Changeset: a85d29d50b35 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Oct2020
Log Message:

Making SQLancer happy. Test for overflows while converting from interval second 
to time type

diffs (189 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_time.c b/sql/backends/monet5/sql_time.c
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_time.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sql_time.c
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ bailout:
        return msg;
-static inline daytime
-second_interval_2_daytime_imp(lng next,
+static inline str
+second_interval_2_daytime_imp(daytime *res, lng next,
 #ifdef HAVE_HGE
 hge shift, hge divider, hge multiplier
@@ -118,7 +118,18 @@ lng shift, lng divider, lng multiplier
 ) {
        daytime d = daytime_add_usec(daytime_create(0, 0, 0, 0), next * 1000);
-       return daytime_2time_daytime_imp(d, shift, divider, multiplier);
+       if (is_daytime_nil(d)) {
+               str msg;
+               size_t len = 0;
+               char *str_val = NULL;
+               if (BATatoms[TYPE_lng].atomToStr(&str_val, &len, &next, false) 
< 0)
+                       return createException(SQL, 
"batcalc.second_interval_2_daytime", SQLSTATE(HY013) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
+               msg = createException(SQL, "batcalc.second_interval_2_daytime", 
SQLSTATE(22003) "Overflow in convertion of second interval '%s' to time", 
+               GDKfree(str_val);
+               return msg;
+       }
+       *res = daytime_2time_daytime_imp(d, shift, divider, multiplier);
+       return MAL_SUCCEED;
@@ -172,7 +183,7 @@ second_interval_2_daytime(Client cntxt, 
        if (is_a_bat) {
                oid off = b->hseqbase;
                lng *restrict vals = (lng*) Tloc(b, 0);
-               for (BUN i = 0 ; i < q ; i++) {
+               for (BUN i = 0 ; i < q && !msg; i++) {
                        BUN p = (BUN) (canditer_next(&ci) - off);
                        lng next = vals[p];
@@ -180,12 +191,15 @@ second_interval_2_daytime(Client cntxt, 
                                ret[i] = daytime_nil;
                                nils = true;
                        } else {
-                               ret[i] = second_interval_2_daytime_imp(next, 
shift, divider, multiplier);
+                               msg = second_interval_2_daytime_imp(&(ret[i]), 
next, shift, divider, multiplier);
        } else {
                lng next = *(lng*)getArgReference(stk, pci, 1);
-               *ret = is_lng_nil(next) ? daytime_nil : 
second_interval_2_daytime_imp(next, shift, divider, multiplier);
+               if (is_lng_nil(next))
+                       *ret = daytime_nil;
+               else
+                       msg = second_interval_2_daytime_imp(ret, next, shift, 
divider, multiplier);
diff --git a/sql/test/SQLancer/Tests/sqlancer04.sql 
--- a/sql/test/SQLancer/Tests/sqlancer04.sql
+++ b/sql/test/SQLancer/Tests/sqlancer04.sql
@@ -277,3 +277,53 @@ ROLLBACK;
 SELECT CASE WHEN 3 THEN cot(COALESCE(3, 4)) END FROM (values(1),(2)) as t0(c0);
 select coalesce(-1129107763, '1415606329') from (values(1),(2)) as t0(c0);
+CREATE TABLE "sys"."t0" ("c0" TIME NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "t0_c0_pkey" PRIMARY 
KEY ("c0"));
+COPY 15 RECORDS INTO "sys"."t0" FROM stdin USING DELIMITERS E'\t',E'\n','"';
+CREATE TABLE "sys"."t2" ("c0" TIME);
+COPY 5 RECORDS INTO "sys"."t2" FROM stdin USING DELIMITERS E'\t',E'\n','"';
+CREATE TABLE "sys"."t3" ("c0" TIME);
+COPY 8 RECORDS INTO "sys"."t3" FROM stdin USING DELIMITERS E'\t',E'\n','"';
+CREATE TABLE "sys"."t4" ("c0" INTERVAL SECOND, CONSTRAINT "t4_c0_unique" 
UNIQUE ("c0"));
+COPY 5 RECORDS INTO "sys"."t4" FROM stdin USING DELIMITERS E'\t',E'\n','"';
+select interval '-1680612084' second from t3 natural join (select t4.c0, 
(cast(r'*' as boolean)) = false from t2, t0, t4) as sub0 group by t3.c0;
+       --error, overflow in conversion to time
diff --git a/sql/test/SQLancer/Tests/sqlancer04.stable.err 
--- a/sql/test/SQLancer/Tests/sqlancer04.stable.err
+++ b/sql/test/SQLancer/Tests/sqlancer04.stable.err
@@ -59,6 +59,10 @@ MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-316864/
 QUERY = select coalesce(-1129107763, '1415606329') from (values(1),(2)) as 
 ERROR = !value too long for type (var)char(10)
 CODE  = 22001
+MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-878466/.s.monetdb.33759
+QUERY = select interval '-1680612084' second from t3 natural join (select 
t4.c0, (cast(r'*' as boolean)) = false from t2, t0, t4) as sub0 group by t3.c0;
+ERROR = !Overflow in convertion of second interval '29578044000' to time
+CODE  = 22003
 # 09:44:50 >  
 # 09:44:50 >  "Done."
diff --git a/sql/test/SQLancer/Tests/sqlancer04.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/SQLancer/Tests/sqlancer04.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/SQLancer/Tests/sqlancer04.stable.out
@@ -371,6 +371,53 @@ stdout of test 'sqlancer04` in directory
 % 24 # length
 [ -7.015252551 ]
 [ -7.015252551 ]
+#CREATE TABLE "sys"."t0" ("c0" TIME NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "t0_c0_pkey" PRIMARY 
KEY ("c0"));
+#COPY 15 RECORDS INTO "sys"."t0" FROM stdin USING DELIMITERS E'\t',E'\n','"';
+[ 15   ]
+#CREATE TABLE "sys"."t2" ("c0" TIME);
+#COPY 5 RECORDS INTO "sys"."t2" FROM stdin USING DELIMITERS E'\t',E'\n','"';
+[ 5    ]
+#CREATE TABLE "sys"."t3" ("c0" TIME);
+#COPY 8 RECORDS INTO "sys"."t3" FROM stdin USING DELIMITERS E'\t',E'\n','"';
+[ 8    ]
+#CREATE TABLE "sys"."t4" ("c0" INTERVAL SECOND, CONSTRAINT "t4_c0_unique" 
UNIQUE ("c0"));
+#COPY 5 RECORDS INTO "sys"."t4" FROM stdin USING DELIMITERS E'\t',E'\n','"';
+[ 5    ]
 # 09:44:50 >  
 # 09:44:50 >  "Done."
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