Changeset: 763039fd8af6 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: msk-type
Log Message:

Implemented (bat)calc.not for msk type.

diffs (239 lines):

diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
@@ -13378,6 +13378,9 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "batcalc",   "ifthenelse",   "pattern batcalc.ifthenelse(v:bit, 
b1:bat[:any_1], b2:bat[:any_1]):bat[:any_1] ",       "CMDifthen;",   
"If-then-else operation to assemble a conditional result"       ]
 [ "batcalc",   "ifthenelse",   "pattern batcalc.ifthenelse(v:bit, 
b1:bat[:any_1], v2:any_1):bat[:any_1] ",     "CMDifthen;",   "If-then-else 
operation to assemble a conditional result"       ]
 [ "batcalc",   "ifthenelse",   "pattern batcalc.ifthenelse(v:bit, v1:any_1, 
b2:bat[:any_1]):bat[:any_1] ",     "CMDifthen;",   "If-then-else operation to 
assemble a conditional result"       ]
+[ "batcalc",   "ifthenelse",   "pattern batcalc.ifthenelse(v:msk, 
b1:bat[:any_1], b2:bat[:any_1]):bat[:any_1] ",       "CMDifthen;",   
"If-then-else operation to assemble a conditional result"       ]
+[ "batcalc",   "ifthenelse",   "pattern batcalc.ifthenelse(v:msk, 
b1:bat[:any_1], v2:any_1):bat[:any_1] ",     "CMDifthen;",   "If-then-else 
operation to assemble a conditional result"       ]
+[ "batcalc",   "ifthenelse",   "pattern batcalc.ifthenelse(v:msk, v1:any_1, 
b2:bat[:any_1]):bat[:any_1] ",     "CMDifthen;",   "If-then-else operation to 
assemble a conditional result"       ]
 [ "batcalc",   "index",        "command batcalc.index(v:bat[:str], 
u:bit):bat[:bte] ", "BATSTRindex_bte;",     "Return the offsets as an index 
bat"    ]
 [ "batcalc",   "index",        "command batcalc.index(v:bat[:str], 
u:bit):bat[:int] ", "BATSTRindex_int;",     "Return the offsets as an index 
bat"    ]
 [ "batcalc",   "index",        "command batcalc.index(v:bat[:str], 
u:bit):bat[:sht] ", "BATSTRindex_sht;",     "Return the offsets as an index 
bat"    ]
@@ -15061,12 +15064,12 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "batcalc",   "mul_noerror",  "pattern batcalc.mul_noerror(v:sht, 
b:bat[:sht], s:bat[:msk], r:bat[:bit]):bat[:sht] ", "CMDbatMUL;",   "Return V * 
B with candidates list, overflow causes NIL value"  ]
 [ "batcalc",   "mul_noerror",  "pattern batcalc.mul_noerror(v:sht, 
b:bat[:sht], s:bat[:oid]):bat[:sht] ",      "CMDbatMUL;",   "Return V * B with 
candidates list, overflow causes NIL value"  ]
 [ "batcalc",   "mul_noerror",  "pattern batcalc.mul_noerror(v:sht, 
b:bat[:sht], s:bat[:oid], r:bat[:bit]):bat[:sht] ", "CMDbatMUL;",   "Return V * 
B with candidates list, overflow causes NIL value"  ]
-[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bit]):bat[:bit] ",  
"CMDbatNOT;",   "Return the Boolean inverse"    ]
-[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bit], 
r:bat[:bit]):bat[:bit] ",     "CMDbatNOT;",   "Return the Boolean inverse"    ]
-[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bit], 
s:bat[:msk]):bat[:bit] ",     "CMDbatNOT;",   "Return the Boolean inverse with 
candidates list"       ]
-[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bit], s:bat[:msk], 
r:bat[:bit]):bat[:bit] ",        "CMDbatNOT;",   "Return the Boolean inverse 
with candidates list"       ]
-[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bit], 
s:bat[:oid]):bat[:bit] ",     "CMDbatNOT;",   "Return the Boolean inverse with 
candidates list"       ]
-[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bit], s:bat[:oid], 
r:bat[:bit]):bat[:bit] ",        "CMDbatNOT;",   "Return the Boolean inverse 
with candidates list"       ]
+[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bit]):bat[:bit] ",  
"CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the tail of the bat"    ]
+[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bit], 
r:bat[:bit]):bat[:bit] ",     "CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the tail 
of the bat"    ]
+[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bit], 
s:bat[:msk]):bat[:bit] ",     "CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the tail 
of the bat with candidates list"       ]
+[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bit], s:bat[:msk], 
r:bat[:bit]):bat[:bit] ",        "CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the 
tail of the bat with candidates list"       ]
+[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bit], 
s:bat[:oid]):bat[:bit] ",     "CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the tail 
of the bat with candidates list"       ]
+[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bit], s:bat[:oid], 
r:bat[:bit]):bat[:bit] ",        "CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the 
tail of the bat with candidates list"       ]
 [ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bte]):bat[:bte] ",  
"CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the tail of the bat"    ]
 [ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bte], 
r:bat[:bit]):bat[:bte] ",     "CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the tail 
of the bat"    ]
 [ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bte], 
s:bat[:msk]):bat[:bte] ",     "CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the tail 
of the bat with candidates list"       ]
@@ -15085,6 +15088,12 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:lng], s:bat[:msk], 
r:bat[:bit]):bat[:lng] ",        "CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the 
tail of the bat with candidates list"       ]
 [ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:lng], 
s:bat[:oid]):bat[:lng] ",     "CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the tail 
of the bat with candidates list"       ]
 [ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:lng], s:bat[:oid], 
r:bat[:bit]):bat[:lng] ",        "CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the 
tail of the bat with candidates list"       ]
+[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:msk]):bat[:msk] ",  
"CMDbatNOT;",   "Return the Boolean inverse"    ]
+[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:msk], 
r:bat[:bit]):bat[:msk] ",     "CMDbatNOT;",   "Return the Boolean inverse"    ]
+[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:msk], 
s:bat[:msk]):bat[:msk] ",     "CMDbatNOT;",   "Return the Boolean inverse with 
candidates list"       ]
+[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:msk], s:bat[:msk], 
r:bat[:bit]):bat[:msk] ",        "CMDbatNOT;",   "Return the Boolean inverse 
with candidates list"       ]
+[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:msk], 
s:bat[:oid]):bat[:msk] ",     "CMDbatNOT;",   "Return the Boolean inverse with 
candidates list"       ]
+[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:msk], s:bat[:oid], 
r:bat[:bit]):bat[:msk] ",        "CMDbatNOT;",   "Return the Boolean inverse 
with candidates list"       ]
 [ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:sht]):bat[:sht] ",  
"CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the tail of the bat"    ]
 [ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:sht], 
r:bat[:bit]):bat[:sht] ",     "CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the tail 
of the bat"    ]
 [ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:sht], 
s:bat[:msk]):bat[:sht] ",     "CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the tail 
of the bat with candidates list"       ]
diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
@@ -19445,6 +19445,9 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "batcalc",   "ifthenelse",   "pattern batcalc.ifthenelse(v:bit, 
b1:bat[:any_1], b2:bat[:any_1]):bat[:any_1] ",       "CMDifthen;",   
"If-then-else operation to assemble a conditional result"       ]
 [ "batcalc",   "ifthenelse",   "pattern batcalc.ifthenelse(v:bit, 
b1:bat[:any_1], v2:any_1):bat[:any_1] ",     "CMDifthen;",   "If-then-else 
operation to assemble a conditional result"       ]
 [ "batcalc",   "ifthenelse",   "pattern batcalc.ifthenelse(v:bit, v1:any_1, 
b2:bat[:any_1]):bat[:any_1] ",     "CMDifthen;",   "If-then-else operation to 
assemble a conditional result"       ]
+[ "batcalc",   "ifthenelse",   "pattern batcalc.ifthenelse(v:msk, 
b1:bat[:any_1], b2:bat[:any_1]):bat[:any_1] ",       "CMDifthen;",   
"If-then-else operation to assemble a conditional result"       ]
+[ "batcalc",   "ifthenelse",   "pattern batcalc.ifthenelse(v:msk, 
b1:bat[:any_1], v2:any_1):bat[:any_1] ",     "CMDifthen;",   "If-then-else 
operation to assemble a conditional result"       ]
+[ "batcalc",   "ifthenelse",   "pattern batcalc.ifthenelse(v:msk, v1:any_1, 
b2:bat[:any_1]):bat[:any_1] ",     "CMDifthen;",   "If-then-else operation to 
assemble a conditional result"       ]
 [ "batcalc",   "index",        "command batcalc.index(v:bat[:str], 
u:bit):bat[:bte] ", "BATSTRindex_bte;",     "Return the offsets as an index 
bat"    ]
 [ "batcalc",   "index",        "command batcalc.index(v:bat[:str], 
u:bit):bat[:int] ", "BATSTRindex_int;",     "Return the offsets as an index 
bat"    ]
 [ "batcalc",   "index",        "command batcalc.index(v:bat[:str], 
u:bit):bat[:sht] ", "BATSTRindex_sht;",     "Return the offsets as an index 
bat"    ]
@@ -21928,12 +21931,12 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "batcalc",   "mul_noerror",  "pattern batcalc.mul_noerror(v:sht, 
b:bat[:sht], s:bat[:msk], r:bat[:bit]):bat[:sht] ", "CMDbatMUL;",   "Return V * 
B with candidates list, overflow causes NIL value"  ]
 [ "batcalc",   "mul_noerror",  "pattern batcalc.mul_noerror(v:sht, 
b:bat[:sht], s:bat[:oid]):bat[:sht] ",      "CMDbatMUL;",   "Return V * B with 
candidates list, overflow causes NIL value"  ]
 [ "batcalc",   "mul_noerror",  "pattern batcalc.mul_noerror(v:sht, 
b:bat[:sht], s:bat[:oid], r:bat[:bit]):bat[:sht] ", "CMDbatMUL;",   "Return V * 
B with candidates list, overflow causes NIL value"  ]
-[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bit]):bat[:bit] ",  
"CMDbatNOT;",   "Return the Boolean inverse"    ]
-[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bit], 
r:bat[:bit]):bat[:bit] ",     "CMDbatNOT;",   "Return the Boolean inverse"    ]
-[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bit], 
s:bat[:msk]):bat[:bit] ",     "CMDbatNOT;",   "Return the Boolean inverse with 
candidates list"       ]
-[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bit], s:bat[:msk], 
r:bat[:bit]):bat[:bit] ",        "CMDbatNOT;",   "Return the Boolean inverse 
with candidates list"       ]
-[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bit], 
s:bat[:oid]):bat[:bit] ",     "CMDbatNOT;",   "Return the Boolean inverse with 
candidates list"       ]
-[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bit], s:bat[:oid], 
r:bat[:bit]):bat[:bit] ",        "CMDbatNOT;",   "Return the Boolean inverse 
with candidates list"       ]
+[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bit]):bat[:bit] ",  
"CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the tail of the bat"    ]
+[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bit], 
r:bat[:bit]):bat[:bit] ",     "CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the tail 
of the bat"    ]
+[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bit], 
s:bat[:msk]):bat[:bit] ",     "CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the tail 
of the bat with candidates list"       ]
+[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bit], s:bat[:msk], 
r:bat[:bit]):bat[:bit] ",        "CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the 
tail of the bat with candidates list"       ]
+[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bit], 
s:bat[:oid]):bat[:bit] ",     "CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the tail 
of the bat with candidates list"       ]
+[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bit], s:bat[:oid], 
r:bat[:bit]):bat[:bit] ",        "CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the 
tail of the bat with candidates list"       ]
 [ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bte]):bat[:bte] ",  
"CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the tail of the bat"    ]
 [ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bte], 
r:bat[:bit]):bat[:bte] ",     "CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the tail 
of the bat"    ]
 [ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:bte], 
s:bat[:msk]):bat[:bte] ",     "CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the tail 
of the bat with candidates list"       ]
@@ -21958,6 +21961,12 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:lng], s:bat[:msk], 
r:bat[:bit]):bat[:lng] ",        "CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the 
tail of the bat with candidates list"       ]
 [ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:lng], 
s:bat[:oid]):bat[:lng] ",     "CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the tail 
of the bat with candidates list"       ]
 [ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:lng], s:bat[:oid], 
r:bat[:bit]):bat[:lng] ",        "CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the 
tail of the bat with candidates list"       ]
+[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:msk]):bat[:msk] ",  
"CMDbatNOT;",   "Return the Boolean inverse"    ]
+[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:msk], 
r:bat[:bit]):bat[:msk] ",     "CMDbatNOT;",   "Return the Boolean inverse"    ]
+[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:msk], 
s:bat[:msk]):bat[:msk] ",     "CMDbatNOT;",   "Return the Boolean inverse with 
candidates list"       ]
+[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:msk], s:bat[:msk], 
r:bat[:bit]):bat[:msk] ",        "CMDbatNOT;",   "Return the Boolean inverse 
with candidates list"       ]
+[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:msk], 
s:bat[:oid]):bat[:msk] ",     "CMDbatNOT;",   "Return the Boolean inverse with 
candidates list"       ]
+[ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:msk], s:bat[:oid], 
r:bat[:bit]):bat[:msk] ",        "CMDbatNOT;",   "Return the Boolean inverse 
with candidates list"       ]
 [ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:sht]):bat[:sht] ",  
"CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the tail of the bat"    ]
 [ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:sht], 
r:bat[:bit]):bat[:sht] ",     "CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the tail 
of the bat"    ]
 [ "batcalc",   "not",  "pattern batcalc.not(b:bat[:sht], 
s:bat[:msk]):bat[:sht] ",     "CMDbatNOT;",   "Unary bitwise not over the tail 
of the bat with candidates list"       ]
diff --git a/gdk/gdk_calc.c b/gdk/gdk_calc.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_calc.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_calc.c
@@ -284,6 +284,28 @@ BATcalcnot(BAT *b, BAT *s, BAT *r)
                return NULL;
        switch (ATOMbasetype(b->ttype)) {
+       case TYPE_msk:
+               if (ci.tpe == cand_dense) {
+                       const uint32_t *restrict src = Tloc(b, (ci.seq - 
b->hseqbase) / 32);
+                       uint32_t *restrict dst = Tloc(bn, 0);
+                       int bits = (ci.seq - b->hseqbase) % 32;
+                       ncand = (ncand + 31) / 32;
+                       if (bits == 0) {
+                               for (i = 0; i < ncand; i++)
+                                       dst[i] = ~src[i];
+                       } else {
+                               for (i = 0; i < ncand; i++)
+                                       dst[i] = (~src[i] >> bits) | ~(src[i + 
1] >> (32 - bits));
+                       }
+                       if (ci.ncand % 32 != 0)
+                               dst[ci.ncand / 32] &= (1U << (ci.ncand % 32)) - 
+               } else {
+                       for (i = 0; i < ci.ncand; i++) {
+                               x = canditer_next(&ci) - b->hseqbase;
+                               mskSetVal(bn, i, !mskGetVal(b, x));
+                       }
+               }
+               break;
        case TYPE_bte:
                if (b->ttype == TYPE_bit) {
                        UNARY_2TYPE_FUNC(bit, bit, NOTBIT);
@@ -311,7 +333,7 @@ BATcalcnot(BAT *b, BAT *s, BAT *r)
                return NULL;
-       BATsetcount(bn, ncand);
+       BATsetcount(bn, ci.ncand);
        /* NOT reverses the order, but NILs mess it up */
        bn->tsorted = nils == 0 && b->trevsorted;
@@ -338,6 +360,9 @@ VARcalcnot(ValPtr ret, const ValRecord *
        ret->vtype = v->vtype;
        switch (ATOMbasetype(v->vtype)) {
+       case TYPE_msk:
+               ret->val.mval = !v->val.mval;
+               break;
        case TYPE_bte:
                if (is_bit_nil(v->val.btval))
                        ret->val.btval = bit_nil;
diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/mal/01_batcalc.mal 
--- a/monetdb5/modules/mal/01_batcalc.mal
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/mal/01_batcalc.mal
@@ -162,24 +162,43 @@ address CMDbatISNOTNIL
 comment "Unary check for notnil over the tail of the bat with candidates list";
-pattern not(b:bat[:bit]) :bat[:bit]
+pattern not(b:bat[:msk]) :bat[:msk]
 address CMDbatNOT
 comment "Return the Boolean inverse";
-pattern not(b:bat[:bit],s:bat[:oid]) :bat[:bit]
+pattern not(b:bat[:msk],s:bat[:oid]) :bat[:msk]
+address CMDbatNOT
+comment "Return the Boolean inverse with candidates list";
+pattern not(b:bat[:msk],s:bat[:msk]) :bat[:msk]
 address CMDbatNOT
 comment "Return the Boolean inverse with candidates list";
-pattern not(b:bat[:bit],s:bat[:msk]) :bat[:bit]
+pattern not(b:bat[:msk],r:bat[:bit]) :bat[:msk]
+address CMDbatNOT
+comment "Return the Boolean inverse";
+pattern not(b:bat[:msk],s:bat[:oid],r:bat[:bit]) :bat[:msk]
+address CMDbatNOT
+comment "Return the Boolean inverse with candidates list";
+pattern not(b:bat[:msk],s:bat[:msk],r:bat[:bit]) :bat[:msk]
 address CMDbatNOT
 comment "Return the Boolean inverse with candidates list";
+pattern not(b:bat[:bit]) :bat[:bit]
+address CMDbatNOT
+comment "Unary bitwise not over the tail of the bat";
+pattern not(b:bat[:bit],s:bat[:oid]) :bat[:bit]
+address CMDbatNOT
+comment "Unary bitwise not over the tail of the bat with candidates list";
+pattern not(b:bat[:bit],s:bat[:msk]) :bat[:bit]
+address CMDbatNOT
+comment "Unary bitwise not over the tail of the bat with candidates list";
 pattern not(b:bat[:bit],r:bat[:bit]) :bat[:bit]
 address CMDbatNOT
-comment "Return the Boolean inverse";
+comment "Unary bitwise not over the tail of the bat";
 pattern not(b:bat[:bit],s:bat[:oid],r:bat[:bit]) :bat[:bit]
 address CMDbatNOT
-comment "Return the Boolean inverse with candidates list";
+comment "Unary bitwise not over the tail of the bat with candidates list";
 pattern not(b:bat[:bit],s:bat[:msk],r:bat[:bit]) :bat[:bit]
 address CMDbatNOT
-comment "Return the Boolean inverse with candidates list";
+comment "Unary bitwise not over the tail of the bat with candidates list";
 pattern not(b:bat[:bte]) :bat[:bte]
 address CMDbatNOT
@@ -45609,6 +45628,18 @@ pattern ifthenelse(v:bit, b1:bat[:any_1]
 address CMDifthen
 comment "If-then-else operation to assemble a conditional result";
+pattern ifthenelse(v:msk, b1:bat[:any_1], b2:bat[:any_1]) :bat[:any_1]
+address CMDifthen
+comment "If-then-else operation to assemble a conditional result";
+pattern ifthenelse(v:msk, v1:any_1, b2:bat[:any_1]) :bat[:any_1]
+address CMDifthen
+comment "If-then-else operation to assemble a conditional result";
+pattern ifthenelse(v:msk, b1:bat[:any_1], v2:any_1) :bat[:any_1]
+address CMDifthen
+comment "If-then-else operation to assemble a conditional result";
 pattern ifthenelse(b:bat[:bit], v1:any_1, v2:any_1) :bat[:any_1]
 address CMDifthen
 comment "If-then-else operation to assemble a conditional result";
diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/mal/ 
--- a/monetdb5/modules/mal/
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/mal/
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ done
 com="Return the Boolean inverse"
-for tp in bit ${integer[@]}; do
+for tp in msk bit ${integer[@]}; do
     cat <<EOF
 pattern not(b:bat[:$tp]) :bat[:$tp]
 address CMDbatNOT
diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/mal/ 
--- a/monetdb5/modules/mal/
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/mal/
@@ -336,6 +336,10 @@ pattern ifthenelse(b:bit,t:any_1,f:any_1
 address CALCswitchbit
 comment "If VALUE is true return MIDDLE else RIGHT";
+pattern ifthenelse(b:msk,t:any_1,f:any_1):any_1
+address CALCswitchbit
+comment "If VALUE is true return MIDDLE else RIGHT";
 command length(s:str) :int
 address CMDstrlength
 comment "Length of STRING";
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