Changeset: 66893ab4af7e for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: gdk_tracer
Log Message:

Updated comments in SQL API to match the documentation

diffs (106 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/mal/tracer.mal b/monetdb5/modules/mal/tracer.mal
--- a/monetdb5/modules/mal/tracer.mal
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/mal/tracer.mal
@@ -12,39 +12,40 @@ comment "Flush the buffer";
 command setcomplevel(comp:int, lvl:int)
 address TRACERset_component_level
-comment "Set the log level for a specific component";
+comment "Sets the log level for a specific component";
 command resetcomplevel(comp:int)
 address TRACERreset_component_level
-comment "Reset the log level for a specific component";
+comment "Resets the log level for a specific component back to the default";
 command setlayerlevel(layer:int, lvl:int)
 address TRACERset_layer_level
-comment "Set the log level for a specific layer";
+comment "Sets the log level for a specific layer";
 command resetlayerlevel(layer:int)
 address TRACERreset_layer_level
-comment "Reset the log level for a specific layer";
+comment "Resets the log level for a specific layer back to the default";
 command setflushlevel(lvl:int)
 address TRACERset_flush_level
-comment "Set the flush level";
+comment "Sets the flush level";
 command resetflushlevel()
 address TRACERreset_flush_level
-comment "Reset the flush level";
+comment "Resets the flush level back to the default";
 command setadapter(adapter:int)
 address TRACERset_adapter
-comment "Set the adapter";
+comment "Sets the adapter";
 command resetadapter()
 address TRACERreset_adapter
-comment "Reset the adapter";
+comment "Resets the adapter back to the default";
 command showinfo()
 address TRACERshow_info
-comment "Show logging levels per component and available layers";
+comment "Dumps to the console all the available logging levels, layers and the 
+along with their current logging level being set";
 # Exposed only in MAL layer - for testing
 command log()
diff --git a/sql/scripts/81_tracer.sql b/sql/scripts/81_tracer.sql
--- a/sql/scripts/81_tracer.sql
+++ b/sql/scripts/81_tracer.sql
@@ -10,38 +10,40 @@ CREATE SCHEMA logging;
 CREATE PROCEDURE logging.flush()
         EXTERNAL NAME logging.flush;
--- Set the log level for a specific component
+-- Sets the log level for a specific component
 CREATE PROCEDURE logging.setcomplevel(comp_id INT, lvl_id INT)
         EXTERNAL NAME logging.setcomplevel;
--- Reset the log level for a specific component
+-- Resets the log level for a specific component back to the default
 CREATE PROCEDURE logging.resetcomplevel(comp_id INT)
         EXTERNAL NAME logging.resetcomplevel;
--- Set the log level for a specific layer
+-- Sets the log level for a specific layer
 CREATE PROCEDURE logging.setlayerlevel(layer_id INT, lvl_id INT)
         EXTERNAL NAME logging.setlayerlevel;
--- Reset the log level for a specific layer
+-- Resets the log level for a specific layer back to the default
 CREATE PROCEDURE logging.resetlayerlevel(layer_id INT)
         EXTERNAL NAME logging.resetlayerlevel;
--- Set the flush level
+-- Sets the flush level
 CREATE PROCEDURE logging.setflushlevel(lvl_id INT)
        EXTERNAL NAME logging.setflushlevel;
--- Reset the flush level
+-- Resets the flush level back to the default
 CREATE PROCEDURE logging.resetflushlevel()
        EXTERNAL NAME logging.resetflushlevel;
--- Set the adapter
+-- Sets the adapter
 CREATE PROCEDURE logging.setadapter(adapter_id INT)
        EXTERNAL NAME logging.setadapter;
--- Reset the adapter
+-- Resets the adapter back to the default
 CREATE PROCEDURE logging.resetadapter()
        EXTERNAL NAME logging.resetadapter;
--- Show log level per component and available layers
+-- Dumps to the console all the available logging levels, 
+-- layers and the components along with their current logging 
+-- level being set
 CREATE PROCEDURE logging.showinfo()
        EXTERNAL NAME logging.showinfo;
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