprintsize",  2,      "bigint",       ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "index",        0,      "tinyint",      "index" ]
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