Changeset: 77d0fdb1b115 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Oct2020
Log Message:

Made query run and approved output

diffs (34 lines):

diff --git a/sql/test/SQLancer/Tests/sqlancer02.sql 
--- a/sql/test/SQLancer/Tests/sqlancer02.sql
+++ b/sql/test/SQLancer/Tests/sqlancer02.sql
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ NULL        1970-01-23
 "1970-01-22 20:43:07.000000"   1970-01-16
 "1970-01-08 05:11:41.000000"   1970-01-14
-create view v0(c0) as (select t0.c2 from t0 where (t0.c2) not between 
asymmetric (date '1970-01-23') and (case when r'㏥' then t0.c2 when case true 
when (true) = true then substr(r' x+㶴9rr7긬X0陷?F5{W>gg0N*#Sꖿs', 1) end then 
nullif(t0.c2, t0.c2) end));
+create view v0(c0) as (select t0.c2 from t0 where (t0.c2) not between 
asymmetric (date '1970-01-23') and (case when r'true' then t0.c2 when case true 
when (true) = true then substr(r' x+㶴9rr7긬X0陷?F5{W>gg0N*#Sꖿs', 1) end then 
nullif(t0.c2, t0.c2) end));
 SELECT 1 FROM v0 JOIN t0 ON '4321901' LIKE CAST(COALESCE(TIME '21:08:38', TIME 
'14:42:56') AS STRING);
        -- empty
 SELECT ALL t0.c0, v0.c0 FROM v0 JOIN t0 ON ((upper(COALESCE(r'', 
r'4321901')))ILIKE(CAST(COALESCE(sql_max(TIME '05:11:41', TIME '21:08:38'), 
COALESCE(TIME '05:10:13', TIME '14:42:56'), sql_min(TIME '16:14:39', TIME 
'03:01:13')) AS STRING(586))));
diff --git a/sql/test/SQLancer/Tests/sqlancer02.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/SQLancer/Tests/sqlancer02.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/SQLancer/Tests/sqlancer02.stable.out
@@ -294,7 +294,17 @@ stdout of test 'sqlancer02` in directory
 #"1970-01-22 20:43:07.000000"  1970-01-16
 #"1970-01-08 05:11:41.000000"  1970-01-14
 [ 5    ]
-#create view v0(c0) as (select t0.c2 from t0 where (t0.c2) not between 
asymmetric (date '1970-01-23') and (case when r'㏥' then t0.c2 when case true 
when (true) = true then substr(r' x+㶴9rr7긬X0陷?F5{W>gg0N*#Sꖿs', 1) end then 
nullif(t0.c2, t0.c2) end));
+#create view v0(c0) as (select t0.c2 from t0 where (t0.c2) not between 
asymmetric (date '1970-01-23') and (case when r'true' then t0.c2 when case true 
when (true) = true then substr(r' x+㶴9rr7긬X0陷?F5{W>gg0N*#Sꖿs', 1) end then 
nullif(t0.c2, t0.c2) end));
+#SELECT 1 FROM v0 JOIN t0 ON '4321901' LIKE CAST(COALESCE(TIME '21:08:38', 
TIME '14:42:56') AS STRING);
+% .%20 # table_name
+% %20 # name
+% tinyint # type
+% 1 # length
+#SELECT ALL t0.c0, v0.c0 FROM v0 JOIN t0 ON ((upper(COALESCE(r'', 
r'4321901')))ILIKE(CAST(COALESCE(sql_max(TIME '05:11:41', TIME '21:08:38'), 
COALESCE(TIME '05:10:13', TIME '14:42:56'), sql_min(TIME '16:14:39', TIME 
'03:01:13')) AS STRING(586))));
+% sys.t0,      sys.v0 # table_name
+% c0,  c0 # name
+% timestamp,   date # type
+% 26,  10 # length
 #CREATE TABLE "sys"."t0" ("c0" INTEGER);
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