Changeset: 9dfc0c46ca86 for MonetDB
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Branch: default
Log Message:

Add some more documentation about testing

diffs (52 lines):

diff --git a/documentation/source/developers_handbook.rst 
--- a/documentation/source/developers_handbook.rst
+++ b/documentation/source/developers_handbook.rst
@@ -25,13 +25,45 @@ are stored in ``.stable.out`` and ``.sta
 the same directory. For example in the directory ``sql/test/json/Tests`` we 
 the files:
-* ``jsonkeyarray.sql``
-* ``jsonkeyarray.stable.out``
-* ``jsonkeyarray.stable.err``
+* ``jsonkeyarray.Bug-6858.sql``
+* ``jsonkeyarray.Bug-6858.stable.out``
+* ``jsonkeyarray.Bug-6858.stable.err``
+These three files define the test ``jsonkeyarray.Bug-6858``.
+In any directory with tests you will also find a file named ``All``. This is an
+index of all the tests in the directory. If a test is not mentioned in the
+``All`` file, it will not run.
 Running tests
+The `canonical` name of a test is its path relative to the root of the source
+tree (``$src_root``), with the ``Tests`` component and the suffix removed. For
+instance the above test's canonical name is
+In order to run a single test from ``$src_root`` or any of its descendants, use
+its canonical name as the argument of ````::
+  [$src_root] $ sql/test/json/jsonkeyarray.Bug-6858
+Alternatively, from within the directory where the test is defined you can run
+the test by giving the last component of its canonical name as the argument to
+  [$src_root/sql/test/json/Tests/] $ jsonkeyarray.Bug-6858
+Another way to run tests is running a number of them together using the
+canonical name of a group. For example to run all the tests in the ``json``
+group of the ``sql`` component use::
+  [$src_root] $ sql/test/json/
+This will run all the tests defined in the file
 Adding a new test
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