Changeset: 059ef8c3a61c for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: mosaic
Log Message:

Clean up runlength compression code:
- Remove string-related code
- Remove explicit datetime types
- Remove macro expenseions
- Improve signature of MOStypes_runlength

diffs (truncated from 342 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/mosaic/mosaic_runlength.c 
--- a/monetdb5/modules/mosaic/mosaic_runlength.c
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/mosaic/mosaic_runlength.c
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 #include "mosaic_private.h"
 bool MOStypes_runlength(BAT* b) {
-       switch(ATOMbasetype(getBatType(b->ttype))){
+       switch(b->ttype){
        case TYPE_bte: return true;
        case TYPE_bit: return true;
        case TYPE_sht: return true;
@@ -29,14 +29,10 @@ bool MOStypes_runlength(BAT* b) {
 #ifdef HAVE_HGE
        case TYPE_hge: return true;
-       case  TYPE_str:
-               switch(b->twidth){
-               case 1: return true;
-               case 2: return true;
-               case 4: return true;
-               case 8: return true;
-               }
-               break;
+       default:
+               if (b->ttype == TYPE_date) {return true;} // Will be mapped to 
+               if (b->ttype == TYPE_daytime) {return true;} // Will be mapped 
to lng
+               if (b->ttype == TYPE_timestamp) {return true;} // Will be 
mapped to lng
        return false;
@@ -61,15 +57,6 @@ MOSlayout_runlength(MOStask task, BAT *b
 #ifdef HAVE_HGE
        case TYPE_hge: output = wordaligned( MosaicBlkSize + sizeof(hge),hge); 
-       case  TYPE_str:
-               // we only have to look at the index width, not the values
-               switch(task->bsrc->twidth){
-               case 1: output = wordaligned( MosaicBlkSize + sizeof(bte),bte); 
-               case 2: output = wordaligned( MosaicBlkSize + sizeof(sht),sht); 
-               case 4: output = wordaligned( MosaicBlkSize + sizeof(int),int); 
-               case 8: output = wordaligned( MosaicBlkSize + sizeof(lng),lng); 
-               }
-               break;
        if( BUNappend(btech, "runlength blk", false) != GDK_SUCCEED ||
                BUNappend(bcount, &cnt, false) != GDK_SUCCEED ||
@@ -97,15 +84,6 @@ MOSadvance_runlength(MOStask task)
 #ifdef HAVE_HGE
        case TYPE_hge: task->blk = (MosaicBlk)( ((char*)task->blk) + 
wordaligned( MosaicBlkSize + sizeof(hge),hge)); break;
-       case  TYPE_str:
-               // we only have to look at the index width, not the values
-               switch(task->bsrc->twidth){
-               case 1: task->blk = (MosaicBlk)( ((char*)task->blk) + 
wordaligned( MosaicBlkSize + sizeof(bte),bte)); break;
-               case 2: task->blk = (MosaicBlk)( ((char*)task->blk) + 
wordaligned( MosaicBlkSize + sizeof(sht),sht)); break;
-               case 4: task->blk = (MosaicBlk)( ((char*)task->blk) + 
wordaligned( MosaicBlkSize + sizeof(int),int)); break;
-               case 8: task->blk = (MosaicBlk)( ((char*)task->blk) + 
wordaligned( MosaicBlkSize + sizeof(lng),lng)); break;
-               }
-               break;
@@ -171,14 +149,6 @@ MOSestimate_runlength(MOStask task)
                        factor = ( (flt)i * sizeof(int))/ wordaligned( 
MosaicBlkSize + sizeof(int),int);
-       case  TYPE_str:
-               // we only have to look at the index width, not the values
-               switch(task->bsrc->twidth){
-               case 1: Estimate(bte); break;
-               case 2: Estimate(sht); break;
-               case 4: Estimate(int); break;
-               case 8: Estimate(lng); break;
-               }
        task->factor[MOSAIC_RLE] = factor;
        task->range[MOSAIC_RLE] = task->start + i;
@@ -220,14 +190,6 @@ MOScompress_runlength(MOStask task)
        case TYPE_hge: RLEcompress(hge); break;
        case TYPE_int: RLEcompress(int); break;
-       case  TYPE_str:
-               // we only have to look at the index width, not the values
-               switch(task->bsrc->twidth){
-               case 1: RLEcompress(bte); break;
-               case 2: RLEcompress(sht); break;
-               case 4: RLEcompress(int); break;
-               case 8: RLEcompress(lng); break;
-               }
@@ -270,14 +232,6 @@ MOSdecompress_runlength(MOStask task)
                        task->src += i * sizeof(int);
-       case  TYPE_str:
-               // we only have to look at the index width, not the values
-               switch(task->bsrc->twidth){
-               case 1: RLEdecompress(bte); break;
-               case 2: RLEdecompress(sht); break;
-               case 4: RLEdecompress(int); break;
-               case 8: RLEdecompress(lng); break;
-               }
@@ -369,6 +323,7 @@ MOSselect_runlength( MOStask task, void 
        case TYPE_bit: select_runlength(bit); break;
        case TYPE_bte: select_runlength(bte); break;
        case TYPE_sht: select_runlength(sht); break;
+       case TYPE_int: select_runlength(int); break;
        case TYPE_lng: select_runlength(lng); break;
        case TYPE_oid: select_runlength(oid); break;
        case TYPE_flt: select_runlength(flt); break;
@@ -376,88 +331,6 @@ MOSselect_runlength( MOStask task, void 
 #ifdef HAVE_HGE
        case TYPE_hge: select_runlength(hge); break;
-       case TYPE_int:
-       // Expanded MOSselect_runlength for debugging
-       {       int *val= (int*) (((char*) task->blk) + MosaicBlkSize);
-               if( !*anti){
-                       if( *(int*) low == int_nil && *(int*) hgh == int_nil){
-                               for( ; first < last; first++){
-                                       MOSskipit();
-                                       *o++ = (oid) first;
-                               }
-                       } else
-                       if( *(int*) low == int_nil ){
-                               cmp  =  ((*hi && *(int*)val <= * (int*)hgh ) || 
(!*hi && *(int*)val < *(int*)hgh ));
-                               if (cmp )
-                               for( ; first < last; first++){
-                                       MOSskipit();
-                                       *o++ = (oid) first;
-                               }
-                       } else
-                       if( *(int*) hgh == int_nil ){
-                               cmp  =  ((*li && *(int*)val >= * (int*)low ) || 
(!*li && *(int*)val > *(int*)low ));
-                               if (cmp )
-                               for( ; first < last; first++){
-                                       MOSskipit();
-                                       *o++ = (oid) first;
-                               }
-                       } else{
-                               cmp  =  ((*hi && *(int*)val <= * (int*)hgh ) || 
(!*hi && *(int*)val < *(int*)hgh )) &&
-                                               ((*li && *(int*)val >= * 
(int*)low ) || (!*li && *(int*)val > *(int*)low ));
-                               if (cmp )
-                               for( ; first < last; first++){
-                                       MOSskipit();
-                                       *o++ = (oid) first;
-                               }
-                       }
-               } else {
-                       if( *(int*) low == int_nil && *(int*) hgh == int_nil){
-                               /* nothing is matching */
-                       } else
-                       if( *(int*) low == int_nil ){
-                               cmp  =  ((*hi && *(int*)val <= * (int*)hgh ) || 
(!*hi && *(int*)val < *(int*)hgh ));
-                               if ( !cmp )
-                               for( ; first < last; first++){
-                                       MOSskipit();
-                                       *o++ = (oid) first;
-                               }
-                       } else
-                       if( *(int*) hgh == int_nil ){
-                               cmp  =  ((*li && *(int*)val >= * (int*)low ) || 
(!*li && *(int*)val > *(int*)low ));
-                               if ( !cmp )
-                               for( ; first < last; first++){
-                                       MOSskipit();
-                                       *o++ = (oid) first;
-                               }
-                       } else{
-                               cmp  =  ((*hi && *(int*)val <= * (int*)hgh ) || 
(!*hi && *(int*)val < *(int*)hgh )) &&
-                                               ((*li && *(int*)val >= * 
(int*)low ) || (!*li && *(int*)val > *(int*)low ));
-                               if (!cmp)
-                               for( ; first < last; first++){
-                                       MOSskipit();
-                                       *o++ = (oid) first;
-                               }
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       break;
-       case  TYPE_str:
-               // we only have to look at the index width, not the values
-               switch(task->bsrc->twidth){
-               case 1: break;
-               case 2: break;
-               case 4: break;
-               case 8: break;
-               }
-               break;
-       default:
-               if( task->type == TYPE_date)
-                       select_runlength(date); 
-               if( task->type == TYPE_daytime)
-                       select_runlength(daytime); 
-               if( task->type == TYPE_timestamp)
-                       select_runlength(lng); 
        task->lb = o;
@@ -525,6 +398,7 @@ MOSthetaselect_runlength( MOStask task, 
        case TYPE_bit: thetaselect_runlength(bit); break;
        case TYPE_bte: thetaselect_runlength(bte); break;
        case TYPE_sht: thetaselect_runlength(sht); break;
+       case TYPE_int: thetaselect_runlength(int); break;
        case TYPE_lng: thetaselect_runlength(lng); break;
        case TYPE_oid: thetaselect_runlength(oid); break;
        case TYPE_flt: thetaselect_runlength(flt); break;
@@ -532,55 +406,6 @@ MOSthetaselect_runlength( MOStask task, 
 #ifdef HAVE_HGE
        case TYPE_hge: thetaselect_runlength(hge); break;
-       case TYPE_int:
-               {       int low,hgh,*v;
-                       low= hgh = int_nil;
-                       if ( strcmp(oper,"<") == 0){
-                               hgh= *(int*) val;
-                               hgh = PREVVALUEint(hgh);
-                       } else
-                       if ( strcmp(oper,"<=") == 0){
-                               hgh= *(int*) val;
-                       } else
-                       if ( strcmp(oper,">") == 0){
-                               low = *(int*) val;
-                               low = NEXTVALUEint(low);
-                       } else
-                       if ( strcmp(oper,">=") == 0){
-                               low = *(int*) val;
-                       } else
-                       if ( strcmp(oper,"!=") == 0){
-                               low = hgh = *(int*) val;
-                               anti++;
-                       } else
-                       if ( strcmp(oper,"==") == 0){
-                               hgh= low= *(int*) val;
-                       } 
-                       v = (int*) (((char*)task->blk) + MosaicBlkSize);
-                       if( (low == int_nil || * v >= low) && (* v <= hgh || 
hgh == int_nil) ){
-                                       if ( !anti) {
-                                               for( ; first < last; first++){
-                                                       MOSskipit();
-                                                       *o++ = (oid) first;
-                                               }
-                                       }
-                       } else
-                       if( anti)
-                               for( ; first < last; first++){
-                                       MOSskipit();
-                                       *o++ = (oid) first;
-                               }
-               }
-               break;
-       case  TYPE_str:
-               // we only have to look at the index width, not the values
-               switch(task->bsrc->twidth){
-               case 1: break;
-               case 2: break;
-               case 4: break;
-               case 8: break;
-               }
-               break;
        task->lb =o;
@@ -612,6 +437,7 @@ MOSprojection_runlength( MOStask task)
                case TYPE_bit: projection_runlength(bit); break;
                case TYPE_bte: projection_runlength(bte); break;
                case TYPE_sht: projection_runlength(sht); break;
+               case TYPE_int: projection_runlength(int); break;
                case TYPE_lng: projection_runlength(lng); break;
                case TYPE_oid: projection_runlength(oid); break;
                case TYPE_flt: projection_runlength(flt); break;
@@ -619,27 +445,6 @@ MOSprojection_runlength( MOStask task)
 #ifdef HAVE_HGE
                case TYPE_hge: projection_runlength(hge); break;
-               case TYPE_int:
-               {       int val, *v;
-                       v= (int*) task->src;
-                       val = *(int*) (((char*) task->blk) + MosaicBlkSize);
-                       for(; first < last; first++){
-                               MOSskipit();
-                               *v++ = val;
-                               task->cnt++;
-                       }
-                       task->src = (char*) v;
-               }
-               break;
-       case  TYPE_str:
-               // we only have to look at the index width, not the values
-               switch(task->bsrc->twidth){
-               case 1: projection_runlength(bte); break;
-               case 2: projection_runlength(sht); break;
-               case 4: projection_runlength(int); break;
-               case 8: projection_runlength(lng); break;
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