Changeset: 7bdbc87a8be1 for MonetDB
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Remove OPTdebug

diffs (157 lines):

diff --git a/MonetDB5/mal/mal.c b/MonetDB5/mal/mal.c
--- a/MonetDB5/mal/mal.c
+++ b/MonetDB5/mal/mal.c
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ stream *maleventstream = 0;
 /* The compile time debugging flags are turned into bit masks, akin to GDK */
 lng MALdebug;
-lng OPTdebug;
 #ifdef HAVE_HGE
 int have_hge;
diff --git a/MonetDB5/mal/mal.h b/MonetDB5/mal/mal.h
--- a/MonetDB5/mal/mal.h
+++ b/MonetDB5/mal/mal.h
@@ -37,46 +37,6 @@
  * for additional system variable settings.
 #define MAXSCRIPT 64
-/* The compile time debugging flags are turned into bit masks, akin to GDK */
-mal_export lng OPTdebug;
-#define OPTaliases                     (1 )
-#define OPTcandidates          ((lng)1 << 1)
-#define OPTcoercion                    ((lng)1 << 2)
-#define OPTcommonterms         ((lng)1 << 3)
-#define OPTconstants           ((lng)1 << 4)
-#define OPTcostmodel           ((lng)1 << 5)
-#define OPTdataflow                    ((lng)1 << 6)
-#define OPTdeadcode                    ((lng)1 << 7)
-#define OPTemptybind           ((lng)1 << 8)
-#define OPTevaluate                    ((lng)1 << 9)
-#define OPTgarbagecollector    ((lng)1 << 10)
-#define OPTgenerator           ((lng)1 << 11)
-#define OPTinline                      ((lng)1 << 12)
-#define OPTjit                         ((lng)1 << 13)
-#define OPTjson                                ((lng)1 << 14)
-#define OPTmacros                      ((lng)1 << 15)
-#define OPTmatpack                     ((lng)1 << 15)
-#define OPTmergetable          ((lng)1 << 16)
-#define OPTmitosis                     ((lng)1 << 17)
-#define OPTmultiplex           ((lng)1 << 18)
-#define OPToltp                                ((lng)1 << 19)
-#define OPTpipes                       ((lng)1 << 20)
-#define OPTpostfix                     ((lng)1 << 21)
-#define OPTprelude                     ((lng)1 << 22)
-#define OPTprofiler                    ((lng)1 << 23)
-#define OPTprojectionpath      ((lng)1 << 24)
-#define OPTpushselect          ((lng)1 << 25)
-#define OPTquerylog                    ((lng)1 << 26)
-#define OPTreduce                      ((lng)1 << 27)
-#define OPTremap                       ((lng)1 << 28)
-#define OPTremotequeries       ((lng)1 << 29)
-#define OPTreorder                     ((lng)1 << 30)
-#define OPTsupport                     ((lng)1 << 31)
-#define OPTvolcano                     ((lng)1 << 32)
-#define OPTwlc                         ((lng)1 << 33)
 mal_export lng MALdebug;
@@ -109,7 +69,6 @@ mal_export int have_hge;
 #define GRPmodules (LOADMASK)
 #define GRPalgorithms (ALGOMASK | ESTIMASK)
 #define GRPperformance (DEADBEEFMASK)
-#define GRPoptimizers  (OPTMASK)
 mal_export MT_Lock  mal_contextLock;
diff --git a/MonetDB5/modules/mal/mdb.c b/MonetDB5/modules/mal/mdb.c
--- a/MonetDB5/modules/mal/mdb.c
+++ b/MonetDB5/modules/mal/mdb.c
@@ -231,42 +231,6 @@ MDBgetDebugFlags(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr
        addFlag("performance", GRPperformance, GDKdebug);
        addFlag("forcemito", GRPforcemito, GDKdebug);
-    addFlag("aliases", OPTaliases, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("candidates", OPTcandidates, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("coercion", OPTcoercion, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("commonterms", OPTcommonterms, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("constants", OPTconstants, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("costmodel", OPTcostmodel, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("dataflow", OPTdataflow, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("deadcode", OPTdeadcode, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("emptybind", OPTemptybind, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("evaluate", OPTevaluate, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("garbagecollector", OPTgarbagecollector, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("generator", OPTgenerator, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("inline", OPTinline, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("jit", OPTjit, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("json", OPTjson, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("macros", OPTmacros, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("matpack", OPTmatpack, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("mergetable", OPTmergetable, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("mitosis", OPTmitosis, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("multiplex", OPTmultiplex, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("oltp", OPToltp, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("pipes", OPTpipes, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("postfix", OPTpostfix, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("prelude", OPTprelude, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("profiler", OPTprofiler, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("projectionpath", OPTprojectionpath, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("pushselect", OPTpushselect, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("querylog", OPTquerylog, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("reduce", OPTreduce, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("remap", OPTremap, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("remotequeries", OPTremotequeries, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("reorder", OPTreorder, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("support", OPTsupport, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("volcano", OPTvolcano, OPTdebug);
-       addFlag("wlc", OPTwlc, OPTdebug);
     BBPkeepref( *f = flg->batCacheid);
     BBPkeepref( *v = val->batCacheid);
        return MAL_SUCCEED;
@@ -293,41 +257,6 @@ MDBsetDebugStr_(int *ret, str *flg)
        if( strcmp("forcemito",*flg)==0) GDKdebug ^= GRPforcemito;
        *ret = GDKdebug;
-    if( strcmp("aliases",*flg)==0) OPTdebug ^= OPTaliases;
-       if( strcmp("candidates", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTcandidates;
-       if( strcmp("coercion", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTcoercion;
-       if( strcmp("commonterms", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTcommonterms;
-       if( strcmp("constants", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTconstants;
-       if( strcmp("costmodel", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTcostmodel;
-       if( strcmp("dataflow", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTdataflow;
-       if( strcmp("deadcode", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTdeadcode;
-       if( strcmp("emptybind", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTemptybind;
-       if( strcmp("evaluate", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTevaluate;
-       if( strcmp("garbagecollector", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= 
-       if( strcmp("generator", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTgenerator;
-       if( strcmp("inline", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTinline;
-       if( strcmp("jit", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTjit;
-       if( strcmp("json", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTjson;
-       if( strcmp("macros", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTmacros;
-       if( strcmp("matpack", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTmatpack;
-       if( strcmp("mergetable", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTmergetable;
-       if( strcmp("mitosis", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTmitosis;
-       if( strcmp("multiplex", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTmultiplex;
-       if( strcmp("oltp", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPToltp;
-       if( strcmp("pipes", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTpipes;
-       if( strcmp("postfix", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTpostfix;
-       if( strcmp("prelude", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTprelude;
-       if( strcmp("profiler", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTprofiler;
-       if( strcmp("projectionpath", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTprojectionpath;
-       if( strcmp("pushselect", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTpushselect;
-       if( strcmp("querylog", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTquerylog;
-       if( strcmp("reduce", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTreduce;
-       if( strcmp("remap", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTremap;
-       if( strcmp("remotequeries", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTremotequeries;
-       if( strcmp("reorder", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTreorder;
-       if( strcmp("support", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTsupport;
-       if( strcmp("volcano", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTvolcano;
-       if( strcmp("wlc", *flg) == 0) OPTdebug ^= OPTwlc;
     return MAL_SUCCEED;
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