Changeset: d8063083fc8e for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: gdk_tracer
Log Message:

Merge with default

diffs (truncated from 607 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "algebra",   "project",      "pattern algebra.project(b:bat[:any_1], 
v:any_3):bat[:any_3] ", "ALGprojecttail;",      "Fill the tail with a constant" 
 [ "algebra",   "projection",   "command algebra.projection(left:bat[:oid], 
right:bat[:any_3]):bat[:any_3] ",   "ALGprojection;",       "Project left input 
onto right input."  ]
 [ "algebra",   "projectionpath",       "pattern 
algebra.projectionpath(l:bat[:any]...):bat[:any] ",    "ALGprojectionpath;",   
"Routine to handle join paths.  The type analysis is rather tricky."    ]
-[ "algebra",   "rangejoin",    "command algebra.rangejoin(l:bat[:any_1], 
r1:bat[:any_1], r2:bat[:any_1], sl:bat[:oid], sr:bat[:oid], li:bit, hi:bit, 
estimate:lng) (X_0:bat[:oid], X_1:bat[:oid]) ",   "ALGrangejoin;",        
"Range join: values in l and r1/r2 match if r1 <[=] l <[=] r2"  ]
+[ "algebra",   "rangejoin",    "command algebra.rangejoin(l:bat[:any_1], 
r1:bat[:any_1], r2:bat[:any_1], sl:bat[:oid], sr:bat[:oid], li:bit, hi:bit, 
anti:bit, symmetric:bit, estimate:lng) (X_0:bat[:oid], X_1:bat[:oid]) ",  
"ALGrangejoin;",        "Range join: values in l and r1/r2 match if r1 <[=] l 
<[=] r2"  ]
 [ "algebra",   "reuse",        "command 
algebra.reuse(b:bat[:any_1]):bat[:any_1] ",    "ALGreuse;",    "Reuse a 
temporary BAT if you can. Otherwise,\n\tallocate enough storage to accept 
result of an\n \toperation (not involving the heap)" ]
 [ "algebra",   "select",       "command[:any_1], 
low:any_1, high:any_1, li:bit, hi:bit, anti:bit):bat[:oid] ",    "ALGselect1;", 
 "Select all head values for which the tail value is in range.\n\tInput is a 
dense-headed BAT, output is a dense-headed BAT with in\n\tthe tail the head 
value of the input BAT for which the tail value\n\tis between the values low 
and high (inclusive if li respectively\n\thi is set).  The output BAT is sorted 
on the tail value.  If low\n\tor high is nil, the boundary is not considered 
(effectively - and\n\t+ infinity).  If anti is set, the result is the 
complement.  Nil\n\tvalues in the tail are never matched, unless low=nil, 
high=nil,\n\tli=1, hi=1, anti=0.  All non-nil values are returned if 
low=nil,\n\thigh=nil, and li, hi are not both 1, or anti=1.\n\tNote that the 
output is suitable as second input for the other\n\tversion of this function."  
 [ "algebra",   "select",       "command[:any_1], 
low:any_1, high:any_1, li:bit, hi:bit, anti:bit, unknown:bit):bat[:oid] ",      
 "ALGselect1nil;",       "With unknow set, each nil != nil"      ]
diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "algebra",   "project",      "pattern algebra.project(b:bat[:any_1], 
v:any_3):bat[:any_3] ", "ALGprojecttail;",      "Fill the tail with a constant" 
 [ "algebra",   "projection",   "command algebra.projection(left:bat[:oid], 
right:bat[:any_3]):bat[:any_3] ",   "ALGprojection;",       "Project left input 
onto right input."  ]
 [ "algebra",   "projectionpath",       "pattern 
algebra.projectionpath(l:bat[:any]...):bat[:any] ",    "ALGprojectionpath;",   
"Routine to handle join paths.  The type analysis is rather tricky."    ]
-[ "algebra",   "rangejoin",    "command algebra.rangejoin(l:bat[:any_1], 
r1:bat[:any_1], r2:bat[:any_1], sl:bat[:oid], sr:bat[:oid], li:bit, hi:bit, 
estimate:lng) (X_0:bat[:oid], X_1:bat[:oid]) ",   "ALGrangejoin;",        
"Range join: values in l and r1/r2 match if r1 <[=] l <[=] r2"  ]
+[ "algebra",   "rangejoin",    "command algebra.rangejoin(l:bat[:any_1], 
r1:bat[:any_1], r2:bat[:any_1], sl:bat[:oid], sr:bat[:oid], li:bit, hi:bit, 
anti:bit, symmetric:bit, estimate:lng) (X_0:bat[:oid], X_1:bat[:oid]) ",  
"ALGrangejoin;",        "Range join: values in l and r1/r2 match if r1 <[=] l 
<[=] r2"  ]
 [ "algebra",   "reuse",        "command 
algebra.reuse(b:bat[:any_1]):bat[:any_1] ",    "ALGreuse;",    "Reuse a 
temporary BAT if you can. Otherwise,\n\tallocate enough storage to accept 
result of an\n \toperation (not involving the heap)" ]
 [ "algebra",   "select",       "command[:any_1], 
low:any_1, high:any_1, li:bit, hi:bit, anti:bit):bat[:oid] ",    "ALGselect1;", 
 "Select all head values for which the tail value is in range.\n\tInput is a 
dense-headed BAT, output is a dense-headed BAT with in\n\tthe tail the head 
value of the input BAT for which the tail value\n\tis between the values low 
and high (inclusive if li respectively\n\thi is set).  The output BAT is sorted 
on the tail value.  If low\n\tor high is nil, the boundary is not considered 
(effectively - and\n\t+ infinity).  If anti is set, the result is the 
complement.  Nil\n\tvalues in the tail are never matched, unless low=nil, 
high=nil,\n\tli=1, hi=1, anti=0.  All non-nil values are returned if 
low=nil,\n\thigh=nil, and li, hi are not both 1, or anti=1.\n\tNote that the 
output is suitable as second input for the other\n\tversion of this function."  
 [ "algebra",   "select",       "command[:any_1], 
low:any_1, high:any_1, li:bit, hi:bit, anti:bit, unknown:bit):bat[:oid] ",      
 "ALGselect1nil;",       "With unknow set, each nil != nil"      ]
diff --git a/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out b/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
--- a/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ gdk_return BATprintcolumns(stream *s, in
 gdk_return BATprod(void *res, int tp, BAT *b, BAT *s, bool skip_nils, bool 
abort_on_error, bool nil_if_empty);
 BAT *BATproject(BAT *l, BAT *r);
 BAT *BATprojectchain(BAT **bats);
-gdk_return BATrangejoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l, BAT *rl, BAT *rh, BAT 
*sl, BAT *sr, bool li, bool hi, BUN estimate) 
+gdk_return BATrangejoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l, BAT *rl, BAT *rh, BAT 
*sl, BAT *sr, bool li, bool hi, bool anti, bool symmetric, BUN estimate) 
 gdk_return BATreplace(BAT *b, BAT *p, BAT *n, bool force) 
 gdk_return BATroles(BAT *b, const char *tnme);
 BAT *BATsample(BAT *b, BUN n);
@@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ str ALGouterjoin(bat *r1, bat *r2, const
 str ALGprojection(bat *result, const bat *lid, const bat *rid);
 str ALGprojectionpath(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci);
 str ALGprojecttail(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci);
-str ALGrangejoin(bat *r1, bat *r2, const bat *lid, const bat *rlid, const bat 
*rhid, const bat *slid, const bat *srid, const bit *li, const bit *hi, const 
lng *estimate);
+str ALGrangejoin(bat *r1, bat *r2, const bat *lid, const bat *rlid, const bat 
*rhid, const bat *slid, const bat *srid, const bit *li, const bit *hi, const 
bit *anti, const bit *symmetric, const lng *estimate);
 str ALGreuse(bat *ret, const bat *bid);
 str ALGselect1(bat *result, const bat *bid, const void *low, const void *high, 
const bit *li, const bit *hi, const bit *anti);
 str ALGselect1nil(bat *result, const bat *bid, const void *low, const void 
*high, const bit *li, const bit *hi, const bit *anti, const bit *unknown);
diff --git a/gdk/ChangeLog b/gdk/ChangeLog
--- a/gdk/ChangeLog
+++ b/gdk/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
 # ChangeLog file for MonetDB
 # This file is updated with Maddlog
+* Fri Nov 22 2019 Sjoerd Mullender <>
+- BATrangeselect now has two extra arguments: anti and symmetric
+  (both bool).
diff --git a/gdk/gdk.h b/gdk/gdk.h
--- a/gdk/gdk.h
+++ b/gdk/gdk.h
@@ -2753,7 +2753,7 @@ gdk_export gdk_return BATjoin(BAT **r1p,
 gdk_export gdk_return BATbandjoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l, BAT *r, BAT 
*sl, BAT *sr, const void *c1, const void *c2, bool li, bool hi, BUN estimate)
-gdk_export gdk_return BATrangejoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l, BAT *rl, BAT 
*rh, BAT *sl, BAT *sr, bool li, bool hi, BUN estimate)
+gdk_export gdk_return BATrangejoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l, BAT *rl, BAT 
*rh, BAT *sl, BAT *sr, bool li, bool hi, bool anti, bool symmetric, BUN 
 gdk_export BAT *BATproject(BAT *l, BAT *r);
 gdk_export BAT *BATprojectchain(BAT **bats);
diff --git a/gdk/gdk_join.c b/gdk/gdk_join.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_join.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_join.c
@@ -3758,7 +3758,7 @@ BATjoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l, BA
 BATbandjoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l, BAT *r, BAT *sl, BAT *sr,
-              const void *c1, const void *c2, bool li, bool hi, BUN estimate)
+           const void *c1, const void *c2, bool li, bool hi, BUN estimate)
        lng t0 = 0;
@@ -3781,17 +3781,43 @@ BATbandjoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l
 BATrangejoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *l, BAT *rl, BAT *rh,
-               BAT *sl, BAT *sr, bool li, bool hi, BUN estimate)
+            BAT *sl, BAT *sr, bool li, bool hi, bool anti, bool symmetric,
+            BUN estimate)
+       struct canditer lci, rci;
        BAT *r1, *r2;
        BUN maxsize;
+       lng t0;
+       ALGODEBUG t0 = GDKusec();
        *r1p = NULL;
        if (r2p) {
                *r2p = NULL;
        if (joinparamcheck(l, rl, rh, sl, sr, "BATrangejoin") != GDK_SUCCEED)
                return GDK_FAIL;
+       if (canditer_init(&lci, l, sl) == 0 ||
+           canditer_init(&rci, rl, sr) == 0 ||
+           (l->ttype == TYPE_void && is_oid_nil(l->tseqbase)) ||
+           ((rl->ttype == TYPE_void && is_oid_nil(rl->tseqbase)) &&
+            (rh->ttype == TYPE_void && is_oid_nil(rh->tseqbase)))) {
+               /* trivial: empty input */
+               return nomatch(r1p, r2p, l, rl, &lci, false, false,
+                              __func__, t0);
+       }
+       if (rl->ttype == TYPE_void && is_oid_nil(rl->tseqbase)) {
+               if (!anti)
+                       return nomatch(r1p, r2p, l, rl, &lci, false, false,
+                                      __func__, t0);
+               return thetajoin(r1p, r2p, l, rh, sl, sr, MASK_GT, estimate, 
+       }
+       if (rh->ttype == TYPE_void && is_oid_nil(rh->tseqbase)) {
+               if (!anti)
+                       return nomatch(r1p, r2p, l, rl, &lci, false, false,
+                                      __func__, t0);
+               return thetajoin(r1p, r2p, l, rl, sl, sr, MASK_LT, estimate, 
+       }
        if ((maxsize = joininitresults(&r1, r2p ? &r2 : NULL, sl ? BATcount(sl) 
: BATcount(l), sr ? BATcount(sr) : BATcount(rl), false, false, false, false, 
false, estimate)) == BUN_NONE)
                return GDK_FAIL;
        *r1p = r1;
@@ -3803,5 +3829,5 @@ BATrangejoin(BAT **r1p, BAT **r2p, BAT *
        /* note, the rangejoin implementation is in gdk_select.c since
         * it uses the imprints code there */
-       return rangejoin(r1, r2, l, rl, rh, sl, sr, li, hi, maxsize);
+       return rangejoin(r1, r2, l, rl, rh, &lci, &rci, li, hi, anti, 
symmetric, maxsize);
diff --git a/gdk/gdk_private.h b/gdk/gdk_private.h
--- a/gdk/gdk_private.h
+++ b/gdk/gdk_private.h
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ void IMPSprint(BAT *b)              /* never called:
 __hidden void PROPdestroy(BAT *b)
-__hidden gdk_return rangejoin(BAT *r1, BAT *r2, BAT *l, BAT *rl, BAT *rh, BAT 
*sl, BAT *sr, bool li, bool hi, BUN maxsize)
+__hidden gdk_return rangejoin(BAT *r1, BAT *r2, BAT *l, BAT *rl, BAT *rh, 
struct canditer *lci, struct canditer *rci, bool li, bool hi, bool anti, bool 
symmetric, BUN maxsize)
 __hidden void strCleanHash(Heap *hp, bool rebuild)
diff --git a/gdk/gdk_select.c b/gdk/gdk_select.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_select.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_select.c
@@ -1699,10 +1699,37 @@ BATthetaselect(BAT *b, BAT *s, const voi
                         s##vals + ((x) * s##width))
 #define FVALUE(s, x)   (s##vals + ((x) * s##width))
+#define LTany(a,b)     ((*cmp)(a, b) < 0)
+#define EQany(a,b)     ((*cmp)(a, b) == 0)
+#define is_any_nil(v)  ((v) == NULL || (*cmp)((v), nil) == 0)
+#define less3(a,b,i,t) (is_##t##_nil(a) || is_##t##_nil(b) ? bit_nil : 
LT##t(a, b) || (i && EQ##t(a, b)))
+#define grtr3(a,b,i,t) (is_##t##_nil(a) || is_##t##_nil(b) ? bit_nil : 
LT##t(b, a) || (i && EQ##t(a, b)))
+#define or3(a,b)       ((a) == 1 || (b) == 1 ? 1 : is_bit_nil(a) || 
is_bit_nil(b) ? bit_nil : 0)
+#define and3(a,b)      ((a) == 0 || (b) == 0 ? 0 : is_bit_nil(a) || 
is_bit_nil(b) ? bit_nil : 1)
+#define not3(a)                (is_bit_nil(a) ? bit_nil : !(a))
+#define between3(v, lo, linc, hi, hinc, TYPE)  \
+       and3(grtr3(v, lo, linc, TYPE), less3(v, hi, hinc, TYPE))
+#define BETWEEN(v, lo, linc, hi, hinc, TYPE)                           \
+       (is_##TYPE##_nil(v)                                             \
+        ? bit_nil                                                      \
+        : (bit) (anti                                                  \
+                 ? (symmetric                                          \
+                    ? not3(or3(between3(v, lo, linc, hi, hinc, TYPE),  \
+                               between3(v, hi, hinc, lo, linc, TYPE))) \
+                    : not3(between3(v, lo, linc, hi, hinc, TYPE)))     \
+                 : (symmetric                                          \
+                    ? or3(between3(v, lo, linc, hi, hinc, TYPE),       \
+                          between3(v, hi, hinc, lo, linc, TYPE))       \
+                    : between3(v, lo, linc, hi, hinc, TYPE))))
-rangejoin(BAT *r1, BAT *r2, BAT *l, BAT *rl, BAT *rh, BAT *sl, BAT *sr, bool 
li, bool hi, BUN maxsize)
+rangejoin(BAT *r1, BAT *r2, BAT *l, BAT *rl, BAT *rh,
+         struct canditer *lci, struct canditer *rci,
+         bool li, bool hi, bool anti, bool symmetric, BUN maxsize)
-       struct canditer lci, rci;
        const char *rlvals, *rhvals;
        const char *lvars, *rlvars, *rhvars;
        int rlwidth, rhwidth;
@@ -1715,7 +1742,7 @@ rangejoin(BAT *r1, BAT *r2, BAT *l, BAT 
        const void *vrl, *vrh;
        oid ro;
        oid rlval = oid_nil, rhval = oid_nil;
-       int sorted = 0;         /* which column is sorted */
+       int sorted = 0;         /* which output column is sorted */
        BAT *tmp;
        bool use_orderidx = false;
        const char *algo = NULL;
@@ -1727,29 +1754,22 @@ rangejoin(BAT *r1, BAT *r2, BAT *l, BAT 
        assert(r1->ttype == TYPE_oid);
        assert(r2 == NULL || r2->ttype == TYPE_oid);
        assert(r2 == NULL || BATcount(r1) == BATcount(r2));
+       assert(l->ttype != TYPE_void || !is_oid_nil(l->tseqbase));
+       assert(rl->ttype != TYPE_void || !is_oid_nil(rl->tseqbase));
+       assert(rh->ttype != TYPE_void || !is_oid_nil(rh->tseqbase));
        ALGODEBUG fprintf(stderr, "#%s: %s(l=" ALGOBATFMT ","
                          "rl=" ALGOBATFMT ",rh=" ALGOBATFMT ","
-                         "sl=" ALGOOPTBATFMT ",sr=" ALGOOPTBATFMT ")\n",
+                         "sl=" ALGOOPTBATFMT ",sr=" ALGOOPTBATFMT ","
+                         "anti=%s,symmetric=%s)\n",
                          MT_thread_getname(), __func__,
-                         ALGOOPTBATPAR(sl),
-                         ALGOOPTBATPAR(sr));
-       if ((l->ttype == TYPE_void && is_oid_nil(l->tseqbase)) ||
-           (rl->ttype == TYPE_void && is_oid_nil(rl->tseqbase)) ||
-           (rh->ttype == TYPE_void && is_oid_nil(rh->tseqbase))) {
-               /* trivial: nils don't match anything */
-               return GDK_SUCCEED;
-       }
-       if (canditer_init(&lci, l, sl) == 0 ||
-           canditer_init(&rci, rl, sr) == 0) {
-               /* trivial: empty input */
-               return GDK_SUCCEED;
-       }
+                         ALGOOPTBATPAR(lci->s),
+                         ALGOOPTBATPAR(rci->s),
+                         anti ? "true" : "false",
+                         symmetric ? "true" : "false");
        rlvals = rl->ttype == TYPE_void ? NULL : (const char *) Tloc(rl, 0);
        rhvals = rh->ttype == TYPE_void ? NULL : (const char *) Tloc(rh, 0);
@@ -1784,13 +1804,13 @@ rangejoin(BAT *r1, BAT *r2, BAT *l, BAT 
        vrl = &rlval;
        vrh = &rhval;
-       if (BATordered(l) || BATordered_rev(l) || use_orderidx) {
+       if (!anti && !symmetric && (BATordered(l) || BATordered_rev(l) || 
use_orderidx)) {
                /* left column is sorted, use binary search */
                sorted = 2;
-               for (BUN i = 0; i < rci.ncand; i++) {
+               for (BUN i = 0; i < rci->ncand; i++) {
                        BUN low, high;
-                       ro = canditer_next(&rci);
+                       ro = canditer_next(rci);
                        if (rlvals) {
                                vrl = VALUE(rl, ro - rl->hseqbase);
                        } else {
@@ -1837,8 +1857,8 @@ rangejoin(BAT *r1, BAT *r2, BAT *l, BAT 
                        if (high <= low)
                        if (l->tsorted || l->trevsorted) {
-                               low = canditer_search(&lci, low + l->hseqbase, 
-                               high = canditer_search(&lci, high + 
l->hseqbase, true);
+                               low = canditer_search(lci, low + l->hseqbase, 
+                               high = canditer_search(lci, high + l->hseqbase, 
                                assert(high >= low);
                                if (BATcapacity(r1) < BUNlast(r1) + high - low) 
@@ -1857,9 +1877,9 @@ rangejoin(BAT *r1, BAT *r2, BAT *l, BAT 
                                                dst2 = (oid *) Tloc(r2, 0);
-                               canditer_setidx(&lci, low);
+                               canditer_setidx(lci, low);
                                while (low < high) {
-                                       dst1[r1->batCount++] = 
+                                       dst1[r1->batCount++] = 
                                        if (r2) {
                                                dst2[r2->batCount++] = ro;
@@ -1889,7 +1909,7 @@ rangejoin(BAT *r1, BAT *r2, BAT *l, BAT 
                                while (low < high) {
-                                       if (canditer_search(&lci, ord[low], 
false) != BUN_NONE) {
+                                       if (canditer_search(lci, ord[low], 
false) != BUN_NONE) {
                                                dst1[r1->batCount++] = ord[low];
                                                if (r2) {
                                                        dst2[r2->batCount++] = 
@@ -1901,7 +1921,8 @@ rangejoin(BAT *r1, BAT *r2, BAT *l, BAT 
                cnt = BATcount(r1);
                assert(r2 == NULL || BATcount(r1) == BATcount(r2));
-       } else if ((BATcount(rl) > 2 ||
+       } else if (!anti && !symmetric &&
+                  (BATcount(rl) > 2 ||
                    !l->batTransient ||
                    (VIEWtparent(l) != 0 &&
                     (tmp = BBPquickdesc(VIEWtparent(l), false)) != NULL &&
@@ -1918,9 +1939,9 @@ rangejoin(BAT *r1, BAT *r2, BAT *l, BAT 
                sorted = 2;
                cnt = 0;
-               maximum = lci.ncand;
-               for (BUN i = 0; i < rci.ncand; i++) {
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