Changeset: 5a1607486f7c for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Nov2019
Log Message:

Extend index-insert-crash.Bug-6781 test also with imprints index, which also 
has no delta structure.

diffs (93 lines):

diff --git a/sql/test/BugTracker-2019/Tests/index-insert-crash.Bug-6781.sql 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2019/Tests/index-insert-crash.Bug-6781.sql
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2019/Tests/index-insert-crash.Bug-6781.sql
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
 start transaction;
 create table a(a int, b int, id bigserial);
 create ordered index a_pk on a(id);
+create imprints index a_impk on a(id);
 create index a_idx1 on a(a);
+select type, name from sys.idxs where table_id in (select id from sys._tables 
where name = 'a');
 insert into a(a) values(1), (2);
 update a set a = 3, b = 3 where a = 1;
+select * from a;
 delete from a where a = 3;
 truncate table a;
diff --git 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2019/Tests/index-insert-crash.Bug-6781.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2019/Tests/index-insert-crash.Bug-6781.stable.out
@@ -17,45 +17,6 @@ stdout of test 'index-insert-crash.Bug-6
 # Listening for UNIX domain connection requests on 
 # MonetDB/GIS module loaded
 # SQL catalog created, loading sql scripts once
-# loading sql script: 09_like.sql
-# loading sql script: 10_math.sql
-# loading sql script: 12_url.sql
-# loading sql script: 13_date.sql
-# loading sql script: 14_inet.sql
-# loading sql script: 15_querylog.sql
-# loading sql script: 16_tracelog.sql
-# loading sql script: 17_temporal.sql
-# loading sql script: 18_index.sql
-# loading sql script: 20_vacuum.sql
-# loading sql script: 21_dependency_views.sql
-# loading sql script: 22_clients.sql
-# loading sql script: 23_skyserver.sql
-# loading sql script: 25_debug.sql
-# loading sql script: 26_sysmon.sql
-# loading sql script: 27_rejects.sql
-# loading sql script: 39_analytics.sql
-# loading sql script: 39_analytics_hge.sql
-# loading sql script: 40_geom.sql
-# loading sql script: 40_json.sql
-# loading sql script: 40_json_hge.sql
-# loading sql script: 41_md5sum.sql
-# loading sql script: 45_uuid.sql
-# loading sql script: 46_profiler.sql
-# loading sql script: 51_sys_schema_extension.sql
-# loading sql script: 60_wlcr.sql
-# loading sql script: 61_wlcr.sql
-# loading sql script: 72_fits.sql
-# loading sql script: 74_netcdf.sql
-# loading sql script: 75_lidar.sql
-# loading sql script: 75_shp.sql
-# loading sql script: 75_storagemodel.sql
-# loading sql script: 80_statistics.sql
-# loading sql script: 80_udf.sql
-# loading sql script: 80_udf_hge.sql
-# loading sql script: 85_bam.sql
-# loading sql script: 90_generator.sql
-# loading sql script: 90_generator_hge.sql
-# loading sql script: 99_system.sql
 # MonetDB/SQL module loaded
 # 16:41:06 >  
@@ -66,10 +27,26 @@ stdout of test 'index-insert-crash.Bug-6
 #create table a(a int, b int, id bigserial);
 #create ordered index a_pk on a(id);
 #create index a_idx1 on a(a);
+#select type, name from sys.idxs where table_id in (select id from sys._tables 
where name = 'a');
+% sys.idxs,    sys.idxs # table_name
+% type,        name # name
+% int, varchar # type
+% 1,   9 # length
+[ 0,   "a_id_pkey"     ]
+[ 5,   "a_pk"  ]
+[ 4,   "a_impk"        ]
+[ 0,   "a_idx1"        ]
 #insert into a(a) values(1), (2);
 [ 2    ]
 #update a set a = 3, b = 3 where a = 1;
 [ 1    ]
+#select * from a;
+% sys.a,       sys.a,  sys.a # table_name
+% a,   b,      id # name
+% int, int,    bigint # type
+% 1,   1,      1 # length
+[ 3,   3,      1       ]
+[ 2,   NULL,   2       ]
 #delete from a where a = 3;
 [ 1    ]
 #truncate a;
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