Changeset: e7d31fdeed12 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: linear-hashing
Log Message:

Merge with Nov2019 branch.

diffs (truncated from 1512 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/clients/odbc/driver/SQLGetTypeInfo.c 
--- a/clients/odbc/driver/SQLGetTypeInfo.c
+++ b/clients/odbc/driver/SQLGetTypeInfo.c
@@ -57,761 +57,824 @@ static const struct types {
         * Except for the type_name value, the string values are ready
         * to paste into an SQL query (i.e. including quotes). */
-               "uuid",                 /* type_name */
-               SQL_GUID,               /* data_type */
-               36,                     /* column_size */
-               "NULL",                 /* literal_prefix */
-               "NULL",                 /* literal_suffix */
-               "NULL",                 /* create_params */
-               SQL_NULLABLE,           /* nullable */
-               SQL_FALSE,              /* case_sensitive */
-               SQL_PRED_BASIC,         /* searchable */
-               -1,                     /* unsigned_attribute */
-               SQL_FALSE,              /* fixed_prec_scale */
-               -1,                     /* auto_unique_value */
-               "NULL",                 /* local_type_name */
-               -1,                     /* minimum_scale */
-               -1,                     /* maximum_scale */
-               SQL_GUID,               /* sql_data_type */
-               -1,                     /* sql_datetime_sub */
-               -1,                     /* num_prec_radix */
-               -1,                     /* interval_precision */
+               .type_name = "uuid",
+               .data_type = SQL_GUID,
+               .column_size = 36,
+               .literal_prefix = "NULL",
+               .literal_suffix = "NULL",
+               .create_params = "NULL",
+               .nullable = SQL_NULLABLE,
+               .case_sensitive = SQL_FALSE,
+               .searchable = SQL_PRED_BASIC,
+               .unsigned_attribute = -1,
+               .fixed_prec_scale = SQL_FALSE,
+               .auto_unique_value = -1,
+               .local_type_name = "NULL",
+               .minimum_scale = -1,
+               .maximum_scale = -1,
+               .sql_data_type = SQL_GUID,
+               .sql_datetime_sub = -1,
+               .num_prec_radix = -1,
+               .interval_precision = -1,
-               "character large object", /* type_name */
-               SQL_WLONGVARCHAR,       /* data_type */
-               1000000,                /* column_size */
-               "''''",                 /* literal_prefix */
-               "''''",                 /* literal_suffix */
-               "NULL",                 /* create_params */
-               SQL_NULLABLE,           /* nullable */
-               SQL_TRUE,               /* case_sensitive */
-               SQL_SEARCHABLE,         /* searchable */
-               -1,                     /* unsigned_attribute */
-               SQL_FALSE,              /* fixed_prec_scale */
-               SQL_FALSE,              /* auto_unique_value */
-               "NULL",                 /* local_type_name */
-               -1,                     /* minimum_scale */
-               -1,                     /* maximum_scale */
-               SQL_WLONGVARCHAR,       /* sql_data_type */
-               -1,                     /* sql_datetime_sub */
-               -1,                     /* num_prec_radix */
-               -1,                     /* interval_precision */
+               .type_name = "character large object",
+               .data_type = SQL_WLONGVARCHAR,
+               .column_size = 1000000,
+               .literal_prefix = "''''",
+               .literal_suffix = "''''",
+               .create_params = "NULL",
+               .nullable = SQL_NULLABLE,
+               .case_sensitive = SQL_TRUE,
+               .searchable = SQL_SEARCHABLE,
+               .unsigned_attribute = -1,
+               .fixed_prec_scale = SQL_FALSE,
+               .auto_unique_value = SQL_FALSE,
+               .local_type_name = "NULL",
+               .minimum_scale = -1,
+               .maximum_scale = -1,
+               .sql_data_type = SQL_WLONGVARCHAR,
+               .sql_datetime_sub = -1,
+               .num_prec_radix = -1,
+               .interval_precision = -1,
-               "varchar",              /* type_name */
-               SQL_WVARCHAR,           /* data_type */
-               1000000,                /* column_size */
-               "''''",                 /* literal_prefix */
-               "''''",                 /* literal_suffix */
-               "'length'",             /* create_params */
-               SQL_NULLABLE,           /* nullable */
-               SQL_TRUE,               /* case_sensitive */
-               SQL_SEARCHABLE,         /* searchable */
-               -1,                     /* unsigned_attribute */
-               SQL_FALSE,              /* fixed_prec_scale */
-               -1,                     /* auto_unique_value */
-               "NULL",                 /* local_type_name */
-               -1,                     /* minimum_scale */
-               -1,                     /* maximum_scale */
-               SQL_WVARCHAR,           /* sql_data_type */
-               -1,                     /* sql_datetime_sub */
-               -1,                     /* num_prec_radix */
-               -1,                     /* interval_precision */
+               .type_name = "varchar",
+               .data_type = SQL_WVARCHAR,
+               .column_size = 1000000,
+               .literal_prefix = "''''",
+               .literal_suffix = "''''",
+               .create_params = "'length'",
+               .nullable = SQL_NULLABLE,
+               .case_sensitive = SQL_TRUE,
+               .searchable = SQL_SEARCHABLE,
+               .unsigned_attribute = -1,
+               .fixed_prec_scale = SQL_FALSE,
+               .auto_unique_value = -1,
+               .local_type_name = "NULL",
+               .minimum_scale = -1,
+               .maximum_scale = -1,
+               .sql_data_type = SQL_WVARCHAR,
+               .sql_datetime_sub = -1,
+               .num_prec_radix = -1,
+               .interval_precision = -1,
-               "character",            /* type_name */
-               SQL_WCHAR,              /* data_type */
-               1000000,                /* column_size */
-               "''''",                 /* literal_prefix */
-               "''''",                 /* literal_suffix */
-               "'length'",             /* create_params */
-               SQL_NULLABLE,           /* nullable */
-               SQL_TRUE,               /* case_sensitive */
-               SQL_SEARCHABLE,         /* searchable */
-               -1,                     /* unsigned_attribute */
-               SQL_FALSE,              /* fixed_prec_scale */
-               SQL_FALSE,              /* auto_unique_value */
-               "NULL",                 /* local_type_name */
-               -1,                     /* minimum_scale */
-               -1,                     /* maximum_scale */
-               SQL_WCHAR,              /* sql_data_type */
-               -1,                     /* sql_datetime_sub */
-               -1,                     /* num_prec_radix */
-               -1,                     /* interval_precision */
+               .type_name = "character",
+               .data_type = SQL_WCHAR,
+               .column_size = 1000000,
+               .literal_prefix = "''''",
+               .literal_suffix = "''''",
+               .create_params = "'length'",
+               .nullable = SQL_NULLABLE,
+               .case_sensitive = SQL_TRUE,
+               .searchable = SQL_SEARCHABLE,
+               .unsigned_attribute = -1,
+               .fixed_prec_scale = SQL_FALSE,
+               .auto_unique_value = SQL_FALSE,
+               .local_type_name = "NULL",
+               .minimum_scale = -1,
+               .maximum_scale = -1,
+               .sql_data_type = SQL_WCHAR,
+               .sql_datetime_sub = -1,
+               .num_prec_radix = -1,
+               .interval_precision = -1,
-               "char",                 /* type_name */
-               SQL_WCHAR,              /* data_type */
-               1000000,                /* column_size */
-               "''''",                 /* literal_prefix */
-               "''''",                 /* literal_suffix */
-               "'length'",             /* create_params */
-               SQL_NULLABLE,           /* nullable */
-               SQL_TRUE,               /* case_sensitive */
-               SQL_SEARCHABLE,         /* searchable */
-               -1,                     /* unsigned_attribute */
-               SQL_FALSE,              /* fixed_prec_scale */
-               SQL_FALSE,              /* auto_unique_value */
-               "NULL",                 /* local_type_name */
-               -1,                     /* minimum_scale */
-               -1,                     /* maximum_scale */
-               SQL_WCHAR,              /* sql_data_type */
-               -1,                     /* sql_datetime_sub */
-               -1,                     /* num_prec_radix */
-               -1,                     /* interval_precision */
+               .type_name = "char",
+               .data_type = SQL_WCHAR,
+               .column_size = 1000000,
+               .literal_prefix = "''''",
+               .literal_suffix = "''''",
+               .create_params = "'length'",
+               .nullable = SQL_NULLABLE,
+               .case_sensitive = SQL_TRUE,
+               .searchable = SQL_SEARCHABLE,
+               .unsigned_attribute = -1,
+               .fixed_prec_scale = SQL_FALSE,
+               .auto_unique_value = SQL_FALSE,
+               .local_type_name = "NULL",
+               .minimum_scale = -1,
+               .maximum_scale = -1,
+               .sql_data_type = SQL_WCHAR,
+               .sql_datetime_sub = -1,
+               .num_prec_radix = -1,
+               .interval_precision = -1,
-               "boolean",              /* type_name */
-               SQL_BIT,                /* data_type */
-               1,                      /* column_size */
-               "NULL",                 /* literal_prefix */
-               "NULL",                 /* literal_suffix */
-               "NULL",                 /* create_params */
-               SQL_NULLABLE,           /* nullable */
-               SQL_FALSE,              /* case_sensitive */
-               SQL_PRED_BASIC,         /* searchable */
-               SQL_FALSE,              /* unsigned_attribute */
-               SQL_TRUE,               /* fixed_prec_scale */
-               SQL_FALSE,              /* auto_unique_value */
-               "NULL",                 /* local_type_name */
-               -1,                     /* minimum_scale */
-               -1,                     /* maximum_scale */
-               SQL_BIT,                /* sql_data_type */
-               -1,                     /* sql_datetime_sub */
-               -1,                     /* num_prec_radix */
-               -1,                     /* interval_precision */
+               .type_name = "boolean",
+               .data_type = SQL_BIT,
+               .column_size = 1,
+               .literal_prefix = "NULL",
+               .literal_suffix = "NULL",
+               .create_params = "NULL",
+               .nullable = SQL_NULLABLE,
+               .case_sensitive = SQL_FALSE,
+               .searchable = SQL_PRED_BASIC,
+               .unsigned_attribute = SQL_FALSE,
+               .fixed_prec_scale = SQL_TRUE,
+               .auto_unique_value = SQL_FALSE,
+               .local_type_name = "NULL",
+               .minimum_scale = -1,
+               .maximum_scale = -1,
+               .sql_data_type = SQL_BIT,
+               .sql_datetime_sub = -1,
+               .num_prec_radix = -1,
+               .interval_precision = -1,
-               "tinyint",              /* type_name */
-               SQL_TINYINT,            /* data_type */
-               2,                      /* column_size */
-               "NULL",                 /* literal_prefix */
-               "NULL",                 /* literal_suffix */
-               "'precision'",          /* create_params */
-               SQL_NULLABLE,           /* nullable */
-               SQL_FALSE,              /* case_sensitive */
-               SQL_PRED_BASIC,         /* searchable */
-               SQL_FALSE,              /* unsigned_attribute */
-               SQL_FALSE,              /* fixed_prec_scale */
-               SQL_FALSE,              /* auto_unique_value */
-               "NULL",                 /* local_type_name */
-               0,                      /* minimum_scale */
-               0,                      /* maximum_scale */
-               SQL_TINYINT,            /* sql_data_type */
-               -1,                     /* sql_datetime_sub */
-               10,                     /* num_prec_radix */
-               -1,                     /* interval_precision */
+               .type_name = "tinyint",
+               .data_type = SQL_TINYINT,
+               .column_size = 2,
+               .literal_prefix = "NULL",
+               .literal_suffix = "NULL",
+               .create_params = "'precision'",
+               .nullable = SQL_NULLABLE,
+               .case_sensitive = SQL_FALSE,
+               .searchable = SQL_PRED_BASIC,
+               .unsigned_attribute = SQL_FALSE,
+               .fixed_prec_scale = SQL_FALSE,
+               .auto_unique_value = SQL_FALSE,
+               .local_type_name = "NULL",
+               .minimum_scale = 0,
+               .maximum_scale = 0,
+               .sql_data_type = SQL_TINYINT,
+               .sql_datetime_sub = -1,
+               .num_prec_radix = 10,
+               .interval_precision = -1,
-               "bigint",               /* type_name */
-               SQL_BIGINT,             /* data_type */
-               19,                     /* column_size */
-               "NULL",                 /* literal_prefix */
-               "NULL",                 /* literal_suffix */
-               "'precision'",          /* create_params */
-               SQL_NULLABLE,           /* nullable */
-               SQL_FALSE,              /* case_sensitive */
-               SQL_PRED_BASIC,         /* searchable */
-               SQL_FALSE,              /* unsigned_attribute */
-               SQL_FALSE,              /* fixed_prec_scale */
-               SQL_FALSE,              /* auto_unique_value */
-               "NULL",                 /* local_type_name */
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