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diffs (246 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/mosaic/mosaic_select.h 
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/mosaic/mosaic_select.h
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+#ifndef _MOSAIC_SELECT_
+#define _MOSAIC_SELECT_
+#include "mosaic.h"
+/* generic range select
+ *
+ * This macro is based on the combined behavior of ALGselect2 and BATselect.
+ * It should return the same output on the same input.
+ *
+ * A complete breakdown of the various arguments follows.  Here, v, v1
+ * and v2 are values from the appropriate domain, and
+ * v != nil, v1 != nil, v2 != nil, v1 < v2.
+ *     tl      th      li      hi      anti    result list of OIDs for values
+ *     -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ *     nil     nil     true    true    false   x == nil (only way to get nil)
+ *     nil     nil     true    true    true    x != nil
+ *     nil     nil     A*              B*              false   x != nil *it 
must hold that A && B == false.
+ *     nil     nil     A*              B*              true    NOTHING *it 
must hold that A && B == false.
+ *     v       v       A*              B*              true    x != nil *it 
must hold that A && B == false.
+ *     v       v       A*              B*              false   NOTHING *it 
must hold that A && B == false.
+ *     v2      v1      ignored ignored false   NOTHING
+ *     v2      v1      ignored ignored true    x != nil
+ *     nil     v       ignored false   false   x < v
+ *     nil     v       ignored true    false   x <= v
+ *     nil     v       ignored false   true    x >= v
+ *     nil     v       ignored true    true    x > v
+ *     v       nil     false   ignored false   x > v
+ *     v       nil     true    ignored false   x >= v
+ *     v       nil     false   ignored true    x <= v
+ *     v       nil     true    ignored true    x < v
+ *     v       v       true    true    false   x == v
+ *     v       v       true    true    true    x != v
+ *     v1      v2      false   false   false   v1 < x < v2
+ *     v1      v2      true    false   false   v1 <= x < v2
+ *     v1      v2      false   true    false   v1 < x <= v2
+ *     v1      v2      true    true    false   v1 <= x <= v2
+ *     v1      v2      false   false   true    x <= v1 or x >= v2
+ *     v1      v2      true    false   true    x < v1 or x >= v2
+ *     v1      v2      false   true    true    x <= v1 or x > v2
+ */
+#define select_general(HAS_NIL, ANTI, TPE, canditer_next, SCAN_LOOP)\
+do {\
+       if              ( IS_NIL(TPE, tl) &&  IS_NIL(TPE, th) && li && hi && 
!ANTI) {\
+               if(HAS_NIL) {\
+                       SCAN_LOOP(TPE, canditer_next, is_##TPE##_nil(v)); \
+               }\
+               /*else*/\
+                       /*Empty result set.*/\
+       }\
+       else if ( IS_NIL(TPE, tl) &&  IS_NIL(TPE, th) && li && hi && ANTI) {\
+               if(HAS_NIL) {\
+                       SCAN_LOOP(TPE, canditer_next, !is_##TPE##_nil(v)); \
+               }\
+               else SCAN_LOOP(TPE, canditer_next, true);\
+       }\
+       else if ( IS_NIL(TPE, tl) &&  IS_NIL(TPE, th) && !(li && hi) && !ANTI) 
+               if(HAS_NIL) {\
+                       SCAN_LOOP(TPE, canditer_next, !is_##TPE##_nil(v)); \
+               }\
+               else SCAN_LOOP(TPE, canditer_next, true);\
+       }\
+       else if ( IS_NIL(TPE, tl) &&  IS_NIL(TPE, th) && !(li && hi) && ANTI) {\
+                       /*Empty result set.*/\
+       }\
+       else if ( !IS_NIL(TPE, tl) &&  !IS_NIL(TPE, th) && tl == th && !(li && 
hi) && ANTI) {\
+               if(HAS_NIL) {\
+                       SCAN_LOOP(TPE, canditer_next, !is_##TPE##_nil(v)); \
+               }\
+               else SCAN_LOOP(TPE, canditer_next, true);\
+       }\
+       else if ( !IS_NIL(TPE, tl) &&  !IS_NIL(TPE, th) && tl == th && !(li && 
hi) && !ANTI) {\
+               /*Empty result set.*/\
+       }\
+       else if ( !IS_NIL(TPE, tl) &&  !IS_NIL(TPE, th) && tl > th && !ANTI) {\
+               /*Empty result set.*/\
+       }\
+       else if ( !IS_NIL(TPE, tl) &&  !IS_NIL(TPE, th) && tl > th && ANTI) {\
+               if(HAS_NIL) {\
+                       SCAN_LOOP(TPE, canditer_next, !is_##TPE##_nil(v)); \
+               }\
+               else SCAN_LOOP(TPE, canditer_next, true);\
+       }\
+       else {\
+               /*normal cases.*/\
+               if( IS_NIL(TPE, tl) ){\
+                       SCAN_LOOP(TPE, canditer_next,\
+                               !(HAS_NIL && IS_NIL(TPE, v)) &&\
+                               (((hi && v <= th ) || (!hi && v < th )) == 
+               } else\
+               if( IS_NIL(TPE, th) ){\
+                       SCAN_LOOP(TPE, canditer_next,\
+                               !(HAS_NIL && IS_NIL(TPE, v)) &&\
+                               (((li && v >= tl ) || (!li && v > tl )) == 
+               } else\
+               if (tl == th){\
+                       SCAN_LOOP(TPE, canditer_next,\
+                               !(HAS_NIL && IS_NIL(TPE, v)) && \
+                               ((hi && v == th)  == !ANTI));\
+               }\
+               else{\
+                       SCAN_LOOP(TPE, canditer_next,\
+                               !(HAS_NIL && IS_NIL(TPE, v)) && \
+                               ((((hi && v <= th ) || (!hi && v < th )) &&\
+                               ((li && v >= tl ) || (!li && v > tl )))  == 
+               }\
+       }\
+} while (0)
+#define MOSselect_SIGNATURE(NAME, TPE) \
+str                                                            \
+MOSselect_##NAME##_##TPE(MOStask task,         \
+             TPE tl, TPE th, bool li, bool hi,         \
+             bool anti)        \
+/* definition of type-specific core scan select function */
+#define MOSselect_DEF(NAME, TPE)\
+       oid *o;\
+       BUN first,last;\
+       TPE v;\
+       (void) v;\
+       /* set the oid range covered and advance scan range*/\
+       first = task->start;\
+       last = first + MOSgetCnt(task->blk);\
+       bool nil = !task->bsrc->tnonil;\
+       o = task->lb;\
+       /* Advance the candidate iterator to the first element within
+        * the oid range of the current block.
+        */\
+       oid c = canditer_next(task->ci);\
+       while (!is_oid_nil(c) && c < first ) {\
+               c = canditer_next(task->ci);\
+       }\
+       if              (is_oid_nil(c)) {\
+               /* Nothing left to scan.
+                * So we can signal the generic select function to stop now.
+                */\
+               return MAL_SUCCEED;\
+       }\
+       else if ( nil && anti){\
+               if (task->ci->tpe == cand_dense)\
+                       select_general(true, true, TPE, canditer_next_dense, 
+               else\
+                       select_general(true, true, TPE, canditer_next, 
+       }\
+       else if ( !nil && anti){\
+               if (task->ci->tpe == cand_dense)\
+                       select_general(false, true, TPE, canditer_next_dense, 
+               else\
+                       select_general(false, true, TPE, canditer_next, 
+       }\
+       else if ( nil && !anti){\
+               if (task->ci->tpe == cand_dense)\
+                       select_general(true, false, TPE, canditer_next_dense, 
+               else\
+                       select_general(true, false, TPE, canditer_next, 
+       }\
+       else if ( !nil && !anti){\
+               if (task->ci->tpe == cand_dense)\
+                       select_general(false, false, TPE, canditer_next_dense, 
+               else\
+                       select_general(false, false, TPE, canditer_next, 
+       }\
+       if ((c = canditer_peekprev(task->ci)) >= last) {\
+               /*Restore iterator if it went pass the end*/\
+               (void) canditer_prev(task->ci);\
+       }\
+       MOSskip_##NAME(task);\
+       task->lb = o;\
+       return MAL_SUCCEED;\
+#define do_select(NAME, TPE) \
+    MOSselect_##NAME##_##TPE(\
+        task,\
+        *(TPE*) low,\
+        *(TPE*) hgh,\
+        *li,\
+        *hi,\
+        *anti)
+#define MOSselect_generic_DEF(TPE) \
+static str MOSselect_##TPE(\
+MOStask task, void* low, void* hgh, bit* li, bit* hi, bit* anti)\
+       while(task->start < task->stop ){\
+               switch(MOSgetTag(task->blk)){\
+               case MOSAIC_RLE:\
+                       ALGODEBUG mnstr_printf(GDKstdout, 
+                       SELECT_RUNLENGTH(TPE);\
+                       break;\
+               case MOSAIC_CAPPED:\
+                       ALGODEBUG mnstr_printf(GDKstdout, 
+                       SELECT_CAPPED(TPE);\
+                       break;\
+               case MOSAIC_VAR:\
+                       ALGODEBUG mnstr_printf(GDKstdout, "MOSselect_var\n");\
+                       SELECT_VAR(TPE);\
+                       break;\
+               case MOSAIC_FRAME:\
+                       ALGODEBUG mnstr_printf(GDKstdout, "MOSselect_frame\n");\
+                       SELECT_FRAME(TPE);\
+                       break;\
+               case MOSAIC_DELTA:\
+                       ALGODEBUG mnstr_printf(GDKstdout, "MOSselect_delta\n");\
+                       SELECT_DELTA(TPE);\
+                       break;\
+               case MOSAIC_PREFIX:\
+                       ALGODEBUG mnstr_printf(GDKstdout, 
+                       SELECT_PREFIX(TPE);\
+                       break;\
+               case MOSAIC_LINEAR:\
+                       ALGODEBUG mnstr_printf(GDKstdout, 
+                       SELECT_LINEAR(TPE);\
+                       break;\
+               case MOSAIC_RAW:\
+                       ALGODEBUG mnstr_printf(GDKstdout, "MOSselect_raw\n");\
+                       SELECT_RAW(TPE);\
+                       break;\
+               }\
+               if (task->ci->next == task->ci->ncand) {\
+                       /* We are at the end of the candidate list.
+                        * So we can stop now.
+                        */\
+                       return MAL_SUCCEED;\
+               }\
+       }\
+       assert(task->blk == NULL);\
+       return MAL_SUCCEED;\
+#endif /* _MOSAIC_SELECT_ */
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