Changeset: 52af8bfa1916 for MonetDB URL:;node=52af8bfa1916 Added Files: gdk/gdk_time.c gdk/gdk_time.h Modified Files: clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128 clients/Tests/exports.stable.out gdk/ gdk/gdk.h gdk/gdk_atoms.c gdk/gdk_logger.c monetdb5/mal/mal_listing.c monetdb5/mal/mal_type.c monetdb5/modules/atoms/mtime.c monetdb5/modules/atoms/mtime.h monetdb5/modules/atoms/mtime.mal monetdb5/modules/atoms/mtime_analytic.c monetdb5/modules/mal/clients.c monetdb5/modules/mal/oltp.c monetdb5/modules/mal/querylog.c monetdb5/modules/mal/remote.c monetdb5/modules/mal/sysmon.c monetdb5/modules/mal/wlc.c monetdb5/optimizer/opt_querylog.c sql/backends/monet5/UDF/capi/capi.c sql/backends/monet5/UDF/pyapi3/emit3.c sql/backends/monet5/generator/generator.c sql/backends/monet5/sql.h sql/backends/monet5/sql_execute.c sql/backends/monet5/sql_result.c sql/backends/monet5/sql_scenario.c sql/backends/monet5/sql_upgrades.c sql/scripts/17_temporal.sql sql/server/rel_exp.c sql/server/rel_optimizer.c sql/server/sql_atom.c sql/server/sql_qc.c sql/server/sql_qc.h sql/test/BugTracker/Tests/update_with_subselect.SF-1362771.sql Branch: timezone Log Message:
Moved implementation of date/daytime/timestamp to GDK. diffs (truncated from 3321 to 300 lines): diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out --- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out +++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out @@ -10486,29 +10486,6 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc [ "color", "value", "command color.value(c:color):flt ", "CLRvalue;", "Extracts value component from a color atom" ] [ "color", "value", "command color.value(c:color):int ", "CLRvalueInt;", "Extracts value component from a color atom" ] [ "color", "ycc", "command color.ycc(y:int, cr:int, cb:int):color ", "CLRycc;", "Converts an YCC triplets to a color atom" ] -[ "date", "!=", "pattern date.!=(v:date, w:date):bit ", "CMDvarNE;", "Equality of two dates" ] -[ "date", "!=", "pattern date.!=(v:date, w:date, nil_matches:bit):bit ", "CMDvarNE;", "Equality of two dates" ] -[ "date", "#fromstr", "command date.#fromstr():void ", "date_fromstr;", "" ] -[ "date", "#tostr", "command date.#tostr():void ", "date_tostr;", "" ] -[ "date", "<", "pattern date.<(v:date, w:date):bit ", "CMDvarLT;", "Equality of two dates" ] -[ "date", "<=", "pattern date.<=(v:date, w:date):bit ", "CMDvarLE;", "Equality of two dates" ] -[ "date", "==", "pattern date.==(v:date, w:date):bit ", "CMDvarEQ;", "Equality of two dates" ] -[ "date", "==", "pattern date.==(v:date, w:date, nil_matches:bit):bit ", "CMDvarEQ;", "Equality of two dates" ] -[ "date", ">", "pattern date.>(v:date, w:date):bit ", "CMDvarGT;", "Equality of two dates" ] -[ "date", ">=", "pattern date.>=(v:date, w:date):bit ", "CMDvarGE;", "Equality of two dates" ] -[ "date", "date", "command ", "MTIMEdate_date;", "Noop routine." ] -[ "date", "isnil", "pattern date.isnil(v:date):bit ", "CMDvarISNIL;", "Nil test for date value" ] -[ "daytime", "!=", "pattern daytime.!=(v:daytime, w:daytime):bit ", "CMDvarNE;", "Equality of two daytimes" ] -[ "daytime", "!=", "pattern daytime.!=(v:daytime, w:daytime, nil_matches:bit):bit ", "CMDvarNE;", "Equality of two daytimes" ] -[ "daytime", "#fromstr", "command daytime.#fromstr():void ", "daytime_tz_fromstr;", "" ] -[ "daytime", "#tostr", "command daytime.#tostr():void ", "daytime_tostr;", "" ] -[ "daytime", "<", "pattern daytime.<(v:daytime, w:daytime):bit ", "CMDvarLT;", "Equality of two daytimes" ] -[ "daytime", "<=", "pattern daytime.<=(v:daytime, w:daytime):bit ", "CMDvarLE;", "Equality of two daytimes" ] -[ "daytime", "==", "pattern daytime.==(v:daytime, w:daytime):bit ", "CMDvarEQ;", "Equality of two daytimes" ] -[ "daytime", "==", "pattern daytime.==(v:daytime, w:daytime, nil_matches:bit):bit ", "CMDvarEQ;", "Equality of two daytimes" ] -[ "daytime", ">", "pattern daytime.>(v:daytime, w:daytime):bit ", "CMDvarGT;", "Equality of two daytimes" ] -[ "daytime", ">=", "pattern daytime.>=(v:daytime, w:daytime):bit ", "CMDvarGE;", "Equality of two daytimes" ] -[ "daytime", "isnil", "pattern daytime.isnil(v:daytime):bit ", "CMDvarISNIL;", "Nil test for daytime value" ] [ "factories", "getArrival", "command factories.getArrival():bat[:timestamp] ", "FCTgetArrival;", "Retrieve the time stamp the last call was made." ] [ "factories", "getCaller", "command factories.getCaller():int ", "FCTgetCaller;", "Retrieve the unique identity of the factory caller." ] [ "factories", "getDeparture", "command factories.getDeparture():bat[:timestamp] ", "FCTgetDeparture;", "Retrieve the time stamp the last answer was returned." ] @@ -11116,6 +11093,9 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc [ "mtime", "diff", "command mtime.diff(val1:date, val2:date):int ", "MTIMEdate_diff;", "returns the number of days\n\tbetween 'val1' and 'val2'." ] [ "mtime", "diff", "command mtime.diff(val1:daytime, val2:daytime):lng ", "MTIMEdaytime_diff_msec;", "returns the number of msec between 'val1' and 'val2'." ] [ "mtime", "diff", "command mtime.diff(val1:timestamp, val2:timestamp):lng ", "MTIMEtimestamp_diff_msec;", "returns the number of milliseconds\n\tbetween 'val1' and 'val2'." ] +[ "mtime", "epoch", "command mtime.epoch(t:timestamp):int ", "MTIMEseconds_since_epoch;", "unix-time (epoch) support: seconds since epoch" ] +[ "mtime", "epoch", "command mtime.epoch(t:lng):timestamp ", "MTIMEtimestamp_frommsec;", "convert milli seconds since epoch into a timestamp" ] +[ "mtime", "epoch", "command mtime.epoch(t:int):timestamp ", "MTIMEtimestamp_fromsecond;", "convert seconds since epoch into a timestamp" ] [ "mtime", "hours", "command mtime.hours(h:daytime):int ", "MTIMEdaytime_extract_hours;", "extracts hour from daytime" ] [ "mtime", "hours", "command mtime.hours(msecs:lng):int ", "MTIMEsql_hours;", "" ] [ "mtime", "hours", "command mtime.hours(t:timestamp):int ", "MTIMEtimestamp_hours;", "" ] @@ -11126,7 +11106,6 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc [ "mtime", "month", "command mtime.month(d:date):int ", "MTIMEdate_extract_month;", "extracts month from date" ] [ "mtime", "month", "command mtime.month(months:int):int ", "MTIMEsql_month;", "" ] [ "mtime", "month", "command mtime.month(t:timestamp):int ", "MTIMEtimestamp_month;", "" ] -[ "mtime", "prelude", "command mtime.prelude():void ", "MTIMEprelude;", "" ] [ "mtime", "quarter", "command mtime.quarter(d:date):int ", "MTIMEdate_extract_quarter;", "extracts quarter from date" ] [ "mtime", "quarter", "command mtime.quarter(t:timestamp):int ", "MTIMEtimestamp_quarter;", "" ] [ "mtime", "seconds", "command mtime.seconds(msecs:lng):int ", "MTIMEsql_seconds;", "" ] @@ -11687,20 +11666,6 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc [ "sysmon", "stop", "pattern sysmon.stop(id:int):void ", "SYSMONstop;", "Stop a single query a.s.a.p." ] [ "sysmon", "stop", "pattern sysmon.stop(id:lng):void ", "SYSMONstop;", "Stop a single query a.s.a.p." ] [ "sysmon", "stop", "pattern sysmon.stop(id:sht):void ", "SYSMONstop;", "Stop a single query a.s.a.p." ] -[ "timestamp", "!=", "pattern timestamp.!=(v:timestamp, w:timestamp):bit ", "CMDvarNE;", "Equality of two timestamps" ] -[ "timestamp", "!=", "pattern timestamp.!=(v:timestamp, w:timestamp, nil_matches:bit):bit ", "CMDvarNE;", "Equality of two timestamps" ] -[ "timestamp", "#fromstr", "command timestamp.#fromstr():void ", "timestamp_fromstr;", "" ] -[ "timestamp", "#tostr", "command timestamp.#tostr():void ", "timestamp_tostr;", "" ] -[ "timestamp", "<", "pattern timestamp.<(v:timestamp, w:timestamp):bit ", "CMDvarLT;", "Equality of two timestamps" ] -[ "timestamp", "<=", "pattern timestamp.<=(v:timestamp, w:timestamp):bit ", "CMDvarLE;", "Equality of two timestamps" ] -[ "timestamp", "==", "pattern timestamp.==(v:timestamp, w:timestamp):bit ", "CMDvarEQ;", "Equality of two timestamps" ] -[ "timestamp", "==", "pattern timestamp.==(v:timestamp, w:timestamp, nil_matches:bit):bit ", "CMDvarEQ;", "Equality of two timestamps" ] -[ "timestamp", ">", "pattern timestamp.>(v:timestamp, w:timestamp):bit ", "CMDvarGT;", "Equality of two timestamps" ] -[ "timestamp", ">=", "pattern timestamp.>=(v:timestamp, w:timestamp):bit ", "CMDvarGE;", "Equality of two timestamps" ] -[ "timestamp", "epoch", "command timestamp.epoch(t:timestamp):int ", "MTIMEseconds_since_epoch;", "unix-time (epoch) support: seconds since epoch" ] -[ "timestamp", "epoch", "command timestamp.epoch(t:lng):timestamp ", "MTIMEtimestamp_frommsec;", "convert milli seconds since epoch into a timestamp" ] -[ "timestamp", "epoch", "command timestamp.epoch(t:int):timestamp ", "MTIMEtimestamp_fromsecond;", "convert seconds since epoch into a timestamp" ] -[ "timestamp", "isnil", "pattern timestamp.isnil(v:timestamp):bit ", "CMDvarISNIL;", "Nil test for timestamp value" ] [ "tokenizer", "append", "command tokenizer.append(u:str):oid ", "TKNZRappend;", "tokenize a new string and append it to the tokenizer (duplicate elimination is performed)" ] [ "tokenizer", "close", "command tokenizer.close():void ", "TKNZRclose;", "close the current tokenizer store" ] [ "tokenizer", "depositFile", "command tokenizer.depositFile(fnme:str):void ", "TKNZRdepositFile;", "batch insertion from a file of strings to tokenize, each string is separated by a new line" ] diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128 b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128 --- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128 +++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128 @@ -14892,29 +14892,6 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc [ "color", "value", "command color.value(c:color):flt ", "CLRvalue;", "Extracts value component from a color atom" ] [ "color", "value", "command color.value(c:color):int ", "CLRvalueInt;", "Extracts value component from a color atom" ] [ "color", "ycc", "command color.ycc(y:int, cr:int, cb:int):color ", "CLRycc;", "Converts an YCC triplets to a color atom" ] -[ "date", "!=", "pattern date.!=(v:date, w:date):bit ", "CMDvarNE;", "Equality of two dates" ] -[ "date", "!=", "pattern date.!=(v:date, w:date, nil_matches:bit):bit ", "CMDvarNE;", "Equality of two dates" ] -[ "date", "#fromstr", "command date.#fromstr():void ", "date_fromstr;", "" ] -[ "date", "#tostr", "command date.#tostr():void ", "date_tostr;", "" ] -[ "date", "<", "pattern date.<(v:date, w:date):bit ", "CMDvarLT;", "Equality of two dates" ] -[ "date", "<=", "pattern date.<=(v:date, w:date):bit ", "CMDvarLE;", "Equality of two dates" ] -[ "date", "==", "pattern date.==(v:date, w:date):bit ", "CMDvarEQ;", "Equality of two dates" ] -[ "date", "==", "pattern date.==(v:date, w:date, nil_matches:bit):bit ", "CMDvarEQ;", "Equality of two dates" ] -[ "date", ">", "pattern date.>(v:date, w:date):bit ", "CMDvarGT;", "Equality of two dates" ] -[ "date", ">=", "pattern date.>=(v:date, w:date):bit ", "CMDvarGE;", "Equality of two dates" ] -[ "date", "date", "command ", "MTIMEdate_date;", "Noop routine." ] -[ "date", "isnil", "pattern date.isnil(v:date):bit ", "CMDvarISNIL;", "Nil test for date value" ] -[ "daytime", "!=", "pattern daytime.!=(v:daytime, w:daytime):bit ", "CMDvarNE;", "Equality of two daytimes" ] -[ "daytime", "!=", "pattern daytime.!=(v:daytime, w:daytime, nil_matches:bit):bit ", "CMDvarNE;", "Equality of two daytimes" ] -[ "daytime", "#fromstr", "command daytime.#fromstr():void ", "daytime_tz_fromstr;", "" ] -[ "daytime", "#tostr", "command daytime.#tostr():void ", "daytime_tostr;", "" ] -[ "daytime", "<", "pattern daytime.<(v:daytime, w:daytime):bit ", "CMDvarLT;", "Equality of two daytimes" ] -[ "daytime", "<=", "pattern daytime.<=(v:daytime, w:daytime):bit ", "CMDvarLE;", "Equality of two daytimes" ] -[ "daytime", "==", "pattern daytime.==(v:daytime, w:daytime):bit ", "CMDvarEQ;", "Equality of two daytimes" ] -[ "daytime", "==", "pattern daytime.==(v:daytime, w:daytime, nil_matches:bit):bit ", "CMDvarEQ;", "Equality of two daytimes" ] -[ "daytime", ">", "pattern daytime.>(v:daytime, w:daytime):bit ", "CMDvarGT;", "Equality of two daytimes" ] -[ "daytime", ">=", "pattern daytime.>=(v:daytime, w:daytime):bit ", "CMDvarGE;", "Equality of two daytimes" ] -[ "daytime", "isnil", "pattern daytime.isnil(v:daytime):bit ", "CMDvarISNIL;", "Nil test for daytime value" ] [ "factories", "getArrival", "command factories.getArrival():bat[:timestamp] ", "FCTgetArrival;", "Retrieve the time stamp the last call was made." ] [ "factories", "getCaller", "command factories.getCaller():int ", "FCTgetCaller;", "Retrieve the unique identity of the factory caller." ] [ "factories", "getDeparture", "command factories.getDeparture():bat[:timestamp] ", "FCTgetDeparture;", "Retrieve the time stamp the last answer was returned." ] @@ -15538,6 +15515,9 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc [ "mtime", "diff", "command mtime.diff(val1:date, val2:date):int ", "MTIMEdate_diff;", "returns the number of days\n\tbetween 'val1' and 'val2'." ] [ "mtime", "diff", "command mtime.diff(val1:daytime, val2:daytime):lng ", "MTIMEdaytime_diff_msec;", "returns the number of msec between 'val1' and 'val2'." ] [ "mtime", "diff", "command mtime.diff(val1:timestamp, val2:timestamp):lng ", "MTIMEtimestamp_diff_msec;", "returns the number of milliseconds\n\tbetween 'val1' and 'val2'." ] +[ "mtime", "epoch", "command mtime.epoch(t:timestamp):int ", "MTIMEseconds_since_epoch;", "unix-time (epoch) support: seconds since epoch" ] +[ "mtime", "epoch", "command mtime.epoch(t:lng):timestamp ", "MTIMEtimestamp_frommsec;", "convert milli seconds since epoch into a timestamp" ] +[ "mtime", "epoch", "command mtime.epoch(t:int):timestamp ", "MTIMEtimestamp_fromsecond;", "convert seconds since epoch into a timestamp" ] [ "mtime", "hours", "command mtime.hours(h:daytime):int ", "MTIMEdaytime_extract_hours;", "extracts hour from daytime" ] [ "mtime", "hours", "command mtime.hours(msecs:lng):int ", "MTIMEsql_hours;", "" ] [ "mtime", "hours", "command mtime.hours(t:timestamp):int ", "MTIMEtimestamp_hours;", "" ] @@ -15548,7 +15528,6 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc [ "mtime", "month", "command mtime.month(d:date):int ", "MTIMEdate_extract_month;", "extracts month from date" ] [ "mtime", "month", "command mtime.month(months:int):int ", "MTIMEsql_month;", "" ] [ "mtime", "month", "command mtime.month(t:timestamp):int ", "MTIMEtimestamp_month;", "" ] -[ "mtime", "prelude", "command mtime.prelude():void ", "MTIMEprelude;", "" ] [ "mtime", "quarter", "command mtime.quarter(d:date):int ", "MTIMEdate_extract_quarter;", "extracts quarter from date" ] [ "mtime", "quarter", "command mtime.quarter(t:timestamp):int ", "MTIMEtimestamp_quarter;", "" ] [ "mtime", "seconds", "command mtime.seconds(msecs:lng):int ", "MTIMEsql_seconds;", "" ] @@ -16131,20 +16110,6 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc [ "sysmon", "stop", "pattern sysmon.stop(id:int):void ", "SYSMONstop;", "Stop a single query a.s.a.p." ] [ "sysmon", "stop", "pattern sysmon.stop(id:lng):void ", "SYSMONstop;", "Stop a single query a.s.a.p." ] [ "sysmon", "stop", "pattern sysmon.stop(id:sht):void ", "SYSMONstop;", "Stop a single query a.s.a.p." ] -[ "timestamp", "!=", "pattern timestamp.!=(v:timestamp, w:timestamp):bit ", "CMDvarNE;", "Equality of two timestamps" ] -[ "timestamp", "!=", "pattern timestamp.!=(v:timestamp, w:timestamp, nil_matches:bit):bit ", "CMDvarNE;", "Equality of two timestamps" ] -[ "timestamp", "#fromstr", "command timestamp.#fromstr():void ", "timestamp_fromstr;", "" ] -[ "timestamp", "#tostr", "command timestamp.#tostr():void ", "timestamp_tostr;", "" ] -[ "timestamp", "<", "pattern timestamp.<(v:timestamp, w:timestamp):bit ", "CMDvarLT;", "Equality of two timestamps" ] -[ "timestamp", "<=", "pattern timestamp.<=(v:timestamp, w:timestamp):bit ", "CMDvarLE;", "Equality of two timestamps" ] -[ "timestamp", "==", "pattern timestamp.==(v:timestamp, w:timestamp):bit ", "CMDvarEQ;", "Equality of two timestamps" ] -[ "timestamp", "==", "pattern timestamp.==(v:timestamp, w:timestamp, nil_matches:bit):bit ", "CMDvarEQ;", "Equality of two timestamps" ] -[ "timestamp", ">", "pattern timestamp.>(v:timestamp, w:timestamp):bit ", "CMDvarGT;", "Equality of two timestamps" ] -[ "timestamp", ">=", "pattern timestamp.>=(v:timestamp, w:timestamp):bit ", "CMDvarGE;", "Equality of two timestamps" ] -[ "timestamp", "epoch", "command timestamp.epoch(t:timestamp):int ", "MTIMEseconds_since_epoch;", "unix-time (epoch) support: seconds since epoch" ] -[ "timestamp", "epoch", "command timestamp.epoch(t:lng):timestamp ", "MTIMEtimestamp_frommsec;", "convert milli seconds since epoch into a timestamp" ] -[ "timestamp", "epoch", "command timestamp.epoch(t:int):timestamp ", "MTIMEtimestamp_fromsecond;", "convert seconds since epoch into a timestamp" ] -[ "timestamp", "isnil", "pattern timestamp.isnil(v:timestamp):bit ", "CMDvarISNIL;", "Nil test for timestamp value" ] [ "tokenizer", "append", "command tokenizer.append(u:str):oid ", "TKNZRappend;", "tokenize a new string and append it to the tokenizer (duplicate elimination is performed)" ] [ "tokenizer", "close", "command tokenizer.close():void ", "TKNZRclose;", "close the current tokenizer store" ] [ "tokenizer", "depositFile", "command tokenizer.depositFile(fnme:str):void ", "TKNZRdepositFile;", "batch insertion from a file of strings to tokenize, each string is separated by a new line" ] diff --git a/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out b/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out --- a/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out +++ b/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out @@ -439,6 +439,30 @@ BAT *canditer_slice(struct canditer *ci, BAT *canditer_slice2(struct canditer *ci, BUN lo1, BUN hi1, BUN lo2, BUN hi2); int closedir(DIR *dir); char *ctime_r(const time_t *restrict, char *restrict); +date date_add_day(date dt, int days); +date date_add_month(date dt, int months); +date date_create(int year, int month, int day); +int date_day(date dt); +int date_dayofweek(date dt); +int date_dayofyear(date dt); +int date_diff(date d1, date d2); +ssize_t date_fromstr(const char *buf, size_t *len, date **d, bool external); +int date_month(date dt); +ssize_t date_tostr(str *buf, size_t *len, const date *val, bool external); +int date_weekofyear(date dt); +int date_year(date dt); +daytime daytime_add_usec(daytime tm, lng usec); +daytime daytime_add_usec_modulo(daytime tm, lng usec); +daytime daytime_create(int hour, int minute, int second, int usec); +ssize_t daytime_fromstr(const char *buf, size_t *len, daytime **d, bool external); +int daytime_hour(daytime tm); +int daytime_min(daytime tm); +ssize_t daytime_precision_tostr(str *buf, size_t *len, const daytime dt, int precision, bool external); +int daytime_sec(daytime tm); +int daytime_sec_usec(daytime tm); +ssize_t daytime_tostr(str *buf, size_t *len, const daytime *val, bool external); +ssize_t daytime_tz_fromstr(const char *buf, size_t *len, daytime **d, bool external); +int daytime_usec(daytime tm); ssize_t dblFromStr(const char *src, size_t *len, dbl **dst, bool external); ssize_t dblToStr(str *dst, size_t *len, const dbl *src, bool external); const dbl dbl_nil; @@ -514,6 +538,21 @@ ssize_t shtToStr(str *dst, size_t *len, const sht sht_nil; ssize_t strFromStr(const char *restrict src, size_t *restrict len, str *restrict dst, bool external); const char str_nil[2]; +timestamp timestamp_add_month(timestamp t, int m); +timestamp timestamp_add_usec(timestamp t, lng usec); +timestamp timestamp_create(date dt, daytime tm); +timestamp timestamp_current(void); +date timestamp_date(timestamp t); +daytime timestamp_daytime(timestamp t); +lng timestamp_diff(timestamp t1, timestamp t2); +timestamp timestamp_fromdate(date dt); +ssize_t timestamp_fromstr(const char *buf, size_t *len, timestamp **d, bool external); +timestamp timestamp_fromtime(time_t timeval); +timestamp timestamp_fromusec(lng usec); +ssize_t timestamp_precision_tostr(str *buf, size_t *len, timestamp val, int precision, bool external); +ssize_t timestamp_tostr(str *buf, size_t *len, const timestamp *val, bool external); +ssize_t timestamp_tz_fromstr(const char *buf, size_t *len, timestamp **ret, bool external); +const timestamp unixepoch; gdk_return void_inplace(BAT *b, oid id, const void *val, bool force) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__)); int win_mkdir(const char *, const int mode); int win_rename(const char *, const char *); @@ -1588,7 +1627,6 @@ str MTIMEdaytime_fromseconds(daytime *re str MTIMEdaytime_fromseconds_bulk(bat *ret, bat *bid); str MTIMEdaytime_fromstr(daytime *ret, const char *const *s); str MTIMElocal_timezone_msec(lng *ret); -str MTIMEprelude(void *ret); str MTIMEseconds_since_epoch(int *ret, const timestamp *t); str MTIMEsql_day(lng *ret, const lng *msecs); str MTIMEsql_hours(int *ret, const lng *msecs); @@ -1934,11 +1972,8 @@ str TRNtrans_abort(Client cntxt, MalBlkP str TRNtrans_clean(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr p); str TRNtrans_commit(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr p); int TYPE_blob; -int TYPE_date; -int TYPE_daytime; int TYPE_identifier; int TYPE_json; -int TYPE_timestamp; int TYPE_xml; ssize_t URLfromString(const char *src, size_t *len, str *u, bool external); str URLgetAnchor(str *retval, url *val); @@ -2149,30 +2184,6 @@ str crossRef; str cume_distRef; str dataflowRef; str dateRef; -date date_add_day(date dt, int days); -date date_add_month(date dt, int months); -date date_create(int year, int month, int day); -int date_day(date dt); -int date_dayofweek(date dt); -int date_dayofyear(date dt); -int date_diff(date d1, date d2); -ssize_t date_fromstr(const char *buf, size_t *len, date **d, bool external); -int date_month(date dt); -ssize_t date_tostr(str *buf, size_t *len, const date *val, bool external); -int date_weekofyear(date dt); -int date_year(date dt); -daytime daytime_add_usec(daytime tm, lng usec); -daytime daytime_add_usec_modulo(daytime tm, lng usec); -daytime daytime_create(int hour, int minute, int second, int usec); -ssize_t daytime_fromstr(const char *buf, size_t *len, daytime **d, bool external); -int daytime_hour(daytime tm); -int daytime_min(daytime tm); -ssize_t daytime_precision_tostr(str *buf, size_t *len, const daytime dt, int precision, bool external); -int daytime_sec(daytime tm); -int daytime_sec_usec(daytime tm); -ssize_t daytime_tostr(str *buf, size_t *len, const daytime *val, bool external); -ssize_t daytime_tz_fromstr(const char *buf, size_t *len, daytime **d, bool external); -int daytime_usec(daytime tm); str dblRef; str deblockdataflow(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci); void debugFunction(stream *fd, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, int flg, int first, int size); @@ -2687,20 +2698,6 @@ str thetajoinRef; str thetaselectRef; str tidRef; str timestampRef; -timestamp timestamp_add_month(timestamp t, int m); -timestamp timestamp_add_usec(timestamp t, lng usec); -timestamp timestamp_create(date dt, daytime tm); -timestamp timestamp_current(void); -date timestamp_date(timestamp t); -daytime timestamp_daytime(timestamp t); -lng timestamp_diff(timestamp t1, timestamp t2); -timestamp timestamp_fromdate(date dt); -ssize_t timestamp_fromstr(const char *buf, size_t *len, timestamp **d, bool external); -timestamp timestamp_fromtime(time_t timeval); -timestamp timestamp_fromusec(lng usec); -ssize_t timestamp_precision_tostr(str *buf, size_t *len, timestamp val, int precision, bool external); -ssize_t timestamp_tostr(str *buf, size_t *len, const timestamp *val, bool external); -ssize_t timestamp_tz_fromstr(const char *buf, size_t *len, timestamp **ret, bool external); void traceFunction(COMPONENT comp, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, int flg); void traceInstruction(COMPONENT comp, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr p, int flg); str transactionRef; diff --git a/gdk/ b/gdk/ --- a/gdk/ +++ b/gdk/ @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ lib_gdk = { gdk_group.c \ gdk_imprints.c gdk_imprints.h \ gdk_join.c gdk_project.c \ + gdk_time.c gdk_time.h \ gdk_unique.c \ gdk_interprocess.c gdk_interprocess.h \ gdk_firstn.c \ diff --git a/gdk/gdk.h b/gdk/gdk.h --- a/gdk/gdk.h +++ b/gdk/gdk.h @@ -482,6 +482,9 @@ enum { #ifdef HAVE_HGE TYPE_hge, #endif + TYPE_date, + TYPE_daytime, + TYPE_timestamp, TYPE_str, TYPE_any = 255, /* limit types to <255! */ }; diff --git a/gdk/gdk_atoms.c b/gdk/gdk_atoms.c --- a/gdk/gdk_atoms.c +++ b/gdk/gdk_atoms.c @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ _______________________________________________ checkin-list mailing list