Changeset: da504dd75c95 for MonetDB
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Branch: hot-snapshot
Log Message:

Implement snapshot restore ad hoc

diffs (285 lines):

diff --git a/tools/merovingian/client/monetdb.c 
--- a/tools/merovingian/client/monetdb.c
+++ b/tools/merovingian/client/monetdb.c
@@ -1720,7 +1720,7 @@ snapshot_restore_adhoc(char *sourcefile,
        } else {
-               fprintf(stderr, "snapshot restore: %s\n", out);
+               fprintf(stderr, "failed: %s\n", out);
diff --git a/tools/merovingian/daemon/snapshot.c 
--- a/tools/merovingian/daemon/snapshot.c
+++ b/tools/merovingian/daemon/snapshot.c
@@ -11,15 +11,19 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
 #include <time.h>
 #include "monetdb_config.h"
+#include "stream.h"
 #include "msabaoth.h"
 #include "merovingian.h"
 #include "mapi.h"
 #include "snapshot.h"
 static err validate_location(const char *path);
+static err unpack_tarstream(stream *tarstream, char *destdir, int 
 /* Create a snapshot of database dbname to file dest.
  * TODO: Make it work for databases without monetdb/monetdb root account.
@@ -97,6 +101,11 @@ snapshot_restore_from(char *dbname, char
        err e;
+       sabdb *stats = NULL;
+       char *dbfarm = NULL;
+       char *tmppath = NULL;
+       char *destpath = NULL;
+       stream *instream = NULL;
        /* Do not read random files on the system. */
        e = validate_location(source);
@@ -104,9 +113,67 @@ snapshot_restore_from(char *dbname, char
                goto bailout;
-       e =  newErr("not implemented");
+       /* For the time being, do not restore existing databases */
+       e = msab_getStatus(&stats, dbname);
+       if (e != NO_ERR)
+               goto bailout;
+       if (stats != NULL) {
+               e = newErr("database '%s' already exists", dbname);
+               goto bailout;
+       }
+       /* Figure out the directory to create */
+       e = msab_getDBfarm(&dbfarm);
+       if (e != NO_ERR)
+               goto bailout;
+       tmppath = malloc(strlen(dbfarm) + strlen(dbname) + 100);
+       sprintf(tmppath, "%s/.tmp.%s", dbfarm, dbname);
+       destpath = malloc(strlen(dbfarm) + strlen(dbname) + 100);
+       sprintf(destpath, "%s/%s", dbfarm, dbname);
+       /* Remove the tmp directory, if it exists. */
+       e = deletedir(tmppath);
+       if (e != NO_ERR)
+               goto bailout;
+       /* Open the file */
+       instream = open_rstream(source);
+       if (instream == NULL) {
+               e = newErr("Could not open %s", source);
+               goto bailout;
+       }
+       /* Now create the tmp directory */
+       if (mkdir(tmppath, 0755) < 0) {
+               e = newErr("could not create dir '%s': %s", tmppath, 
+               goto bailout;
+       }
+       /* fill it */
+       e = unpack_tarstream(instream, tmppath, 1);
+       if (e != NO_ERR)
+               goto bailout;
+       /* remove whatever's laying around in the destination directory */
+       e = deletedir(destpath);
+       if (e != NO_ERR)
+               goto bailout;
+       /* and finally, move the thing into place */
+       if (rename(tmppath, destpath) < 0) {
+               e = newErr("Couldn't rename '%s' to '%s': %s",
+                       tmppath, destpath, strerror(errno));
+               goto bailout;
+       }
+       if (stats != NULL)
+               msab_freeStatus(&stats);
+       if (instream != NULL)
+               close_stream(instream);
+       free(dbfarm);
+       free(tmppath);
+       free(destpath);
        return e;
@@ -200,12 +267,164 @@ validate_location(const char *dest)
                goto bailout;
        return e;
\ No newline at end of file
+#define TAR_BLOCK_SIZE (512)
+/* Read a full block from the stream.
+ * Return 0 on succes, -1 on failure.
+ * Set *err to NULL if the failure is caused by an end of file
+ * on a block boundary, non-NULL on read error.
+ */
+static int
+read_tar_block(stream *s, char *block, err *error)
+       ssize_t nread = mnstr_read(s, block, 1, TAR_BLOCK_SIZE);
+       if (nread <= 0) {
+               if (mnstr_errnr(s) != 0) {
+                       /* failure */
+                       *error = newErr("Read error (%zd): %s", nread, 
+               } else {
+                       *error = NULL;
+               }
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (nread < TAR_BLOCK_SIZE) {
+               *error = newErr("Incomplete read");
+               return -1;
+       }
+       *error = NULL;
+       return 0;
+static char *
+extract_tar_member_filename(const char *block)
+       const char *name_field = block;
+       size_t name_len = strnlen(name_field, 100);
+       const char *prefix_field = block + 345;
+       size_t prefix_len = strnlen(prefix_field, 155);
+       char *buf = malloc(100 + 1 + 155 + 1); // prefix slash name nul
+       if (prefix_len == 0) {
+               memmove(buf, name_field, name_len);
+               buf[name_len] = '\0';
+       } else {
+               memmove(buf, prefix_field, prefix_len);
+               buf[prefix_len] = '/';
+               memmove(buf + prefix_len + 1, name_field, name_len);
+               buf[prefix_len + 1 + name_len] = '\0';
+       }
+       return buf;
+static ssize_t
+extract_tar_member_size(const char *block)
+       size_t size;
+       char buf[13];
+       memmove(buf, block + 124, 12);
+       buf[12] = '\0';
+       if (sscanf(buf, "%zo", &size) != 1)
+               return -1;
+       return (ssize_t) size;
+/* We're implementing our own untar instead of invoking /usr/bin/tar. Why?
+ * Wrapping /usr/bin/tar correctly is quite a lot of work. We have to fork, we
+ * have to get any error messages from tar to the child process and then to the
+ * parent process, etc. Also, we cannot depend on /usr/bin/tar being able to
+ * decompress any compression algorithms so to do it right we should decompress
+ * the data ourselves and pipe it to tar to unpack it. A lot of work and a lot
+ * of corner cases. Moreover, the snapshot generating tar code is also home
+ * grown. This is necessary because we snapshot parts of files, not whole 
+ */
+static err
+unpack_tarstream(stream *tarstream, char *destdir, int skipfirstcomponent)
+       char block[TAR_BLOCK_SIZE];
+       err e = NO_ERR;
+       char *whole_filename = NULL;
+       char *destfile = NULL;
+       FILE *outfile = NULL;
+       while (read_tar_block(tarstream, block, &e) >= 0) {
+               if (e != NO_ERR)
+                       return e;
+               // Determine the target filename
+               free(whole_filename);
+               whole_filename = extract_tar_member_filename(block);
+               if (strlen(whole_filename) == 0) {
+                       goto bailout; // done
+               }
+               char *useful_part;
+               if (skipfirstcomponent) {
+                       useful_part = strchr(whole_filename, '/');
+                       if (useful_part != NULL)
+                               useful_part += 1;
+                       else
+                               useful_part = whole_filename;
+               } else {
+                       useful_part = whole_filename;
+               }
+               destfile = realloc(destfile, strlen(destdir) + 1 + 
strlen(useful_part) + 1);
+               sprintf(destfile, "%s/%s", destdir, useful_part);
+               // Create any missing directories
+               for (char *p = destfile + strlen(destdir) + 1; *p != '\0'; p++) 
+                       if (*p == '/') {
+                               *p = '\0';
+                               int ret = mkdir(destfile, 0755);
+                               if (ret < 0 && errno != EEXIST) {
+                                       e = newErr("Could not create directory 
%s: %s", destfile, strerror(errno));
+                                       goto bailout;
+                               }
+                               *p = '/';
+                       }
+               }
+               // Copy the data
+               outfile = fopen(destfile, "w");
+               if (outfile == NULL) {
+                       e = newErr("Could not open %s", destfile);
+                       goto bailout;
+               }
+               ssize_t size = extract_tar_member_size(block);
+               while (size > 0) {
+                       int read_result = read_tar_block(tarstream, block, &e);
+                       if (e != NO_ERR) {
+                               goto bailout;
+                       }
+                       if (read_result < 0) {
+                               e = newErr("unexpected end of tar file");
+                               goto bailout;
+                       }
+                       size_t nwrite = size > TAR_BLOCK_SIZE ? TAR_BLOCK_SIZE 
: size;
+                       size_t written = fwrite(block, 1, nwrite, outfile);
+                       if (written < nwrite) {
+                               e = newErr("Error writing %s: %s", destfile, 
+                               goto bailout;
+                       }
+                       size -= TAR_BLOCK_SIZE;
+               }
+               fclose(outfile);
+               outfile = NULL;
+       }
+       if (outfile != NULL)
+               fclose(outfile);
+       free(whole_filename);
+       free(destfile);
+       return e;
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