Changeset: 8ef5bf3733a2 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: mosaic
Log Message:

Refactor code to be more C-ish.

diffs (truncated from 358 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/gdk/gdk_mosaic.c b/gdk/gdk_mosaic.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_mosaic.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_mosaic.c
@@ -33,184 +33,191 @@ MOSsync(int fd) {
-#define CREATE_(HEAP)\
-static void \
-MOS_##HEAP##_sync(void *arg) {\
-       BAT *bn = arg;\
-       if (!((BBP_status(bn->batCacheid) & BBPEXISTING) && bn->batInserted == 
bn->batCount)) {\
-               ALGODEBUG fprintf(stderr, "#BAT" #HEAP ": NOT persisting index 
%d\n", bn->batCacheid);\
-               return;\
-       }\
-       /*TODO: This part is normally - e.g. imprints & hash - done in a 
different thread, look into this.*/\
-       /*only for large ones  and when there is no concurrency: 
MT_create_thread(&tid, <some-mosaic-specific-sync-function>, bn, 
-       BBPfix(bn->batCacheid);\
-    Heap *hp = bn->t##HEAP;\
-    int fd;\
-    lng t0 = GDKusec();\
-    if (HEAPsave(hp, hp->filename, NULL, true) != GDK_SUCCEED ||\
-        (fd = GDKfdlocate(hp->farmid, hp->filename, "rb+", NULL)) < 0) {\
-        BBPunfix(bn->batCacheid);\
-        GDKfree(hp);\
-               bn->t##HEAP = NULL;\
-        return;\
-    }\
-    ((oid *) hp->base)[0] |= (oid) 1 << 24;\
-    if (write(fd, hp->base, SIZEOF_SIZE_T) < 0)\
-        perror("write " #HEAP);\
-    if (!(GDKdebug & FORCEMITOMASK)) {\
-               MOSsync(fd);\
-    }\
-    close(fd);\
-    BBPunfix(bn->batCacheid);\
-    ALGODEBUG fprintf(stderr, "#%s: persisting " #HEAP " %s (" LLFMT " 
usec)\n", "BAT" #HEAP, hp->filename, GDKusec() - t0);\
-static gdk_return \
-BATmosaic_##HEAP(BAT *bn, BUN cap)\
-    const char *nme;\
-       Heap *m;\
-       char *fname = 0;\
-       if( bn->t##HEAP){\
-               return GDK_SUCCEED;\
-       }\
-    nme = BBP_physical(bn->batCacheid);\
-    if ( (m = (Heap*)GDKzalloc(sizeof(Heap))) == NULL ||\
-               (m->farmid = BBPselectfarm(bn->batRole, bn->ttype, mosaicheap)) 
< 0 ||\
-        (fname = GDKfilepath(NOFARM, NULL, nme, #HEAP)) == NULL){\
-                       if( fname)\
-                               GDKfree(fname);\
-                       GDKfree(m);\
-                       return GDK_FAIL;\
-       }\
-       if (strlen(fname) >= sizeof(m->filename)) {\
-               /* TODO: check if this can actually happen.*/\
-               GDKfree(fname);\
-               GDKfree(m);\
-               return GDK_FAIL;\
-       }\
-       strcpy(m->filename, fname);\
-       GDKfree(fname);\
-    if( HEAPalloc(m, cap, Tsize(bn)) != GDK_SUCCEED){\
-        return GDK_FAIL;\
-       }\
-    m->parentid = bn->batCacheid;\
-       bn->t##HEAP = m;\
-       PERSIST_MOSAIC(HEAP, bn);\
-       bn->batDirtydesc = TRUE;\
-    return GDK_SUCCEED;\
-static void \
-MOSdestroy_##HEAP(BAT *bn) {\
-       if (bn && bn->t##HEAP) {\
-               /* Only destroy the mosaic-specific heap of the BAT if it is 
not sharing the mosaic-specific heap of some parent BAT.*/\
-               if(!VIEW##HEAP##tparent(bn)){\
-                       Heap* h= bn->t##HEAP;\
-                       if( HEAPdelete(h, BBP_physical(bn->batCacheid), #HEAP))\
-                               IODEBUG fprintf(stderr,"#MOSdestroy" #HEAP " 
(%s) failed", BATgetId(bn));\
-                       bn->t##HEAP = NULL;\
-                       GDKfree(h);\
-               }\
-       }\
-/* return TRUE if we have a mosaic-specific heap on the tail, even if we need 
to read one from disk */\
-static int \
-MOScheck_##HEAP(BAT *b)\
-       int ret;\
-       lng t;\
-    if (VIEWtparent(b)) { /* TODO: does this make sense?*/\
-        assert(b->t##HEAP == NULL);\
-        b = BBPdescriptor(VIEWtparent(b));\
-    }\
-       assert(b->batCacheid > 0);\
-       t = GDKusec();\
-       if (b->t##HEAP == (Heap *) 1) {\
-               Heap *hp;\
-               const char *nme = BBP_physical(b->batCacheid);\
-               const char *ext = #HEAP;\
-               int fd;\
-               b->t##HEAP = NULL;\
-               if ((hp = GDKzalloc(sizeof(*hp))) != NULL &&\
-                   (hp->farmid = BBPselectfarm(b->batRole, b->ttype, 
mosaicheap)) >= 0 ){\
-                       sprintf(hp->filename, "%s.%s", nme, ext);\
-                       /* check whether a persisted mosaic-specific heap can 
be found */\
-                       if ((fd = GDKfdlocate(hp->farmid, nme, "rb+", ext)) >= 
0) {\
-                               struct stat st;\
-                               int hdata;\
-                               if (BATcount(b) > 0 && read(fd, &hdata, 
sizeof(hdata)) == sizeof(hdata) &&\
-                                       hdata == MOSAIC_VERSION &&\
-                                   fstat(fd, &st) == 0 &&\
-                                   st.st_size >= (off_t) (hp->size = hp->free 
= (oid) BATcount(b) * SIZEOF_OID) &&\
-                                   HEAPload(hp, nme, ext, 0) == GDK_SUCCEED) {\
-                                       close(fd);\
-                                       b->t##HEAP = hp;\
-                                       ALGODEBUG fprintf(stderr, 
"#BATcheckmosaic" #HEAP ": reusing persisted heap %d\n", b->batCacheid);\
-                                       return 1;\
-                               }\
-                               close(fd);\
-                               /* unlink unusable file */\
-                               GDKunlink(hp->farmid, BATDIR, nme, ext);\
-                       }\
-                       GDKfree(hp->filename);\
-               }\
-               GDKfree(hp);\
-               GDKclrerr();    /* we're not currently interested in errors */\
-       }\
-       t = GDKusec() - t;\
-       ret = b->t##HEAP != NULL;\
-       ALGODEBUG if (ret) fprintf(stderr, "#BATcheckmosaic" #HEAP ": already 
has " #HEAP " %d, waited " LLFMT " usec\n", b->batCacheid, t);\
-       return ret;\
+static Heap * 
+BATmosaic_heap(BAT *bn, BUN cap, const char *ext)
+    const char *nme;
+       Heap *m =  NULL;
+       char *fname = 0;
+    nme = BBP_physical(bn->batCacheid);
+    if ( (m = (Heap*)GDKzalloc(sizeof(Heap))) == NULL ||
+               (m->farmid = BBPselectfarm(bn->batRole, bn->ttype, mosaicheap)) 
< 0 ||
+        (fname = GDKfilepath(NOFARM, NULL, nme, ext)) == NULL){
+                       if( fname)
+                               GDKfree(fname);
+                       GDKfree(m);
+                       return NULL;
+       }
+       if (strlen(fname) >= sizeof(m->filename)) {
+               /* TODO: check if this can actually happen.*/
+               GDKfree(fname);
+               GDKfree(m);
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       strcpy(m->filename, fname);
+       GDKfree(fname);
+    if( HEAPalloc(m, cap, Tsize(bn)) != GDK_SUCCEED)
+        return NULL;
+    return m;
+static int 
+MOS_sync(BAT *bn) {
+    Heap *hp;
+    int fd = -1, err = 0;
+       if (!((BBP_status(bn->batCacheid) & BBPEXISTING) && bn->batInserted == 
bn->batCount)) {
+               ALGODEBUG fprintf(stderr, "#BAT NOT persisting index %d\n", 
+               return err;
+       }
+       /*TODO: This part is normally - e.g. imprints & hash - done in a 
different thread, look into this.*/
+       /*only for large ones  and when there is no concurrency: 
MT_create_thread(&tid, <some-mosaic-specific-sync-function>, bn, 
+       BBPfix(bn->batCacheid);
+    hp = bn->tmosaic;
+    if (HEAPsave(hp, hp->filename, NULL, true) != GDK_SUCCEED ||
+        (fd = GDKfdlocate(hp->farmid, hp->filename, "rb+", NULL)) < 0) {
+        GDKfree(hp);
+               err = 1;
+               bn->tmosaic = NULL;
+    } else {
+               ((oid *) hp->base)[0] |= (oid) 1 << 24;
+               if (write(fd, hp->base, SIZEOF_SIZE_T) < 0)
+                       GDKerror("write mosaic heap failed");
+               else 
+                       MOSsync(fd);
+       }
+       if( fd >= 0){
+               close(fd);
+               fd = -1;
+       }
+    hp = bn->tvmosaic;
+    if (HEAPsave(hp, hp->filename, NULL, true) != GDK_SUCCEED ||
+        (fd = GDKfdlocate(hp->farmid, hp->filename, "rb+", NULL)) < 0) {
+        GDKfree(hp);
+               err = 1;
+    } else {
+               ((oid *) hp->base)[0] |= (oid) 1 << 24;
+               if (write(fd, hp->base, SIZEOF_SIZE_T) < 0)
+                       GDKerror("write vmosaic heap failed");
+               else
+                       MOSsync(fd);
+       }
+       if( fd >= 0)
+               close(fd);
+    BBPunfix(bn->batCacheid);
+       return err;
+static Heap *
+MOScheck_heap(BAT *b, const char *ext){
+       Heap *hp;
+       const char *nme = BBP_physical(b->batCacheid);
+       int fd;
+       if ((hp = GDKzalloc(sizeof(*hp))) != NULL &&
+               (hp->farmid = BBPselectfarm(b->batRole, b->ttype, mosaicheap)) 
>= 0 ){
+               sprintf(hp->filename, "%s.%s", nme, ext);
+               /* check whether a persisted mosaic-specific heap can be found 
+               if ((fd = GDKfdlocate(hp->farmid, nme, "rb+", ext)) >= 0) {
+                       struct stat st;
+                       int hdata;
+                       if (BATcount(b) > 0 && read(fd, &hdata, sizeof(hdata)) 
== sizeof(hdata) &&
+                               hdata == MOSAIC_VERSION &&
+                               fstat(fd, &st) == 0 &&
+                               st.st_size >= (off_t) (hp->size = hp->free = 
(oid) BATcount(b) * SIZEOF_OID) &&
+                               HEAPload(hp, nme, ext, false) == GDK_SUCCEED) {
+                                       close(fd);
+                                       ALGODEBUG fprintf(stderr, 
"#BATcheckmosaic %s: reusing persisted heap %d\n", ext, b->batCacheid);
+                                       return hp;
+                               }
+                       close(fd);
+                       /* unlink unusable file */
+                       GDKunlink(hp->farmid, BATDIR, nme, ext);
+               }
+               GDKfree(hp->filename);
+       }
+       GDKfree(hp);
+       GDKclrerr();    /* we're not currently interested in errors */
+       return NULL;
+static int
+MOScheck(BAT *b)
+    if (VIEWtparent(b)){
+        b = BBPdescriptor(VIEWtparent(b));
+       }
+       if (b->tmosaic == (Heap *) 1) 
+               b->tmosaic = MOScheck_heap(b, "mosaic");
+       /* a vmosaic can only exist if the mosaic exists as well */
+       if (b->tvmosaic == (Heap *) 1) 
+               b->tvmosaic = MOScheck_heap(b, "vmosaic");
+       return b->tmosaic != NULL;
 MOSdestroy(BAT *bn) {
-       MOSdestroy_mosaic(bn);
-       MOSdestroy_vmosaic(bn);
+       Heap *h;
+       /* If there is a view then don't drop the mosaic. However, not needed 
because we don;t slice over the tmosaic BAT (yet) */
+    if (!bn || VIEWtparent(bn)) 
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