Changeset: 6cc100dca57b for MonetDB
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Branch: tracer
Log Message:

Revert "Added GDKtracer to mal_dataflow"

This reverts commit 0f322f61799aa5ea74453dcecd9c5f12ee5f2cde.

diffs (281 lines):

diff --git a/MonetDB5/mal/mal_dataflow.c b/MonetDB5/mal/mal_dataflow.c
--- a/MonetDB5/mal/mal_dataflow.c
+++ b/MonetDB5/mal/mal_dataflow.c
@@ -336,12 +336,10 @@ DFLOWworker(void *T)
        srand((unsigned int) GDKusec());
        GDKsetbuf(GDKmalloc(GDKMAXERRLEN)); /* where to leave errors */
-       if( GDKerrbuf == 0) {
-               CRITICAL(M_ALL, "Could not allocate GDKerrbuf\n");
-       } else {
+       if( GDKerrbuf == 0)
+               fprintf(stderr,"DFLOWworker:Could not allocate GDKerrbuf\n");
+       else
-       }
        cntxt = ATOMIC_PTR_GET(&t->cntxt);
        if (cntxt) {
                /* wait until we are allowed to start working */
@@ -399,8 +397,8 @@ DFLOWworker(void *T)
                error = runMALsequence(flow->cntxt, flow->mb, fe->pc, fe->pc + 
1, flow->stk, 0, 0);
-               DEBUG(PAR, "Executed pc=%d wrk=%d claim=" LLFMT "," LLFMT "," 
LLFMT " %s\n",
-                                       fe->pc, id, fe->argclaim, fe->hotclaim, 
fe->maxclaim, error ? error : "");
+               PARDEBUG fprintf(stderr, "#executed pc= %d wrk= %d claim= " 
LLFMT "," LLFMT "," LLFMT " %s\n",
+                                                fe->pc, id, fe->argclaim, 
fe->hotclaim, fe->maxclaim, error ? error : "");
                /* release the memory claim */
                MALadmission(-fe->argclaim, -fe->hotclaim);
@@ -555,7 +553,7 @@ DFLOWinitBlk(DataFlow flow, MalBlkPtr mb
                throw(MAL, "dataflow", "DFLOWinitBlk(): Called with flow == 
        if (mb == NULL)
                throw(MAL, "dataflow", "DFLOWinitBlk(): Called with mb == 
-       DEBUG(PAR, "Initialize dflow block\n");
+       PARDEBUG fprintf(stderr, "#Initialize dflow block\n");
        assign = (int *) GDKzalloc(mb->vtop * sizeof(int));
        if (assign == NULL)
                throw(MAL, "dataflow", SQLSTATE(HY001) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
@@ -623,7 +621,7 @@ DFLOWinitBlk(DataFlow flow, MalBlkPtr mb
                                l = getEndScope(mb, getArg(p, j));
                                if (l != pc && l < flow->stop && l > 
flow->start) {
                                        /* add edge to the target instruction 
for wakeup call */
-                                       DEBUG(PAR, "Endoflife for %s is %d -> 
%d\n", getVarName(mb, getArg(p, j)), n + flow->start, l);
+                                       PARDEBUG fprintf(stderr, "#endoflife 
for %s is %d -> %d\n", getVarName(mb, getArg(p, j)), n + flow->start, l);
                                        assert(pc < l); /* only dependencies on 
earlier instructions */
                                        l -= flow->start;
                                        if (flow->nodes[n]) {
@@ -665,16 +663,19 @@ DFLOWinitBlk(DataFlow flow, MalBlkPtr mb
                        assign[getArg(p, j)] = pc;  /* ensure recognition of 
dependency on first instruction and constant */
-       for (n = 0; n < flow->stop - flow->start; n++) {
-               DEBUG(PAR, "[%d] %d\n", flow->start + n, n);
-               fprintInstruction(PAR, mb, 0, getInstrPtr(mb, n + flow->start), 
-               DEBUG(PAR, "[%d] dependents block count %d wakeup\n", 
flow->start + n, flow->status[n].blocks);
-               for (j = n; flow->edges[j]; j = flow->edges[j]) {
-                       DEBUG(PAR, "%d\n", flow->start + flow->nodes[j]);
-                       if (flow->edges[j] == -1)
-                               break;
+       PARDEBUG {
+               for (n = 0; n < flow->stop - flow->start; n++) {
+                       fprintf(stderr, "#[%d] %d: ", flow->start + n, n);
+                       fprintInstruction(MAL_DATAFLOW, mb, 0, getInstrPtr(mb, 
n + flow->start), LIST_MAL_ALL);
+                       fprintf(stderr, "#[%d]Dependents block count %d 
wakeup", flow->start + n, flow->status[n].blocks);
+                       for (j = n; flow->edges[j]; j = flow->edges[j]) {
+                               fprintf(stderr, "%d ", flow->start + 
+                               if (flow->edges[j] == -1)
+                                       break;
+                       }
+                       fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-       }       
+       }
        memorypool = memoryclaims = 0;
@@ -696,10 +697,10 @@ static void showFlowEvent(DataFlow flow,
        int i;
        FlowEvent fe = flow->status;
-       INFO(M_ALL, "End of data flow '%d' done '%d'\n", pc, flow->stop - 
+       fprintf(stderr, "#end of data flow %d done %d \n", pc, flow->stop - 
        for (i = 0; i < flow->stop - flow->start; i++)
                if (fe[i].state != DFLOWwrapup && fe[i].pc >= 0) {
-                       INFO(M_ALL, "Missed pc %d status %d %d blocks %d\n", 
fe[i].state, i, fe[i].pc, fe[i].blocks);
+                       fprintf(stderr, "#missed pc %d status %d %d  blocks 
%d", fe[i].state, i, fe[i].pc, fe[i].blocks);
                        fprintInstruction(MAL_DATAFLOW, fe[i].flow->mb, 0, 
getInstrPtr(fe[i].flow->mb, fe[i].pc), LIST_MAL_MAPI);
@@ -740,12 +741,12 @@ DFLOWscheduler(DataFlow flow, struct wor
                        q_enqueue(todo, flow->status + i);
                        flow->status[i].state = DFLOWrunning;
-                       DEBUG(PAR, "Enqueue pc=%d claim=" LLFMT "\n", 
flow->status[i].pc, flow->status[i].argclaim);
+                       PARDEBUG fprintf(stderr, "#enqueue pc=%d claim=" LLFMT 
"\n", flow->status[i].pc, flow->status[i].argclaim);
-       DEBUG(PAR, "Run '%d' instructions in dataflow block\n", actions);
+       PARDEBUG fprintf(stderr, "#run %d instructions in dataflow block\n", 
        while (actions != tasks ) {
                f = q_dequeue(flow->done, NULL);
@@ -769,7 +770,7 @@ DFLOWscheduler(DataFlow flow, struct wor
                                        flow->status[i].state = DFLOWrunning;
                                        q_enqueue(todo, flow->status + i);
-                                       DEBUG(PAR, "Enqueue pc=%d claim=" LLFMT 
"\n", flow->status[i].pc, flow->status[i].argclaim);
+                                       PARDEBUG fprintf(stderr, "#enqueue 
pc=%d claim= " LLFMT "\n", flow->status[i].pc, flow->status[i].argclaim);
                                } else {
@@ -782,7 +783,7 @@ DFLOWscheduler(DataFlow flow, struct wor
        /* wrap up errors */
        assert(flow->done->last == 0);
        if ((ret = ATOMIC_PTR_XCG(&flow->error, NULL)) != NULL ) {
-               DEBUG(PAR, "Errors encountered %s\n", ret);
+               PARDEBUG fprintf(stderr, "#errors encountered %s ", ret);
        return ret;
@@ -810,8 +811,10 @@ runMALdataflow(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr m
        bit *ret;
        int i;
-       DEBUG(MAL_DATAFLOW, "Running for block: %d - %d\n", startpc, stoppc);
-       fprintFunction(MAL_DATAFLOW, mb, 0, LIST_MAL_ALL);
+#ifdef DEBUG_FLOW
+       fprintf(stderr, "#runMALdataflow for block %d - %d\n", startpc, stoppc);
+       fprintFunction(MAL_DATAFLOW, mb, 0, LIST_ALL);
        /* in debugging mode we should not start multiple threads */
        if (stk == NULL)
diff --git a/MonetDB5/mal/mal_interpreter.h b/MonetDB5/mal/mal_interpreter.h
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MonetDB5/mal/mal_interpreter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * Copyright 1997 - July 2008 CWI, August 2008 - 2019 MonetDB B.V.
+ */
+ * Author M. Kersten
+ * The MAL Interpreter
+ */
+#include "mal_client.h"
+#include "mal_factory.h"
+#include "mal_profiler.h"
+ * Activation of a thread requires construction of the argument list
+ * to be passed by a handle.
+ */
+/* #define DEBUG_FLOW */
+mal_export MalStkPtr prepareMALstack(MalBlkPtr mb, int size);
+mal_export str runMAL(Client c, MalBlkPtr mb, MalBlkPtr mbcaller, MalStkPtr 
+mal_export str runMALsequence(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, int startpc, int 
stoppc, MalStkPtr stk, MalStkPtr env, InstrPtr pcicaller);
+mal_export str reenterMAL(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, int startpc, int stoppc, 
MalStkPtr stk);
+mal_export str callMAL(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr *glb, ValPtr 
argv[], char debug);
+mal_export void garbageElement(Client cntxt, ValPtr v);
+mal_export void garbageCollector(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, 
int flag);
+mal_export str malCommandCall(MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci);
+mal_export int isNotUsedIn(InstrPtr p, int start, int a);
+mal_export ptr getArgReference(MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci, int k);
+#if !defined(NDEBUG) && defined(__GNUC__)
+/* for ease of programming and debugging (assert reporting a useful
+ * location), we use a GNU C extension to check the type of arguments,
+ * and of course only when assertions are enabled */
+#define getArgReference_TYPE(s, pci, k, TYPE)                                  
+       ({                                                                      
+               assert((s)->stk[(pci)->argv[k]].vtype == TYPE_##TYPE);  \
+               (TYPE *) getArgReference((s), (pci), (k));                      
+       })
+#define getArgReference_bit(s, pci, k)                         \
+       ({                                                                      
+               ValRecord *v = &(s)->stk[(pci)->argv[k]];       \
+               assert(v->vtype == TYPE_bit);                           \
+               (bit *) &v->val.btval;                                          
+       })
+#define getArgReference_sht(s, pci, k)                         \
+       ({                                                                      
+               ValRecord *v = &(s)->stk[(pci)->argv[k]];       \
+               assert(v->vtype == TYPE_sht);                           \
+               &v->val.shval;                                                  
+       })
+#define getArgReference_bat(s, pci, k)                         \
+       ({                                                                      
+               ValRecord *v = &(s)->stk[(pci)->argv[k]];       \
+               assert(v->vtype == TYPE_bat);                           \
+               &v->val.bval;                                                   
+       })
+#define getArgReference_int(s, pci, k)                         \
+       ({                                                                      
+               ValRecord *v = &(s)->stk[(pci)->argv[k]];       \
+               assert(v->vtype == TYPE_int);                           \
+               &v->val.ival;                                                   
+       })
+#define getArgReference_bte(s, pci, k)                         \
+       ({                                                                      
+               ValRecord *v = &(s)->stk[(pci)->argv[k]];       \
+               assert(v->vtype == TYPE_bte);                           \
+               &v->val.btval;                                                  
+       })
+#define getArgReference_oid(s, pci, k)                                         
+       ({                                                                      
+               ValRecord *v = &(s)->stk[(pci)->argv[k]];                       
+               assert(v->vtype == TYPE_oid || v->vtype == TYPE_void);  \
+               &v->val.oval;                                                   
+       })
+#define getArgReference_ptr(s, pci, k)                         \
+       ({                                                                      
+               ValRecord *v = &(s)->stk[(pci)->argv[k]];       \
+               assert(v->vtype == TYPE_ptr);                           \
+               &v->val.pval;                                                   
+       })
+#define getArgReference_flt(s, pci, k)                         \
+       ({                                                                      
+               ValRecord *v = &(s)->stk[(pci)->argv[k]];       \
+               assert(v->vtype == TYPE_flt);                           \
+               &v->val.fval;                                                   
+       })
+#define getArgReference_dbl(s, pci, k)                         \
+       ({                                                                      
+               ValRecord *v = &(s)->stk[(pci)->argv[k]];       \
+               assert(v->vtype == TYPE_dbl);                           \
+               &v->val.dval;                                                   
+       })
+#define getArgReference_lng(s, pci, k)                         \
+       ({                                                                      
+               ValRecord *v = &(s)->stk[(pci)->argv[k]];       \
+               assert(v->vtype == TYPE_lng);                           \
+               &v->val.lval;                                                   
+       })
+#ifdef HAVE_HGE
+#define getArgReference_hge(s, pci, k)                         \
+       ({                                                                      
+               ValRecord *v = &(s)->stk[(pci)->argv[k]];       \
+               assert(v->vtype == TYPE_hge);                           \
+               &v->val.hval;                                                   
+       })
+#define getArgReference_str(s, pci, k)                         \
+       ({                                                                      
+               ValRecord *v = &(s)->stk[(pci)->argv[k]];       \
+               assert(v->vtype == TYPE_str);                           \
+               &v->val.sval;                                                   
+       })
+#define getArgReference_TYPE(s, pci, k, TYPE)  ((TYPE *) getArgReference(s, 
pci, k))
+#define getArgReference_bit(s, pci, k) ((bit *) 
+#define getArgReference_sht(s, pci, k) (&(s)->stk[(pci)->argv[k]].val.shval)
+#define getArgReference_bat(s, pci, k) (&(s)->stk[(pci)->argv[k]].val.bval)
+#define getArgReference_int(s, pci, k) (&(s)->stk[(pci)->argv[k]].val.ival)
+#define getArgReference_bte(s, pci, k) (&(s)->stk[(pci)->argv[k]].val.btval)
+#define getArgReference_oid(s, pci, k) (&(s)->stk[(pci)->argv[k]].val.oval)
+#define getArgReference_ptr(s, pci, k) (&(s)->stk[(pci)->argv[k]].val.pval)
+#define getArgReference_flt(s, pci, k) (&(s)->stk[(pci)->argv[k]].val.fval)
+#define getArgReference_dbl(s, pci, k) (&(s)->stk[(pci)->argv[k]].val.dval)
+#define getArgReference_lng(s, pci, k) (&(s)->stk[(pci)->argv[k]].val.lval)
+#ifdef HAVE_HGE
+#define getArgReference_hge(s, pci, k) (&(s)->stk[(pci)->argv[k]].val.hval)
+#define getArgReference_str(s, pci, k) (&(s)->stk[(pci)->argv[k]].val.sval)
+#endif /*  _MAL_INTERPRET_H*/
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