Changeset: 880311d948f8 for MonetDB
Added Files:
Modified Files:
Branch: mbedded
Log Message:

merged with default

diffs (truncated from 7526 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/clients/ChangeLog.Jun2020 b/clients/ChangeLog.Jun2020
--- a/clients/ChangeLog.Jun2020
+++ b/clients/ChangeLog.Jun2020
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
 # ChangeLog file for clients
 # This file is updated with Maddlog
+* Thu Apr 16 2020 Sjoerd Mullender <>
+- Removed the possibility of using the MD5 checksum for authentication
+  purposes.  It was never actively used but was there as an option.
+  Now the option has been removed.
 * Fri Oct 25 2019 Pedro Ferreira <>
 - Added 'sessionid' column to system function sys.queue(), so each query
   gets tagged with the current session identifier
diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
@@ -11357,9 +11357,9 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "batsql",    "lead", "pattern batsql.lead(b:bat[:any_1], p:any_3, 
o:any_4):bat[:any_1] ",    "SQLlead;",     "return the value in the next row in 
the partition or NULL if non existent"     ]
 [ "batsql",    "max",  "pattern batsql.max(b:bat[:any_1], s:bat[:lng], 
e:bat[:lng]):bat[:any_1] ",     "SQLmax;",      "return the maximum of groups"  
 [ "batsql",    "min",  "pattern batsql.min(b:bat[:any_1], s:bat[:lng], 
e:bat[:lng]):bat[:any_1] ",     "SQLmin;",      "return the minimum of groups"  
-[ "batsql",    "next_value",   "pattern batsql.next_value(sname:bat[:str], 
sequence:bat[:str]):bat[:lng] ",    "mvc_bat_next_value;",  "return the next 
value of sequences"    ]
-[ "batsql",    "next_value",   "pattern batsql.next_value(sname:bat[:str], 
sequence:str):bat[:lng] ",  "mvc_bat_next_value;",  "return the next value of 
the sequence" ]
-[ "batsql",    "next_value",   "pattern batsql.next_value(sname:str, 
sequence:bat[:str]):bat[:lng] ",  "mvc_bat_next_value;",  "return the next 
value of sequences"    ]
+[ "batsql",    "next_value",   "unsafe pattern 
batsql.next_value(sname:bat[:str], sequence:bat[:str]):bat[:lng] ",     
"mvc_bat_next_value;",  "return the next value of sequences"    ]
+[ "batsql",    "next_value",   "unsafe pattern 
batsql.next_value(sname:bat[:str], sequence:str):bat[:lng] ",   
"mvc_bat_next_value;",  "return the next value of the sequence" ]
+[ "batsql",    "next_value",   "unsafe pattern batsql.next_value(sname:str, 
sequence:bat[:str]):bat[:lng] ",   "mvc_bat_next_value;",  "return the next 
value of sequences"    ]
 [ "batsql",    "nth_value",    "pattern batsql.nth_value(b:any_1, 
n:bat[:any_2], s:lng, e:lng):bat[:any_1] ",  "SQLnth_value;",        "return 
the nth value of each group"    ]
 [ "batsql",    "nth_value",    "pattern batsql.nth_value(b:bat[:any_1], 
n:any_2, s:bat[:lng], e:bat[:lng]):bat[:any_1] ",      "SQLnth_value;",        
"return the nth value of each group"    ]
 [ "batsql",    "nth_value",    "pattern batsql.nth_value(b:bat[:any_1], 
n:bat[:any_2], s:bat[:lng], e:bat[:lng]):bat[:any_1] ",        "SQLnth_value;", 
       "return the nth value of each group"    ]
@@ -14009,16 +14009,16 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "shp",       "attach",       "pattern shp.attach(filename:str):void ",       
"SHPattach;",   "Register an ESRI Shapefile in the vault catalog"       ]
 [ "shp",       "import",       "pattern shp.import(fileid:int):void ", 
"SHPimport;",   "Import an ESRI Shapefile with given id into the vault" ]
 [ "shp",       "import",       "pattern shp.import(fileid:int, po:wkb):void ", 
"SHPpartialimport;",    "Partially import an ESRI Shapefile with given id into 
the vault"       ]
-[ "sql",       "abort",        "pattern sql.abort():void ",    "SQLabort;",    
"Trigger the abort operation for a MAL block"   ]
+[ "sql",       "abort",        "unsafe pattern sql.abort():void ",     
"SQLabort;",    "Trigger the abort operation for a MAL block"   ]
 [ "sql",       "affectedRows", "unsafe pattern sql.affectedRows(mvc:int, 
nr:lng):int ",        "mvc_affected_rows_wrap;",      "export the number of 
affected rows by the current query"       ]
 [ "sql",       "all",  "inline function sql.all(b:bat[:any_1], gp:bat[:oid], 
gpe:bat[:oid], no_nil:bit):bat[:any_1];", "",     ""      ]
 [ "sql",       "all",  "command sql.all(col:bat[:any_1]):any_1 ",      
"SQLall;",      "if all values in col are equal return this, else nil"  ]
 [ "sql",       "all",  "command sql.all(cmp:bit, nl:bit, nr:bit):bit ",        
"SQLall_cmp;",  "if !cmp then false, (nl or nr) then nil, else true"    ]
 [ "sql",       "alpha",        "command sql.alpha(dec:dbl, theta:dbl):dbl ",   
"SQLcst_alpha_cst;",    "Implementation of astronomy alpha function: expands 
the radius theta depending on the declination"     ]
-[ "sql",       "analyze",      "pattern sql.analyze(minmax:int, 
sample:lng):void ",    "sql_analyze;", ""      ]
-[ "sql",       "analyze",      "pattern sql.analyze(minmax:int, sample:lng, 
sch:str):void ",   "sql_analyze;", ""      ]
-[ "sql",       "analyze",      "pattern sql.analyze(minmax:int, sample:lng, 
sch:str, tbl:str):void ",  "sql_analyze;", ""      ]
-[ "sql",       "analyze",      "pattern sql.analyze(minmax:int, sample:lng, 
sch:str, tbl:str, col:str):void ", "sql_analyze;", "Update the database 
statistics table"  ]
+[ "sql",       "analyze",      "unsafe pattern sql.analyze(minmax:int, 
sample:lng):void ",     "sql_analyze;", ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "analyze",      "unsafe pattern sql.analyze(minmax:int, 
sample:lng, sch:str):void ",    "sql_analyze;", ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "analyze",      "unsafe pattern sql.analyze(minmax:int, 
sample:lng, sch:str, tbl:str):void ",   "sql_analyze;", ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "analyze",      "unsafe pattern sql.analyze(minmax:int, 
sample:lng, sch:str, tbl:str, col:str):void ",  "sql_analyze;", "Update the 
database statistics table"  ]
 [ "sql",       "any",  "command sql.any(cmp:bit, nl:bit, nr:bit):bit ",        
"SQLany_cmp;",  "if cmp then true, (nl or nr) nil then nil, else false" ]
 [ "sql",       "append",       "pattern sql.append(mvc:int, sname:str, 
tname:str, cname:str, ins:any):int ",   "mvc_append_wrap;",     "Append to the 
column tname.cname (possibly optimized to replace the insert bat of 
tname.cname. Returns sequence number for order dependence."  ]
 [ "sql",       "argRecord",    "pattern sql.argRecord():str ", 
"SQLargRecord;",        "Glue together the calling sequence"    ]
@@ -14041,10 +14041,10 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "sql",       "bind_idxbat",  "pattern sql.bind_idxbat(mvc:int, schema:str, 
table:str, index:str, access:int, part_nr:int, nr_parts:int) (uid:bat[:oid], 
uval:bat[:any_1]) ", "mvc_bind_idxbat_wrap;",        "Bind the 
'schema.table.index' BAT with access kind:\n\t0 - base table\n\t1 - 
inserts\n\t2 - updates"   ]
 [ "sql",       "bind_idxbat",  "pattern sql.bind_idxbat(mvc:int, schema:str, 
table:str, index:str, access:int, part_nr:int, nr_parts:int):bat[:any_1] ",     
  "mvc_bind_idxbat_wrap;",        "Bind the 'schema.table.index' BAT with 
access kind:\n\t0 - base table\n\t1 - inserts\n\t2 - updates"   ]
 [ "sql",       "clear_table",  "unsafe pattern sql.clear_table(sname:str, 
tname:str):lng ",    "mvc_clear_table_wrap;",        "Clear the table 
sname.tname."  ]
-[ "sql",       "commit",       "pattern sql.commit():void ",   "SQLcommit;",   
"Trigger the commit operation for a MAL block"  ]
+[ "sql",       "commit",       "unsafe pattern sql.commit():void ",    
"SQLcommit;",   "Trigger the commit operation for a MAL block"  ]
 [ "sql",       "copy_from",    "unsafe pattern sql.copy_from(t:ptr, sep:str, 
rsep:str, ssep:str, ns:str, fname:str, nr:lng, offset:lng, locked:int, 
best:int, fwf:str, onclient:int):bat[:any]... ",   "mvc_import_table_wrap;",    
   "Import a table from bstream s with the \n\tgiven tuple and seperators 
(sep/rsep)"      ]
 [ "sql",       "copy_rejects", "pattern sql.copy_rejects() (rowid:bat[:lng], 
fldid:bat[:int], msg:bat[:str], inp:bat[:str]) ", "COPYrejects;", ""      ]
-[ "sql",       "copy_rejects_clear",   "pattern sql.copy_rejects_clear():void 
",       "COPYrejects_clear;",   ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "copy_rejects_clear",   "unsafe pattern 
sql.copy_rejects_clear():void ",        "COPYrejects_clear;",   ""      ]
 [ "sql",       "corr", "pattern sql.corr(b:bte, c:bte, s:lng, e:lng):dbl ",    
"SQLcorr;",     "return the correlation value of groups"        ]
 [ "sql",       "corr", "pattern sql.corr(b:dbl, c:dbl, s:lng, e:lng):dbl ",    
"SQLcorr;",     "return the correlation value of groups"        ]
 [ "sql",       "corr", "pattern sql.corr(b:flt, c:flt, s:lng, e:lng):dbl ",    
"SQLcorr;",     "return the correlation value of groups"        ]
@@ -14064,7 +14064,7 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "sql",       "covariancep",  "pattern sql.covariancep(b:int, c:int, s:lng, 
e:lng):dbl ",     "SQLcovar_pop;",        "return the covariance population 
value of groups"      ]
 [ "sql",       "covariancep",  "pattern sql.covariancep(b:lng, c:lng, s:lng, 
e:lng):dbl ",     "SQLcovar_pop;",        "return the covariance population 
value of groups"      ]
 [ "sql",       "covariancep",  "pattern sql.covariancep(b:sht, c:sht, s:lng, 
e:lng):dbl ",     "SQLcovar_pop;",        "return the covariance population 
value of groups"      ]
-[ "sql",       "createorderindex",     "pattern sql.createorderindex(sch:str, 
tbl:str, col:str):void ",        "sql_createorderindex;",        "Instantiate 
the order index on a column"       ]
+[ "sql",       "createorderindex",     "unsafe pattern 
sql.createorderindex(sch:str, tbl:str, col:str):void ", 
"sql_createorderindex;",        "Instantiate the order index on a column"       
 [ "sql",       "cume_dist",    "pattern sql.cume_dist(b:any_1, p:bit, 
o:bit):dbl ",    "SQLcume_dist;",        "return the accumulated distribution 
of the number of rows per group to the total number of partition rows"     ]
 [ "sql",       "current_time", "pattern sql.current_time():daytime ",  
"SQLcurrent_daytime;",  "Get the clients current daytime"       ]
 [ "sql",       "current_timestamp",    "pattern 
sql.current_timestamp():timestamp ",   "SQLcurrent_timestamp;",        "Get the 
clients current timestamp"     ]
@@ -14086,8 +14086,8 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "sql",       "dense_rank",   "pattern sql.dense_rank(b:any_1, p:bit, 
o:bit):int ",   "SQLdense_rank;",       "return the densely ranked groups"      
 [ "sql",       "diff", "pattern sql.diff(b:any_1):bit ",       "SQLdiff;",     
"return true if cur != prev row"        ]
 [ "sql",       "diff", "pattern sql.diff(p:bit, b:any_1):bit ",        
"SQLdiff;",     "return true if cur != prev row"        ]
-[ "sql",       "drop_hash",    "pattern sql.drop_hash(sch:str, tbl:str):void 
",        "SQLdrop_hash;",        "Drop hash indices for the given table" ]
-[ "sql",       "droporderindex",       "pattern sql.droporderindex(sch:str, 
tbl:str, col:str):void ",  "sql_droporderindex;",  "Drop the order index on a 
column"      ]
+[ "sql",       "drop_hash",    "unsafe pattern sql.drop_hash(sch:str, 
tbl:str):void ", "SQLdrop_hash;",        "Drop hash indices for the given 
table" ]
+[ "sql",       "droporderindex",       "unsafe pattern 
sql.droporderindex(sch:str, tbl:str, col:str):void ",   "sql_droporderindex;",  
"Drop the order index on a column"      ]
 [ "sql",       "dump_cache",   "pattern sql.dump_cache() (query:bat[:str], 
count:bat[:int]) ", "dump_cache;",  "dump the content of the query cache"   ]
 [ "sql",       "dump_opt_stats",       "pattern sql.dump_opt_stats() 
(rewrite:bat[:str], count:bat[:int]) ",   "dump_opt_stats;",      "dump the 
optimizer rewrite statistics" ]
 [ "sql",       "dump_trace",   "pattern sql.dump_trace() (ticks:bat[:lng], 
stmt:bat[:str]) ",  "dump_trace;",  "dump the trace statistics"     ]
@@ -14111,12 +14111,12 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "sql",       "export_table", "unsafe pattern sql.export_table(fname:str, 
fmt:str, colsep:str, recsep:str, qout:str, nullrep:str, onclient:int, 
tbl:bat[:str], attr:bat[:str], tpe:bat[:str], len:bat[:int], scale:bat[:int], 
cols:any...):int ",     "mvc_export_row_wrap;", "Prepare a table result set for 
the COPY INTO stream"   ]
 [ "sql",       "export_table", "unsafe pattern sql.export_table(fname:str, 
fmt:str, colsep:str, recsep:str, qout:str, nullrep:str, onclient:int, 
tbl:bat[:str], attr:bat[:str], tpe:bat[:str], len:bat[:int], scale:bat[:int], 
cols:bat[:any]...):int ",       "mvc_export_table_wrap;",       "Prepare a 
table result set for the COPY INTO stream"   ]
 [ "sql",       "first_value",  "pattern sql.first_value(b:any_1, s:lng, 
e:lng):any_1 ",        "SQLfirst_value;",      "return the first value of 
groups"      ]
-[ "sql",       "flush_log",    "command sql.flush_log():void ",        
"SQLflush_log;",        "start flushing the write ahead log"    ]
+[ "sql",       "flush_log",    "unsafe command sql.flush_log():void ", 
"SQLflush_log;",        "start flushing the write ahead log"    ]
 [ "sql",       "getVariable",  "pattern sql.getVariable(mvc:int, 
varname:str):any_1 ", "getVariable;", "Get the value of a session variable"   ]
 [ "sql",       "getVersion",   "command sql.getVersion(clientid:int):lng ",    
"mvc_getVersion;",      "Return the database version identifier for a client."  
 [ "sql",       "get_value",    "pattern sql.get_value(sname:str, 
sequence:str):lng ",  "mvc_get_value;",       "return the current value of the 
sequence"      ]
 [ "sql",       "grow", "pattern sql.grow(tid:bat[:oid], X_0:any_1):int ",      
"mvc_grow_wrap;",       "Resize the tid column of a declared table."    ]
-[ "sql",       "hot_snapshot", "command sql.hot_snapshot(tarfile:str):void ",  
"SQLhot_snapshot;",     "Write db snapshot to the given tar(.gz) file"  ]
+[ "sql",       "hot_snapshot", "unsafe command 
sql.hot_snapshot(tarfile:str):void ",   "SQLhot_snapshot;",     "Write db 
snapshot to the given tar(.gz) file"  ]
 [ "sql",       "importTable",  "unsafe pattern sql.importTable(sname:str, 
tname:str, onclient:int, fname:str...):bat[:any]... ",       
"mvc_bin_import_table_wrap;",   "Import a table from the files (fname)" ]
 [ "sql",       "include",      "pattern sql.include(fname:str):void ", 
"SQLinclude;",  "Compile and execute a sql statements on the file"      ]
 [ "sql",       "lag",  "pattern sql.lag(b:any_1, l:any_2, d:any_1, p:any_3, 
o:any_4):any_1 ",  "SQLlag;",      "return the value in the previous 'l' row in 
the partition or 'd' if non existent"      ]
@@ -14132,7 +14132,7 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "sql",       "ms_trunc",     "command sql.ms_trunc(v:dbl, r:int):dbl ",      
"dbl_trunc_wrap;",      "truncate the floating point v to r digits behind the 
dot (if r < 0, before the dot)"   ]
 [ "sql",       "ms_trunc",     "command sql.ms_trunc(v:flt, r:int):flt ",      
"flt_trunc_wrap;",      "truncate the floating point v to r digits behind the 
dot (if r < 0, before the dot)"   ]
 [ "sql",       "mvc",  "pattern sql.mvc():int ",       "SQLmvc;",      "Get 
the multiversion catalog context. \nNeeded for correct statement 
dependencies\n(ie sql.update, should be after sql.bind in concurrent 
execution)"  ]
-[ "sql",       "next_value",   "pattern sql.next_value(sname:str, 
sequence:str):lng ", "mvc_next_value;",      "return the next value of the 
sequence" ]
+[ "sql",       "next_value",   "unsafe pattern sql.next_value(sname:str, 
sequence:str):lng ",  "mvc_next_value;",      "return the next value of the 
sequence" ]
 [ "sql",       "not_unique",   "command sql.not_unique(b:bat[:oid]):bit ",     
"not_unique;",  "check if the tail sorted bat b doesn't have unique tail 
values"        ]
 [ "sql",       "nth_value",    "pattern sql.nth_value(b:any_1, n:any_2, s:lng, 
e:lng):any_1 ", "SQLnth_value;",        "return the nth value of each group"    
 [ "sql",       "ntile",        "pattern sql.ntile(b:any_1, n:any_2, p:any_3, 
o:any_4):any_2 ", "SQLntile;",    "return the groups divided as equally as 
possible"      ]
@@ -14156,10 +14156,10 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "sql",       "projectdelta", "command sql.projectdelta(select:bat[:oid], 
col:bat[:any_3], uid:bat[:oid], uval:bat[:any_3], ins:bat[:any_3]):bat[:any_3] 
",   "DELTAproject;",        "Return column bat with delta's applied."       ]
 [ "sql",       "querylog_calls",       "pattern sql.querylog_calls() 
(id:bat[:oid], start:bat[:timestamp], stop:bat[:timestamp], 
arguments:bat[:str], tuples:bat[:lng], exec:bat[:lng], result:bat[:lng], 
cpuload:bat[:int], iowait:bat[:int]) ",      "sql_querylog_calls;",  "Obtain 
the query log calls"    ]
 [ "sql",       "querylog_catalog",     "pattern sql.querylog_catalog() 
(id:bat[:oid], user:bat[:str], defined:bat[:timestamp], query:bat[:str], 
pipe:bat[:str], plan:bat[:str], mal:bat[:int], optimize:bat[:lng]) ",  
"sql_querylog_catalog;",        "Obtain the query log catalog"  ]
-[ "sql",       "querylog_disable",     "command sql.querylog_disable():void ", 
"QLOGdisable;", ""      ]
-[ "sql",       "querylog_empty",       "pattern sql.querylog_empty():void ",   
"sql_querylog_empty;",  ""      ]
-[ "sql",       "querylog_enable",      "command sql.querylog_enable():void ",  
"QLOGenable;",  ""      ]
-[ "sql",       "querylog_enable",      "command 
sql.querylog_enable(thres:int):void ", "QLOGenableThreshold;", ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "querylog_disable",     "unsafe command 
sql.querylog_disable():void ",  "QLOGdisable;", ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "querylog_empty",       "unsafe pattern 
sql.querylog_empty():void ",    "sql_querylog_empty;",  ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "querylog_enable",      "unsafe command 
sql.querylog_enable():void ",   "QLOGenable;",  ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "querylog_enable",      "unsafe command 
sql.querylog_enable(thres:int):void ",  "QLOGenableThreshold;", ""      ]
 [ "sql",       "rank", "pattern sql.rank(b:any_1, p:bit, o:bit):int ", 
"SQLrank;",     "return the ranked groups"      ]
 [ "sql",       "register",     "pattern sql.register(mod:str, fname:str, 
rel_stmt:str, sig:str):int ", "RAstatement2;",        ""      ]
 [ "sql",       "register",     "pattern sql.register(mod:str, fname:str, 
rel_stmt:str, sig:str, typ:str):int ",        "RAstatement2;",        "Compile 
the relational statement (rel_smt) and register it as mal function, 
mod.fname(signature)"      ]
@@ -14167,8 +14167,8 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "sql",       "resultSet",    "unsafe pattern sql.resultSet(tbl:bat[:str], 
attr:bat[:str], tpe:bat[:str], len:bat[:int], scale:bat[:int], cols:any...):int 
", "mvc_row_result_wrap;", "Prepare a table result set for the client 
front-end"   ]
 [ "sql",       "resultSet",    "unsafe pattern sql.resultSet(tbl:str, 
attr:str, tpe:str, len:int, scale:int, eclass:int, val:any):int ",       
"mvc_scalar_value_wrap;",       "Prepare a table result set for the client 
front-end."  ]
 [ "sql",       "resultSet",    "unsafe pattern sql.resultSet(tbl:bat[:str], 
attr:bat[:str], tpe:bat[:str], len:bat[:int], scale:bat[:int], 
cols:bat[:any]...):int ",   "mvc_table_result_wrap;",       "Prepare a table 
result set for the client in default CSV format"       ]
-[ "sql",       "resume_log_flushing",  "command sql.resume_log_flushing():void 
",      "SQLresume_log_flushing;",      "Resume WAL log flushing"       ]
-[ "sql",       "reuse",        "pattern sql.reuse(sch:str, tbl:str):void ",    
"SQLreuse;",    "Consolidate the deletion table over all columns reusing 
deleted slots" ]
+[ "sql",       "resume_log_flushing",  "unsafe command 
sql.resume_log_flushing():void ",       "SQLresume_log_flushing;",      "Resume 
WAL log flushing"       ]
+[ "sql",       "reuse",        "unsafe pattern sql.reuse(sch:str, 
tbl:str):void ",     "SQLreuse;",    "Consolidate the deletion table over all 
columns reusing deleted slots" ]
 [ "sql",       "round",        "command sql.round(v:bte, d:int, s:int, 
r:bte):bte ",   "bte_round_wrap;",      "round off the decimal v(d,s) to r 
digits behind the dot (if r < 0, before the dot)"    ]
 [ "sql",       "round",        "command sql.round(v:dbl, r:bte):dbl ", 
"dbl_round_wrap;",      "round off the floating point v to r digits behind the 
dot (if r < 0, before the dot)"  ]
 [ "sql",       "round",        "command sql.round(v:flt, r:bte):flt ", 
"flt_round_wrap;",      "round off the floating point v to r digits behind the 
dot (if r < 0, before the dot)"  ]
@@ -14178,8 +14178,8 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "sql",       "row_number",   "pattern sql.row_number(b:any_1, p:bit, 
o:bit):int ",   "SQLrow_number;",       "return the row_numer-ed groups"        
 [ "sql",       "rt_credentials",       "pattern 
sql.rt_credentials(tablename:str) (uri:bat[:str], username:bat[:str], 
hash:bat[:str]) ",       "sql_rt_credentials_wrap;",     "Return the remote 
table credentials for the given table"       ]
 [ "sql",       "sessions",     "pattern sql.sessions() (id:bat[:int], 
user:bat[:str], start:bat[:timestamp], idle:bat[:timestamp], 
optmizer:bat[:str], stimeout:bat[:int], qtimeout:bat[:int], wlimit:bat[:int], 
mlimit:bat[:int]) ",  "sql_sessions_wrap;",   "SQL export table of active 
sessions, their timeouts and idle status"   ]
-[ "sql",       "setVariable",  "pattern sql.setVariable(mvc:int, varname:str, 
value:any_1):int ",      "setVariable;", "Set the value of a session variable"  
-[ "sql",       "shrink",       "pattern sql.shrink(sch:str, tbl:str):void ",   
"SQLshrink;",   "Consolidate the deletion table over all columns using 
shrinking"       ]
+[ "sql",       "setVariable",  "unsafe pattern sql.setVariable(mvc:int, 
varname:str, value:any_1):int ",       "setVariable;", "Set the value of a 
session variable"   ]
+[ "sql",       "shrink",       "unsafe pattern sql.shrink(sch:str, 
tbl:str):void ",    "SQLshrink;",   "Consolidate the deletion table over all 
columns using shrinking"       ]
 [ "sql",       "shutdown",     "pattern sql.shutdown(delay:bte):str ", 
"SQLshutdown_wrap;",    ""      ]
 [ "sql",       "shutdown",     "pattern sql.shutdown(delay:bte, force:bit):str 
",      "SQLshutdown_wrap;",    ""      ]
 [ "sql",       "shutdown",     "pattern sql.shutdown(delay:int):str ", 
"SQLshutdown_wrap;",    ""      ]
@@ -14219,33 +14219,33 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "sql",       "sum",  "pattern sql.sum(b:int, s:lng, e:lng):lng ",    
"SQLsum;",      "return the sum of groups"      ]
 [ "sql",       "sum",  "pattern sql.sum(b:lng, s:lng, e:lng):lng ",    
"SQLsum;",      "return the sum of groups"      ]
 [ "sql",       "sum",  "pattern sql.sum(b:sht, s:lng, e:lng):lng ",    
"SQLsum;",      "return the sum of groups"      ]
-[ "sql",       "suspend_log_flushing", "command 
sql.suspend_log_flushing():void ",     "SQLsuspend_log_flushing;",     "Suspend 
WAL log flushing"      ]
-[ "sql",       "sysmon_pause", "pattern sql.sysmon_pause(tag:bte):void ",      
"SYSMONpause;", ""      ]
-[ "sql",       "sysmon_pause", "pattern sql.sysmon_pause(tag:int):void ",      
"SYSMONpause;", ""      ]
-[ "sql",       "sysmon_pause", "pattern sql.sysmon_pause(tag:lng):void ",      
"SYSMONpause;", ""      ]
-[ "sql",       "sysmon_pause", "pattern sql.sysmon_pause(tag:sht):void ",      
"SYSMONpause;", ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "suspend_log_flushing", "unsafe command 
sql.suspend_log_flushing():void ",      "SQLsuspend_log_flushing;",     
"Suspend WAL log flushing"      ]
+[ "sql",       "sysmon_pause", "unsafe pattern sql.sysmon_pause(tag:bte):void 
",       "SYSMONpause;", ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "sysmon_pause", "unsafe pattern sql.sysmon_pause(tag:int):void 
",       "SYSMONpause;", ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "sysmon_pause", "unsafe pattern sql.sysmon_pause(tag:lng):void 
",       "SYSMONpause;", ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "sysmon_pause", "unsafe pattern sql.sysmon_pause(tag:sht):void 
",       "SYSMONpause;", ""      ]
 [ "sql",       "sysmon_queue", "pattern sql.sysmon_queue() (tag:bat[:lng], 
sessionid:bat[:int], user:bat[:str], started:bat[:timestamp], status:bat[:str], 
query:bat[:str], finished:bat[:timestamp], workers:bat[:int], memory:bat[:int]) 
",  "SYSMONqueue;", ""      ]
-[ "sql",       "sysmon_resume",        "pattern 
sql.sysmon_resume(tag:bte):void ",     "SYSMONresume;",        ""      ]
-[ "sql",       "sysmon_resume",        "pattern 
sql.sysmon_resume(tag:int):void ",     "SYSMONresume;",        ""      ]
-[ "sql",       "sysmon_resume",        "pattern 
sql.sysmon_resume(tag:lng):void ",     "SYSMONresume;",        ""      ]
-[ "sql",       "sysmon_resume",        "pattern 
sql.sysmon_resume(tag:sht):void ",     "SYSMONresume;",        ""      ]
-[ "sql",       "sysmon_stop",  "pattern sql.sysmon_stop(tag:bte):void ",       
"SYSMONstop;",  ""      ]
-[ "sql",       "sysmon_stop",  "pattern sql.sysmon_stop(tag:int):void ",       
"SYSMONstop;",  ""      ]
-[ "sql",       "sysmon_stop",  "pattern sql.sysmon_stop(tag:lng):void ",       
"SYSMONstop;",  ""      ]
-[ "sql",       "sysmon_stop",  "pattern sql.sysmon_stop(tag:sht):void ",       
"SYSMONstop;",  ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "sysmon_resume",        "unsafe pattern 
sql.sysmon_resume(tag:bte):void ",      "SYSMONresume;",        ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "sysmon_resume",        "unsafe pattern 
sql.sysmon_resume(tag:int):void ",      "SYSMONresume;",        ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "sysmon_resume",        "unsafe pattern 
sql.sysmon_resume(tag:lng):void ",      "SYSMONresume;",        ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "sysmon_resume",        "unsafe pattern 
sql.sysmon_resume(tag:sht):void ",      "SYSMONresume;",        ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "sysmon_stop",  "unsafe pattern sql.sysmon_stop(tag:bte):void 
",        "SYSMONstop;",  ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "sysmon_stop",  "unsafe pattern sql.sysmon_stop(tag:int):void 
",        "SYSMONstop;",  ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "sysmon_stop",  "unsafe pattern sql.sysmon_stop(tag:lng):void 
",        "SYSMONstop;",  ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "sysmon_stop",  "unsafe pattern sql.sysmon_stop(tag:sht):void 
",        "SYSMONstop;",  ""      ]
 [ "sql",       "tid",  "pattern sql.tid(mvc:int, sname:str, 
tname:str):bat[:oid] ",    "SQLtid;",      "Return a column with the valid 
tuple identifiers associated with the table sname.tname."       ]
 [ "sql",       "tid",  "pattern sql.tid(mvc:int, sname:str, tname:str, 
part_nr:int, nr_parts:int):bat[:oid] ", "SQLtid;",      "Return the tables tid 
column." ]
 [ "sql",       "transaction",  "unsafe pattern sql.transaction():void ",       
"SQLtransaction2;",     "Start an autocommit transaction"       ]
 [ "sql",       "transaction",  "unsafe pattern sql.transaction():void ",       
"SQLtransaction2;",     "Start an autocommit transaction"       ]
-[ "sql",       "transaction_begin",    "pattern 
sql.transaction_begin(chain:int, name:str):void ",     "SQLtransaction_begin;", 
       "A transaction statement (type can be commit,release,rollback or start)" 
-[ "sql",       "transaction_commit",   "pattern 
sql.transaction_commit(chain:int, name:str):void ",    
"SQLtransaction_commit;",       "A transaction statement (type can be 
commit,release,rollback or start)"        ]
-[ "sql",       "transaction_release",  "pattern 
sql.transaction_release(chain:int, name:str):void ",   
"SQLtransaction_release;",      "A transaction statement (type can be 
commit,release,rollback or start)"        ]
-[ "sql",       "transaction_rollback", "pattern 
sql.transaction_rollback(chain:int, name:str):void ",  
"SQLtransaction_rollback;",     "A transaction statement (type can be 
commit,release,rollback or start)"        ]
+[ "sql",       "transaction_begin",    "unsafe pattern 
sql.transaction_begin(chain:int, name:str):void ",      
"SQLtransaction_begin;",        "A transaction statement (type can be 
commit,release,rollback or start)"        ]
+[ "sql",       "transaction_commit",   "unsafe pattern 
sql.transaction_commit(chain:int, name:str):void ",     
"SQLtransaction_commit;",       "A transaction statement (type can be 
commit,release,rollback or start)"        ]
+[ "sql",       "transaction_release",  "unsafe pattern 
sql.transaction_release(chain:int, name:str):void ",    
"SQLtransaction_release;",      "A transaction statement (type can be 
commit,release,rollback or start)"        ]
+[ "sql",       "transaction_rollback", "unsafe pattern 
sql.transaction_rollback(chain:int, name:str):void ",   
"SQLtransaction_rollback;",     "A transaction statement (type can be 
commit,release,rollback or start)"        ]
 [ "sql",       "unionfunc",    "pattern sql.unionfunc(mod:str, fcn:str, 
X_0:any...):any... ",  "SQLunionfunc;",        ""      ]
 [ "sql",       "update",       "pattern sql.update(mvc:int, sname:str, 
tname:str, cname:str, rids:any, upd:any):int ", "mvc_update_wrap;",     "Update 
the values of the column tname.cname. Returns sequence number for order 
dependence)"    ]
-[ "sql",       "update_schemas",       "pattern sql.update_schemas():void ",   
"SYSupdate_schemas;",   "Procedure triggered on update of the sys.schemas 
table"        ]
-[ "sql",       "update_tables",        "pattern sql.update_tables():void ",    
"SYSupdate_tables;",    "Procedure triggered on update of the sys._tables 
table"        ]
-[ "sql",       "vacuum",       "pattern sql.vacuum(sch:str, tbl:str):void ",   
"SQLvacuum;",   "Choose an approach to consolidate the deletions"       ]
+[ "sql",       "update_schemas",       "unsafe pattern 
sql.update_schemas():void ",    "SYSupdate_schemas;",   "Procedure triggered on 
update of the sys.schemas table"        ]
+[ "sql",       "update_tables",        "unsafe pattern 
sql.update_tables():void ",     "SYSupdate_tables;",    "Procedure triggered on 
update of the sys._tables table"        ]
+[ "sql",       "vacuum",       "unsafe pattern sql.vacuum(sch:str, 
tbl:str):void ",    "SQLvacuum;",   "Choose an approach to consolidate the 
deletions"       ]
 [ "sql",       "variance",     "pattern sql.variance(b:bte, s:lng, e:lng):dbl 
",       "SQLvar_samp;", "return the variance sample of groups"  ]
 [ "sql",       "variance",     "pattern sql.variance(b:dbl, s:lng, e:lng):dbl 
",       "SQLvar_samp;", "return the variance sample of groups"  ]
 [ "sql",       "variance",     "pattern sql.variance(b:flt, s:lng, e:lng):dbl 
",       "SQLvar_samp;", "return the variance sample of groups"  ]
diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
@@ -16123,9 +16123,9 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "batsql",    "lead", "pattern batsql.lead(b:bat[:any_1], p:any_3, 
o:any_4):bat[:any_1] ",    "SQLlead;",     "return the value in the next row in 
the partition or NULL if non existent"     ]
 [ "batsql",    "max",  "pattern batsql.max(b:bat[:any_1], s:bat[:lng], 
e:bat[:lng]):bat[:any_1] ",     "SQLmax;",      "return the maximum of groups"  
 [ "batsql",    "min",  "pattern batsql.min(b:bat[:any_1], s:bat[:lng], 
e:bat[:lng]):bat[:any_1] ",     "SQLmin;",      "return the minimum of groups"  
-[ "batsql",    "next_value",   "pattern batsql.next_value(sname:bat[:str], 
sequence:bat[:str]):bat[:lng] ",    "mvc_bat_next_value;",  "return the next 
value of sequences"    ]
-[ "batsql",    "next_value",   "pattern batsql.next_value(sname:bat[:str], 
sequence:str):bat[:lng] ",  "mvc_bat_next_value;",  "return the next value of 
the sequence" ]
-[ "batsql",    "next_value",   "pattern batsql.next_value(sname:str, 
sequence:bat[:str]):bat[:lng] ",  "mvc_bat_next_value;",  "return the next 
value of sequences"    ]
+[ "batsql",    "next_value",   "unsafe pattern 
batsql.next_value(sname:bat[:str], sequence:bat[:str]):bat[:lng] ",     
"mvc_bat_next_value;",  "return the next value of sequences"    ]
+[ "batsql",    "next_value",   "unsafe pattern 
batsql.next_value(sname:bat[:str], sequence:str):bat[:lng] ",   
"mvc_bat_next_value;",  "return the next value of the sequence" ]
+[ "batsql",    "next_value",   "unsafe pattern batsql.next_value(sname:str, 
sequence:bat[:str]):bat[:lng] ",   "mvc_bat_next_value;",  "return the next 
value of sequences"    ]
 [ "batsql",    "nth_value",    "pattern batsql.nth_value(b:any_1, 
n:bat[:any_2], s:lng, e:lng):bat[:any_1] ",  "SQLnth_value;",        "return 
the nth value of each group"    ]
 [ "batsql",    "nth_value",    "pattern batsql.nth_value(b:bat[:any_1], 
n:any_2, s:bat[:lng], e:bat[:lng]):bat[:any_1] ",      "SQLnth_value;",        
"return the nth value of each group"    ]
 [ "batsql",    "nth_value",    "pattern batsql.nth_value(b:bat[:any_1], 
n:bat[:any_2], s:bat[:lng], e:bat[:lng]):bat[:any_1] ",        "SQLnth_value;", 
       "return the nth value of each group"    ]
@@ -19461,16 +19461,16 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "shp",       "attach",       "pattern shp.attach(filename:str):void ",       
"SHPattach;",   "Register an ESRI Shapefile in the vault catalog"       ]
 [ "shp",       "import",       "pattern shp.import(fileid:int):void ", 
"SHPimport;",   "Import an ESRI Shapefile with given id into the vault" ]
 [ "shp",       "import",       "pattern shp.import(fileid:int, po:wkb):void ", 
"SHPpartialimport;",    "Partially import an ESRI Shapefile with given id into 
the vault"       ]
-[ "sql",       "abort",        "pattern sql.abort():void ",    "SQLabort;",    
"Trigger the abort operation for a MAL block"   ]
+[ "sql",       "abort",        "unsafe pattern sql.abort():void ",     
"SQLabort;",    "Trigger the abort operation for a MAL block"   ]
 [ "sql",       "affectedRows", "unsafe pattern sql.affectedRows(mvc:int, 
nr:lng):int ",        "mvc_affected_rows_wrap;",      "export the number of 
affected rows by the current query"       ]
 [ "sql",       "all",  "inline function sql.all(b:bat[:any_1], gp:bat[:oid], 
gpe:bat[:oid], no_nil:bit):bat[:any_1];", "",     ""      ]
 [ "sql",       "all",  "command sql.all(col:bat[:any_1]):any_1 ",      
"SQLall;",      "if all values in col are equal return this, else nil"  ]
 [ "sql",       "all",  "command sql.all(cmp:bit, nl:bit, nr:bit):bit ",        
"SQLall_cmp;",  "if !cmp then false, (nl or nr) then nil, else true"    ]
 [ "sql",       "alpha",        "command sql.alpha(dec:dbl, theta:dbl):dbl ",   
"SQLcst_alpha_cst;",    "Implementation of astronomy alpha function: expands 
the radius theta depending on the declination"     ]
-[ "sql",       "analyze",      "pattern sql.analyze(minmax:int, 
sample:lng):void ",    "sql_analyze;", ""      ]
-[ "sql",       "analyze",      "pattern sql.analyze(minmax:int, sample:lng, 
sch:str):void ",   "sql_analyze;", ""      ]
-[ "sql",       "analyze",      "pattern sql.analyze(minmax:int, sample:lng, 
sch:str, tbl:str):void ",  "sql_analyze;", ""      ]
-[ "sql",       "analyze",      "pattern sql.analyze(minmax:int, sample:lng, 
sch:str, tbl:str, col:str):void ", "sql_analyze;", "Update the database 
statistics table"  ]
+[ "sql",       "analyze",      "unsafe pattern sql.analyze(minmax:int, 
sample:lng):void ",     "sql_analyze;", ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "analyze",      "unsafe pattern sql.analyze(minmax:int, 
sample:lng, sch:str):void ",    "sql_analyze;", ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "analyze",      "unsafe pattern sql.analyze(minmax:int, 
sample:lng, sch:str, tbl:str):void ",   "sql_analyze;", ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "analyze",      "unsafe pattern sql.analyze(minmax:int, 
sample:lng, sch:str, tbl:str, col:str):void ",  "sql_analyze;", "Update the 
database statistics table"  ]
 [ "sql",       "any",  "command sql.any(cmp:bit, nl:bit, nr:bit):bit ",        
"SQLany_cmp;",  "if cmp then true, (nl or nr) nil then nil, else false" ]
 [ "sql",       "append",       "pattern sql.append(mvc:int, sname:str, 
tname:str, cname:str, ins:any):int ",   "mvc_append_wrap;",     "Append to the 
column tname.cname (possibly optimized to replace the insert bat of 
tname.cname. Returns sequence number for order dependence."  ]
 [ "sql",       "argRecord",    "pattern sql.argRecord():str ", 
"SQLargRecord;",        "Glue together the calling sequence"    ]
@@ -19494,10 +19494,10 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "sql",       "bind_idxbat",  "pattern sql.bind_idxbat(mvc:int, schema:str, 
table:str, index:str, access:int, part_nr:int, nr_parts:int) (uid:bat[:oid], 
uval:bat[:any_1]) ", "mvc_bind_idxbat_wrap;",        "Bind the 
'schema.table.index' BAT with access kind:\n\t0 - base table\n\t1 - 
inserts\n\t2 - updates"   ]
 [ "sql",       "bind_idxbat",  "pattern sql.bind_idxbat(mvc:int, schema:str, 
table:str, index:str, access:int, part_nr:int, nr_parts:int):bat[:any_1] ",     
  "mvc_bind_idxbat_wrap;",        "Bind the 'schema.table.index' BAT with 
access kind:\n\t0 - base table\n\t1 - inserts\n\t2 - updates"   ]
 [ "sql",       "clear_table",  "unsafe pattern sql.clear_table(sname:str, 
tname:str):lng ",    "mvc_clear_table_wrap;",        "Clear the table 
sname.tname."  ]
-[ "sql",       "commit",       "pattern sql.commit():void ",   "SQLcommit;",   
"Trigger the commit operation for a MAL block"  ]
+[ "sql",       "commit",       "unsafe pattern sql.commit():void ",    
"SQLcommit;",   "Trigger the commit operation for a MAL block"  ]
 [ "sql",       "copy_from",    "unsafe pattern sql.copy_from(t:ptr, sep:str, 
rsep:str, ssep:str, ns:str, fname:str, nr:lng, offset:lng, locked:int, 
best:int, fwf:str, onclient:int):bat[:any]... ",   "mvc_import_table_wrap;",    
   "Import a table from bstream s with the \n\tgiven tuple and seperators 
(sep/rsep)"      ]
 [ "sql",       "copy_rejects", "pattern sql.copy_rejects() (rowid:bat[:lng], 
fldid:bat[:int], msg:bat[:str], inp:bat[:str]) ", "COPYrejects;", ""      ]
-[ "sql",       "copy_rejects_clear",   "pattern sql.copy_rejects_clear():void 
",       "COPYrejects_clear;",   ""      ]
+[ "sql",       "copy_rejects_clear",   "unsafe pattern 
sql.copy_rejects_clear():void ",        "COPYrejects_clear;",   ""      ]
 [ "sql",       "corr", "pattern sql.corr(b:bte, c:bte, s:lng, e:lng):dbl ",    
"SQLcorr;",     "return the correlation value of groups"        ]
 [ "sql",       "corr", "pattern sql.corr(b:dbl, c:dbl, s:lng, e:lng):dbl ",    
"SQLcorr;",     "return the correlation value of groups"        ]
 [ "sql",       "corr", "pattern sql.corr(b:flt, c:flt, s:lng, e:lng):dbl ",    
"SQLcorr;",     "return the correlation value of groups"        ]
@@ -19520,7 +19520,7 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "sql",       "covariancep",  "pattern sql.covariancep(b:int, c:int, s:lng, 
e:lng):dbl ",     "SQLcovar_pop;",        "return the covariance population 
value of groups"      ]
 [ "sql",       "covariancep",  "pattern sql.covariancep(b:lng, c:lng, s:lng, 
e:lng):dbl ",     "SQLcovar_pop;",        "return the covariance population 
value of groups"      ]
 [ "sql",       "covariancep",  "pattern sql.covariancep(b:sht, c:sht, s:lng, 
e:lng):dbl ",     "SQLcovar_pop;",        "return the covariance population 
value of groups"      ]
-[ "sql",       "createorderindex",     "pattern sql.createorderindex(sch:str, 
tbl:str, col:str):void ",        "sql_createorderindex;",        "Instantiate 
the order index on a column"       ]
+[ "sql",       "createorderindex",     "unsafe pattern 
sql.createorderindex(sch:str, tbl:str, col:str):void ", 
"sql_createorderindex;",        "Instantiate the order index on a column"       
 [ "sql",       "cume_dist",    "pattern sql.cume_dist(b:any_1, p:bit, 
o:bit):dbl ",    "SQLcume_dist;",        "return the accumulated distribution 
of the number of rows per group to the total number of partition rows"     ]
 [ "sql",       "current_time", "pattern sql.current_time():daytime ",  
"SQLcurrent_daytime;",  "Get the clients current daytime"       ]
 [ "sql",       "current_timestamp",    "pattern 
sql.current_timestamp():timestamp ",   "SQLcurrent_timestamp;",        "Get the 
clients current timestamp"     ]
@@ -19543,8 +19543,8 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "sql",       "dense_rank",   "pattern sql.dense_rank(b:any_1, p:bit, 
o:bit):int ",   "SQLdense_rank;",       "return the densely ranked groups"      
 [ "sql",       "diff", "pattern sql.diff(b:any_1):bit ",       "SQLdiff;",     
"return true if cur != prev row"        ]
 [ "sql",       "diff", "pattern sql.diff(p:bit, b:any_1):bit ",        
"SQLdiff;",     "return true if cur != prev row"        ]
-[ "sql",       "drop_hash",    "pattern sql.drop_hash(sch:str, tbl:str):void 
",        "SQLdrop_hash;",        "Drop hash indices for the given table" ]
-[ "sql",       "droporderindex",       "pattern sql.droporderindex(sch:str, 
tbl:str, col:str):void ",  "sql_droporderindex;",  "Drop the order index on a 
column"      ]
+[ "sql",       "drop_hash",    "unsafe pattern sql.drop_hash(sch:str, 
tbl:str):void ", "SQLdrop_hash;",        "Drop hash indices for the given 
table" ]
+[ "sql",       "droporderindex",       "unsafe pattern 
sql.droporderindex(sch:str, tbl:str, col:str):void ",   "sql_droporderindex;",  
"Drop the order index on a column"      ]
 [ "sql",       "dump_cache",   "pattern sql.dump_cache() (query:bat[:str], 
count:bat[:int]) ", "dump_cache;",  "dump the content of the query cache"   ]
 [ "sql",       "dump_opt_stats",       "pattern sql.dump_opt_stats() 
(rewrite:bat[:str], count:bat[:int]) ",   "dump_opt_stats;",      "dump the 
optimizer rewrite statistics" ]
 [ "sql",       "dump_trace",   "pattern sql.dump_trace() (ticks:bat[:lng], 
stmt:bat[:str]) ",  "dump_trace;",  "dump the trace statistics"     ]
@@ -19568,12 +19568,12 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "sql",       "export_table", "unsafe pattern sql.export_table(fname:str, 
fmt:str, colsep:str, recsep:str, qout:str, nullrep:str, onclient:int, 
tbl:bat[:str], attr:bat[:str], tpe:bat[:str], len:bat[:int], scale:bat[:int], 
cols:any...):int ",     "mvc_export_row_wrap;", "Prepare a table result set for 
the COPY INTO stream"   ]
 [ "sql",       "export_table", "unsafe pattern sql.export_table(fname:str, 
fmt:str, colsep:str, recsep:str, qout:str, nullrep:str, onclient:int, 
tbl:bat[:str], attr:bat[:str], tpe:bat[:str], len:bat[:int], scale:bat[:int], 
cols:bat[:any]...):int ",       "mvc_export_table_wrap;",       "Prepare a 
table result set for the COPY INTO stream"   ]
 [ "sql",       "first_value",  "pattern sql.first_value(b:any_1, s:lng, 
e:lng):any_1 ",        "SQLfirst_value;",      "return the first value of 
groups"      ]
-[ "sql",       "flush_log",    "command sql.flush_log():void ",        
"SQLflush_log;",        "start flushing the write ahead log"    ]
+[ "sql",       "flush_log",    "unsafe command sql.flush_log():void ", 
"SQLflush_log;",        "start flushing the write ahead log"    ]
 [ "sql",       "getVariable",  "pattern sql.getVariable(mvc:int, 
varname:str):any_1 ", "getVariable;", "Get the value of a session variable"   ]
 [ "sql",       "getVersion",   "command sql.getVersion(clientid:int):lng ",    
"mvc_getVersion;",      "Return the database version identifier for a client."  
 [ "sql",       "get_value",    "pattern sql.get_value(sname:str, 
sequence:str):lng ",  "mvc_get_value;",       "return the current value of the 
sequence"      ]
 [ "sql",       "grow", "pattern sql.grow(tid:bat[:oid], X_0:any_1):int ",      
"mvc_grow_wrap;",       "Resize the tid column of a declared table."    ]
-[ "sql",       "hot_snapshot", "command sql.hot_snapshot(tarfile:str):void ",  
"SQLhot_snapshot;",     "Write db snapshot to the given tar(.gz) file"  ]
+[ "sql",       "hot_snapshot", "unsafe command 
sql.hot_snapshot(tarfile:str):void ",   "SQLhot_snapshot;",     "Write db 
snapshot to the given tar(.gz) file"  ]
 [ "sql",       "importTable",  "unsafe pattern sql.importTable(sname:str, 
tname:str, onclient:int, fname:str...):bat[:any]... ",       
"mvc_bin_import_table_wrap;",   "Import a table from the files (fname)" ]
 [ "sql",       "include",      "pattern sql.include(fname:str):void ", 
"SQLinclude;",  "Compile and execute a sql statements on the file"      ]
 [ "sql",       "lag",  "pattern sql.lag(b:any_1, l:any_2, d:any_1, p:any_3, 
o:any_4):any_1 ",  "SQLlag;",      "return the value in the previous 'l' row in 
the partition or 'd' if non existent"      ]
@@ -19589,7 +19589,7 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "sql",       "ms_trunc",     "command sql.ms_trunc(v:dbl, r:int):dbl ",      
"dbl_trunc_wrap;",      "truncate the floating point v to r digits behind the 
dot (if r < 0, before the dot)"   ]
 [ "sql",       "ms_trunc",     "command sql.ms_trunc(v:flt, r:int):flt ",      
"flt_trunc_wrap;",      "truncate the floating point v to r digits behind the 
dot (if r < 0, before the dot)"   ]
 [ "sql",       "mvc",  "pattern sql.mvc():int ",       "SQLmvc;",      "Get 
the multiversion catalog context. \nNeeded for correct statement 
dependencies\n(ie sql.update, should be after sql.bind in concurrent 
execution)"  ]
-[ "sql",       "next_value",   "pattern sql.next_value(sname:str, 
sequence:str):lng ", "mvc_next_value;",      "return the next value of the 
sequence" ]
+[ "sql",       "next_value",   "unsafe pattern sql.next_value(sname:str, 
sequence:str):lng ",  "mvc_next_value;",      "return the next value of the 
sequence" ]
 [ "sql",       "not_unique",   "command sql.not_unique(b:bat[:oid]):bit ",     
"not_unique;",  "check if the tail sorted bat b doesn't have unique tail 
values"        ]
 [ "sql",       "nth_value",    "pattern sql.nth_value(b:any_1, n:any_2, s:lng, 
e:lng):any_1 ", "SQLnth_value;",        "return the nth value of each group"    
 [ "sql",       "ntile",        "pattern sql.ntile(b:any_1, n:any_2, p:any_3, 
o:any_4):any_2 ", "SQLntile;",    "return the groups divided as equally as 
possible"      ]
@@ -19618,10 +19618,10 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "sql",       "projectdelta", "command sql.projectdelta(select:bat[:oid], 
col:bat[:any_3], uid:bat[:oid], uval:bat[:any_3], ins:bat[:any_3]):bat[:any_3] 
",   "DELTAproject;",        "Return column bat with delta's applied."       ]
 [ "sql",       "querylog_calls",       "pattern sql.querylog_calls() 
(id:bat[:oid], start:bat[:timestamp], stop:bat[:timestamp], 
arguments:bat[:str], tuples:bat[:lng], exec:bat[:lng], result:bat[:lng], 
cpuload:bat[:int], iowait:bat[:int]) ",      "sql_querylog_calls;",  "Obtain 
the query log calls"    ]
 [ "sql",       "querylog_catalog",     "pattern sql.querylog_catalog() 
(id:bat[:oid], user:bat[:str], defined:bat[:timestamp], query:bat[:str], 
pipe:bat[:str], plan:bat[:str], mal:bat[:int], optimize:bat[:lng]) ",  
"sql_querylog_catalog;",        "Obtain the query log catalog"  ]
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