Changeset: 6db8f6702ce8 for monetdb-java
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

Improved MonetDatabaseMetaData methods:
- getNumericFunctions(): it now includes functions: code, space and sys.alpha
- getNumericFunctions(): it no longer lists functions: not_uniques and 
- getStringFunctions(): it now includes functions: json.isarray, json.isobject, 
json.isvalid, sys.reverse which accept a string value as argument
- getStringFunctions(): it no longer lists functions: copyfrom, get_value_for, 
next_value_for, restart.
- getSystemFunctions(): it now includes system functions: get_value_for, hash, 
next_value_for, sys.columnsize, sys.debug, sys.hashsize, sys.heapsize, 
sys.imprintsize, sys.isauuid, sys.md5, sys.newurl, sys.password_hash, isaurl
- getSystemFunctions(): it no longer lists function: getlimit.
Also some functions require the prefix "sys." or "json." when used from another 
working schema. This is now included in the names returned by methods 
getNumericFunctions(), getStringFunctions(), getSystemFunctions() and 

diffs (116 lines):

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,22 @@
 # ChangeLog file for monetdb-java
 # This file is updated with Maddlog
+* Wed Aug 14 2019 Martin van Dinther <>
+- Improved MonetDatabaseMetaData methods:
+  - getNumericFunctions(): it now includes functions: code, space and sys.alpha
+  - getNumericFunctions(): it no longer lists functions: not_uniques and 
+  - getStringFunctions(): it now includes functions: json.isarray, 
+      json.isvalid, sys.reverse which accept a string value as argument
+  - getStringFunctions(): it no longer lists functions: copyfrom, 
get_value_for, next_value_for, restart.
+  - getSystemFunctions(): it now includes system functions: get_value_for, 
+      next_value_for, sys.columnsize, sys.debug, sys.hashsize, sys.heapsize,
+      sys.imprintsize, sys.isauuid, sys.md5, sys.newurl, sys.password_hash, 
+  - getSystemFunctions(): it no longer lists function: getlimit.
+  Also some functions require the prefix "sys." or "json." when used
+  from another schema. This is now included in the names returned by
+  methods getNumericFunctions(), getStringFunctions(), getSystemFunctions()
+  and getTimeDateFunctions().
 * Wed Jul 31 2019 Martin van Dinther <>
 - Corrected MonetDatabaseMetaData methods:
   - getNumericFunctions(): it now includes function: pi.
diff --git a/src/main/java/nl/cwi/monetdb/jdbc/ 
--- a/src/main/java/nl/cwi/monetdb/jdbc/
+++ b/src/main/java/nl/cwi/monetdb/jdbc/
@@ -481,60 +481,58 @@ public class MonetDatabaseMetaData
        // SQL query parts shared by four get<Type>Functions() below
-       private static final String FunctionsSelect = "SELECT DISTINCT \"name\" 
FROM \"sys\".\"functions\" WHERE ";
-       private static final String FunctionsWhere = "(\"id\" IN (SELECT 
\"func_id\" FROM \"sys\".\"args\" WHERE \"number\" = 1 AND \"name\" = 'arg_1' 
AND \"type\" IN ";
+       private static final String FunctionsSelect = "SELECT DISTINCT CASE 
WHEN \"language\" > 0 THEN s.\"name\"||'.'||f.\"name\" ELSE f.\"name\" END FROM 
\"sys\".\"functions\" f JOIN \"sys\".\"schemas\" s ON f.\"schema_id\" = 
s.\"id\" WHERE ";
+       private static final String FunctionsWhere = "(f.\"id\" IN (SELECT 
\"func_id\" FROM \"sys\".\"args\" WHERE \"number\" = 1 AND \"name\" = 'arg_1' 
AND \"type\" IN ";
        // Scalar functions sql_max(x,y), sql_min(x,y), greatest(x,y) and 
least(x,y) are defined in sys.args for type 'any' and usable as num, str and 
timedate functions.
-       private static final String OrFunctionsMaxMin = " OR \"name\" IN 
+       private static final String OrFunctionsMaxMin = " OR f.\"name\" IN 
        private static final String FunctionsOrderBy1 = " ORDER BY 1";
        public String getNumericFunctions() {
                final String match =
-                       "('tinyint', 'smallint', 'int', 'bigint', 'hugeint', 
'decimal', 'double', 'real') )" +
-                       " AND \"type\" = 1" +   // only scalar functions
-                       // exclude functions which belong to the 'str' module
-                       " AND \"mod\" <> 'str')" +      // to filter out string 
functions: 'code' and 'space'
-                       " OR \"name\" IN 
"('tinyint','smallint','int','bigint','hugeint','decimal','double','real'))" +
+                       " AND \"type\" = 1" +   // only scalar functions, note 
that code(int) and space(int) will also be listed as string functions
+                       // exclude functions which do not work
+                       " AND f.\"name\" NOT IN 
('not_uniques','rotate_xor_hash'))" +
+                       // include specific functions which have no 1st arg 
(pi()) or it is not numeric
+                       " OR f.\"name\" IN 
                return getConcatenatedStringFromQuery(FunctionsSelect + 
FunctionsWhere + match + OrFunctionsMaxMin + FunctionsOrderBy1);
        public String getStringFunctions() {
                final String match =
-                       "('char', 'varchar', 'clob', 'json') )" +
-                       // include functions which belong to the 'str' module
-                       " OR \"mod\" = 'str')";
+                       "('char','varchar','clob','json','url'))" +
+                       " AND \"type\" = 1" +   // only scalar functions
+                       // exclude sql functions: get_value_for, 
next_value_for, restart
+                       " AND \"mod\" <> 'sql')" +
+                       // include specific functions code(int) and space(int) 
which belong to the 'str' module
+                       " OR \"mod\" = 'str'" +
+                       // include 3 specific json functions and udf reverse 
which accept a string arg
+                       " OR f.\"name\" IN 
                final String unionPart =
-                       // add system functions which are not listed in 
sys.functions but implemented in the SQL parser (see sql/server/sql_parser.y)
+                       // add functions which are not listed in sys.functions 
but implemented in the SQL parser (see sql/server/sql_parser.y)
                        " UNION SELECT 'position'";
                return getConcatenatedStringFromQuery(FunctionsSelect + 
FunctionsWhere + match + OrFunctionsMaxMin + unionPart + FunctionsOrderBy1);
        public String getSystemFunctions() {
-               // Note: As of Apr2019 (11.33.3) release the system table 
systemfunctions is replaced by a view which queries functions.system
-               // TODO: Replace join to sys.systemfunctions with " AND 
\"system\" " but only if the server-version is >= 11.33.3
                final String wherePart =
-                       "\"id\" NOT IN (SELECT \"func_id\" FROM 
\"sys\".\"args\" WHERE \"number\" = 1)" +       // without any args
-                       " AND \"id\" IN (SELECT \"function_id\" FROM 
\"sys\".\"systemfunctions\")" +    // only functions marked as system
-                       " AND \"type\" = 1" +   // only scalar functions
-                       // exclude functions which belong to the 'mtime' module
-                       " AND \"mod\" <> 'mtime'" +
-                       " AND \"name\" NOT IN 
('localtime','localtimestamp','pi','rand')" +
-                       // add system functions which are not listed in 
sys.functions but implemented in the SQL parser (see sql/server/sql_parser.y)
-                       " UNION SELECT 'cast'" +
-                       " UNION SELECT 'coalesce'" +
-                       " UNION SELECT 'convert'" +
-                       " UNION SELECT 'ifthenelse'" +
-                       " UNION SELECT 'isnull'" +
-                       " UNION SELECT 'nullif'";
+                       "f.\"name\" IN 
('columnsize','debug','get_value_for','hash','hashsize','heapsize'" +
+                       // add functions which are not listed in sys.functions 
but implemented in the SQL parser (see sql/server/sql_parser.y)
+                       " UNION ALL SELECT * FROM 
(VALUES('cast'),('coalesce'),('convert'),('nullif')) as sf";
                return getConcatenatedStringFromQuery(FunctionsSelect + 
wherePart + FunctionsOrderBy1);
        public String getTimeDateFunctions() {
                final String wherePart =
-                        "\"mod\" IN ('mtime','timestamp') OR \"name\" IN 
+                        "\"mod\" IN ('mtime','timestamp')" +
+                       // include Date/Time functions which are located in 
'str' module
+                       " OR f.\"name\" IN 
                final String unionPart =
                        // add time date functions which are not listed in 
sys.functions but implemented in the SQL parser (see sql/server/sql_parser.y)
                        " UNION SELECT 'extract'" +
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