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diffs (truncated from 673 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out b/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
--- a/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
@@ -1511,12 +1511,18 @@ str MTIMEcurrent_time(daytime *ret);
 str MTIMEcurrent_timestamp(timestamp *ret);
 str MTIMEdate_add_msec_interval(date *ret, const date *v1, const lng *v2);
 str MTIMEdate_add_msec_interval_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const bat 
+str MTIMEdate_add_msec_interval_bulk_p1(bat *ret, const date *v1, const bat 
+str MTIMEdate_add_msec_interval_bulk_p2(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const lng 
 str MTIMEdate_addmonths(date *ret, const date *v1, const int *v2);
 str MTIMEdate_addmonths_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const bat *bid2);
+str MTIMEdate_addmonths_bulk_p1(bat *ret, const date *v1, const bat *bid2);
+str MTIMEdate_addmonths_bulk_p2(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const int *v2);
 str MTIMEdate_date(date *ret, const date *src);
 str MTIMEdate_date_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid);
 str MTIMEdate_diff(int *ret, const date *v1, const date *v2);
 str MTIMEdate_diff_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const bat *bid2);
+str MTIMEdate_diff_bulk_p1(bat *ret, const date *src1, const bat *bid2);
+str MTIMEdate_diff_bulk_p2(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const date *src2);
 str MTIMEdate_extract_century(int *ret, const date *src);
 str MTIMEdate_extract_century_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid);
 str MTIMEdate_extract_day(int *ret, const date *src);
@@ -1535,18 +1541,26 @@ str MTIMEdate_extract_weekofyear(int *re
 str MTIMEdate_extract_weekofyear_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid);
 str MTIMEdate_extract_year(int *ret, const date *src);
 str MTIMEdate_extract_year_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid);
-str MTIMEdate_fromstr(date *ret, const const char *const *src);
+str MTIMEdate_fromstr(date *ret, const str *src);
 str MTIMEdate_fromstr_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid);
 str MTIMEdate_sub_msec_interval(date *ret, const date *v1, const lng *v2);
 str MTIMEdate_sub_msec_interval_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const bat 
+str MTIMEdate_sub_msec_interval_bulk_p1(bat *ret, const date *v1, const bat 
+str MTIMEdate_sub_msec_interval_bulk_p2(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const lng 
 str MTIMEdate_submonths(date *ret, const date *v1, const int *v2);
 str MTIMEdate_submonths_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const bat *bid2);
-str MTIMEdate_to_str(str *ret, const const date *v1, const const char *const 
+str MTIMEdate_submonths_bulk_p1(bat *ret, const date *v1, const bat *bid2);
+str MTIMEdate_submonths_bulk_p2(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const int *v2);
+str MTIMEdate_to_str(str *ret, const date *v1, const str *v2);
 str MTIMEdate_to_str_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const bat *bid2);
+str MTIMEdate_to_str_bulk_p1(bat *ret, const date *src1, const bat *bid2);
+str MTIMEdate_to_str_bulk_p2(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const str *src2);
 str MTIMEdaytime_daytime(daytime *ret, const daytime *src);
 str MTIMEdaytime_daytime_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid);
 str MTIMEdaytime_diff_msec(lng *ret, const daytime *v1, const daytime *v2);
 str MTIMEdaytime_diff_msec_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const bat *bid2);
+str MTIMEdaytime_diff_msec_bulk_p1(bat *ret, const daytime *src1, const bat 
+str MTIMEdaytime_diff_msec_bulk_p2(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const daytime 
 str MTIMEdaytime_extract_hours(int *ret, const daytime *src);
 str MTIMEdaytime_extract_hours_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid);
 str MTIMEdaytime_extract_minutes(int *ret, const daytime *src);
@@ -1555,7 +1569,7 @@ str MTIMEdaytime_extract_sql_seconds(int
 str MTIMEdaytime_extract_sql_seconds_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid);
 str MTIMEdaytime_fromseconds(daytime *ret, const const lng *src);
 str MTIMEdaytime_fromseconds_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid);
-str MTIMEdaytime_fromstr(daytime *ret, const const char *const *src);
+str MTIMEdaytime_fromstr(daytime *ret, const str *src);
 str MTIMEdaytime_fromstr_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid);
 str MTIMElocal_timezone_msec(lng *ret);
 str MTIMEseconds_since_epoch(int *ret, const timestamp *src);
@@ -1572,22 +1586,38 @@ str MTIMEsql_seconds(int *ret, const lng
 str MTIMEsql_seconds_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid);
 str MTIMEsql_year(int *ret, const int *src);
 str MTIMEsql_year_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid);
-str MTIMEstr_to_date(date *ret, const const char *const *v1, const const char 
*const *v2);
+str MTIMEstr_to_date(date *ret, const str *v1, const str *v2);
 str MTIMEstr_to_date_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const bat *bid2);
-str MTIMEstr_to_time(daytime *ret, const const char *const *v1, const const 
char *const *v2);
+str MTIMEstr_to_date_bulk_p1(bat *ret, const str *src1, const bat *bid2);
+str MTIMEstr_to_date_bulk_p2(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const str *src2);
+str MTIMEstr_to_time(daytime *ret, const str *v1, const str *v2);
 str MTIMEstr_to_time_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const bat *bid2);
-str MTIMEstr_to_timestamp(timestamp *ret, const const char *const *v1, const 
const char *const *v2);
+str MTIMEstr_to_time_bulk_p1(bat *ret, const str *src1, const bat *bid2);
+str MTIMEstr_to_time_bulk_p2(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const str *src2);
+str MTIMEstr_to_timestamp(timestamp *ret, const str *v1, const str *v2);
 str MTIMEstr_to_timestamp_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const bat *bid2);
+str MTIMEstr_to_timestamp_bulk_p1(bat *ret, const str *src1, const bat *bid2);
+str MTIMEstr_to_timestamp_bulk_p2(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const str *src2);
 str MTIMEtime_add_msec_interval(daytime *ret, const daytime *v1, const lng 
 str MTIMEtime_add_msec_interval_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const bat 
+str MTIMEtime_add_msec_interval_bulk_p1(bat *ret, const daytime *src1, const 
bat *bid2);
+str MTIMEtime_add_msec_interval_bulk_p2(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const lng 
 str MTIMEtime_sub_msec_interval(daytime *ret, const daytime *v1, const lng 
 str MTIMEtime_sub_msec_interval_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const bat 
-str MTIMEtime_to_str(str *ret, const const daytime *v1, const const char 
*const *v2);
+str MTIMEtime_sub_msec_interval_bulk_p1(bat *ret, const daytime *src1, const 
bat *bid2);
+str MTIMEtime_sub_msec_interval_bulk_p2(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const lng 
+str MTIMEtime_to_str(str *ret, const daytime *v1, const str *v2);
 str MTIMEtime_to_str_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const bat *bid2);
+str MTIMEtime_to_str_bulk_p1(bat *ret, const daytime *src1, const bat *bid2);
+str MTIMEtime_to_str_bulk_p2(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const str *src2);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_add_month_interval(timestamp *ret, const timestamp *v1, 
const int *v2);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_add_month_interval_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const 
bat *bid2);
+str MTIMEtimestamp_add_month_interval_bulk_p1(bat *ret, const timestamp *v1, 
const bat *bid2);
+str MTIMEtimestamp_add_month_interval_bulk_p2(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const 
int *v2);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_add_msec_interval(timestamp *ret, const timestamp *v1, 
const lng *v2);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_add_msec_interval_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const bat 
+str MTIMEtimestamp_add_msec_interval_bulk_p1(bat *ret, const timestamp *v1, 
const bat *bid2);
+str MTIMEtimestamp_add_msec_interval_bulk_p2(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const 
lng *v2);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_century(int *ret, const timestamp *src);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_century_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_day(int *ret, const timestamp *src);
@@ -1596,6 +1626,8 @@ str MTIMEtimestamp_decade(int *ret, cons
 str MTIMEtimestamp_decade_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_diff_msec(lng *ret, const timestamp *v1, const timestamp 
 str MTIMEtimestamp_diff_msec_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const bat *bid2);
+str MTIMEtimestamp_diff_msec_bulk_p1(bat *ret, const timestamp *src1, const 
bat *bid2);
+str MTIMEtimestamp_diff_msec_bulk_p2(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const 
timestamp *src2);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_extract_date(date *ret, const timestamp *src);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_extract_date_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_extract_daytime(daytime *ret, const timestamp *src);
@@ -1606,7 +1638,7 @@ str MTIMEtimestamp_frommsec(timestamp *r
 str MTIMEtimestamp_frommsec_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_fromsecond(timestamp *ret, const int *src);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_fromsecond_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid);
-str MTIMEtimestamp_fromstr(timestamp *ret, const const char *const *src);
+str MTIMEtimestamp_fromstr(timestamp *ret, const str *src);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_fromstr_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_hours(int *ret, const timestamp *src);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_hours_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid);
@@ -1620,12 +1652,18 @@ str MTIMEtimestamp_sql_seconds(int *ret,
 str MTIMEtimestamp_sql_seconds_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_sub_month_interval(timestamp *ret, const timestamp *v1, 
const int *v2);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_sub_month_interval_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const 
bat *bid2);
+str MTIMEtimestamp_sub_month_interval_bulk_p1(bat *ret, const timestamp *v1, 
const bat *bid2);
+str MTIMEtimestamp_sub_month_interval_bulk_p2(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const 
int *v2);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_sub_msec_interval(timestamp *ret, const timestamp *v1, 
const lng *v2);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_sub_msec_interval_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const bat 
+str MTIMEtimestamp_sub_msec_interval_bulk_p1(bat *ret, const timestamp *v1, 
const bat *bid2);
+str MTIMEtimestamp_sub_msec_interval_bulk_p2(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const 
lng *v2);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_timestamp(timestamp *ret, const timestamp *src);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_timestamp_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid);
-str MTIMEtimestamp_to_str(str *ret, const const timestamp *v1, const const 
char *const *v2);
+str MTIMEtimestamp_to_str(str *ret, const timestamp *v1, const str *v2);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_to_str_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const bat *bid2);
+str MTIMEtimestamp_to_str_bulk_p1(bat *ret, const timestamp *src1, const bat 
+str MTIMEtimestamp_to_str_bulk_p2(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const str *src2);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_year(int *ret, const timestamp *src);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_year_bulk(bat *ret, const bat *bid);
 str OIDXcreate(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci);
diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/atoms/mtime.c b/monetdb5/modules/atoms/mtime.c
--- a/monetdb5/modules/atoms/mtime.c
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/atoms/mtime.c
@@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ MTIMEcurrent_timestamp(timestamp *ret)
        return MAL_SUCCEED;
+#define is_str_nil strNil
 #define COPYFLAGS      do { bn->tsorted = b->tsorted; bn->trevsorted = 
b->trevsorted; } while (0)
 #define SETFLAGS       do { bn->tsorted = bn->trevsorted = n < 2; } while (0)
FUNC_CALL)      \
@@ -125,6 +127,8 @@ bailout:                                                    
FUNC_CALL)     \
 mal_export str NAME(OUTTYPE *ret, const INTYPE1 *v1, const INTYPE2 *v2); \
 mal_export str NAMEBULK(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const bat *bid2);   \
+mal_export str NAMEBULK##_p1(bat *ret, const INTYPE1 *src1, const bat *bid2);  
+mal_export str NAMEBULK##_p2(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const INTYPE2 *src2);  
 NAME(OUTTYPE *ret, const INTYPE1 *v1, const INTYPE2 *v2)                       
@@ -184,7 +188,87 @@ bailout:                                                   
        else if (bn)                                                            
                BBPkeepref(*ret = bn->batCacheid);                              
        return msg;                                                             
+NAMEBULK##_p1(bat *ret, const INTYPE1 *src1, const bat *bid2)                  
+       BAT *b2 = NULL, *bn = NULL;                                             
+       BUN n;                                                                  
+       const INTYPE2 *src2;                                                    
+       OUTTYPE *dst;                                                           
+       str msg = MAL_SUCCEED;                                                  
+       if ((b2 = BATdescriptor(*bid2)) == NULL) {                              
+               msg = createException(MAL, "batmtime." MALFUNC,                 
+                         SQLSTATE(HY002) RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);              
+               goto bailout;                                                   
+       }                                                                       
+       n = BATcount(b2);                                                       
+       if ((bn = COLnew(b2->hseqbase, TYPE_##OUTTYPE, n, TRANSIENT)) == NULL) 
{ \
+               msg = createException(MAL, "batmtime." MALFUNC,                 
+                         SQLSTATE(HY013) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);                     
+               goto bailout;                                                   
+       }                                                                       
+       src2 = Tloc(b2, 0);                                                     
+       dst = Tloc(bn, 0);                                                      
+       for (BUN i = 0; i < n; i++) {                                           
+               FUNC_CALL(FUNC, (dst[i]), (*src1), src2[i]);                    
+       }                                                                       
+       bn->tnonil = !is_##INTYPE1##_nil(*src1) && b2->tnonil;                  
+       bn->tnil = is_##INTYPE1##_nil(*src1) || b2->tnil;                       
+       BATsetcount(bn, n);                                                     
+       bn->tsorted = n < 2;                                                    
+       bn->trevsorted = n < 2;                                                 
+       bn->tkey = false;                                                       
+       if (b2)                                                                 
+               BBPunfix(b2->batCacheid);                                       
+       if (msg && bn)                                                          
+               BBPreclaim(bn);                                                 
+       else if (bn)                                                            
+               BBPkeepref(*ret = bn->batCacheid);                              
+       return msg;                                                             
+NAMEBULK##_p2(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const INTYPE2 *src2)                  
+       BAT *b1 = NULL, *bn = NULL;                                             
+       BUN n;                                                                  
+       const INTYPE1 *src1;                                                    
+       OUTTYPE *dst;                                                           
+       str msg = MAL_SUCCEED;                                                  
+       if ((b1 = BATdescriptor(*bid1)) == NULL) {                              
+               msg = createException(MAL, "batmtime." MALFUNC,                 
+                         SQLSTATE(HY002) RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);              
+               goto bailout;                                                   
+       }                                                                       
+       n = BATcount(b1);                                                       
+       if ((bn = COLnew(b1->hseqbase, TYPE_##OUTTYPE, n, TRANSIENT)) == NULL) 
{ \
+               msg = createException(MAL, "batmtime." MALFUNC,                 
+                         SQLSTATE(HY013) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);                     
+               goto bailout;                                                   
+       }                                                                       
+       src1 = Tloc(b1, 0);                                                     
+       dst = Tloc(bn, 0);                                                      
+       for (BUN i = 0; i < n; i++) {                                           
+               FUNC_CALL(FUNC, (dst[i]), src1[i], (*src2));                    
+       }                                                                       
+       bn->tnonil = b1->tnonil && !is_##INTYPE2##_nil(*src2);                  
+       bn->tnil = b1->tnil || is_##INTYPE2##_nil(*src2);                       
+       BATsetcount(bn, n);                                                     
+       bn->tsorted = n < 2;                                                    
+       bn->trevsorted = n < 2;                                                 
+       bn->tkey = false;                                                       
+       if (b1)                                                                 
+               BBPunfix(b1->batCacheid);                                       
+       if (msg && bn)                                                          
+               BBPreclaim(bn);                                                 
+       else if (bn)                                                            
+               BBPkeepref(*ret = bn->batCacheid);                              
+       return msg;                                                             
 #define func2_noexcept(FUNC, RET, PARAM1, PARAM2) RET = FUNC(PARAM1, PARAM2)
 #define func2_except(FUNC, RET, PARAM1, PARAM2) msg = FUNC(&RET, PARAM1, 
PARAM2); if (msg) break;
@@ -195,6 +279,8 @@ func2(MTIMEdaytime_diff_msec, MTIMEdayti
 mal_export str NAME(OUTTYPE *ret, const INTYPE1 *v1, const INTYPE2 *v2); \
 mal_export str NAMEBULK(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const bat *bid2);   \
+mal_export str NAMEBULK##_p1(bat *ret, const INTYPE1 *v1, const bat *bid2);    
+mal_export str NAMEBULK##_p2(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, const INTYPE2 *v2);    
 NAME(OUTTYPE *ret, const INTYPE1 *v1, const INTYPE2 *v2)                       
@@ -266,8 +352,93 @@ NAMEBULK(bat *ret, const bat *bid1, cons
        BBPkeepref(*ret = bn->batCacheid);                                      
        return MAL_SUCCEED;                                                     
+NAMEBULK##_p1(bat *ret, const INTYPE1 *v1, const bat *bid2)                    
+       BAT *b2, *bn;                                                           
+       BUN n;                                                                  
+       const INTYPE2 *src2;                                                    
+       OUTTYPE *dst;                                                           
+       if ((b2 = BATdescriptor(*bid2)) == NULL) {                              
+               throw(MAL, "batmtime." MALFUNC,                                 
+                         SQLSTATE(HY002) RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);              
+       }                                                                       
+       n = BATcount(b2);                                                       
+       if ((bn = COLnew(b2->hseqbase, TYPE_##OUTTYPE, n, TRANSIENT)) == NULL) 
{ \
+               BBPunfix(b2->batCacheid);                                       
+               throw(MAL, "batmtime." MALFUNC, SQLSTATE(HY013) 
+       }                                                                       
+       src2 = Tloc(b2, 0);                                                     
+       dst = Tloc(bn, 0);                                                      
+       bn->tnil = false;                                                       
+       for (BUN i = 0; i < n; i++) {                                           
+               if (is_##INTYPE1##_nil(*v1) || is_##INTYPE2##_nil(src2[i])) {   
+                       dst[i] = OUTTYPE##_nil;                                 
+                       bn->tnil = true;                                        
+               } else {                                                        
+                       dst[i] = FUNC((*v1), src2[i]);                          
+                       if (is_##OUTTYPE##_nil(dst[i])) {                       
+                               BBPunfix(b2->batCacheid);                       
+                               BBPreclaim(bn);                                 
+                               throw(MAL, "batmtime." MALFUNC,                 
+                                         SQLSTATE(22003) "overflow in 
calculation");           \
+                       }                                                       
+               }                                                               
+       }                                                                       
+       bn->tnonil = !bn->tnil;                                                 
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