Changeset: 773a53092cf6 for MonetDB
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Branch: pushdown
Log Message:

Improved some cost calculations.

diffs (165 lines):

diff --git a/gdk/gdk_join.c b/gdk/gdk_join.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_join.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_join.c
@@ -3533,7 +3533,7 @@ leftjoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l, B
                /* no hash table, so cost includes time to build the
                 * hash table (single scan) plus the time to do the
                 * lookups (also single scan, we assume some chains) */
-               rcost = (double) rci.ncand + lci.ncand * 1.1;
+               rcost = (double) rci.ncand * 2 + lci.ncand * 1.1;
        } else {
                if (rci.noids > 0) {
                        /* if we need to do binary search on candidate
@@ -3544,17 +3544,17 @@ leftjoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l, B
                 * rci.ncand */
                rcost *= lci.ncand;
                if (rci.ncand < BATcount(r) &&
-                   rci.ncand + lci.ncand * 1.1 < rcost) {
+                   rci.ncand * 2 + lci.ncand * 1.1 < rcost) {
                        /* it's cheaper to rebuild the hash table for
                         * just the candidates (this saves on the
                         * binary searches), again, assume some
                         * chains */
                        rhash = prhash = false;
-                       rcost = rci.ncand + lci.ncand * 1.1;
+                       rcost = rci.ncand * 2 + lci.ncand * 1.1;
-       if (!nil_on_miss && !only_misses && !not_in && r2p == NULL) {
+       if (!nil_on_miss && !only_misses && !not_in) {
                /* maybe do a hash join on the swapped operands; if we
                 * do, we need to sort the output, so we take that into
                 * account as well */
@@ -3576,7 +3576,7 @@ leftjoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l, B
                        /* no hash table, so cost includes time to build the
                         * hash table (single scan) plus the time to do the
                         * lookups (also single scan, we assume some chains) */
-                       lcost = (double) lci.ncand + rci.ncand * 1.1;
+                       lcost = (double) lci.ncand * 2 + rci.ncand * 1.1;
                } else {
                        if (lci.noids > 0) {
                                /* if we need to do binary search on candidate
@@ -3587,13 +3587,13 @@ leftjoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l, B
                         * rci.ncand */
                        lcost *= rci.ncand;
                        if (lci.ncand < BATcount(l) &&
-                           lci.ncand + rci.ncand * 1.1 < lcost) {
+                           lci.ncand * 2 + rci.ncand * 1.1 < lcost) {
                                /* it's cheaper to rebuild the hash table for
                                 * just the candidates (this saves on the
                                 * binary searches), again, assume some
                                 * chains */
                                lhash = plhash = false;
-                               lcost = lci.ncand + rci.ncand * 1.1;
+                               lcost = lci.ncand * 2 + rci.ncand * 1.1;
                if (semi)
@@ -3614,12 +3614,12 @@ leftjoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l, B
                        rc = hashjoin(&r2, &r1, r, l, &rci, &lci, nil_matches,
                                      false, false, false, false, estimate,
                                      t0, true, lhash, plhash, func);
-                       if (semi) {
+                       if (semi)
-                               r1->tkey = true;
-                       }
                        if (rc != GDK_SUCCEED)
                                return rc;
+                       if (semi)
+                               r1->tkey = true;
                        BAT *ob;
                        rc = BATsort(&tmp, r2p ? &ob : NULL, NULL,
                                     r1, NULL, NULL, false, false, false);
@@ -3629,7 +3629,6 @@ leftjoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l, B
                                return rc;
                        *r1p = r1 = tmp;
-#if 0
                        if (r2p) {
                                tmp = BATproject(ob, r2);
@@ -3640,7 +3639,8 @@ leftjoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l, B
                                *r2p = tmp;
+#if 0
+#ifndef NDEBUG
                        BAT *x1;
@@ -3649,6 +3649,8 @@ leftjoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l, B
                        for (BUN x = 0; x < x1->batCount; x++)
                                assert(BUNtoid(r1, x) == BUNtoid(x1, x));
                        return GDK_SUCCEED;
@@ -3866,7 +3868,9 @@ BATjoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l, BA
                /* no hash table, so cost includes time to build the
                 * hash table (single scan) plus the time to do the
                 * lookups (also single scan, we assume some chains) */
-               lcost = (double) lci.ncand + rci.ncand * 1.1;
+               lcost = (double) lci.ncand * 2 + rci.ncand * 1.1;
+               if (lci.ncand == BATcount(l) && !l->batTransient)
+                       lcost *= 0.8;
        } else {
                if (lci.noids > 0) {
                        /* if we need to do binary search on candidate
@@ -3877,13 +3881,15 @@ BATjoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l, BA
                 * rci.ncand */
                lcost *= rci.ncand;
                if (lci.ncand < BATcount(l) &&
-                   lci.ncand + rci.ncand * 1.1 < lcost) {
+                   lci.noids > 0 &&
+                   lci.ncand * 2 + rci.ncand * 1.1 < lcost) {
                        /* it's cheaper to rebuild the hash table for
                         * just the candidates (this saves on the
                         * binary searches), again, assume some
                         * chains */
                        lhash = plhash = false;
                        lcost = lci.ncand + rci.ncand * 1.1;
+                       lcost *= 2;
        rhash = BATcheckhash(r);
@@ -3903,7 +3909,9 @@ BATjoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l, BA
                /* no hash table, so cost includes time to build the
                 * hash table (single scan) plus the time to do the
                 * lookups (also single scan, we assume some chains) */
-               rcost = (double) rci.ncand + lci.ncand * 1.1;
+               rcost = (double) rci.ncand * 2 + lci.ncand * 1.1;
+               if (rci.ncand == BATcount(r) && !r->batTransient)
+                       rcost *= 0.8;
        } else {
                if (rci.noids > 0) {
                        /* if we need to do binary search on candidate
@@ -3914,20 +3922,22 @@ BATjoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l, BA
                 * rci.ncand */
                rcost *= lci.ncand;
                if (rci.ncand < BATcount(r) &&
-                   rci.ncand + lci.ncand * 1.1 < rcost) {
+                   rci.noids > 0 &&
+                   2 * (rci.ncand + lci.ncand * 1.1) < rcost) {
                        /* it's cheaper to rebuild the hash table for
                         * just the candidates (this saves on the
                         * binary searches), again, assume some
                         * chains */
                        rhash = prhash = false;
                        rcost = rci.ncand + lci.ncand * 1.1;
+                       rcost *= 2;
        /* if the cost of doing searches on l is lower than the cost
         * to do searches on r, we swap (i.e., lookups on right), but
         * add a cost */
-       swap = (1.2 * lcost < rcost);
+       swap = (lcost < rcost);
        if ((BATordered(r) || BATordered_rev(r)) &&
            (lci.ncand * (log2(rci.ncand) + 1) < (swap ? lcost : rcost))) {
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