Changeset: 65005e94bb6e for MonetDB
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diffs (truncated from 418 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/README-Debian b/README-Debian
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/README-Debian
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-The following packages (DEBs) are or can be used by MonetDB.
-These packages are required.
-cmake                  # version >= 3.12
-These packages are optional, but required when building the MonetDB
-.deb packages.
-libbz2-dev             # optional: read and write .bz2 compressed files
-libcurl4-gnutls-dev    # optional: read remote files with sys.getcontent(url)
-libgeos-dev            # optional: required for geom module
-liblzma-dev            # optional: read and write .xz compressed files
-libpcre3-dev           # optional: use PCRE library, enable some functions
-libreadline-dev                # optional, enable editing in mclient
-python3-dev            # optional, needed for Python 3 integration
-python3-numpy          # optional, needed for Python 3 integration
-r-base                 # optional, needed for R integration
-unixodbc-dev           # optional, needed for ODBC driver
-uuid-dev               # optional
-zlib1g-dev             # optional: read and write .gz compressed files
-These packages are optional.
-libcfitsio-dev         # optional: read FITS files
-liblz4-dev             # optional: compression in new (unused) MAPI protocol, 
also used to read and write .lz4 compressed files
-libsnappy-dev          # optional: compression in new (unused) MAPI protocol
diff --git a/README-Fedora b/README-Fedora
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/README-Fedora
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-The following packages (RPMs) are or can be used by MonetDB.
-These packages are required.
-cmake                  # version >= 3.12
-These packages are optional, but they are required to build RPMs using
-the command make rpm.
-bzip2-devel            # optional: read and write .bz2 compressed files
-bzip2                  # optional, required to create a tar ball (make dist)
-checkpolicy            # optional, required to create RPMs (make rpm)
-geos-devel             # optional: required for geom module
-libcurl-devel          # optional: read remote files with sys.getcontent(url)
-libuuid-devel          # optional
-pcre-devel             # optional: use PCRE library, enable some functions
-python3-devel          # optional, needed for Python 3 integration
-python3-numpy          # optional, needed for Python 3 integration
-R-core-devel           # optional, needed for R integration
-readline-devel         # optional, enable editing in mclient
-rpm-build              # optional, required to create RPMs (make rpm)
-selinux-policy-devel   # optional, required to create RPMs (make rpm)
-unixODBC-devel         # optional, needed for ODBC driver
-These packages are optional.
-cfitsio-devel          # optional: read FITS files
-libasan                        # optional: --enable-sanitizer configuration 
-lz4-devel              # optional: compression in new (unused) MAPI protocol, 
also used to read and write .lz4 compressed files
-netcdf-devel           # optional: read NetCDF files
-proj-devel             # optional, only optionally used in geom module
-snappy-devel           # optional: compression in new (unused) MAPI protocol
-valgrind-devel         # optional: --with-valgrind configuration (debug)
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-# Building MonetDB from source
-## Summary
-For cmake, you should always build the code in a separate directory, say 
"build". This directory should be OUTSIDE of the source code tree. The results 
of the build are stored in this directory. The location on the filesystem is 
not important, as long as you have permissions to write in that location.
-Assuming the monetdb source code is checked out in  directory 
"/path/to/monetdb/source". And if you have all the required packages (See 
below) to build MonetDB, these are the set of commands  to build and *install* 
it from source. Install is one of the predefined targets [install, test, 
mtest]. When you test monetdb, you will likely not want to install it in the 
default location, the standard GNU directory structure. So you want to set the 
install prefix variable when generating the build system, using 
-mkdir build
-cd build
-cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/monetdb /path/to/monetdb/source
-cmake --build .
-cmake --build . --target install
-## Prerequisites
-PATH settings: None
-ROle of clients?? How to install
-## Testing
-For testing, you likely don't want to install in the default location, so you 
need to add the installation prefix parameter to the cmake command. But you do 
not need any configuration to run mtest (on Linux). Just run the command:
-cmake --build . --target mtest
-## Configuration options
-The way options interact with building of the MonetDB source has fundamentally 
changed from the way this was done using the autotools buildsystem. Now almost 
all options are on by default. And these options mostly control library 
detection. In the old system, it was possible to build a subset of the 
codebase. For example, you could choose not to build the sql part. Now the 
every part of the code is build, as long as the dependent libraries are 
detected. And by default, the system would try to detect all dependent 
libraries. If your system does not have a required library, that section of the 
code will not be build. Only if you want to prevent the build of a certain 
section, you could use the option to prevent that a dependency is detected.
-Evidently there are several options to control as illustrated in 
-The important once to choose from are -DCMAKE\_BUILD\_TYPE, which takes the 
value Release or Debug.
-The former creates the binary ready for shipping, including all compiler 
optimizations that come with it.
-The Debug mode is necessary if you plan to debug the binary and needs access 
to the symbol tables.
-This build type also typically leads to a slower execution time, because also 
all kinds of assertions
-are being checked.
-Other  relevant properties are also -DASSERT=ON and DSTRICT=ON, used in 
combination with a Debug build, e.g.
-mkdir build
-cd build
-cmake $CONFIGURE_OPTIONS -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/monetdb 
-cmake --build .
-cmake --build . --target install
-Explain the role of cmake --build . --target mtest
-In particular how to call it from anywhere in the tree
-## Platform specifics
-The packages required to built MonetDB from source depends mostly on the 
operating system environment. 
-They are specified in the corresponding README files,
-README-Debian .... which version
-README-Fedora .... Which version
-## Windows
-## MacOS
-## How to start
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# MonetDB Release
-## Procedure
-There are several differences between a normal build and a release build:
-- The name of the release
-- Th monetdb version
-## Implementation
-There are 3 different sets of versions:
-- The version description
-- The monetdb version number
-- The monetb libraries version numbers
-The version description is "unreleased", unless there is an actual release. 
Than it contains the name, for example "Nov2019-SP3". The monetdb version 
number is the version of the entire application, previously managed with 
vertoo. It contains three parts, a major, minor and release number. The release 
number is even during development and incremented to even for the actual 
release version.
-## Building a release
-When doing a release build, the only extra thing to do is to add the 
"-DRELEASE_VERSION=ON" parameter to the cmake command. This will make sure that 
the build will use the required version string and numbers. After building a 
successful release the final step is to tag the current version of the code in 
the release branch. Then you can start the next release by incrementing the 
"release" number of the monetdb version by 2. Or if necessary, create a new 
release branch.
diff --git a/documentation/index.rst b/documentation/index.rst
--- a/documentation/index.rst
+++ b/documentation/index.rst
@@ -10,8 +10,21 @@ Welcome to MonetDB's documentation!
    :maxdepth: 3
    :caption: Contents:
-   monetdbe
-   source
+   monetdbe/authors
+   monetdbe/introduction
+   monetdbe/dev_notes
+   monetdbe/examples
+   monetdbe/installation
+   monetdbe/monetdbe_api
+   source/build
+   source/build-fedora
+   source/build-debian
+   source/clients
+   source/design
+   source/input
+   source/json
+   source/manual_pages
+   source/release
 Indices and tables
diff --git a/documentation/source/build-debian.rst 
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/source/build-debian.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+.. This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+.. License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+.. file, You can obtain one at
+.. Copyright 1997 - July 2008 CWI, August 2008 - 2020 MonetDB B.V.
+Build on Debian
+The following packages (DEBs) are or can be used by MonetDB.
+These packages are required.
+cmake                  # version >= 3.12
+These packages are optional, but required when building the MonetDB
+.deb packages.
+libbz2-dev             # optional: read and write .bz2 compressed files
+libcurl4-gnutls-dev    # optional: read remote files with sys.getcontent(url)
+libgeos-dev            # optional: required for geom module
+liblzma-dev            # optional: read and write .xz compressed files
+libpcre3-dev           # optional: use PCRE library, enable some functions
+libreadline-dev                # optional, enable editing in mclient
+python3-dev            # optional, needed for Python 3 integration
+python3-numpy          # optional, needed for Python 3 integration
+r-base                 # optional, needed for R integration
+unixodbc-dev           # optional, needed for ODBC driver
+uuid-dev               # optional
+zlib1g-dev             # optional: read and write .gz compressed files
+These packages are optional.
+libcfitsio-dev         # optional: read FITS files
+liblz4-dev             # optional: compression in new (unused) MAPI protocol, 
also used to read and write .lz4 compressed files
+libsnappy-dev          # optional: compression in new (unused) MAPI protocol
diff --git a/documentation/source/build-fedora.rst 
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/source/build-fedora.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+.. This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+.. License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+.. file, You can obtain one at
+.. Copyright 1997 - July 2008 CWI, August 2008 - 2020 MonetDB B.V.
+Build on Fedora
+The following packages (RPMs) are or can be used by MonetDB.
+These packages are required.
+| cmake                        # version >= 3.12
+| bison
+| gettext-devel
+| libxml2-devel
+| mercurial
+| openssl-devel
+These packages are optional, but they are required to build RPMs using
+the command make rpm.
+| bzip2-devel          # optional: read and write .bz2 compressed files
+| bzip2                        # optional, required to create a tar ball (make 
+| checkpolicy          # optional, required to create RPMs (make rpm)
+| geos-devel           # optional: required for geom module
+| libcurl-devel                # optional: read remote files with 
+| libuuid-devel                # optional
+| pcre-devel           # optional: use PCRE library, enable some functions
+| python3-devel                # optional, needed for Python 3 integration
+| python3-numpy                # optional, needed for Python 3 integration
+| R-core-devel         # optional, needed for R integration
+| readline-devel               # optional, enable editing in mclient
+| rpm-build            # optional, required to create RPMs (make rpm)
+| selinux-policy-devel # optional, required to create RPMs (make rpm)
+| unixODBC-devel               # optional, needed for ODBC driver
+These packages are optional.
+| cfitsio-devel                # optional: read FITS files
+| libasan                      # optional: --enable-sanitizer configuration 
+| lz4-devel            # optional: compression in new (unused) MAPI protocol, 
also used to read and write .lz4 compressed files
+| netcdf-devel         # optional: read NetCDF files
+| proj-devel           # optional, only optionally used in geom module
+| snappy-devel         # optional: compression in new (unused) MAPI protocol
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