Changeset: 7760275fadff for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: candidate-exceptions
Log Message:

Converted batmmath.c and pcre.c to using candidate iterators; removed CANDINIT.

diffs (truncated from 425 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/gdk/gdk_cand.h b/gdk/gdk_cand.h
--- a/gdk/gdk_cand.h
+++ b/gdk/gdk_cand.h
@@ -9,56 +9,6 @@
 #ifndef _GDK_CAND_H_
 #define _GDK_CAND_H_
-/* This macro initializes the variables start, end, cnt, cand, and
- * candend that were passed as arguments from the input parameters b
- * and s (the candidate list).  Start and end are the start and end
- * BUNs of b that need to be considered.  They are relative to the
- * start of the heap.  Cand and candend point into the candidate list,
- * if present.  Note that if the candidate list is dense, cand and
- * candend are set to NULL and start and end are adjusted instead. */
-#define CANDINIT(b, s, start, end, cnt, cand, candend)                 \
-       do {                                                            \
-               start = 0;                                              \
-               end = cnt = BATcount(b);                                \
-               cand = candend = NULL;                                  \
-               if (s) {                                                \
-                       assert(BATttype(s) == TYPE_oid);                \
-                       if (BATcount(s) == 0) {                         \
-                               start = end = 0;                        \
-                       } else {                                        \
-                               if (BATtdense(s)) {                     \
-                                       start = (s)->tseqbase;          \
-                                       end = start + BATcount(s);      \
-                               } else {                                \
-                                       start = SORTfndfirst((s), 
&(b)->hseqbase); \
-                                       end = SORTfndfirst((s), 
&(oid){(b)->hseqbase+BATcount(b)}); \
-                                       cand = (const oid *) Tloc((s), start); \
-                                       candend = (const oid *) Tloc((s), end); 
-                                       if (cand == candend) {          \
-                                               start = end = 0;        \
-                                       } else {                        \
-                                               assert(cand < candend); \
-                                               end = cand[end-start-1] + 1; \
-                                               start = *cand;          \
-                                       }                               \
-                               }                                       \
-                               assert(start <= end);                   \
-                               if (start <= (b)->hseqbase)             \
-                                       start = 0;                      \
-                               else if (start >= (b)->hseqbase + cnt)  \
-                                       start = cnt;                    \
-                               else                                    \
-                                       start -= (b)->hseqbase;         \
-                               if (end >= (b)->hseqbase + cnt)         \
-                                       end = cnt;                      \
-                               else if (end <= (b)->hseqbase)          \
-                                       end = 0;                        \
-                               else                                    \
-                                       end -= (b)->hseqbase;           \
-                       }                                               \
-               }                                                       \
-       } while (0)
 struct canditer {
        const oid *oids;        /* candidate or exceptions for non-dense */
        BAT *s;                 /* candidate BAT the iterator is based on */
diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/batmmath.c 
--- a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/batmmath.c
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/kernel/batmmath.c
@@ -44,20 +44,13 @@
        } while (0)
-/* from gdk_calc.c */
-#define CANDLOOP(dst, i, NIL, low, high)               \
-       do {                                                                    
-               for ((i) = (low); (i) < (high); (i)++)  \
-                       (dst)[i] = NIL;                                         
-               nils += (high) - (low);                                 \
-       } while (0)
 #define scienceFcnImpl(FUNC,TYPE,SUFF)                                         
 str CMDscience_bat_##TYPE##_##FUNC##_cand(bat *ret, const bat *bid, const bat 
*sid)    \
        BAT *b, *s = NULL, *bn;                                                 
-       BUN i, cnt, start, end;                                                 
-       const oid *restrict cand = NULL, *candend = NULL;                       
+       BUN i, cnt;                                                             
+       struct canditer ci;                                                     
+       oid x;                                                                  
        BUN nils = 0;                                                           
        int e = 0, ex = 0;                                                      
@@ -69,7 +62,8 @@ str CMDscience_bat_##TYPE##_##FUNC##_can
                throw(MAL, #TYPE, SQLSTATE(HY002) RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);      
-       CANDINIT(b, s, start, end, cnt, cand, candend);                         
+       canditer_init(&ci, b, s);                                               
+       cnt = BATcount(b);                                                      
        bn = COLnew(b->hseqbase, TYPE_##TYPE, cnt, TRANSIENT);                  
        if (bn == NULL) {                                                       
@@ -79,41 +73,28 @@ str CMDscience_bat_##TYPE##_##FUNC##_can
        const TYPE *restrict src = (const TYPE *) Tloc(b, 0);                   
        TYPE *restrict dst = (TYPE *) Tloc(bn, 0);                              
-       CANDLOOP(dst, i, TYPE##_nil, 0, start);                                 
        errno = 0;                                                              
-       if (b->tnonil && cand == NULL) {                                        
-               for (i = start; i < end; i++)                                   
+       for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {                                             
+               x = canditer_next(&ci);                                         
+               if (is_oid_nil(x))                                              
+                       break;                                                  
+               x -= b->hseqbase;                                               
+               while (i < x) {                                                 
+                       dst[i++] = TYPE##_nil;                                  
+                       nils++;                                                 
+               }                                                               
+               if (is_##TYPE##_nil(src[i])) {                                  
+                       nils++;                                                 
+                       dst[i] = TYPE##_nil;                                    
+               } else {                                                        
                        dst[i] = FUNC##SUFF(src[i]);                            
-       } else {                                                                
-               if (cand) {                                                     
-                       for (i = start; i < end; i++) {                         
-                               if (i < *cand - b->hseqbase) {                  
-                                       nils++;                                 
-                                       dst[i] = TYPE##_nil;                    
-                                       continue;                               
-                               }                                               
-                               assert(i == *cand - b->hseqbase);               
-                               if (++cand == candend)                          
-                                       end = i + 1;                            
-                               if (is_##TYPE##_nil(src[i])) {                  
-                                       nils++;                                 
-                                       dst[i] = TYPE##_nil;                    
-                               } else {                                        
-                                       dst[i] = FUNC##SUFF(src[i]);            
-                               }                                               
-                       }                                                       
-               } else {                                                        
-                       for (i = start; i < end; i++) {                         
-                               if (is_##TYPE##_nil(src[i])) {                  
-                                       nils++;                                 
-                                       dst[i] = TYPE##_nil;                    
-                               } else {                                        
-                                       dst[i] = FUNC##SUFF(src[i]);            
-                               }                                               
-                       }                                                       
+       while (i < cnt) {                                                       
+               dst[i++] = TYPE##_nil;                                          
+               nils++;                                                         
+       }                                                                       
        e = errno;                                                              
        ex = fetestexcept(FE_INVALID | FE_DIVBYZERO | FE_OVERFLOW);             
@@ -132,7 +113,6 @@ str CMDscience_bat_##TYPE##_##FUNC##_can
                        err = "Invalid result";                                 
                throw(MAL, "batmmath." #FUNC, "Math exception: %s", err);       
-       CANDLOOP(dst, i, TYPE##_nil, end, cnt);                                 
        BATsetcount(bn, cnt);                                                   
        bn->theap.dirty = true;                                                 
@@ -155,8 +135,9 @@ str CMDscience_bat_cst_##FUNC##_##TYPE##
          const TYPE *d, const bat *sid) \
        BAT *b, *s = NULL, *bn;                                                 
-       BUN i, cnt, start, end;                                                 
-       const oid *restrict cand = NULL, *candend = NULL;                       
+       BUN i, cnt;                                                             
+       struct canditer ci;                                                     
+       oid x;                                                                  
        BUN nils = 0;                                                           
        int e = 0, ex = 0;                                                      
@@ -168,7 +149,8 @@ str CMDscience_bat_cst_##FUNC##_##TYPE##
                throw(MAL, #TYPE, SQLSTATE(HY002) RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);      
-       CANDINIT(b, s, start, end, cnt, cand, candend);                         
+       canditer_init(&ci, b, s);                                               
+       cnt = BATcount(b);                                                      
        bn = COLnew(b->hseqbase, TYPE_##TYPE, cnt, TRANSIENT);                  
        if (bn == NULL) {                                                       
@@ -178,41 +160,28 @@ str CMDscience_bat_cst_##FUNC##_##TYPE##
        const TYPE *restrict src = (const TYPE *) Tloc(b, 0);                   
        TYPE *restrict dst = (TYPE *) Tloc(bn, 0);                              
-       CANDLOOP(dst, i, TYPE##_nil, 0, start);                                 
        errno = 0;                                                              
-       if (b->tnonil && cand == NULL) {                                        
-               for (i = start; i < end; i++)                                   
+       for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {                                             
+               x = canditer_next(&ci);                                         
+               if (is_oid_nil(x))                                              
+                       break;                                                  
+               x -= b->hseqbase;                                               
+               while (i < x) {                                                 
+                       dst[i++] = TYPE##_nil;                                  
+                       nils++;                                                 
+               }                                                               
+               if (is_##TYPE##_nil(src[i])) {                                  
+                       nils++;                                                 
+                       dst[i] = TYPE##_nil;                                    
+               } else {                                                        
                        dst[i] = FUNC##SUFF(src[i], *d);                        
-       } else {                                                                
-               if (cand) {                                                     
-                       for (i = start; i < end; i++) {                         
-                               if (i < *cand - b->hseqbase) {                  
-                                       nils++;                                 
-                                       dst[i] = TYPE##_nil;                    
-                                       continue;                               
-                               }                                               
-                               assert(i == *cand - b->hseqbase);               
-                               if (++cand == candend)                          
-                                       end = i + 1;                            
-                               if (is_##TYPE##_nil(src[i])) {                  
-                                       nils++;                                 
-                                       dst[i] = TYPE##_nil;                    
-                               } else {                                        
-                                       dst[i] = FUNC##SUFF(src[i], *d);        
-                               }                                               
-                       }                                                       
-               } else {                                                        
-                       for (i = start; i < end; i++) {                         
-                               if (is_##TYPE##_nil(src[i])) {                  
-                                       nils++;                                 
-                                       dst[i] = TYPE##_nil;                    
-                               } else {                                        
-                                       dst[i] = FUNC##SUFF(src[i], *d);        
-                               }                                               
-                       }                                                       
+       while (i < cnt) {                                                       
+               dst[i++] = TYPE##_nil;                                          
+               nils++;                                                         
+       }                                                                       
        e = errno;                                                              
        ex = fetestexcept(FE_INVALID | FE_DIVBYZERO | FE_OVERFLOW);             
@@ -231,7 +200,6 @@ str CMDscience_bat_cst_##FUNC##_##TYPE##
                        err = "Invalid result";                                 
                throw(MAL, "batmmath." #FUNC, "Math exception: %s", err);       
-       CANDLOOP(dst, i, TYPE##_nil, end, cnt);                                 
        BATsetcount(bn, cnt);                                                   
        bn->theap.dirty = true;                                                 
@@ -254,8 +222,9 @@ str CMDscience_cst_bat_##FUNC##_##TYPE##
          const bat *bid, const bat *sid) \
        BAT *b, *s = NULL, *bn;                                                 
-       BUN i, cnt, start, end;                                                 
-       const oid *restrict cand = NULL, *candend = NULL;                       
+       BUN i, cnt;                                                             
+       struct canditer ci;                                                     
+       oid x;                                                                  
        BUN nils = 0;                                                           
        int e = 0, ex = 0;                                                      
@@ -267,7 +236,8 @@ str CMDscience_cst_bat_##FUNC##_##TYPE##
                throw(MAL, #TYPE, SQLSTATE(HY002) RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);      
-       CANDINIT(b, s, start, end, cnt, cand, candend);                         
+       canditer_init(&ci, b, s);                                               
+       cnt = BATcount(b);                                                      
        bn = COLnew(b->hseqbase, TYPE_##TYPE, cnt, TRANSIENT);                  
        if (bn == NULL) {                                                       
@@ -277,41 +247,28 @@ str CMDscience_cst_bat_##FUNC##_##TYPE##
        const TYPE *restrict src = (const TYPE *) Tloc(b, 0);                   
        TYPE *restrict dst = (TYPE *) Tloc(bn, 0);                              
-       CANDLOOP(dst, i, TYPE##_nil, 0, start);                                 
        errno = 0;                                                              
-       if (b->tnonil && cand == NULL) {                                        
-               for (i = start; i < end; i++)                                   
+       for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {                                             
+               x = canditer_next(&ci);                                         
+               if (is_oid_nil(x))                                              
+                       break;                                                  
+               x -= b->hseqbase;                                               
+               while (i < x) {                                                 
+                       dst[i++] = TYPE##_nil;                                  
+                       nils++;                                                 
+               }                                                               
+               if (is_##TYPE##_nil(src[i])) {                                  
+                       nils++;                                                 
+                       dst[i] = TYPE##_nil;                                    
+               } else {                                                        
                        dst[i] = FUNC##SUFF(*d, src[i]);                        
-       } else {                                                                
-               if (cand) {                                                     
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