Changeset: c0f50ac10e71 for MonetDB
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Branch: default
Log Message:

Turn BATsettrivprop into inline function.

diffs (138 lines):

diff --git a/gdk/gdk.h b/gdk/gdk.h
--- a/gdk/gdk.h
+++ b/gdk/gdk.h
@@ -1464,71 +1464,69 @@ gdk_export void GDKqsort(void *restrict 
 #define BATtkey(b)     ((b)->tkey || BATtdense(b))
 /* set some properties that are trivial to deduce */
-#define BATsettrivprop(b)                                              \
-       do {                                                            \
-               assert(!is_oid_nil((b)->hseqbase));                     \
-               (b)->batDirtydesc = true; /* likely already set */      \
-               assert(is_oid_nil((b)->tseqbase) ||                     \
-                      ATOMtype((b)->ttype) == TYPE_oid);               \
-               if ((b)->ttype == TYPE_void) {                          \
-                       if (is_oid_nil((b)->tseqbase)) {                \
-                               (b)->tnonil = (b)->batCount == 0;       \
-                               (b)->tnil = !(b)->tnonil;               \
-                               (b)->trevsorted = true;                 \
-                               (b)->tkey = (b)->batCount <= 1;         \
-                       } else {                                        \
-                               (b)->tnonil = true;                     \
-                               (b)->tnil = false;                      \
-                               (b)->tkey = true;                       \
-                               (b)->trevsorted = (b)->batCount <= 1;   \
-                       }                                               \
-                       (b)->tsorted = true;                            \
-               } else if ((b)->batCount <= 1) {                        \
-                       if (ATOMlinear((b)->ttype)) {                   \
-                               (b)->tsorted = true;                    \
-                               (b)->trevsorted = true;                 \
-                       }                                               \
-                       (b)->tkey = true;                               \
-                       if ((b)->batCount == 0) {                       \
-                               (b)->tnonil = true;                     \
-                               (b)->tnil = false;                      \
-                               if ((b)->ttype == TYPE_oid) {           \
-                                       (b)->tseqbase = 0;              \
-                               }                                       \
-                       } else if ((b)->ttype == TYPE_oid) {            \
-                               /* b->batCount == 1 */                  \
-                               oid sqbs = ((const oid *) (b)->theap.base)[0]; \
-                               if (is_oid_nil(sqbs)) {                 \
-                                       (b)->tnonil = false;            \
-                                       (b)->tnil = true;               \
-                               } else {                                \
-                                       (b)->tnonil = true;             \
-                                       (b)->tnil = false;              \
-                               }                                       \
-                               (b)->tseqbase = sqbs;                   \
-                       }                                               \
-               } else if ((b)->batCount == 2 && ATOMlinear((b)->ttype)) { \
-                       int _c_;                                        \
-                       if ((b)->tvarsized)                             \
-                               _c_ = ATOMcmp((b)->ttype,               \
-                                             Tbase(b) + 
VarHeapVal((b)->theap.base, 0, (b)->twidth), \
-                                             Tbase(b) + 
VarHeapVal((b)->theap.base, 1, (b)->twidth)); \
-                       else                                            \
-                               _c_ = ATOMcmp((b)->ttype,               \
-                                             Tloc((b), 0),             \
-                                             Tloc((b), 1));            \
-                       (b)->tsorted = _c_ <= 0;                        \
-                       (b)->tnosorted = !(b)->tsorted;                 \
-                       (b)->trevsorted = _c_ >= 0;                     \
-                       (b)->tnorevsorted = !(b)->trevsorted;           \
-                       (b)->tkey = _c_ != 0;                           \
-                       (b)->tnokey[0] = 0;                             \
-                       (b)->tnokey[1] = !(b)->tkey;                    \
-               } else if (!ATOMlinear((b)->ttype)) {                   \
-                       (b)->tsorted = false;                           \
-                       (b)->trevsorted = false;                        \
-               }                                                       \
-       } while (false)
+static inline void
+BATsettrivprop(BAT *b)
+       assert(!is_oid_nil(b->hseqbase));
+       b->batDirtydesc = true; /* likely already set */
+       assert(is_oid_nil(b->tseqbase) || ATOMtype(b->ttype) == TYPE_oid);
+       if (b->ttype == TYPE_void) {
+               if (is_oid_nil(b->tseqbase)) {
+                       b->tnonil = b->batCount == 0;
+                       b->tnil = !b->tnonil;
+                       b->trevsorted = true;
+                       b->tkey = b->batCount <= 1;
+               } else {
+                       b->tnonil = true;
+                       b->tnil = false;
+                       b->tkey = true;
+                       b->trevsorted = b->batCount <= 1;
+               }
+               b->tsorted = true;
+       } else if (b->batCount <= 1) {
+               if (ATOMlinear(b->ttype)) {
+                       b->tsorted = true;
+                       b->trevsorted = true;
+               }
+               b->tkey = true;
+               if (b->batCount == 0) {
+                       b->tnonil = true;
+                       b->tnil = false;
+                       if (b->ttype == TYPE_oid) {
+                               b->tseqbase = 0;
+                       }
+               } else if (b->ttype == TYPE_oid) {
+                       /* b->batCount == 1 */
+                       oid sqbs = ((const oid *) b->theap.base)[0];
+                       if (is_oid_nil(sqbs)) {
+                               b->tnonil = false;
+                               b->tnil = true;
+                       } else {
+                               b->tnonil = true;
+                               b->tnil = false;
+                       }
+                       b->tseqbase = sqbs;
+               }
+       } else if (b->batCount == 2 && ATOMlinear(b->ttype)) {
+               int c;
+               if (b->tvarsized)
+                       c = ATOMcmp(b->ttype,
+                                   Tbase(b) + VarHeapVal(b->theap.base, 0, 
+                                   Tbase(b) + VarHeapVal(b->theap.base, 1, 
+               else
+                       c = ATOMcmp(b->ttype, Tloc(b, 0), Tloc(b, 1));
+               b->tsorted = c <= 0;
+               b->tnosorted = !b->tsorted;
+               b->trevsorted = c >= 0;
+               b->tnorevsorted = !b->trevsorted;
+               b->tkey = c != 0;
+               b->tnokey[0] = 0;
+               b->tnokey[1] = !b->tkey;
+       } else if (!ATOMlinear(b->ttype)) {
+               b->tsorted = false;
+               b->trevsorted = false;
+       }
  * @+ BAT Buffer Pool
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