Changeset: cf9271c32c31 for MonetDB
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Branch: out2in
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diffs (11 lines):

diff --git a/sql/server/rel_out2inner_join.txt 
--- a/sql/server/rel_out2inner_join.txt
+++ b/sql/server/rel_out2inner_join.txt
@@ -84,6 +84,6 @@ step 4: for each element in the j_pred's
 1) if e_cmp is of type =-semantics or is-semantics.
     if =-semantics apply is_null check on each of the operand terms in the 
e_cmp expression if there  is a null term then null rejection applies 
-    else if is-semantics we must check if the e_cmp expression is of the form 
'r is not null' to have null rejaction
+    else if is-semantics we must check if the e_cmp expression is of the form 
'r is not null' to have null rejection
     else we are not sure and null-jection is false.
 2) else if the expression is of type e_or, we require that both terms of e_or 
are null rejecting which is a recursive traversal until we have reached terms 
of e_cmp for which the previously described procedure 1) applies to check null 
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