Changeset: 6a112fa572c6 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: sq2default
Log Message:

merged with default

diffs (truncated from 118880 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/optimizer/opt_postfix.c b/monetdb5/optimizer/opt_postfix.c
--- a/monetdb5/optimizer/opt_postfix.c
+++ b/monetdb5/optimizer/opt_postfix.c
@@ -38,17 +38,13 @@ OPTpostfixImplementation(Client cntxt, M
                p= getInstrPtr(mb, i);
                if ( getModuleId(p) == algebraRef && getFunctionId(p) == 
joinRef && getVarEolife(mb, getArg(p, p->retc -1)) == i){
                        delArgument(p, p->retc -1);
-                       /* The typechecker is overruled here, because we only 
change the function binding */
-                       p->fcn = ALGjoin1; 
-                       //typeChecker(cntxt->usermodule, mb, p, TRUE);
+                       typeChecker(cntxt->usermodule, mb, p, TRUE);
                if ( getModuleId(p) == algebraRef && getFunctionId(p) == 
leftjoinRef && getVarEolife(mb, getArg(p, p->retc -1)) == i){
                        delArgument(p, p->retc -1);
-                       /* The typechecker is overruled here, because we only 
change the function binding */
-                       p->fcn = ALGleftjoin1; 
-                       //typeChecker(cntxt->usermodule, mb, p, TRUE);
+                       typeChecker(cntxt->usermodule, mb, p, TRUE);
diff --git a/sql/server/rel_optimizer.c b/sql/server/rel_optimizer.c
--- a/sql/server/rel_optimizer.c
+++ b/sql/server/rel_optimizer.c
@@ -1375,7 +1375,7 @@ static sql_exp *
                if (get_cmp(e) == cmp_or || get_cmp(e) == cmp_filter) {
                        list *l, *r;
-                       l = exps_push_down(sql, e->l, f, t);
+                       l = exps_push_down(sql, e->l, f, t);
                        if (!l)
                                return NULL;
                        r = exps_push_down(sql, e->r, f, t);
@@ -1449,7 +1449,6 @@ exp_push_down(mvc *sql, sql_exp *e, sql_
        return _exp_push_down(sql, e, f, t);
 /* some projections results are order dependend (row_number etc) */
 static int 
 project_unsafe(sql_rel *rel, int allow_identity)
@@ -1761,13 +1760,13 @@ rel_push_count_down(int *changes, mvc *s
        if (!is_groupby(rel->op))
                return rel;
-               r = rel->l;
+       r = rel->l;
        if (is_groupby(rel->op) && !rel_is_ref(rel) &&
-            r && !r->exps && r->op == op_join && !(rel_is_ref(r)) && 
-           /* currently only single count aggregation is handled, no other 
projects or aggregation */
-           list_length(rel->exps) == 1 && 
exp_aggr_is_count(rel->exps->h->data)) {
-               sql_exp *nce, *oce;
+               r && !r->exps && r->op == op_join && !(rel_is_ref(r)) && 
+               /* currently only single count aggregation is handled, no other 
projects or aggregation */
+               list_length(rel->exps) == 1 && 
exp_aggr_is_count(rel->exps->h->data)) {
+               sql_exp *nce, *oce;
                sql_rel *gbl, *gbr;             /* Group By */
                sql_rel *cp;                    /* Cross Product */
                sql_subfunc *mult;
@@ -1781,7 +1780,7 @@ rel_push_count_down(int *changes, mvc *s
                rname = exp_relname(oce);
                name  = exp_name(oce);
-               args = new_exp_list(sql->sa);
+               args = new_exp_list(sql->sa);
                srel = r->l;
                        sql_subaggr *cf = sql_bind_aggr(sql->sa, 
sql->session->schema, "count", NULL);
@@ -6075,7 +6074,7 @@ exps_remove_dictexps(mvc *sql, list *exp
 static sql_rel *
 rel_remove_join(int *changes, mvc *sql, sql_rel *rel)
-       if (is_join(rel->op) && !is_outerjoin(rel->op) && /* DISABLES CODE */ 
(0)) {
+       if (is_join(rel->op) && !is_outerjoin(rel->op)) {
                sql_rel *l = rel->l;
                sql_rel *r = rel->r;
                int lconst = 0, rconst = 0;
@@ -6106,7 +6105,7 @@ rel_remove_join(int *changes, mvc *sql, 
                        list_merge(rel->exps, r->exps, (fdup)NULL);
-       if (is_join(rel->op) && /* DISABLES CODE */ (0)) {
+       if (is_join(rel->op)) {
                sql_rel *l = rel->l;
                sql_rel *r = rel->r;
                int ldict = 0, rdict = 0;
@@ -6143,7 +6142,7 @@ rel_remove_join(int *changes, mvc *sql, 
         * where non of the project_cols are from B and x=y is a foreign key 
join (B is the unique side)
         * and there are no filters on B
-       if (/* DISABLES CODE */ (0) && is_project(rel->op)) {
+       if (is_project(rel->op)) {
                sql_rel *j = rel->l;
                if (is_join(j->op)) {
@@ -8365,7 +8364,7 @@ add_nulls(mvc *sql, sql_rel *rel, sql_re
 static sql_rel *
 rel_split_outerjoin(int *changes, mvc *sql, sql_rel *rel)
-       if (/* DISABLES CODE */ (0) && (rel->op == op_left || rel->op == 
op_right || rel->op == op_full) &&
+       if ((rel->op == op_left || rel->op == op_right || rel->op == op_full) &&
            list_length(rel->exps) == 1 && exps_nr_of_or(rel->exps) == 
list_length(rel->exps)) { 
                sql_rel *l = rel->l, *nl, *nll, *nlr;
                sql_rel *r = rel->r, *nr;
@@ -9164,13 +9163,13 @@ optimize_rel(mvc *sql, sql_rel *rel, int
         * also joins between a relation and a DICT (which isn't used)
         * could be removed.
         * */
-       if (gp.cnt[op_join] && gp.cnt[op_project])
+       if (gp.cnt[op_join] && gp.cnt[op_project] && /* DISABLES CODE */ (0))
                rel = rewrite(sql, rel, &rel_remove_join, &changes); 
        if (gp.cnt[op_join] || 
-           gp.cnt[op_left] || gp.cnt[op_right] || gp.cnt[op_full] || 
-           gp.cnt[op_semi] || gp.cnt[op_anti] ||
-           gp.cnt[op_select]) {
+               gp.cnt[op_left] || gp.cnt[op_right] || gp.cnt[op_full] || 
+               gp.cnt[op_semi] || gp.cnt[op_anti] ||
+               gp.cnt[op_select]) {
                rel = rewrite(sql, rel, &rel_find_range, &changes);
                if (value_based_opt) {
                        rel = rel_project_reduce_casts(&changes, sql, rel);
@@ -9190,38 +9189,15 @@ optimize_rel(mvc *sql, sql_rel *rel, int
        rel = rewrite(sql, rel, &rel_rewrite_types, &changes); 
-       if (gp.cnt[op_anti] || gp.cnt[op_semi]) {
-               /* rewrite semijoin (A, join(A,B)) into semijoin (A,B) */
-               rel = rewrite(sql, rel, &rel_rewrite_semijoin, &changes);
-               /* push semijoin through join */
-               rel = rewrite(sql, rel, &rel_push_semijoin_down, &changes);
-               /* antijoin(a, union(b,c)) -> antijoin(antijoin(a,b), c) */
-               rel = rewrite(sql, rel, &rel_rewrite_antijoin, &changes);
-               if (level <= 0)
-                       rel = rewrite_topdown(sql, rel, &rel_semijoin_use_fk, 
-       }
-       if (gp.cnt[op_left] || gp.cnt[op_right] || gp.cnt[op_full]) 
+       if ((gp.cnt[op_left] || gp.cnt[op_right] || gp.cnt[op_full]) && /* 
                rel = rewrite_topdown(sql, rel, &rel_split_outerjoin, &changes);
        if (gp.cnt[op_select] || gp.cnt[op_project]) 
                if (level == 1) /* only once */
                        rel = rewrite(sql, rel, &rel_merge_rse, &changes); 
-       if (gp.cnt[op_select] && gp.cnt[op_join]) {
-               if (/* DISABLES CODE */ (0)) rel = rewrite_topdown(sql, rel, 
&rel_push_select_down_join, &changes); 
-               rel = rewrite(sql, rel, &rel_remove_empty_select, &e_changes); 
-       }
-       if (gp.cnt[op_join] && gp.cnt[op_groupby]) {
-               rel = rewrite_topdown(sql, rel, &rel_push_count_down, &changes);
-               if (level <= 0)
-                       rel = rewrite_topdown(sql, rel, &rel_push_join_down, 
-               /* push_join_down introduces semijoins */
-               /* rewrite semijoin (A, join(A,B)) into semijoin (A,B) */
-               rel = rewrite(sql, rel, &rel_rewrite_semijoin, &changes);
-       }
+       if (gp.cnt[op_select] && gp.cnt[op_join] && /* DISABLES CODE */ (0))
+               rel = rewrite_topdown(sql, rel, &rel_push_select_down_join, 
        if (gp.cnt[op_select])
                rel = rewrite_topdown(sql, rel, &rel_push_select_down_union, 
@@ -9229,6 +9205,9 @@ optimize_rel(mvc *sql, sql_rel *rel, int
        if (gp.cnt[op_union] && gp.cnt[op_select])
                rel = rewrite(sql, rel, &rel_remove_union_partitions, 
+       if (gp.cnt[op_select])
+               rel = rewrite(sql, rel, &rel_remove_empty_select, &e_changes); 
        if (gp.cnt[op_groupby]) {
                rel = rewrite_topdown(sql, rel, &rel_push_aggr_down, &changes);
                rel = rewrite_topdown(sql, rel, &rel_push_groupby_down, 
@@ -9251,6 +9230,28 @@ optimize_rel(mvc *sql, sql_rel *rel, int
                rel = rewrite(sql, rel, &rel_merge_identical_joins, &e_changes);
+       /* Important -> Re-write semijoins after rel_join_order */
+       if ((gp.cnt[op_join] || gp.cnt[op_semi] || gp.cnt[op_anti]) && 
gp.cnt[op_groupby]) {
+               rel = rewrite_topdown(sql, rel, &rel_push_count_down, &changes);
+               if (level <= 0)
+                       rel = rewrite_topdown(sql, rel, &rel_push_join_down, 
+               /* push_join_down introduces semijoins */
+               /* rewrite semijoin (A, join(A,B)) into semijoin (A,B) */
+               rel = rewrite(sql, rel, &rel_rewrite_semijoin, &changes);
+       }
+       if (gp.cnt[op_anti] || gp.cnt[op_semi]) {
+               /* rewrite semijoin (A, join(A,B)) into semijoin (A,B) */
+               rel = rewrite(sql, rel, &rel_rewrite_semijoin, &changes);
+               /* push semijoin through join */
+               rel = rewrite(sql, rel, &rel_push_semijoin_down, &changes);
+               /* antijoin(a, union(b,c)) -> antijoin(antijoin(a,b), c) */
+               rel = rewrite(sql, rel, &rel_rewrite_antijoin, &changes);
+               if (level <= 0)
+                       rel = rewrite_topdown(sql, rel, &rel_semijoin_use_fk, 
+       }
        /* Important -> Make sure rel_push_select_down gets called after 
           because pushing down select expressions makes rel_join_order more 
difficult */
        if (gp.cnt[op_select] || gp.cnt[op_semi]) {
diff --git 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2018/Tests/case_with_orderby_limit.Bug-6512.sql
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2018/Tests/case_with_orderby_limit.Bug-6512.sql
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 -- msqldump dump table BondPricesWithNulls Fri Jan 12 12:25:11 2018
 -- MonetDB v11.27.11 (Jul2017-SP3), 'visokio_DEC2016'
 CREATE TABLE "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" (
        "Category"              VARCHAR(255),
        "Field 2"               TIMESTAMP,
@@ -24,898 +25,899 @@ CREATE TABLE "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls"
        "_visokio_row_id_"      BIGINT        NOT NULL,
        CONSTRAINT "BondPricesWithNulls_PK" PRIMARY KEY ("_visokio_row_id_")
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '1997-05-13 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0076061927', 'ABBEY', NULL, 'N', '8.75', NULL, NULL, NULL, 
'4.5  07', 'BBB-', 'BB+', 'Y', 5, 105.855, 5.252, NULL, NULL, 88, 0);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', NULL, NULL, 
'HBOS', 'BANK OF SCOTLAND', 'N', '8.375', 'Y', '30-Oct-2006 00:00:00', 'UT2', 
'7.5  06', NULL, 'BBB+', 'Y', 5, 104.635, 4.565, NULL, NULL, 18, 1);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2004-11-04 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0204938798', NULL, 'SL MACS PLC', NULL, '6.546', 'Y', 
'06-Jan-2020 00:00:00', NULL, '8  21', 'BBB+', NULL, NULL, 4, 106.255, NULL, 
5.292, 155, 132, 2);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2005-06-15 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0220428154', 'ANGIRI', 'LAMBAY CAPTL SECURITIES', 'N', 
NULL, NULL, '16-Jun-2015 00:00:00', NULL, NULL, 'BBB+', NULL, 'N', NULL, 
102.41, 5.835, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2003-10-02 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0177600920', 'ZURNVX', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Y', '02-Oct-2022 
00:00:00', 'Other', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, 110.187, NULL, 5.347, 135, 113, 
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2004-03-26 
00:00:00.000000', NULL, 'FSPAA', 'SWEDBANK', NULL, '5.75', NULL, '17-Mar-2016 
00:00:00', 'T1', NULL, 'A-', 'A-', 'Y', NULL, NULL, 5.162, 5.07, 95, 69, 5);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', NULL, 
'XS0179407910', 'HSBC', 'HSBC BANK FUNDING STER', 'N', '5.844', 'Y', 
'05-Nov-2031 00:00:00', 'T1', '4.25  32', NULL, 'A', NULL, 3, 108.097, NULL, 
5.241, NULL, 79, 6);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES (NULL, '2002-04-19 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0145875513', 'BACR', 'BARCLAYS BANK PLC', 'N', '6.125', 
'Y', '19-Apr-2027 00:00:00', NULL, '6  28', 'AA-', NULL, NULL, 3, 113.35, 
5.031, 4.918, 80, 57, 7);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES (NULL, '2003-05-09 
00:00:00.000000', NULL, NULL, 'EGG BANKING PLC', NULL, '7.5', 'Y', '09-Dec-2013 
00:00:00', 'UT2', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N', NULL, 111.692, 5.626, 5.162, 143, 116, 
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES (NULL, '2001-11-28 
00:00:00.000000', NULL, 'HBOS', 'HBOS CAPITAL FUNDING LP', 'N', '6.461', 'Y', 
'30-Nov-2018 00:00:00', 'T1', NULL, 'A', 'A-', 'N', 3, 112.493, 5.157, 5.004, 
95, 69, 9);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2002-11-28 
00:00:00.000000', NULL, 'HBOS', 'HBOS PLC', 'N', '5.75', 'Y', NULL, 'UT2', '5  
25', 'A+', 'A', 'Y', NULL, NULL, NULL, 5.002, NULL, NULL, 10);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES (NULL, '2001-05-11 
00:00:00.000000', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N', '8.103', 'Y', '11-May-2016 00:00:00', 
'T1', '4.75  15', 'BBB+', NULL, 'N', NULL, NULL, NULL, 5.331, NULL, 78, 11);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2002-07-18 
00:00:00.000000', NULL, 'NBHSS', 'NORDEA BANK FINLAND PLC', NULL, '6.25', NULL, 
NULL, 'UT2', '5  14', 'A', NULL, 'Y', 4, 108.851, 4.945, 4.832, 75, 47, 12);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2000-11-27 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0120327571', NULL, 'BARCLAYS BANK PLC', NULL, NULL, 'Y', 
'27-Nov-2015 00:00:00', 'UT2', '4.75  15', 'AA-', NULL, 'Y', 3, 114.818, 4.944, 
4.735, NULL, 46, 13);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES (NULL, '2005-03-16 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0214342569', 'DANBNK', 'DANSKE BANK A/S', 'N', NULL, 'Y', 
NULL, 'T1', '4.75  15', 'A+', NULL, 'Y', 4, 103.74, 5.062, 4.857, NULL, NULL, 
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2000-09-28 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0117972967', 'ABBEY', NULL, 'N', '7.5', 'Y', '28-Sep-2015 
00:00:00', 'UT2', '4.75  15', NULL, 'A-', 'Y', 3, NULL, 4.99, 4.874, 78, 50, 
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2000-05-26 
00:00:00.000000', NULL, 'HBOS', 'HBOS PLC', 'N', '7.5', NULL, NULL, 'UT2', 
NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Y', NULL, 119.509, 5.051, 4.812, NULL, NULL, 16);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2001-07-23 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0133173137', 'ABBEY', 'SCOTTISH MUTUAL ASSURANC', 'N', 
NULL, NULL, '25-Mar-2021 00:00:00', 'Other', '8  21', 'BBB-', NULL, NULL, 4, 
NULL, 6.261, 5.962, 201, 179, 17);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '1999-11-05 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0103961743', NULL, 'CLERICAL MEDICAL FIN PLC', 'N', 
'7.375', NULL, '05-Nov-2019 00:00:00', 'Other', NULL, 'A+', NULL, NULL, 4, 
120.214, 5.249, 4.844, NULL, 77, 18);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES (NULL, '1993-08-12 
00:00:00.000000', NULL, NULL, 'ROYAL BK OF SCOTLAND PLC', 'N', '9.5', NULL, 
'12-Aug-2018 00:00:00', 'UT2', '4.75  15', NULL, NULL, 'N', NULL, 141.635, 
5.007, NULL, 80, 54, 19);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES (NULL, '1999-07-15 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0099507534', 'LLOYDS', 'LLOYDS TSB BANK PLC', NULL, '6.5', 
'Y', '15-Jul-2019 00:00:00', 'UT2', '8  21', 'AA', 'A', NULL, NULL, 113.903, 
5.025, NULL, NULL, NULL, 20);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', NULL, 
'XS0222208539', 'BACR', 'BARCLAYS BANK PLC', 'N', '6', NULL, '15-Dec-2017 
00:00:00', 'T1', NULL, 'AA-', 'BBB', NULL, 3, 102.988, NULL, 4.793, 137, 109, 
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '1997-04-23 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0075423565', 'HSBC', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Y', '07-Dec-2007 
00:00:00', 'UT2', '4.5  07', 'A+', 'A-', 'Y', 5, NULL, 4.555, 4.492, NULL, 18, 
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2004-12-16 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0208374891', 'BUPA', 'BUPA FINANCE PLC', 'N', NULL, 'Y', 
'16-Sep-2020 00:00:00', 'Other', NULL, 'BBB', 'BBB', 'N', 4, 104.427, 5.601, 
5.518, 135, 111, 23);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '1996-07-22 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0067584101', 'SOCGEN', 'SOCIETE GENERALE', 'N', '9.125', 
NULL, NULL, NULL, '7.5  06', NULL, 'BBB', 'Y', 5, 105.677, 4.778, 4.434, 69, 
40, 24);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES (NULL, NULL, 'XS0201559811', 
'A-', 'Y', 3, 108.483, 5.338, 5.507, NULL, 85, 25);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2005-06-29 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0223265462', 'STALIF', 'STANDARD LIFE FUNDING BV', NULL, 
NULL, 'Y', '29-Jun-2015 00:00:00', NULL, '4.75  15', 'BBB+', 'BBB-', NULL, 4, 
102.643, 5.787, 5.142, 158, 130, 26);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2004-03-22 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0188550114', 'ALLNCE', 'ALLIANCE & LEICESTER PLC', NULL, 
'5.827', NULL, '22-Mar-2016 00:00:00', 'T1', '4.75  15', 'A', 'A-', 'Y', 4, 
105.239, 5.108, NULL, NULL, NULL, 27);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2005-03-24 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0215556142', NULL, NULL, 'N', NULL, NULL, '24-Mar-2020 
00:00:00', NULL, '8  21', 'BBB', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, 5.77, 5.505, 152, 128, 
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2003-09-29 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0177447983', 'AVLN', 'AVIVA PLC', 'N', '6.125', 'Y', 
'29-Sep-2022 00:00:00', NULL, NULL, 'A-', 'BBB+', NULL, 3, NULL, 5.269, 5.132, 
NULL, 80, 29);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2002-04-19 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0145875190', 'BACR', NULL, 'N', NULL, 'Y', '19-Apr-2017 
00:00:00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Y', 3, 111.861, NULL, 4.769, NULL, 47, 30);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2003-04-29 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0167366433', NULL, 'N', '5.625', 'Y', '20-Dec-2013 
00:00:00', 'UT2', '5  14', NULL, NULL, 'N', NULL, 102.179, 5.224, NULL, 103, 
76, NULL, 31);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', NULL, 
'XS0138939854', NULL, 'ROYAL BK OF SCOTLAND PLC', 'N', '5.625', 'Y', NULL, 
'UT2', NULL, 'AA-', NULL, 'Y', 3, NULL, 5.084, NULL, 85, 67, 32);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', NULL, 
'16-Sep-2026 00:00:00', 'UT2', NULL, 'AA-', 'A+', 'Y', 4, 106.223, NULL, 4.915, 
NULL, 61, 33);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2001-02-28 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0125686229', 'HBOS', 'BANK OF SCOTLAND', 'N', '7.281', 
'Y', '31-May-2026 00:00:00', NULL, '5  25', NULL, NULL, 'Y', 5, 125.351, NULL, 
4.952, 102, 80, 34);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES (NULL, '2002-07-12 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0151267878', 'STALIF', NULL, 'N', '6.75', NULL, NULL, 
'Other', '6  28', 'A-', 'BBB', 'N', 4, 112.604, 5.648, NULL, 141, 119, 35);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES (NULL, '2000-10-30 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0119816402', 'STANLN', 'STANDARD CHARTERED BANK', NULL, 
NULL, NULL, '31-Jan-2022 00:00:00', 'UT2', '8  21', 'A-', NULL, 'Y', 4, NULL, 
5.221, 5.215, NULL, 75, 36);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2004-10-21 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0203782551', NULL, 'RABOBANK CAP FD TRUST IV', 'N', 
'5.556', 'Y', '31-Dec-2019 00:00:00', NULL, '8  21', 'AA', 'AA-', NULL, 4, 
106.451, 4.86, NULL, 61, 38, 37);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES (NULL, '2000-09-28 
00:00:00.000000', NULL, NULL, 'ABBEY NATIONAL PLC', NULL, '7.5', 'Y', 
'28-Sep-2010 00:00:00', 'UT2', '4  09', 'A', NULL, 'Y', NULL, 112.131, 4.754, 
4.642, NULL, NULL, 38);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES (NULL, '2000-04-17 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0110560165', 'HSBC', 'HSBC CAPITAL FUNDING LP', 'N', 
'8.208', NULL, '30-Jun-2015 00:00:00', 'T1', '4.75  15', 'A', 'A-', NULL, 3, 
123.375, 5.087, NULL, NULL, 60, 39);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES (NULL, '1999-10-05 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0102493680', NULL, 'NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BK', 'N', 
'7.125', NULL, '05-Oct-2022 00:00:00', 'UT2', '8  21', 'AA-', NULL, NULL, 4, 
122.538, 5.058, NULL, 81, 59, 40);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', NULL, NULL, 
NULL, 'FP FINANCE PLC', 'N', NULL, 'Y', '25-Nov-2006 00:00:00', 'Other', '7.5  
06', NULL, 'BBB', 'Y', 5, 105.592, 4.747, 4.439, 66, 36, 41);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '1993-11-04 
00:00:00.000000', NULL, NULL, 'BANK OF SCOTLAND', 'N', NULL, 'Y', '04-Nov-2013 
00:00:00', 'UT2', '5  14', NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, 123.659, 5.001, 4.674, 80, 53, 
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '1999-06-17 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0098556961', 'NRBS', 'NORTHERN ROCK PLC', 'N', '6.75', 
NULL, '17-Jun-2024 00:00:00', NULL, '5  25', 'A-', 'A-', 'Y', NULL, 117.298, 
5.214, 5.275, 97, NULL, 43);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '1996-11-28 
00:00:00.000000', NULL, 'SLAC', NULL, 'N', '9', 'Y', '28-Nov-2006 00:00:00', 
'Other', '7.5  06', NULL, 'BB+', 'Y', 5, 104.649, 5.322, 4.623, NULL, 94, 44);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES (NULL, NULL, 'XS0206633082', 
NULL, 'ROYAL BK OF SCOTLAND PLC', 'N', '5.5', 'Y', '03-Dec-2019 00:00:00', 
NULL, NULL, 'AA-', 'A', NULL, 3, 103.945, 5.039, NULL, 79, 56, 45);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES (NULL, '1996-03-21 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0064538647', 'HSBC', NULL, 'N', NULL, 'Y', NULL, 'UT2', 
NULL, 'A+', NULL, 'Y', 5, 106.164, 4.557, 4.434, NULL, 17, 46);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2004-06-03 
00:00:00.000000', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Y', '08-Sep-2014 00:00:00', 
'UT2', '5  14', 'AA-', NULL, NULL, NULL, 107.517, 4.897, 4.705, 70, 42, 47);
'N', '6', 'Y', NULL, 'UT2', '8  21', NULL, 'BBB+', 'N', NULL, 105.528, NULL, 
5.011, 111, 88, 48);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2003-09-29 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0177395901', 'NAB', 'NATIONAL CAPITAL TRUST', 'N', '5.62', 
'Y', '17-Dec-2018 00:00:00', 'T1', '4.75  15', 'A', NULL, 'Y', 4, 104.082, 
5.193, NULL, 99, 73, 49);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2002-03-28 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0145407507', NULL, 'LLOYDS TSB GROUP PLC', 'N', '6', NULL, 
'07-Jun-2032 00:00:00', 'UT2', NULL, NULL, 'A+', 'Y', NULL, 112.178, 5.088, 
4.897, 86, 68, 50);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2003-04-14 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0166717388', 'HBOS', 'HBOS PLC', 'N', '5.75', 'Y', NULL, 
'UT2', '8  21', 'A+', 'A', 'Y', 3, NULL, 5.142, 4.949, 89, NULL, 51);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2001-11-02 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0137784426', NULL, 'ROYAL BK OF SCOTLAND PLC', 'N', 
'6.25', NULL, '17-Dec-2012 00:00:00', NULL, '5  12', 'AA-', 'A', NULL, 4, 
108.577, NULL, NULL, 64, NULL, 52);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2002-08-09 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0152838586', NULL, NULL, NULL, '6.984', 'Y', '09-Feb-2018 
00:00:00', NULL, '4.75  15', 'A', 'A-', NULL, NULL, 116.928, NULL, 5.007, 93, 
68, 53);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES (NULL, '2001-02-28 
00:00:00.000000', NULL, 'HBOS', NULL, 'N', '7.286', NULL, '31-May-2016 
00:00:00', NULL, '4.75  15', 'AA-', 'A-', 'Y', NULL, 117.699, 5.142, NULL, 
NULL, 67, 54);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2002-07-04 
00:00:00.000000', NULL, NULL, 'BARCLAYS BANK PLC', 'N', NULL, 'Y', '15-Jun-2032 
00:00:00', NULL, NULL, 'AA-', 'A', 'Y', 3, 111.263, 5.216, 4.992, 99, 81, 55);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2000-10-24 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0118932366', 'BACR', NULL, 'N', '7.125', NULL, 
'24-Oct-2020 00:00:00', 'UT2', '8  21', 'AA-', 'A', 'Y', NULL, 121.238, 5.026, 
4.828, NULL, 54, 56);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2000-09-21 
00:00:00.000000', NULL, 'NRBS', 'NORTHERN ROCK PLC', NULL, NULL, NULL, 
'21-Sep-2015 00:00:00', NULL, '4.75  15', 'A-', 'BBB+', NULL, NULL, NULL, 5.21, 
5.028, 100, 72, 57);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2000-03-14 
NULL, 'T1', NULL, NULL, 'A-', 'Y', 5, 126.833, NULL, 4.972, NULL, NULL, 58);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '1999-10-05 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0102493508', 'RBS', 'NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BK', 'N', 
'7.625', 'Y', NULL, 'UT2', '4  09', NULL, 'A-', NULL, 4, NULL, 4.721, NULL, 
NULL, 31, 59);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '1993-05-12 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0043398519', 'BACR', 'BARCLAYS BANK PLC', 'N', '9.875', 
'Y', '12-May-2008 00:00:00', 'UT2', NULL, 'AA-', 'A-', 'Y', 4, NULL, 4.54, 
4.455, 51, 17, 60);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES (NULL, NULL, 'XS0083932144', 
'HBOS', NULL, 'N', '7.375', 'Y', NULL, NULL, '8  21', NULL, NULL, 'N', 5, 
124.614, 5.135, NULL, 88, NULL, 61);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '1996-12-11 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0071285760', NULL, 'SKANDINAVISKA ENSKILDA', NULL, NULL, 
NULL, '11-Dec-2006 00:00:00', 'UT2', '7.5  06', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', NULL, 
'XS0206511486', 'AVLN', 'AVIVA PLC', 'N', '5.902', 'Y', '27-Jul-2020 00:00:00', 
'Other', '8  21', NULL, NULL, 'N', 3, NULL, 5.409, 5.091, 116, 92, 63);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '1995-08-10 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0059171230', NULL, NULL, 'N', NULL, 'Y', '10-Aug-2015 
00:00:00', NULL, '4.75  15', 'AA-', NULL, NULL, 5, 139.558, 5.063, NULL, 86, 
58, 64);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', NULL, 
'XS0189704140', 'HSBC', NULL, 'N', '5.862', NULL, '07-Apr-2020 00:00:00', 'T1', 
NULL, 'A+', 'A-', 'Y', 4, 106.139, NULL, NULL, 93, 70, 65);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2003-12-19 
00:00:00.000000', 'BE0119284710', 'KBC', 'KBC BANK NV', 'N', '6.202', 'Y', 
NULL, 'T1', NULL, NULL, 'A-', 'Y', NULL, 109.073, 5.216, NULL, 97, 74, 66);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2003-06-09 
00:00:00.000000', NULL, 'LLOYDS', 'LLOYDS TSB BANK PLC', 'N', '5.125', NULL, 
NULL, 'UT2', '4.75  15', 'AA', NULL, 'Y', 3, 100.849, 4.96, NULL, 75, 49, 67);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2002-03-22 
00:00:00.000000', 'XS0144810529', 'RBS', 'ROYAL BK OF SCOTLAND PLC', 'N', NULL, 
'Y', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'AA-', 'A', 'Y', 3, 111.942, 5.052, 4.855, NULL, NULL, 
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES (NULL, NULL, 'XS0165122655', 
'A-', NULL, 4, 110.37, NULL, 5.108, NULL, NULL, 69);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', NULL, NULL, 
'ANGIRI', 'ANGLO IRISH ASSET FIN', 'N', NULL, NULL, '28-Jun-2011 00:00:00', 
'T1', NULL, 'BBB+', NULL, 'N', NULL, 117.495, 5.097, 5.016, 95, 66, 70);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES (NULL, '2002-08-21 
00:00:00.000000', NULL, 'NRBS', 'NORTHERN ROCK PLC', 'N', '7.053', 'Y', 
'21-Sep-2027 00:00:00', NULL, NULL, 'A-', 'A-', 'Y', NULL, 119.817, 5.412, 
NULL, 118, NULL, 71);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, 'ABBEY', 
'ABBEY NATIONAL PLC', 'N', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'T1', '5  25', 'A', 'A', 'Y', 4, 
NULL, NULL, NULL, 99, NULL, 72);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', NULL, 
'XS0148995888', 'CRDSUI', 'CRED SUISSE GP FIN (GRN)', 'N', '6.875', 'Y', NULL, 
NULL, NULL, 'A', 'A-', 'Y', NULL, 113.813, NULL, NULL, 101, 73, 73);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES (NULL, NULL, 'XS0117973429', 
NULL, 'ABBEY NATIONAL PLC', 'N', '7.125', NULL, '30-Sep-2030 00:00:00', 'UT2', 
NULL, 'A', 'A', 'Y', 4, NULL, 5.127, 5.179, 89, 72, 74);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '2000-08-31 
00:00:00.000000', NULL, 'RBS', NULL, NULL, '7.375', 'Y', '31-Aug-2010 
00:00:00', 'UT2', '4  09', 'AA-', 'A-', NULL, 5, 111.546, 4.729, 4.599, 68, 32, 
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', NULL, 
'XS0109138536', 'HBOS', 'BK OF SCOTLAND CAP FUND', 'N', '8.117', 'Y', NULL, 
'T1', '4  09', 'A+', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4.594, 81, 45, 76);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES ('Subordinated', '1999-07-15 
00:00:00.000000', NULL, 'LLOYDS', 'LLOYDS TSB BANK PLC', 'N', NULL, 'Y', NULL, 
'UT2', NULL, 'AA', 'A-', 'Y', 3, 108.071, 4.722, 4.541, 67, 31, 77);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES (NULL, NULL, 'USU073081064', 
'BAVB', NULL, 'N', NULL, 'Y', '15-Jul-2008 00:00:00', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'BBB+', 
NULL, 5, NULL, 4.811, 4.784, NULL, 44, 78);
-INSERT INTO "sys"."BondPricesWithNulls" VALUES (NULL, NULL, 'XS0222434200', 
'A-', NULL, 'Y', NULL, 100.821, 5.225, NULL, 97, 74, 79);
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