Changeset: e56aa53454b1 for MonetDB
Added Files:
Modified Files:
Branch: Apr2019
Log Message:

Fix for bug 6761 (.i.e. at MAL code generation, we don't need to convert 
between string types)

diffs (238 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c b/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c
@@ -497,6 +497,7 @@ exp_bin(backend *be, sql_exp *e, stmt *l
        }       break;
        case e_convert: {
                /* if input is type any NULL or column of nulls, change type */
+               sql_exp *ll = (sql_exp *) e->l;
                list *tps = e->r;
                sql_subtype *from = tps->h->data;
                sql_subtype *to = tps->h->next->data;
@@ -505,11 +506,16 @@ exp_bin(backend *be, sql_exp *e, stmt *l
                if (from->type->localtype == 0) {
                        l = stmt_atom(be, atom_general(sql->sa, to, NULL));
                } else {
-                       l = exp_bin(be, e->l, left, right, grp, ext, cnt, sel);
+                       l = exp_bin(be, ll, left, right, grp, ext, cnt, sel);
-               if (!l) 
+               if (!l)
                        return NULL;
-               s = stmt_convert(be, l, from, to, sel);
+               /* if attempting to convert between strings, no conversion is 
needed */
+               if (ll->type == e_column && EC_VARCHAR(from->type->eclass) && 
EC_VARCHAR(to->type->eclass)) {
+                       s = l;
+               } else {
+                       s = stmt_convert(be, l, from, to, sel);
+               }
        }       break;
        case e_func: {
                node *en;
diff --git a/sql/server/rel_optimizer.c b/sql/server/rel_optimizer.c
--- a/sql/server/rel_optimizer.c
+++ b/sql/server/rel_optimizer.c
@@ -7739,7 +7739,7 @@ rel_reduce_casts(int *changes, mvc *sql,
-                       n->data = e;    
+                       n->data = e;
        return rel;
diff --git a/sql/test/BugTracker-2019/Tests/select-char.Bug-6761.sql 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2019/Tests/select-char.Bug-6761.sql
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2019/Tests/select-char.Bug-6761.sql
@@ -403,5 +403,7 @@ 2019-09-17  "EMLDU" "EMLDU" "Inter-Region
 2019-09-17     "EMLDU" "EMLDU" "Inter-Region"  "Hybrid"        "Investment"    
"Bullish"       "Directional"   "EMLDU" "Un-Assigned(0)"        "Emerging 
Europe"       "Czech Republic"        "CZK"   "IR/Currency Swap"      
"IRS_SLYLSSJS9" "ZZZ"   2024-08-08      "Steinberg Bernard"     "Trading"       
"CZK PFL  RFI 1.395 080819-080824 (SLYLSSJS9)"  "Fixed Income"  "IR/Currency 
Swap"      500025138       ""      "EMLDU" ""      "CZK"   76      "1"     "0"  
   "500025138|EMLDU|EMLDU|Bernard Steinberg|76"    "1"     95393837.75     NULL 
   NULL    NULL    NULL    " "     ""      ""      ""      " "     ""      ""   
   ""      ""      ""      ""      ""      ""      ""      ""      ""      ""   
   ""      ""      ""      "COSLYLSSJS"    ""      ""      ""      ""      ""   
   ""      ""      ""      ""      ""      ""      "Rates" "BPUSD" NULL    NULL 
   "Deutsche Bank AG, London"      ""      ""      ""      ""      "Bernard 
Steinberg"     NULL    "500025138"     "Y"     "N"     "N"     "N"     "N"     
"N"     "N"     "N"     "N"     -600.27 0.00    1865.62 NULL    NULL    NULL    
NULL    NULL    NULL    1865.62 NULL    NULL    0.00    NULL    1865.53 0.00    
-72.00  -97.44  5.32    11.56   17.09   225.65  1775.35 0.00    0.00    0.00    
1.15    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    1.15    NULL    NULL    
NULL    NULL    0.97    0.00    -0.01   -0.01   0.00    0.00    0.01    0.04    
0.94    0.00    0.00    0.00    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    0.00    
0.00    0.
 00     0.00    0.00    60027.46        569971.00       60027.46        
569971.00       "20190917121752"
 2019-09-17     "GOSP"  "GOSP"  "LatAm" "Hybrid"        "Special"       
"Bullish"       "Directional"   "PRISMA"        "Falkinhoff Maria"      "Latin 
America" "Guatemala"     "USD"   "Equity"        "AEI"   "Utilities"     
2036-01-01      "Gutierrez Miguel"      "Trading"       "Ashmore Energy Int."   
"Equity"        "Equity"        500009948       ""      "PRISMA"        ""      
"USD"   196     "1"     "0"     "500009948|PRISMA|PRISMA|Miguel Gutierrez|196"  
"1"     8226438.00      NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    " "     ""      ""      
""      " "     ""      ""      ""      ""      ""      ""      ""      ""      
""      ""      ""      "null N/A"      ""      ""      ""      
"EQ0528222901189271"    ""      ""      ""      ""      ""      ""      ""      
""      ""      ""      ""      "Equity"        "PercentageOfADV"       NULL    
NULL    "ZIDE9" ""      ""      ""      ""      "Miguel Gutierrez"      NULL    
"500009948"     "Y"     "N"     "N"     "N"     "N"     "N"     "N"     "N"     
"N"     0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    
NULL    NULL    NULL    0.00    NULL    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    
0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    NULL    
NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    0.00    
0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    
0.00    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    
0.00    4919581.50      4919581.50      4919581.50      4919581.50      
+select fundid from actual_positionmart_pfx_intraday_test where fundid = 10 and 
currencyexposed <> 'TOTAL';
+select fundid from actual_positionmart_pfx_intraday_test where fundid = 10 and 
currencyexposed = 'TOTAL';
 select fundid, CAST(sum(fxcurdlttot) AS BIGINT) as fxcurdlttotfx from 
actual_positionmart_pfx_intraday_test where asofdate='2019-09-11' and fundid = 
10 and currencyexposed <> 'TOTAL' group by fundid;
diff --git a/sql/test/BugTracker-2019/Tests/select-char.Bug-6761.stable.err 
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2019/Tests/select-char.Bug-6761.stable.err
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+stderr of test 'select-char.Bug-6761` in directory 'sql/test/BugTracker-2019` 
+# 10:56:46 >  
+# 10:56:46 >  "mserver5" "--debug=10" "--set" "gdk_nr_threads=0" "--set" 
"mapi_open=true" "--set" "mapi_port=39102" "--set" 
"mapi_usock=/var/tmp/mtest-25170/.s.monetdb.39102" "--set" "monet_prompt=" 
 "--set" "embedded_c=true"
+# 10:56:46 >  
+# builtin opt  gdk_dbpath = 
+# builtin opt  monet_prompt = >
+# builtin opt  monet_daemon = no
+# builtin opt  mapi_port = 50000
+# builtin opt  mapi_open = false
+# builtin opt  mapi_autosense = false
+# builtin opt  sql_optimizer = default_pipe
+# builtin opt  sql_debug = 0
+# cmdline opt  gdk_nr_threads = 0
+# cmdline opt  mapi_open = true
+# cmdline opt  mapi_port = 39102
+# cmdline opt  mapi_usock = /var/tmp/mtest-25170/.s.monetdb.39102
+# cmdline opt  monet_prompt = 
+# cmdline opt  gdk_dbpath = 
+# cmdline opt  embedded_c = true
+#main thread:!ERROR:MALException:client.quit:Server stopped
+# 10:56:46 >  
+# 10:56:46 >  "mclient" "-lsql" "-ftest" "-tnone" "-Eutf-8" "-i" "-e" 
"--host=/var/tmp/mtest-25170" "--port=39102"
+# 10:56:46 >  
+# 10:56:46 >  
+# 10:56:46 >  "Done."
+# 10:56:46 >  
diff --git a/sql/test/BugTracker-2019/Tests/select-char.Bug-6761.stable.out 
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2019/Tests/select-char.Bug-6761.stable.out
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+stdout of test 'select-char.Bug-6761` in directory 'sql/test/BugTracker-2019` 
+# 10:56:46 >  
+# 10:56:46 >  "mserver5" "--debug=10" "--set" "gdk_nr_threads=0" "--set" 
"mapi_open=true" "--set" "mapi_port=39102" "--set" 
"mapi_usock=/var/tmp/mtest-25170/.s.monetdb.39102" "--set" "monet_prompt=" 
 "--set" "embedded_c=true"
+# 10:56:46 >  
+# MonetDB 5 server v11.33.12 (hg id: 11f022e6b68c+)
+# This is an unreleased version
+# Serving database 'mTests_sql_test_BugTracker-2019', using 8 threads
+# Compiled for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/64bit with 128bit integers
+# Found 15.527 GiB available main-memory.
+# Copyright (c) 1993 - July 2008 CWI.
+# Copyright (c) August 2008 - 2019 MonetDB B.V., all rights reserved
+# Visit for further information
+# Listening for connection requests on 
+# Listening for UNIX domain connection requests on 
+# MonetDB/GIS module loaded
+# MonetDB/SQL module loaded
+# 10:56:46 >  
+# 10:56:46 >  "mclient" "-lsql" "-ftest" "-tnone" "-Eutf-8" "-i" "-e" 
"--host=/var/tmp/mtest-25170" "--port=39102"
+# 10:56:46 >  
+#CREATE TABLE "sys"."actual_positionmart_pfx_intraday_test" (
+#      "asofdate"                       DATE,
+#      "fundcode"                       VARCHAR(50),
+#      "fundname"                       VARCHAR(50),
+#      "riceregion"                     VARCHAR(50),
+#      "riceassetclass"                 VARCHAR(30),
+#      "ricestrattype"                  VARCHAR(50),
+#      "ricebias"                       VARCHAR(50),
+#      "ricestyle"                      VARCHAR(30),
+#      "ricestrategy"                   VARCHAR(120),
+#      "primaryresearchername"          VARCHAR(100),
+#COPY 245 RECORDS INTO "sys"."actual_positionmart_pfx_intraday_test" FROM 
stdin USING DELIMITERS E'\t',E'\n','"';
+#2019-09-17    "LCOF"  "LCOF"  "LatAm" "Equity"        "Investment"    
"Bullish"       "Directional"   "CHILEQ"        "Un-Assigned(0)"        "Latin 
America" "Chile" "USD"   "Equity"        "ECH"   "*None*"        2036-01-01     
 "Mosca Guido"   "Trading"       "ISHARES MSCI CHILE ETF (BAT)"  "Equity"       
 "Equity"        12833911        ""      "CHILEQ"        ""      "USD"   10     
 "1"     "0"     "12833911|CHILEQ|CHILEQ|Guido Mosca|10" "1"     15929779.00    
 NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    "US"    ""      ""      ""      "US"    ""     
 ""      ""      ""      ""      ""      ""      ""      ""      ""      ""     
 "ISHARES MSCI CHILE ETF"        ""      ""      ""      "EQ0000000005066100"   
 ""      ""      ""      ""      ""      ""      ""      ""      ""      ""     
 ""      "Equity"        "PercentageOfADV"       NULL    NULL    "Interactive 
Brokers"   "US4642866408"  ""      "B29FC81"       ""      "Guido Mosca"   NULL 
   "12833911"      "Y"     "N"     "N"     "N"     "N"     "N"     "N"     "N"  
   "N"     0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL 
   NULL    NULL    NULL    0.00    NULL    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 
   0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    NULL 
   NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    0.00 
   0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 
   0.00    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00 
   0.00    94925.00        94925.00        94925.00        94925.00        "201
+[ 245  ]
+#select fundid from actual_positionmart_pfx_intraday_test where fundid = 10 
and currencyexposed <> 'TOTAL';
+% sys.actual_positionmart_pfx_intraday_test # table_name
+% fundid # name
+% int # type
+% 2 # length
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+[ 10   ]
+#select fundid from actual_positionmart_pfx_intraday_test where fundid = 10 
and currencyexposed = 'TOTAL';
+% sys.actual_positionmart_pfx_intraday_test # table_name
+% fundid # name
+% int # type
+% 1 # length
+#select fundid, CAST(sum(fxcurdlttot) AS BIGINT) as fxcurdlttotfx from 
actual_positionmart_pfx_intraday_test where asofdate='2019-09-11' and fundid = 
10 and currencyexposed <> 'TOTAL' group by fundid;
+% sys.actual_positionmart_pfx_intraday_test,   sys.L5 # table_name
+% fundid,      fxcurdlttotfx # name
+% int, bigint # type
+% 1,   1 # length
+# 10:56:46 >  
+# 10:56:46 >  "Done."
+# 10:56:46 >  
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