Changeset: 9c439c6c90bd for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Oct2020
Log Message:

Reimplemented vacuum algorithm, fixing a problem in sqlancer06.

diffs (281 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/mal/Tests/tst866.stable.out 
--- a/monetdb5/mal/Tests/tst866.stable.out
+++ b/monetdb5/mal/Tests/tst866.stable.out
@@ -74,21 +74,21 @@ end;                           
 # void int       # type
 [ 0@0,   1       ]
-[ 1@0,   9       ]
-[ 2@0,   7       ]
-[ 3@0,   4       ]
-[ 4@0,   5       ]
-[ 5@0,   6       ]
+[ 1@0, 4       ]
+[ 2@0, 5       ]
+[ 3@0, 6       ]
+[ 4@0, 7       ]
+[ 5@0, 9       ]
 # h    t         # name
 # void oid       # type
 [ 0@0,   0@0     ]
-[ 1@0,   8@0     ]
-[ 2@0, 6@0  ]
-[ 3@0,   3@0     ]
-[ 4@0,   4@0     ]
-[ 5@0,   5@0     ]
+[ 1@0, 3@0     ]
+[ 2@0, 4@0     ]
+[ 3@0, 5@0     ]
+[ 4@0, 6@0     ]
+[ 5@0, 8@0     ]
 # 16:27:48 >  
 # 16:27:48 >  Done.
diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/bat5.c b/monetdb5/modules/kernel/bat5.c
--- a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/bat5.c
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/kernel/bat5.c
@@ -937,31 +937,26 @@ BKCshrinkBATmap(bat *ret, const bat *bid
  * Shrinking a void-headed BAT using a list of oids to ignore.
-#define reuseloop(Type)                                                        
-       do {                                                                    
-               Type *p = (Type*)Tloc(b, 0);                            \
-               Type *q = (Type*)Tloc(b, BUNlast(b));           \
-               Type *r = (Type*)Tloc(bn, 0);                           \
-               for (;p<q; oidx++, p++) {                                       
-                       if ( *o == oidx ){                                      
-                               while ( ol>o && ol[-1] == bidx) {       \
-                                       bidx--;                                 
-                                       q--;                                    
-                                       ol--;                                   
-                               }                                               
-                               *r++ = *(--q);                                  
-                               o += (o < ol);                                  
-                               bidx--;                                         
-                       } else                                                  
-                               *r++ = *p;                                      
-               }                                                               
+#define reuseloop(Type)                                                        
+       do {                                                                    
+               Type *dst = (Type *) Tloc(bn, 0);                               
+               const Type *src = (const Type *) Tloc(b, 0);            \
+               for (BUN p = 0; p < b->batCount; p++, src++) {          \
+                       if (o < ol && b->hseqbase + p == *o) {                  
+                               do                                              
+                                       o++;                                    
+                               while (o < ol && b->hseqbase + p == *o);        
+                       } else {                                                
+                               *dst++ = *src;                                  
+                               n++;                                            
+                       }                                                       
+               }                                                               
        } while (0)
 BKCreuseBAT(bat *ret, const bat *bid, const bat *did)
        BAT *b, *d, *bn, *bs;
-       oid oidx = 0, bidx, *o, *ol;
        gdk_return res;
        if ((b = BATdescriptor(*bid)) == NULL) {
@@ -985,75 +980,70 @@ BKCreuseBAT(bat *ret, const bat *bid, co
                throw(MAL, "bat.reuse", SQLSTATE(HY013) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL );
-       oidx = b->hseqbase;
-       bidx = oidx + BATcount(b)-1;
-       o = (oid*)Tloc(bs, 0);
-       ol= (oid*)Tloc(bs, BUNlast(bs));
-       switch(ATOMstorage(b->ttype) ){
-       case TYPE_bte: reuseloop(bte); break;
-       case TYPE_sht: reuseloop(sht); break;
-       case TYPE_int: reuseloop(int); break;
-       case TYPE_lng: reuseloop(lng); break;
-#ifdef HAVE_HGE
-       case TYPE_hge: reuseloop(hge); break;
-       case TYPE_flt: reuseloop(flt); break;
-       case TYPE_dbl: reuseloop(dbl); break;
-       case TYPE_oid: reuseloop(oid); break;
-       case TYPE_str: /* to be done based on its index width */
-       default:
-               if (ATOMvarsized(bn->ttype)) {
-                       BUN p = 0;
-                       BUN q = BUNlast(b);
-                       BATiter bi = bat_iterator(b);
-                       for (;p<q; oidx++, p++) {
-                               if ( *o == oidx ){
-                                       while ( ol > o && ol[-1] == bidx) {
-                                               bidx--;
-                                               q--;
-                                               ol--;
-                                       }
-                                       if (BUNappend(bn, BUNtail(bi, --q), 
false) != GDK_SUCCEED) {
-                                               BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
-                                               BBPunfix(bn->batCacheid);
-                                               throw(MAL, "bat.shrink", 
-                                       }
-                                       o += (o < ol);
-                                       bidx--;
-                               } else {
-                                       if (BUNappend(bn, BUNtail(bi, p), 
false) != GDK_SUCCEED) {
-                                               BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
-                                               BBPunfix(bn->batCacheid);
-                                               throw(MAL,  "bat.shrink", 
-                                       }
-                               }
-                       }
-               } else {
-                       switch( b->twidth){
-                       case 1:reuseloop(bte); break;
-                       case 2:reuseloop(sht); break;
-                       case 4:reuseloop(int); break;
-                       case 8:reuseloop(lng); break;
-#ifdef HAVE_HGE
-                       case 16:reuseloop(hge); break;
-                       default:
+       const oid *o = (const oid *) Tloc(bs, 0);
+       const oid *ol = o + bs->batCount;
+       while (o < ol && *o < b->hseqbase)
+               o++;
+       if (b->tvarsized) {
+               BATiter bi = bat_iterator(b);
+               for (BUN p = 0; p < b->batCount; p++) {
+                       if (o < ol && b->hseqbase + p == *o) {
+                               do
+                                       o++;
+                               while (o < ol && b->hseqbase + p == *o);
+                       } else if (BUNappend(bn, BUNtail(bi, p), false) != 
+                               BBPunfix(bn->batCacheid);
-                               BBPunfix(bn->batCacheid);
-                               throw(MAL, "bat.shrink", "Illegal argument 
+                               BBPunfix(bs->batCacheid);
+                               throw(MAL, "bat.shrink", GDK_EXCEPTION);
+       } else {
+               BUN n = 0;
+               switch (b->twidth) {
+               case 1:
+                       reuseloop(bte);
+                       break;
+               case 2:
+                       reuseloop(sht);
+                       break;
+               case 4:
+                       reuseloop(int);
+                       break;
+               case 8:
+                       reuseloop(lng);
+                       break;
+#ifdef HAVE_HGE
+               case 16:
+                       reuseloop(hge);
+                       break;
+               default: {
+                       char *dst = (char *) Tloc(bn, 0);
+                       const char *src = (const char *) Tloc(b, 0);
+                       for (BUN p = 0; p < b->batCount; p++) {
+                               if (o < ol && b->hseqbase + p == *o) {
+                                       do
+                                               o++;
+                                       while (o < ol && b->hseqbase + p == *o);
+                               } else {
+                                       memcpy(dst, src, b->twidth);
+                                       dst += b->twidth;
+                                       n++;
+                               }
+                               src += b->twidth;
+                       }
+                       break;
+               }
+               }
+               BATsetcount(bn, n);
+               bn->tkey = b->tkey;
+               bn->tsorted = b->tsorted;
+               bn->trevsorted = b->trevsorted;
+               bn->tnonil = b->tnonil;
+               bn->tnil = false;               /* can't be sure if values 
deleted */
-       BATsetcount(bn, BATcount(b) - BATcount(bs));
-       bn->tsorted = false;
-       bn->trevsorted = false;
-       bn->tseqbase = oid_nil;
-       bn->tkey = b->tkey;
-       bn->tnonil = b->tnonil;
        BBPkeepref(*ret= bn->batCacheid);
@@ -1064,8 +1054,6 @@ str
 BKCreuseBATmap(bat *ret, const bat *bid, const bat *did)
        BAT *b, *d, *bn, *bs;
-       oid bidx, oidx = 0, *o, *ol;
-       oid *r;
        gdk_return res;
        if ((b = BATdescriptor(*bid)) == NULL) {
@@ -1089,32 +1077,30 @@ BKCreuseBATmap(bat *ret, const bat *bid,
                throw(MAL, "bat.shrinkMap", SQLSTATE(HY013) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL );
-       oidx = b->hseqbase;
-       bidx = oidx + BATcount(b)-1;
-       o  = (oid*)Tloc(bs, 0);
-       ol = (oid*)Tloc(bs, BUNlast(bs));
-       r  = (oid*)Tloc(bn, 0);
-       for (; oidx <= bidx; oidx++) {
-               if ( *o == oidx ){
-                       while ( ol > o && ol[-1] == bidx) {
-                               bidx--;
-                               ol--;
-                       }
-                       *r++ = bidx;
-                       o += (o < ol);
-                       bidx--;
+       const oid *o = (const oid *) Tloc(bs, 0);
+       const oid *ol = o + bs->batCount;
+       while (o < ol && *o < b->hseqbase)
+               o++;
+       oid *dst = (oid *) Tloc(bn, 0);
+       BUN n = 0;
+       for (BUN p = 0; p < b->batCount; p++) {
+               if (o < ol && b->hseqbase + p == *o) {
+                       do
+                               o++;
+                       while (o < ol && b->hseqbase + p == *o);
                } else {
-                       *r++ = oidx;
+                       *dst++ = b->hseqbase + p;
+                       n++;
-       BATsetcount(bn, BATcount(b)-BATcount(bs));
-       bn->tsorted = false;
-       bn->trevsorted = false;
+       BATsetcount(bn, n);
+       bn->tkey = true;
+       bn->tsorted = true;
+       bn->trevsorted = n <= 1;
+       bn->tnil = false;
+       bn->tnonil = true;
        bn->tseqbase = oid_nil;
        BBPkeepref(*ret= bn->batCacheid);
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