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diffs (47 lines):

diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
@@ -578,9 +578,9 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "algebra",   "rangejoin",    "command algebra.rangejoin(l:bat[:any_1], 
r1:bat[:any_1], r2:bat[:any_1], sl:bat[:oid], sr:bat[:oid], li:bit, hi:bit, 
estimate:lng) (X_0:bat[:oid], X_1:bat[:oid]) ",   "ALGrangejoin;",        
"Range join: values in l and r1/r2 match if r1 <[=] l <[=] r2"  ]
 [ "algebra",   "reuse",        "command 
algebra.reuse(b:bat[:any_1]):bat[:any_1] ",    "ALGreuse;",    "Reuse a 
temporary BAT if you can. Otherwise,\n\tallocate enough storage to accept 
result of an\n \toperation (not involving the heap)" ]
 [ "algebra",   "select",       "command[:any_1], 
low:any_1, high:any_1, li:bit, hi:bit, anti:bit):bat[:oid] ",    "ALGselect1;", 
 "Select all head values for which the tail value is in range.\n\tInput is a 
dense-headed BAT, output is a dense-headed BAT with in\n\tthe tail the head 
value of the input BAT for which the tail value\n\tis between the values low 
and high (inclusive if li respectively\n\thi is set).  The output BAT is sorted 
on the tail value.  If low\n\tor high is nil, the boundary is not considered 
(effectively - and\n\t+ infinity).  If anti is set, the result is the 
complement.  Nil\n\tvalues in the tail are never matched, unless low=nil, 
high=nil,\n\tli=1, hi=1, anti=0.  All non-nil values are returned if 
low=nil,\n\thigh=nil, and li, hi are not both 1, or anti=1.\n\tNote that the 
output is suitable as second input for the other\n\tversion of this function."  
-[ "algebra",   "select",       "command[:any_1], 
low:any_1, high:any_1, li:bit, hi:bit, anti:bit, unknown:bit):bat[:oid] ",      
 "ALGselect1nil;",       "With unknow set, each nil != nil"      ]
+[ "algebra",   "select",       "command[:any_1], 
low:any_1, high:any_1, li:bit, hi:bit, anti:bit, unknown:bit):bat[:oid] ",      
 "ALGselect1nil;",       "With unknown set, each nil != nil"     ]
 [ "algebra",   "select",       "command[:any_1], 
s:bat[:oid], low:any_1, high:any_1, li:bit, hi:bit, anti:bit):bat[:oid] ",      
 "ALGselect2;",  "Select all head values of the first input BAT for which the 
tail value\n\tis in range and for which the head value occurs in the tail of 
the\n\tsecond input BAT.\n\tThe first input is a dense-headed BAT, the second 
input is a\n\tdense-headed BAT with sorted tail, output is a dense-headed 
BAT\n\twith in the tail the head value of the input BAT for which the\n\ttail 
value is between the values low and high (inclusive if li\n\trespectively hi is 
set).  The output BAT is sorted on the tail\n\tvalue.  If low or high is nil, 
the boundary is not considered\n\t(effectively - and + infinity).  If anti is 
set, the result is the\n\tcomplement.  Nil values in the tail are never 
matched, unless\n\tlow=nil, high=nil, li=1, hi=1, anti=0.  All non-nil values 
are\n\treturned if low=nil, high=nil, and li, hi are not both 1, or 
anti=1.\n\tNote that th
 e output is suitable as second input for this\n\tfunction."    ]
-[ "algebra",   "select",       "command[:any_1], 
s:bat[:oid], low:any_1, high:any_1, li:bit, hi:bit, anti:bit, 
unknown:bit):bat[:oid] ",  "ALGselect2nil;",       "With unknow set, each nil 
!= nil"      ]
+[ "algebra",   "select",       "command[:any_1], 
s:bat[:oid], low:any_1, high:any_1, li:bit, hi:bit, anti:bit, 
unknown:bit):bat[:oid] ",  "ALGselect2nil;",       "With unknown set, each nil 
!= nil"     ]
 [ "algebra",   "selectNotNil", "command 
algebra.selectNotNil(b:bat[:any_2]):bat[:any_2] ",     "ALGselectNotNil;",     
"Select all not-nil values"     ]
 [ "algebra",   "semijoin",     "command algebra.semijoin(l:bat[:any_1], 
r:bat[:any_1], sl:bat[:oid], sr:bat[:oid], nil_matches:bit, estimate:lng) 
(X_0:bat[:oid], X_1:bat[:oid]) ",    "ALGsemijoin;", "Semi join with candidate 
lists"        ]
 [ "algebra",   "slice",        "command algebra.slice(b:bat[:any_1], x:lng, 
y:lng):bat[:any_1] ",      "ALGslice;",    "Return the slice with the BUNs at 
position x till y."  ]
diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
@@ -682,9 +682,9 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "algebra",   "rangejoin",    "command algebra.rangejoin(l:bat[:any_1], 
r1:bat[:any_1], r2:bat[:any_1], sl:bat[:oid], sr:bat[:oid], li:bit, hi:bit, 
estimate:lng) (X_0:bat[:oid], X_1:bat[:oid]) ",   "ALGrangejoin;",        
"Range join: values in l and r1/r2 match if r1 <[=] l <[=] r2"  ]
 [ "algebra",   "reuse",        "command 
algebra.reuse(b:bat[:any_1]):bat[:any_1] ",    "ALGreuse;",    "Reuse a 
temporary BAT if you can. Otherwise,\n\tallocate enough storage to accept 
result of an\n \toperation (not involving the heap)" ]
 [ "algebra",   "select",       "command[:any_1], 
low:any_1, high:any_1, li:bit, hi:bit, anti:bit):bat[:oid] ",    "ALGselect1;", 
 "Select all head values for which the tail value is in range.\n\tInput is a 
dense-headed BAT, output is a dense-headed BAT with in\n\tthe tail the head 
value of the input BAT for which the tail value\n\tis between the values low 
and high (inclusive if li respectively\n\thi is set).  The output BAT is sorted 
on the tail value.  If low\n\tor high is nil, the boundary is not considered 
(effectively - and\n\t+ infinity).  If anti is set, the result is the 
complement.  Nil\n\tvalues in the tail are never matched, unless low=nil, 
high=nil,\n\tli=1, hi=1, anti=0.  All non-nil values are returned if 
low=nil,\n\thigh=nil, and li, hi are not both 1, or anti=1.\n\tNote that the 
output is suitable as second input for the other\n\tversion of this function."  
-[ "algebra",   "select",       "command[:any_1], 
low:any_1, high:any_1, li:bit, hi:bit, anti:bit, unknown:bit):bat[:oid] ",      
 "ALGselect1nil;",       "With unknow set, each nil != nil"      ]
+[ "algebra",   "select",       "command[:any_1], 
low:any_1, high:any_1, li:bit, hi:bit, anti:bit, unknown:bit):bat[:oid] ",      
 "ALGselect1nil;",       "With unknown set, each nil != nil"     ]
 [ "algebra",   "select",       "command[:any_1], 
s:bat[:oid], low:any_1, high:any_1, li:bit, hi:bit, anti:bit):bat[:oid] ",      
 "ALGselect2;",  "Select all head values of the first input BAT for which the 
tail value\n\tis in range and for which the head value occurs in the tail of 
the\n\tsecond input BAT.\n\tThe first input is a dense-headed BAT, the second 
input is a\n\tdense-headed BAT with sorted tail, output is a dense-headed 
BAT\n\twith in the tail the head value of the input BAT for which the\n\ttail 
value is between the values low and high (inclusive if li\n\trespectively hi is 
set).  The output BAT is sorted on the tail\n\tvalue.  If low or high is nil, 
the boundary is not considered\n\t(effectively - and + infinity).  If anti is 
set, the result is the\n\tcomplement.  Nil values in the tail are never 
matched, unless\n\tlow=nil, high=nil, li=1, hi=1, anti=0.  All non-nil values 
are\n\treturned if low=nil, high=nil, and li, hi are not both 1, or 
anti=1.\n\tNote that th
 e output is suitable as second input for this\n\tfunction."    ]
-[ "algebra",   "select",       "command[:any_1], 
s:bat[:oid], low:any_1, high:any_1, li:bit, hi:bit, anti:bit, 
unknown:bit):bat[:oid] ",  "ALGselect2nil;",       "With unknow set, each nil 
!= nil"      ]
+[ "algebra",   "select",       "command[:any_1], 
s:bat[:oid], low:any_1, high:any_1, li:bit, hi:bit, anti:bit, 
unknown:bit):bat[:oid] ",  "ALGselect2nil;",       "With unknown set, each nil 
!= nil"     ]
 [ "algebra",   "selectNotNil", "command 
algebra.selectNotNil(b:bat[:any_2]):bat[:any_2] ",     "ALGselectNotNil;",     
"Select all not-nil values"     ]
 [ "algebra",   "semijoin",     "command algebra.semijoin(l:bat[:any_1], 
r:bat[:any_1], sl:bat[:oid], sr:bat[:oid], nil_matches:bit, estimate:lng) 
(X_0:bat[:oid], X_1:bat[:oid]) ",    "ALGsemijoin;", "Semi join with candidate 
lists"        ]
 [ "algebra",   "slice",        "command algebra.slice(b:bat[:any_1], x:lng, 
y:lng):bat[:any_1] ",      "ALGslice;",    "Return the slice with the BUNs at 
position x till y."  ]
diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/algebra.mal 
--- a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/algebra.mal
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/kernel/algebra.mal
@@ -72,11 +72,11 @@ comment "Select all head values of the f
 command select(b:bat[:any_1], low:any_1, high:any_1, li:bit, hi:bit, anti:bit, 
unknown:bit) :bat[:oid]
 address ALGselect1nil
-comment "With unknow set, each nil != nil";
+comment "With unknown set, each nil != nil";
 command select(b:bat[:any_1], s:bat[:oid], low:any_1, high:any_1, li:bit, 
hi:bit, anti:bit, unknown:bit) :bat[:oid]
 address ALGselect2nil
-comment "With unknow set, each nil != nil";
+comment "With unknown set, each nil != nil";
 command thetaselect(b:bat[:any_1], val:any_1, op:str) :bat[:oid]
 address ALGthetaselect1
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