Changeset: fd643b271cce for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: mosaic
Log Message:

Reformat analysis.sql test.

diffs (155 lines):

diff --git a/sql/test/mosaic/Tests/analysis.sql 
--- a/sql/test/mosaic/Tests/analysis.sql
+++ b/sql/test/mosaic/Tests/analysis.sql
@@ -8,15 +8,15 @@ insert into tmp4 select * from generate_
 -- tmp4 is currently uncompressed
-select technique, factor from mosaic.analysis('sys', 'tmp4', 'i') order by 
factor desc, technique;
+select technique, factor from mosaic.analysis('sys', 'tmp4', 'i') order by 
technique, factor desc;
 -- should be materialized as the graph of a cutoff function.
 insert into tmp4 select 10000000 from tmp4;
-select technique, factor from mosaic.analysis('sys', 'tmp4', 'i') order by 
factor desc, technique;
+select technique, factor from mosaic.analysis('sys', 'tmp4', 'i') order by 
technique, factor desc;
-select technique, factor from mosaic.analysis('sys', 'tmp4', 'i', 'linear, 
runlength') order by factor desc, technique;
+select technique, factor from mosaic.analysis('sys', 'tmp4', 'i', 'linear, 
runlength') order by technique, factor desc;
 -- Make sure that mosaic.analysis also works correctly on a column with 
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ set optimizer='mosaic_pipe';
 alter table tmp4 alter column i set storage 'dict';
-select technique, factor from mosaic.analysis('sys', 'tmp4', 'i') order by 
factor desc, technique;
+select technique, factor from mosaic.analysis('sys', 'tmp4', 'i') order by 
technique, factor desc;
-select technique, factor from mosaic.analysis('sys', 'tmp4', 'i', 'linear, 
runlength') order by factor desc, technique;
+select technique, factor from mosaic.analysis('sys', 'tmp4', 'i', 'linear, 
runlength') order by technique, factor desc;
 drop table tmp4;
diff --git a/sql/test/mosaic/Tests/analysis.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/mosaic/Tests/analysis.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/mosaic/Tests/analysis.stable.out
@@ -32,16 +32,16 @@ stdout of test 'analysis` in directory '
 % technique,   factor # name
 % clob,        double # type
 % 18,  24 # length
-[ "linear ",   188679.25       ]
 [ "delta ",    15.998  ]
-[ "frame ",    2.132   ]
-[ "prefix ",   2.132   ]
-[ "raw dict256 ",      0.999   ]
+[ "dict ",     0.571   ]
 [ "dict frame ",       0.572   ]
 [ "dict prefix ",      0.572   ]
-[ "dict ",     0.571   ]
 [ "dict256 dict ",     0.571   ]
+[ "frame ",    2.132   ]
+[ "linear ",   188679.25       ]
+[ "prefix ",   2.132   ]
 [ "raw dict ", 0.571   ]
+[ "raw dict256 ",      0.999   ]
 [ "runlength ",        0.333   ]
 [ "runlength dict256 ",        0.333   ]
 #insert into tmp4 select 10000000 from tmp4;
@@ -51,34 +51,34 @@ stdout of test 'analysis` in directory '
 % technique,   factor # name
 % clob,        double # type
 % 18,  24 # length
-[ "runlength linear ", 357142.843      ]
-[ "linear ",   350877.187      ]
-[ "runlength delta ",  19.072  ]
+[ "delta ",    15.999  ]
 [ "delta frame ",      17.401  ]
 [ "delta prefix ",     17.401  ]
-[ "dict256 delta ",    17.401  ]
-[ "delta ",    15.999  ]
-[ "frame ",    2.285   ]
-[ "prefix ",   2.285   ]
-[ "raw runlength ",    1.999   ]
-[ "raw dict256 ",      1.56    ]
+[ "dict ",     0.799   ]
 [ "dict delta ",       1.485   ]
-[ "runlength dict ",   0.885   ]
 [ "dict frame ",       0.882   ]
 [ "dict prefix ",      0.882   ]
+[ "dict256 delta ",    17.401  ]
 [ "dict256 dict ",     0.881   ]
-[ "dict ",     0.799   ]
+[ "frame ",    2.285   ]
+[ "linear ",   350877.187      ]
+[ "prefix ",   2.285   ]
 [ "raw dict ", 0.775   ]
+[ "raw dict256 ",      1.56    ]
+[ "raw runlength ",    1.999   ]
 [ "runlength ",        0.666   ]
+[ "runlength delta ",  19.072  ]
+[ "runlength dict ",   0.885   ]
 [ "runlength dict256 ",        0.609   ]
-#select technique, factor from mosaic.analysis('sys', 'tmp4', 'i', 'linear, 
runlength') order by factor desc, technique;
+[ "runlength linear ", 357142.843      ]
+#select technique, factor from mosaic.analysis('sys', 'tmp4', 'i', 'linear, 
runlength') order by technique, factor desc;
 % .%5, .%5 # table_name
 % technique,   factor # name
 % clob,        double # type
 % 17,  24 # length
-[ "runlength linear ", 357142.843      ]
 [ "linear ",   350877.187      ]
 [ "runlength ",        0.666   ]
+[ "runlength linear ", 357142.843      ]
 #set optimizer='mosaic_pipe';
 #alter table tmp4 alter column i set storage 'var';
 #select technique, factor from mosaic.analysis('sys', 'tmp4', 'i') order by 
factor desc, technique;
@@ -86,34 +86,34 @@ stdout of test 'analysis` in directory '
 % technique,   factor # name
 % clob,        double # type
 % 18,  24 # length
-[ "runlength linear ", 357142.843      ]
-[ "linear ",   350877.187      ]
-[ "runlength delta ",  19.072  ]
+[ "delta ",    15.999  ]
 [ "delta frame ",      17.401  ]
 [ "delta prefix ",     17.401  ]
-[ "dict256 delta ",    17.401  ]
-[ "delta ",    15.999  ]
-[ "frame ",    2.285   ]
-[ "prefix ",   2.285   ]
-[ "raw runlength ",    1.999   ]
-[ "raw dict256 ",      1.56    ]
+[ "dict ",     0.799   ]
 [ "dict delta ",       1.485   ]
-[ "runlength dict ",   0.885   ]
 [ "dict frame ",       0.882   ]
 [ "dict prefix ",      0.882   ]
+[ "dict256 delta ",    17.401  ]
 [ "dict256 dict ",     0.881   ]
-[ "dict ",     0.799   ]
+[ "frame ",    2.285   ]
+[ "linear ",   350877.187      ]
+[ "prefix ",   2.285   ]
 [ "raw dict ", 0.775   ]
+[ "raw dict256 ",      1.56    ]
+[ "raw runlength ",    1.999   ]
 [ "runlength ",        0.666   ]
+[ "runlength delta ",  19.072  ]
+[ "runlength dict ",   0.885   ]
 [ "runlength dict256 ",        0.609   ]
-#select technique, factor from mosaic.analysis('sys', 'tmp4', 'i', 'linear, 
runlength') order by factor desc, technique;
+[ "runlength linear ", 357142.843      ]
+#select technique, factor from mosaic.analysis('sys', 'tmp4', 'i', 'linear, 
runlength') order by technique, factor desc;
 % .%5, .%5 # table_name
 % technique,   factor # name
 % clob,        double # type
 % 17,  24 # length
-[ "runlength linear ", 357142.843      ]
 [ "linear ",   350877.187      ]
 [ "runlength ",        0.666   ]
+[ "runlength linear ", 357142.843      ]
 #drop table tmp4;
 # 16:08:07 >  
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