Changeset: b37341fd3a3d for MonetDB
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Branch: pushdown
Log Message:

Don't delegate to leftjoin.

diffs (152 lines):

diff --git a/gdk/gdk_join.c b/gdk/gdk_join.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_join.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_join.c
@@ -2543,9 +2543,10 @@ hashjoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l, B
                /* there is a hash on the parent which we should use */
                BAT *b = BBPdescriptor(VIEWtparent(r));
                TRC_DEBUG(ALGO, "%s(%s): using "
-                         "parent(" ALGOBATFMT ") for hash\n",
+                         "parent(" ALGOBATFMT ") for hash%s\n",
-                         BATgetId(r), ALGOBATPAR(b));
+                         BATgetId(r), ALGOBATPAR(b),
+                         swapped ? " (swapped)" : "");
                hsh = b->thash;
                roff = (BUN) ((r->theap.base - b->theap.base) >> r->tshift);
                rl += roff;
@@ -2554,15 +2555,20 @@ hashjoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l, B
        } else if (hash) {
                /* there is a hash on r which we should use */
                hsh = r->thash;
+               TRC_DEBUG(ALGO, ALGOBATFMT ": using "
+                         "existing hash%s\n",
+                         ALGOBATPAR(r),
+                         swapped ? " (swapped)" : "");
        } else if (rci->tpe != cand_dense || rci->ncand != BATcount(r)) {
                /* we need to create a hash on r specific for the
                 * candidate list */
                char ext[32];
-               TRC_DEBUG(ALGO, "%s(%s): creating "
-                         "hash for candidate list\n",
-                         __func__,
-                         BATgetId(r));
+               TRC_DEBUG(ALGO, ALGOBATFMT ": creating "
+                         "hash for candidate list " ALGOBATFMT "%s%s\n",
+                         ALGOBATPAR(r), ALGOBATPAR(rci->s),
+                         r->thash ? " ignoring existing hash" : "",
+                         swapped ? " (swapped)" : "");
                if (snprintf(ext, sizeof(ext), "thshjn%x",
                             rci->s->batCacheid) >= (int) sizeof(ext))
                        goto bailout;
@@ -2572,6 +2578,9 @@ hashjoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l, B
                hash_cand = true;
        } else {
                /* we need to create a hash on r */
+               TRC_DEBUG(ALGO, ALGOBATFMT "): creating hash%s\n",
+                         ALGOBATPAR(r),
+                         swapped ? " (swapped)" : "");
                if (BAThash(r) != GDK_SUCCEED)
                        goto bailout;
                hsh = r->thash;
@@ -3763,16 +3772,12 @@ BATjoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l, BA
        bool plhash = false, prhash = false;
        bool swap;
        bat parent;
+       gdk_return rc;
        lng t0 = 0;
-       const char *reason = "";
+       BAT *r2 = NULL;
        TRC_DEBUG_IF(ALGO) t0 = GDKusec();
-       if (r2p == NULL)
-               return leftjoin(r1p, NULL, l, r, sl, sr, nil_matches,
-                               false, false, false, false, estimate,
-                               __func__, t0);
        if ((parent = VIEWtparent(l)) != 0) {
                BAT *b = BBPdescriptor(parent);
                if (l->hseqbase == b->hseqbase &&
@@ -3790,7 +3795,8 @@ BATjoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l, BA
        canditer_init(&rci, r, sr);
        *r1p = NULL;
-       *r2p = NULL;
+       if (r2p)
+               *r2p = NULL;
        if (joinparamcheck(l, r, NULL, sl, sr, __func__) != GDK_SUCCEED)
                return GDK_FAIL;
@@ -3814,16 +3820,22 @@ BATjoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l, BA
                                  nil_matches, t0, false, __func__);
        } else if (rci.ncand == 1 || (BATordered(r) && BATordered_rev(r)) || 
(r->ttype == TYPE_void && is_oid_nil(r->tseqbase))) {
                /* single value to join, use select */
-               return selectjoin(r2p, r1p, r, l, &rci, &lci,
-                                 nil_matches, t0, true, __func__);
+               rc = selectjoin(r2p ? r2p : &r2, r1p, r, l, &rci, &lci,
+                               nil_matches, t0, true, __func__);
+               if (rc == GDK_SUCCEED && r2p == NULL)
+                       BBPunfix(r2->batCacheid);
+               return rc;
        } else if (BATtdense(r) && rci.tpe == cand_dense) {
                /* use special implementation for dense right-hand side */
                return mergejoin_void(r1p, r2p, l, r, &lci, &rci,
                                      false, false, t0, false, __func__);
        } else if (BATtdense(l) && lci.tpe == cand_dense) {
                /* use special implementation for dense right-hand side */
-               return mergejoin_void(r2p, r1p, r, l, &rci, &lci,
-                                     false, false, t0, true, __func__);
+               rc = mergejoin_void(r2p ? r2p : &r2, r1p, r, l, &rci, &lci,
+                                   false, false, t0, true, __func__);
+               if (rc == GDK_SUCCEED && r2p == NULL)
+                       BBPunfix(r2->batCacheid);
+               return rc;
        } else if ((BATordered(l) || BATordered_rev(l)) &&
                   (BATordered(r) || BATordered_rev(r))) {
                /* both sorted */
@@ -3913,8 +3925,9 @@ BATjoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l, BA
        /* if the cost of doing searches on l is lower than the cost
-        * to do searches on r, we swap (i.e., lookups on right) */
-       swap = (lcost < rcost);
+        * to do searches on r, we swap (i.e., lookups on right), but
+        * add a cost */
+       swap = (1.2 * lcost < rcost);
        if ((BATordered(r) || BATordered_rev(r)) &&
            (lci.ncand * (log2(rci.ncand) + 1) < (swap ? lcost : rcost))) {
@@ -3928,19 +3941,25 @@ BATjoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l, BA
            (rci.ncand * (log2(lci.ncand) + 1) < (swap ? lcost : rcost))) {
                /* l is sorted and it is cheaper to do multiple binary
                 * searches than it is to use a hash */
-               return mergejoin(r2p, r1p, r, l, &rci, &lci,
-                                nil_matches, false, false, false, false,
-                                estimate, t0, true, __func__);
+               rc = mergejoin(r2p ? r2p : &r2, r1p, r, l, &rci, &lci,
+                              nil_matches, false, false, false, false,
+                              estimate, t0, true, __func__);
+               if (rc == GDK_SUCCEED && r2p == NULL)
+                       BBPunfix(r2->batCacheid);
+               return rc;
        if (swap) {
-               return hashjoin(r2p, r1p, r, l, &rci, &lci,
-                               nil_matches, false, false, false, false,
-                               estimate, t0, true, lhash, plhash, reason);
+               rc = hashjoin(r2p ? r2p : &r2, r1p, r, l, &rci, &lci,
+                             nil_matches, false, false, false, false,
+                             estimate, t0, true, lhash, plhash, __func__);
+               if (rc == GDK_SUCCEED && r2p == NULL)
+                       BBPunfix(r2->batCacheid);
+               return rc;
        } else {
                return hashjoin(r1p, r2p, l, r, &lci, &rci,
                                nil_matches, false, false, false, false,
-                               estimate, t0, false, rhash, prhash, reason);
+                               estimate, t0, false, rhash, prhash, __func__);
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