Changeset: 4abd5817a73f for MonetDB
Added Files:
Removed Files:
Modified Files:
Branch: Apr2019
Log Message:

Extend JdbcClient test with
- showing help text
- dropping created tables, indexes and views
- added also creation of a GLOBAL TEMP TABLE
Also moved the 2 JdbcClient_*.sql files to the Tests directory.

diffs (truncated from 309 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/sql/jdbc/tests/JdbcClient_create_tables.sql 
rename from sql/jdbc/tests/JdbcClient_create_tables.sql
rename to sql/jdbc/tests/Tests/JdbcClient_create_tables.sql
--- a/sql/jdbc/tests/JdbcClient_create_tables.sql
+++ b/sql/jdbc/tests/Tests/JdbcClient_create_tables.sql
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ CREATE INDEX "triples_subject_predicate_
 CREATE View   subject_stats as SELECT "subject",   CAST(COUNT(*) AS BIGINT) AS 
counts, MIN("subject")   AS min_value, MAX("subject")   AS max_value FROM 
"triples" GROUP BY "subject"   ORDER BY "subject";
 CREATE View predicate_stats as SELECT "predicate", CAST(COUNT(*) AS BIGINT) AS 
counts, MIN("predicate") AS min_value, MAX("predicate") AS max_value FROM 
"triples" GROUP BY "predicate" ORDER BY "predicate";
-CREATE View    object_stats as SELECT "object",    CAST(COUNT(*) AS BIGINT) AS 
counts, MIN("object")    AS min_value, MAX("object")    AS max_value FROM 
"triples" GROUP BY "object"    ORDER BY "object";
+CREATE OR REPLACE View object_stats as SELECT "object", CAST(COUNT(*) AS 
BIGINT) AS counts, MIN("object") AS min_value, MAX("object")  AS max_value FROM 
"triples" GROUP BY "object"    ORDER BY "object";
 CREATE   MERGE TABLE mt    (id int primary key, nm varchar(123) NOT NULL);
@@ -54,4 +54,6 @@ CREATE  REMOTE TABLE remt  (id int prima
 CREATE REPLICA TABLE replt (id int primary key, nm varchar(123) NOT NULL);
 CREATE  STREAM TABLE strt  (id int primary key, nm varchar(123) NOT NULL);
+CREATE GLOBAL TEMP TABLE gtmpt (id int primary key, nm varchar(123) NOT NULL) 
diff --git a/sql/jdbc/tests/Tests/JdbcClient_drop_tables.sql 
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/jdbc/tests/Tests/JdbcClient_drop_tables.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+DROP View   subject_stats;
+DROP View predicate_stats;
+DROP View object_stats;
+DROP INDEX allnewtriples_subject_idx;
+DROP INDEX allnewtriples_predicate_idx;
+DROP INDEX allnewtriples_object_idx;
+DROP TABLE allnewtriples CASCADE;
+DROP INDEX "triples_object_idx";
+DROP INDEX "triples_predicate_idx";
+DROP INDEX "triples_predicate_object_idx";
+DROP INDEX "triples_subject_idx";
+DROP INDEX "triples_subject_object_idx";
+DROP INDEX "triples_subject_predicate_idx";
+DROP TABLE replt;
+DROP TABLE gtmpt;
diff --git a/sql/jdbc/tests/JdbcClient_inserts_selects.sql 
rename from sql/jdbc/tests/JdbcClient_inserts_selects.sql
rename to sql/jdbc/tests/Tests/JdbcClient_inserts_selects.sql
diff --git a/sql/jdbc/tests/Tests/Test_JdbcClient.SQL.bat 
--- a/sql/jdbc/tests/Tests/Test_JdbcClient.SQL.bat
+++ b/sql/jdbc/tests/Tests/Test_JdbcClient.SQL.bat
@@ -6,10 +6,11 @@ echo password=monetdb>>       .monetdb
 prompt # $t $g  
 echo on
-java nl.cwi.monetdb.client.JdbcClient -h %HOST% -p %MAPIPORT% -d "%TSTDB%" -f 
+java nl.cwi.monetdb.client.JdbcClient -h %HOST% -p %MAPIPORT% -d "%TSTDB%" 
-java nl.cwi.monetdb.client.JdbcClient -h %HOST% -p %MAPIPORT% -d "%TSTDB%" -f 
+java nl.cwi.monetdb.client.JdbcClient -h %HOST% -p %MAPIPORT% -d "%TSTDB%" -f 
+java nl.cwi.monetdb.client.JdbcClient -h %HOST% -p %MAPIPORT% -d "%TSTDB%" -f 
 java nl.cwi.monetdb.client.JdbcClient -h %HOST% -p %MAPIPORT% -d "%TSTDB%" -D
+java nl.cwi.monetdb.client.JdbcClient -h %HOST% -p %MAPIPORT% -d "%TSTDB%" -f 
 @del .monetdb
diff --git a/sql/jdbc/tests/Tests/ 
--- a/sql/jdbc/tests/Tests/
+++ b/sql/jdbc/tests/Tests/
@@ -5,10 +5,11 @@ user=monetdb
-Mlog -x "java nl.cwi.monetdb.client.JdbcClient -h $HOST -p $MAPIPORT -d $TSTDB 
-f $TSTSRCBASE/$TSTDIR/JdbcClient_create_tables.sql"
+Mlog -x "java nl.cwi.monetdb.client.JdbcClient -h $HOST -p $MAPIPORT -d $TSTDB 
-Mlog -x "java nl.cwi.monetdb.client.JdbcClient -h $HOST -p $MAPIPORT -d $TSTDB 
-f $TSTSRCBASE/$TSTDIR/JdbcClient_inserts_selects.sql"
+Mlog -x "java nl.cwi.monetdb.client.JdbcClient -h $HOST -p $MAPIPORT -d $TSTDB 
-f $TSTSRCBASE/$TSTDIR/Tests/JdbcClient_create_tables.sql"
+Mlog -x "java nl.cwi.monetdb.client.JdbcClient -h $HOST -p $MAPIPORT -d $TSTDB 
-f $TSTSRCBASE/$TSTDIR/Tests/JdbcClient_inserts_selects.sql"
 Mlog -x "java nl.cwi.monetdb.client.JdbcClient -h $HOST -p $MAPIPORT -d $TSTDB 
+Mlog -x "java nl.cwi.monetdb.client.JdbcClient -h $HOST -p $MAPIPORT -d $TSTDB 
-f $TSTSRCBASE/$TSTDIR/Tests/JdbcClient_drop_tables.sql"
 rm -f .monetdb
diff --git a/sql/jdbc/tests/Tests/Test_JdbcClient.stable.out 
--- a/sql/jdbc/tests/Tests/Test_JdbcClient.stable.out
+++ b/sql/jdbc/tests/Tests/Test_JdbcClient.stable.out
@@ -1,27 +1,87 @@
 stdout of test 'Test_JdbcClient` in directory 'sql/jdbc/tests` itself:
-# 20:01:23 >  
-# 20:01:23 >  Mtimeout -timeout 180 Mserver 
--debug=10 --set 
--set mapi_port=34230 --set sql_port=47764 --set xquery_port=59693 --set 
monet_prompt= --trace "--dbname=mTests_src_jdbc_tests" 
--dbinit="module(sql_server); sql_server_start();" ; echo ; echo Over..
-# 20:01:23 >  
+# 18:15:39 >  
+# 18:15:39 >  "mserver5" "--debug=10" "--set" "gdk_nr_threads=0" "--set" 
"mapi_open=true" "--set" "mapi_port=31817" "--set" 
"mapi_usock=/var/tmp/mtest-15181/.s.monetdb.31817" "--set" "monet_prompt=" 
"--set" "embedded_c=true"
+# 18:15:39 >  
-# Monet Database Server V4.9.3
-# Copyright (c) 1993-2005, CWI. All rights reserved.
-# Compiled for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu/64bit with 64bit OIDs; dynamically 
-# Visit for further information.
+# MonetDB 5 server v11.33.12 (hg id: d8c48170bbe6+)
+# This is an unreleased version
+# Serving database 'mTests_sql_jdbc_tests', using 4 threads
+# Compiled for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/64bit with 128bit integers
+# Found 31.305 GiB available main-memory.
+# Copyright (c) 1993 - July 2008 CWI.
+# Copyright (c) August 2008 - 2019 MonetDB B.V., all rights reserved
+# Visit for further information
+# Listening for connection requests on mapi:monetdb://
+# Listening for UNIX domain connection requests on 
+# MonetDB/GIS module loaded
+# SQL catalog created, loading sql scripts once
+# MonetDB/SQL module loaded
-# 20:01:23 >  
-# 20:01:23 >  Mtimeout -timeout 60 ./Test_JdbcClient.SQL Test_JdbcClient 
-# 20:01:23 >  
+# 18:15:40 >  
+# 18:15:40 >  "./" "Test_JdbcClient"
+# 18:15:40 >  
-# 12:08:05 >  
-# 12:08:05 >  java -jar 
 -h localhost -p 42784 -f 
-# 12:08:05 >  
+# 18:15:40 >  
+# 18:15:40 >  java nl.cwi.monetdb.client.JdbcClient -h catskill -p 31817 -d 
mTests_sql_jdbc_tests --help
+# 18:15:40 >  
+Usage java -jar jdbcclient.jar
+               [-h host[:port]] [-p port] [-f file] [-u user]
+               [-l language] [-d database] [-e] [-D [table]]
+               [-X<opt>]
+or using long option equivalents --host --port --file --user --language
+--dump --echo --database.
+Arguments may be written directly after the option like -p50000.
+If no host and port are given, localhost and 50000 are assumed.
+An .monetdb file may exist in the user's home directory.  This file can contain
+preferences to use each time JdbcClient is started.  Options given on the
+command line override the preferences file.  The .monetdb file syntax is
+<option>=<value> where option is one of the options host, port, file, mode
+debug, or password.  Note that the last one is perilous and therefore not
+available as command line option.
+If no input file is given using the -f flag, an interactive session is
+started on the terminal.
+-h --host     The hostname of the host that runs the MonetDB database.  A port
+              number can be supplied by use of a colon, i.e. -h somehost:12345.
+-p --port     The port number to connect to.
+-f --file     A file name to use either for reading or writing.  The file will
+              be used for writing when dump mode is used (-D --dump).  In read
+              mode, the file can also be an URL pointing to a plain text file
+              that is optionally gzip compressed.
+-u --user     The username to use when connecting to the database.
+-d --database Try to connect to the given database (only makes sense if
+              connecting to monetdbd).
+-l --language Use the given language, defaults to 'sql'.
+--help        This help screen.
+--version     Display driver version and exit.
+-e --echo     Also outputs the contents of the input file, if any.
+-q --quiet    Suppress printing the welcome header.
+-D --dump     Dumps the given table(s), or the complete database if none given.
+-Xoutput      The output mode when dumping.  Default is sql, xml may be used 
+              an experimental XML output.
+-Xhash        Use the given hash algorithm during challenge response.  
+              algorithm names: SHA1, MD5, plain.
+-Xdebug       Writes a transmission log to disk for debugging purposes.  If a
+              file name is given, it is used, otherwise a file called
+              monet<timestamp>.log is created.  A given file never be
+              overwritten; instead a unique variation of the file is used.
+-Xbatching    Indicates that a batch should be used instead of direct
+              communication with the server for each statement.  If a number is
+              given, it is used as batch size.  i.e. 8000 would execute the
+              contents on the batch after each 8000 statements read.  Batching
+              can greatly speedup the process of restoring a database dump.
+# 18:15:40 >  
+# 18:15:40 >  java nl.cwi.monetdb.client.JdbcClient -h catskill -p 31817 -d 
mTests_sql_jdbc_tests -f 
+# 18:15:40 >  
 Operation successful
 Operation successful
@@ -44,14 +104,13 @@ Operation successful
 Operation successful
 Operation successful
 Operation successful
+Operation successful
-# 12:08:05 >  
-# 12:08:05 >  java -jar 
 -h localhost -p 42784 -f 
-# 12:08:05 >  
+# 18:15:40 >  
+# 18:15:40 >  java nl.cwi.monetdb.client.JdbcClient -h catskill -p 31817 -d 
mTests_sql_jdbc_tests -f 
+# 18:15:40 >  
 Operation successful
 1 affected row
 1 affected row
 1 affected row
@@ -66,7 +125,6 @@ 1 affected row
 1 affected row
 1 affected row
 1 affected row
 | id   | subject | predicate | object | explicit |
@@ -127,9 +185,9 @@ 2 rows
 2 rows
 Operation successful
-# 17:26:44 >  
-# 17:26:44 >  java nl.cwi.monetdb.client.JdbcClient -h catskill -p 33431 -d 
mTests_sql_jdbc_tests -D
-# 17:26:44 >  
+# 18:15:40 >  
+# 18:15:40 >  java nl.cwi.monetdb.client.JdbcClient -h catskill -p 31817 -d 
mTests_sql_jdbc_tests -D
+# 18:15:40 >  
@@ -145,7 +203,7 @@ CREATE REMOTE TABLE "sys"."remt" (
        "id" INTEGER       NOT NULL,
        "nm" VARCHAR(123)  NOT NULL,
        CONSTRAINT "remt_id_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+) ON 'mapi:monetdb://localhost:42001/mdb3';
 CREATE REPLICA TABLE "sys"."replt" (
        "id" INTEGER       NOT NULL,
@@ -166,8 +224,8 @@ CREATE TABLE "sys"."allnewtriples" (
        "predicate" INTEGER       NOT NULL,
        "object"    INTEGER       NOT NULL,
        "explicit"  BOOLEAN       NOT NULL,
-        CONSTRAINT "allnewtriples_id_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id"),
-        CONSTRAINT "unique_key" UNIQUE ("subject", "predicate", "object")
+       CONSTRAINT "allnewtriples_id_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id"),
+       CONSTRAINT "unique_key" UNIQUE ("subject", "predicate", "object")
 CREATE INDEX "allnewtriples_object_idx" ON "sys"."allnewtriples" ("object");
 CREATE INDEX "allnewtriples_predicate_idx" ON "sys"."allnewtriples" 
@@ -221,18 +279,43 @@ INSERT INTO "sys"."triples" VALUES (5, 1
 INSERT INTO "sys"."triples" VALUES (6, 2, 2, 1, false);
 INSERT INTO "sys"."triples" VALUES (7, 2, 2, 2, false);
-CREATE VIEW "sys"."object_stats" AS select "object", cast(count(*) as bigint) 
as counts, min("object") as min_value, max("object") as max_value from 
"triples" group by "object" order by "object"
+create or replace view object_stats as select "object", cast(count(*) as 
bigint) as counts, min("object") as min_value, max("object") as max_value from 
"triples" group by "object" order by "object"
-CREATE VIEW "sys"."predicate_stats" AS select "predicate", cast(count(*) as 
bigint) as counts, min("predicate") as min_value, max("predicate") as max_value 
from "triples" group by "predicate" order by "predicate"
+create view predicate_stats as select "predicate", cast(count(*) as bigint) as 
counts, min("predicate") as min_value, max("predicate") as max_value from 
"triples" group by "predicate" order by "predicate"
-CREATE VIEW "sys"."subject_stats" AS select "subject", cast(count(*) as 
bigint) as counts, min("subject") as min_value, max("subject") as max_value 
from "triples" group by "subject" order by "subject"
+create view subject_stats as select "subject", cast(count(*) as bigint) as 
counts, min("subject") as min_value, max("subject") as max_value from "triples" 
group by "subject" order by "subject"
-# 20:01:25 >  
-# 20:01:25 >  Done.
-# 20:01:25 >  
+# 18:15:41 >  
+# 18:15:41 >  java nl.cwi.monetdb.client.JdbcClient -h catskill -p 31817 -d 
mTests_sql_jdbc_tests -f 
+# 18:15:41 >  
+Operation successful
+Operation successful
+Operation successful
+Operation successful
+Operation successful
+Operation successful
+Operation successful
+Operation successful
+Operation successful
+Operation successful
+Operation successful
+Operation successful
+Operation successful
+Operation successful
+Operation successful
+Operation successful
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